Figure 2.1. Test Setup.The test setup consists of a clear plastic scale model tank attached to a rigid aluminum frame by three multi-axis load cells driven by a position-controlled servo hydraulic system.(Data acquisition cabling removed for clarity).

Prepared byGlenn R. WendelSteven T. GreenRussell C. Burkey


차량 동력학의 컴퓨터 시뮬레이션은 차량 설계에서 귀중한 도구가 되었다. 그러나 그들은 차량의 탱크에서 유체 슬로싱의 복잡한 역학을 정확하게 시뮬레이션할 수 없다. 

유체 슬로쉬를 예측할 수 있는 컴퓨터 유체역학 CFD 분석 소프트웨어를 이용할 수 있지만, 군용 차량 애플리케이션용 유체 슬로쉬를 정확하게 예측하는데 이 소프트웨어의 사용은 입증되지 않았다. 이것은 차량 역학 분석과 결합된 CFD 분석의 사용을 개발 및 입증하여 유체 수송 시스템의 역학을 보다 정확하게 예측하는 다중 효소 프로그램의 첫 번째 단계다. 

이 단계의 목적은 일반적인 기동에 직면한 차량의 움직임에 따른 탱크에서 슬로시 역학을 예측하는 CFD 분석을 검증하는 것이다. 이를 위해, 5톤 FMTV 트럭을 시뮬레이션하는 시험 설비뿐만 아니라, 1/4 규모의 TOD 탱크 모델이 건설되었다. CFD 분석과 실험실 시험의 반응력과 유동 운동을 차선 변경과 요철을 포함한 6가지 모의 차량 기동에서 비교했다. 

CFD 분석은 상용 소프트웨어 패키지인 FLOW-3D-로 수행되었다. 테스트 탱크의 해당 측정값과 비교하기 위해 빈 탱크의 강체 동적 해석의 힘과 모멘트 예측에 순유체 힘과 모멘트 예측이 추가되었다. 

전반적으로, 그 결과는 CFD가 트럭에 탑재된 수상 수송 탱크의 유체 운동 및 유체 구조 상호작용 연구에 성공적으로 적용될 수 있음을 보여준다. 예측된 롤 모멘트와 측정된 롤 모멘트 사이에는 좋은 상관관계가 있다. 

여기에 제시된 CFD 시뮬레이션의 빠른 전환 시간을 감안할 때, 전술에 대한 전체 차량 반응의 높은 충실도 시뮬레이션을 위해 차량 강체 차체 동적 분석을 유체 역학 분석과 결합하는 것이 바람직하다는 전망이 나온다.

Computer simulation of vehicle dynamics has become a valuable tool in the design of vehicles. They are, however, unable to accurately simulate the complex dynamics of fluid sloshing in a tank on the vehicle. Computational Fluid Dynamics CFD analysis software is available that can predict fluid slosh, however, the use of this software in accurately predicting fluid slosh for a military vehicle application has not been demonstrated. This is the first phase of a multiphase program to develop and demonstrate the use of CFD analysis, coupled with vehicle dynamics analysis, to more accurately predict the dynamics of a fluid transport system. The objective of this phase is to validate the CFD analysis in predicting slosh dynamics on a tank subjected to motions of a vehicle encountering typical maneuvers. To accomplish this, a one-quarter-scale model of a TOLD tank was constructed, as well as a test fixture to simulate a five-ton FMTV truck. The reaction forces and the fluid motions of the CFD analysis and the laboratory test were compared for six simulated vehicle maneuvers including lane changes and bumps. The CFD analysis was conducted with the commercially available software package, FLOW-3D-. The net fluid force and moment predictions were added to the force and moment predictions of a rigid body dynamic analysis of the empty tank alone to compare to the corresponding measured values for the test tank. Overall, the results show that CFD can successfully be applied to the study of fluid motions and the fluid- structure interactions in truck-mounted water transport tanks. There is good correlation between the predicted and measured roll moment. Given the rapid turnaround time for the CFD simulations presented here, the outlook is encouraging for coupling a vehicle rigid body dynamics analysis to a fluid dynamics analysis for a high fidelity simulation of the complete vehicle response to maneuvers.



CFD 분석과 실험실 테스트의 작용력과 유체 운동은 다음과 같은 시뮬레이션 된 차량 기동에 대해 비교되었습니다.

  • AVTP Lane Change at 20 mph
  • AVTP Lane Change at 40 mph
  • 9” Half-Round Symmetric Bump at 10 mph
  • 12” Half-Round Symmetric Bump at 5 mph
  • 9” Trapezoidal Asymmetric Bump at 15 mph
  • 12” Trapezoidal Asymmetric Bump at 10 mph

CFD 분석은 상용 소프트웨어 패키지 FLOW-3D를 사용하여 수행되었습니다.

Rear Axle Roll Moment, 40-mph Lane Change.
Rear Axle Roll Moment, 40-mph Lane Change.
Figure 2.1.  Test Setup.The test setup consists of a clear plastic scale model tank attached to a rigid aluminum frame by three multi-axis load cells driven by a position-controlled servo hydraulic system.(Data acquisition cabling removed for clarity).
Figure 2.1. Test Setup.The test setup consists of a clear plastic scale model tank attached to a rigid aluminum frame by three multi-axis load cells driven by a position-controlled servo hydraulic system.(Data acquisition cabling removed for clarity).
Figure 2.2.  Test Setup Drawing.The load cell locations and the coordinate systems used in the testing and analysis are defined as shown.
Figure 2.2. Test Setup Drawing.The load cell locations and the coordinate systems used in the testing and analysis are defined as shown.
Figure 3.1.  Computational Mesh Definition
Figure 3.1. Computational Mesh Definition
Figure 3.2.  Rear Axle Roll Moment, 20-mph Lane Change
Figure 3.2. Rear Axle Roll Moment, 20-mph Lane Change
Figure 3.3.  Rear Axle Roll Moment, 40-mph Lane Change
Figure 3.3. Rear Axle Roll Moment, 40-mph Lane Change
Figure 3.4.  Rear Axle Roll Moment, 9” Trapezoidal Bump at 15 mph
Figure 3.4. Rear Axle Roll Moment, 9” Trapezoidal Bump at 15 mph
Figure 3.5.  Rear Axle Roll Moment, 12” Trapezoidal Bump at 10 mph
Figure 3.5. Rear Axle Roll Moment, 12” Trapezoidal Bump at 10 mph
Figure 3.8.  Fluid Configuration for 20-mph Lane Change.The viewpoint in these images is from the front of the vehicle looking in the negative y-direction.  Theinset in the video image is viewing the tank from the left side of the vehicle.
Figure 3.8. Fluid Configuration for 20-mph Lane Change.The viewpoint in these images is from the front of the vehicle looking in the negative y-direction. Theinset in the video image is viewing the tank from the left side of the vehicle.
Figure 3.9.  Fluid Configuration for 12” Trapezoidal Bump at 10 mph.The viewpoint in these images is from the front of the vehicle looking in the negative y-direction.  Theinset in the video image is viewing the tank from the left side of the vehicle.
Figure 3.9. Fluid Configuration for 12” Trapezoidal Bump at 10 mph.The viewpoint in these images is from the front of the vehicle looking in the negative y-direction. Theinset in the video image is viewing the tank from the left side of the vehicle.


Abramson, H.N. [1966], The Dynamic Behavior of Liquids in Moving Containers,NASA SP-106.Flow Science, Inc. [2001], FLOW-3D, Version 8.0.1, Santa Fe, New Mexico.Working Model, Inc. [1997], Working Model 3D, Version 2.0, San Mateo, California.Coleman, H.W., Steele, W.G. [1989], Experimentation and Uncertainty Analysis forEngineers, John Wiley and Sons, New York, 1989