FLOW-3D 온라인 교육 과정은 미국 FSI에서 제공되는 컨텐츠로 FLOW-3D 사용자(구매/임차 및 기술지원 계약이 되어 있는 고객)에게 제공되는 교육 리소스입니다. 이 온라인 교육 과정은 FLOW-3D 기본 모델 사용법 전반에 대한 온라인 주문형 비디오를 제공합니다.
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또한 기존 사용자는 FLOW–3D 모델 설정 프로세스에서 사용할 수 있는 향상된 기능과 새로운 기능에 대해 배우고 기본 모델 설정 항목에 대한 리프레시로 배우는 데 유용한 새로운 교육 시리즈를 찾게 될 것입니다. 과정 비디오는 특정 주제 및 세그먼트를 쉽게 찾을 수 있도록 구성되어 있고, 즐겨 찾기에 추가될 수 있으며, 언제든지 참조할 수 있는 유용한 리소스를 제공합니다.
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FLOW-3D Training Modules
- Introduction to FLOW-3D graphical user interface
- Simulation Manager Tab
- Portfolio
- Running Simulations and the Queue
- Runtime Diagnostics: Text Output
- Runtime Diagnostics: Plots
- Runtime Controls
- FLOW-3D File Structure
Review the important files that are created when running simulations in FLOW-3D. Access the simulation files through a link on the Simulation Manager Tab. Identify the important setup and solver outputs files
모델 설정 탭
- Introduction to the Model Setup TabIntroduction to the Model Setup Tab including an orientation to its layout and how to access model inputs though the dock widgets on the process toolbar. Options for customizing the layout of the process toolbar are also reviewed.
- Navigating the 3D ViewportLearn the basic controls for navigating the 3D viewport. This includes mouse controls, toolbar shortcuts, saving views, and moving the pivot point.
- Other Menu/Toolbar Navigation Options
- Working with Dock Widget Inputs
- Model DependenciesRecognize and understand dock widget input dependencies.
전역 설정
- Global Dock Widget Overview
- Pressure Type
- Finish Time
- Finish Options: Additional Finish Condition
- Finish Options: Active Simulation ControlDefine a logical condition to stop the simulation using active simulation control.
- Restart OptionsHow to manually define the Restart options to continue running a previously completed simulation.
- Version OptionsDefine the Version options to specify the solver version and the number of processors used when starting a new simulation run.
물리 모델
- Physics Dock Widget OverviewDescription of the available options in the Physics dock widget
- Interface Tracking, Number of Fluids and Flow ModeBackground information on interface tracking methods and defining the number of fluids. Description of the Volume of Fluid (VOF) method for simulation of complex free surfaces, and how this affects the selection of the number of fluids. Examples are presented for one fluid and two fluid simulations.
- Activating Physics ModelsDemonstration for how to activate physics models and how to limit the display of inactive physics models using the physics model filter.
유체 속성
- Fluids Dock Widget OverviewIntroduction to the Fluids dock widget and how to define properties for fluids in the simulation.
- Defining Fluid Properties ManuallyExample for how to manually define fluid properties.
- Defining Fluid Properties from the Materials DatabaseExample for how to load fluid properties from the fluids database.
- Managing the Materials Database
How to add and edit entries in the materials database.
- Introduction
- Component and Subcomponent Overview
- Creating Subcomponents: Overview
- Creating Subcomponents: STL
- Creating Subcomponents: Primitives Manually
- Creating Subcomponents: Primitives Interactively
- Creating Subcomponents: Raster
- Subcomponent Types
- Subcomponent Order
- Component Order
- Component and Subcomponent Properties
- Transformations
- Meshing Introduction
- Coordinate Systems
- Meshing Basics: Meshing Overview
- Meshing Basics: Creating Mesh Blocks
- Meshing Basics: Domain Extents
- Meshing Basics: Global Controls
- Meshing Basics: Local Controls
- Reviewing Mesh Quality: FAVORize
- Reviewing Mesh Quality: Preprocessing
- Multi-block Meshing
- Conforming Mesh Blocks
- Meshing Best Practices
Boundary Conditions
- Introduction
Introductory comments regarding how boundary conditions are applied and other considerations when defining BCs. - Boundaries Dock Widget Overview
- Velocity
- Volume Flow Rate
- Wall
- Symmetry
- Grid Overlay
- Pressure
- Continuative
- Outflow
Description and example setup of the Outflow BC type.
Initial Conditions
- Introduction
Discussion of how the initial conditions and can affect simulation results and run times. - Options for Defining ICs
Example: Global Settings
Example: Fluid Regions - Example: Function Coefficients
Description and example for defining spatially varying fluid properties with user defined functions. - Example: Pointers
Description and example for defining an initial condition by filling contiguous cells with the Pointer object.
Output Options
- Output Dock Widget Overview
- Spatial Data
- Spatial Data: Restart Data
- Spatial Data: Selected Data
- History Data
- Diagnostics: Short Print Data
- Diagnostics: Long Print Data
- Example Setup
- Batch Post-processing
- Batch Mode: Context File
- Batch Mode: Manual
- Batch Mode: Generate Reports
An introduction to the available options for creating and defining baffle objects.
Creating Baffle Objects
Force Outputs
Scalar Reset Options
A summary of the important options for creating baffles and defining properties.
Measurement Devices
- History Probes
History probes are point measurement devices and are used to record solver output at a specific location. Examples are provided for how to create these objects interactively and by defining a coordinate value. - Flux Surfaces
Flux surfaces are a special type of baffle object with a fixed porosity of 1, and are used to calculate flux quantities. Examples are provided for how to create flux surfaces and the types of data available from their output. - Sampling volumes
Sampling volumes are are three-dimensional data collection regions. Examples are provided for how to create sampling volumes and the types of data available from their output.
W&E Exercise: Ogee Weir
- This exercise demonstrates the steps to setup a basic free surface or open channel flow simulation in FLOW-3D. It is intended to be a simple and fast running simulation that demonstrates the key setup steps that can be applied to a wide range of other common open channel flow applications. In this exercise, we will simulate flow over an ogee weir to predict the discharge capacity. Simulation results can be validated against discharge rating curves obtained from physical model measurements (USBR, 1996). Special attention is given to the common types of boundary conditions used in open channel flow simulations and how to select them during the model setup. We also provide examples for common post-processing tasks using both FLOW-3D and FlowSight.