The non-condensable gas model is built upon the two-fluid, liquid/vapor phase change model and includes the effects of a non-condensable gas present in the vapor space. The new model is designed to work only with the two-fluid phase change model because the spatial distribution of vapor and gas components is needed to predict the phase change behavior. By contrast, the one-fluid phase change model assumes spatially uniform pressure and temperature throughout the gas phase. The assumption of a uniform gas/vapor concentration in a two-component gas would rarely be valid. This model is the basis of work completed to simulate the ullage space of cryogenic tanks2, but it is applicable to any two-component gas problem.
FLOW-3D/MP Features List
FLOW-3D/MP Features
FLOW-3D/MP v6.1 은 FLOW-3D v11.1 솔버에 기초하여 물리 모델, 특징 및 그래픽 사용자 인터페이스가 동일합니다. FLOW-3D v11.1의 새로운 기능은 아래 파란색으로 표시되어 있으며 FLOW-3D/MP v6.1 에서 사용할 수 있습니다. 새로운 개발 기능에 대한 자세한 설명은 FLOW-3D v11.1에서 새로운 기능을 참조하십시오.
Flow Type Options
- Internal, external & free-surface flows
- 3D, 2D & 1D problems
- Transient flows
- Inviscid, viscous laminar & turbulent flows
- Hybrid shallow water/3D flows
- Non-inertial reference frame motion
- Multiple scalar species
- Two-phase flows
- Heat transfer with phase change
- Saturated & unsaturated porous media
Physical Modeling Options
- Fluid structure interaction
- Thermally-induced stresses
- Plastic deformation of solids
- Granular flow
- Moisture drying
- Solid solute dissolution
- Sediment transport and scour
- Cavitation (potential, passive tracking, active tracking)
- Phase change (liquid-vapor, liquid-solid)
- Surface tension
- Thermocapillary effects
- Wall adhesion
- Wall roughness
- Vapor & gas bubbles
- Solidification & melting
- Mass/momentum/energy sources
- Shear, density & temperature-dependent viscosity
- Thixotropic viscosity
- Visco-elastic-plastic fluids
- Elastic membranes & walls
- Evaporation residue
- Electro-mechanical effects
- Dielectric phenomena
- Electro-osmosis
- Electrostatic particles
- Joule heating
- Air entrainment
- Molecular & turbulent diffusion
- Temperature-dependent material properties
- Spray cooling
Flow Definition Options
- General boundary conditions
- Symmetry
- Rigid and flexible walls
- Continuative
- Periodic
- Specified pressure
- Specified velocity
- Outflow
- Grid overlay
- Hydrostatic pressure
- Volume flow rate
- Non-linear periodic and solitary surface waves
- Rating curve and natural hydraulics
- Wave absorbing layer
- Restart from previous simulation
- Continuation of a simulation
- Overlay boundary conditions
- Change mesh and modeling options
- Change model parameters
Thermal Modeling Options
- Natural convection
- Forced convection
- Conduction in fluid & solid
- Fluid-solid heat transfer
- Distributed energy sources/sinks in fluids and solids
- Radiation
- Viscous heating
- Orthotropic thermal conductivity
- Thermally-induced stresses
Turbulence Models
- RNG model
- Two-equation k-epsilon model
- Two-equation k-omega model
- Large eddy simulation
Metal Casting Models
- Thermal stress & deformations
- Iron solidification
- Sand core blowing
- Sand core drying
- Permeable molds
- Solidification & melting
- Solidification shrinkage with interdendritic feeding
- Micro & macro porosity
- Binary alloy segregation
- Thermal die cycling
- Surface oxide defects
- Cavitation potential
- Lost-foam casting
- Semi-solid material
- Core gas generation
- Back pressure & vents
- Shot sleeves
- PQ2 diagram
- Squeeze pins
- Filters
- Air entrainment
- Temperature-dependent material properties
- Cooling channels
- Fluid/wall contact time
Numerical Modeling Options
- TruVOF Volume-of-Fluid (VOF) method for fluid interfaces
- First and second order advection
- Sharp and diffuse interface tracking
- Implicit & explicit numerical methods
- GMRES, point and line relaxation pressure solvers
- User-defined variables, subroutines & output
- Utilities for runtime interaction during execution
Fluid Modeling Options
- One incompressible fluid – confined or with free surfaces
- Two incompressible fluids – miscible or with sharp interfaces
- Compressible fluid – subsonic, transonic, supersonic
- Stratified fluid
- Acoustic phenomena
- Mass particles with variable density or diameter
Shallow Flow Models
- General topography
- Raster data interface
- Subcomponent-specific surface roughness
- Wind shear
- Ground roughness effects
- Laminar & turbulent flow
- Sediment transport and scour
- Surface tension
- Heat transfer
- Wetting & drying
Advanced Physical Models
- General Moving Object model with 6 DOF–prescribed and fully-coupled motion
- Rotating/spinning objects
- Collision model
- Tethered moving objects (springs, ropes, mooring lines)
- Flexing membranes and walls
- Porosity
- Finite element based elastic-plastic deformation
- Finite element based thermal stress evolution due to thermal changes in a solidifying fluid
- Combusting solid components
Chemistry Models
- Stiff equation solver for chemical rate equations
- Stationary or advected species
Porous Media Models
- Saturated and unsaturated flow
- Variable porosity
- Directional porosity
- General flow losses (linear & quadratic)
- Capillary pressure
- Heat transfer in porous media
- Van Genunchten model for unsaturated flow
Discrete Particle Models
- Massless marker particles
- Mass particles of variable size/mass
- Linear & quadratic fluid-dynamic drag
- Monte-Carlo diffusion
- Particle-Fluid momentum coupling
- Coefficient of restitution or sticky particles
- Point or volumetric particle sources
- Charged particles
- Probe particles
Two-Phase & Two-Component Models
- Liquid/liquid & gas/liquid interfaces
- Variable density mixtures
- Compressible fluid with a dispersed incompressible component
- Drift flux
- Two-component, vapor/non-condensable gases
- Phase transformations for gas-liquid & liquid-solid
- Adiabatic bubbles
- Bubbles with phase change
- Continuum fluid with discrete particles
- Scalar transport
- Homogeneous bubbles
- Super-cooling
Coupling with Other Programs
- Geometry input from Stereolithography (STL) files – binary or ASCII
- Direct interfaces with EnSight®, FieldView® & Tecplot® visualization software
- Finite element solution import/export via Exodus-II file format
- PLOT3D output
- Neutral file output
- Extensive customization possibilities
- Solid Properties Materials Database
Data Processing Options
- State-of-the-art post-processing tool, FlowSight™
- Batch post-processing
- Report generation
- Automatic or custom results analysis
- High-quality OpenGL-based graphics
- Color or B/W vector, contour, 3D surface & particle plots
- Moving and stationary probes
- Measurement baffles
- Arbitrary sampling volumes
- Force & moment output
- Animation output
- PostScript, JPEG & Bitmap output
- Streamlines
- Flow tracers
User Conveniences
- Active simulation control (based on measurement of probes)
- Mesh generators
- Mesh quality checking
- Tabular time-dependent input using external files
- Automatic time-step control for accuracy & stability
- Automatic convergence control
- Mentor help to optimize efficiency
- Change simulation parameters while solver runs
- Launch and manage multiple simulations
- Automatic simulation termination based on user-defined criteria
- Run simulation on remote servers using remote solving
Multi-Processor Computing
FLOW-3D Features
The features in blue are newly-released in FLOW-3D v12.0.
Meshing & Geometry
- Structured finite difference/control volume meshes for fluid and thermal solutions
- Finite element meshes in Cartesian and cylindrical coordinates for structural analysis
- Multi-Block gridding with nested, linked, partially overlapping and conforming mesh blocks
- Conforming meshes extended to arbitrary shapes
- Fractional areas/volumes (FAVOR™) for efficient & accurate geometry definition
- Closing gaps in geometry
- Mesh quality checking
- Basic Solids Modeler
- Import CAD data
- Import/export finite element meshes via Exodus-II file format
- Grid & geometry independence
- Cartesian or cylindrical coordinates
Flow Type Options
- Internal, external & free-surface flows
- 3D, 2D & 1D problems
- Transient flows
- Inviscid, viscous laminar & turbulent flows
- Hybrid shallow water/3D flows
- Non-inertial reference frame motion
- Multiple scalar species
- Two-phase flows
- Heat transfer with phase change
- Saturated & unsaturated porous media
Physical Modeling Options
- Fluid structure interaction
- Thermally-induced stresses
- Plastic deformation of solids
- Granular flow
- Moisture drying
- Solid solute dissolution
- Sediment transport and scour
- Sludge settling
- Cavitation (potential, passive tracking, active tracking)
- Phase change (liquid-vapor, liquid-solid)
- Surface tension
- Thermocapillary effects
- Wall adhesion
- Wall roughness
- Vapor & gas bubbles
- Solidification & melting
- Mass/momentum/energy sources
- Shear, density & temperature-dependent viscosity
- Thixotropic viscosity
- Visco-elastic-plastic fluids
- Elastic membranes & walls
- Evaporation residue
- Electro-mechanical effects
- Dielectric phenomena
- Electro-osmosis
- Electrostatic particles
- Joule heating
- Air entrainment
- Molecular & turbulent diffusion
- Temperature-dependent material properties
- Spray cooling
Flow Definition Options
- General boundary conditions
- Symmetry
- Rigid and flexible walls
- Continuative
- Periodic
- Specified pressure
- Specified velocity
- Outflow
- Outflow pressure
- Outflow boundaries with wave absorbing layers
- Grid overlay
- Hydrostatic pressure
- Volume flow rate
- Non-linear periodic and solitary surface waves
- Rating curve and natural hydraulics
- Wave absorbing layer
- Restart from previous simulation
- Continuation of a simulation
- Overlay boundary conditions
- Change mesh and modeling options
- Change model parameters
Thermal Modeling Options
- Natural convection
- Forced convection
- Conduction in fluid & solid
- Fluid-solid heat transfer
- Distributed energy sources/sinks in fluids and solids
- Radiation
- Viscous heating
- Orthotropic thermal conductivity
- Thermally-induced stresses
Numerical Modeling Options
- TruVOF Volume-of-Fluid (VOF) method for fluid interfaces
- Steady state accelerator for free-surface flows
- First and second order advection
- Sharp and diffuse interface tracking
- Implicit & explicit numerical methods
- Immersed boundary method
- GMRES, point and line relaxation pressure solvers
- User-defined variables, subroutines & output
- Utilities for runtime interaction during execution
Fluid Modeling Options
- One incompressible fluid – confined or with free surfaces
- Two incompressible fluids – miscible or with sharp interfaces
- Compressible fluid – subsonic, transonic, supersonic
- Stratified fluid
- Acoustic phenomena
- Mass particles with variable density or diameter
Shallow Flow Models
- General topography
- Raster data interface
- Subcomponent-specific surface roughness
- Wind shear
- Ground roughness effects
- Manning’s roughness
- Laminar & turbulent flow
- Sediment transport and scour
- Surface tension
- Heat transfer
- Wetting & drying
Turbulence Models
- RNG model
- Two-equation k-epsilon model
- Two-equation k-omega model
- Large eddy simulation
Advanced Physical Models
- General Moving Object model with 6 DOF–prescribed and fully-coupled motion
- Rotating/spinning objects
- Collision model
- Tethered moving objects (springs, ropes, breaking mooring lines)
- Flexing membranes and walls
- Porosity
- Finite element based elastic-plastic deformation
- Finite element based thermal stress evolution due to thermal changes in a solidifying fluid
- Combusting solid components
Chemistry Models
- Stiff equation solver for chemical rate equations
- Stationary or advected species
Porous Media Models
- Saturated and unsaturated flow
- Variable porosity
- Directional porosity
- General flow losses (linear & quadratic)
- Capillary pressure
- Heat transfer in porous media
- Van Genunchten model for unsaturated flow
Discrete Particle Models
- Massless marker particles
- Multi-species material particles of variable size and mass
- Solid, fluid, gas particles
- Void particles tracking collapsed void regions
- Non-linear fluid-dynamic drag
- Added mass effects
- Monte-Carlo diffusion
- Particle-fluid momentum coupling
- Coefficient of restitution or sticky particles
- Point or volumetric particle sources
- Initial particle blocks
- Heat transfer with fluid
- Evaporation and condensation
- Solidification and melting
- Coulomb and dielectric forces
- Probe particles
Two-Phase & Two-Component Models
- Liquid/liquid & gas/liquid interfaces
- Variable density mixtures
- Compressible fluid with a dispersed incompressible component
- Drift flux with dynamic droplet size
- Two-component, vapor/non-condensable gases
- Phase transformations for gas-liquid & liquid-solid
- Adiabatic bubbles
- Bubbles with phase change
- Continuum fluid with discrete particles
- Scalar transport
- Homogeneous bubbles
- Super-cooling
- Two-field temperature
Coupling with Other Programs
- Geometry input from Stereolithography (STL) files – binary or ASCII
- Direct interfaces with EnSight®, FieldView® & Tecplot® visualization software
- Finite element solution import/export via Exodus-II file format
- PLOT3D output
- Neutral file output
- Extensive customization possibilities
- Solid Properties Materials Database
Data Processing Options
- State-of-the-art post-processing tool, FlowSight™
- Batch post-processing
- Report generation
- Automatic or custom results analysis
- High-quality OpenGL-based graphics
- Color or B/W vector, contour, 3D surface & particle plots
- Moving and stationary probes
- Visualization of non-inertial reference frame motion
- Measurement baffles
- Arbitrary sampling volumes
- Force & moment output
- Animation output
- PostScript, JPEG & Bitmap output
- Streamlines
- Flow tracers
User Conveniences
- Active simulation control (based on measurement of probes)
- Mesh generators
- Mesh quality checking
- Tabular time-dependent input using external files
- Automatic time-step control for accuracy & stability
- Automatic convergence control
- Mentor help to optimize efficiency
- Units on all variables
- Custom units
- Component transformations
- Moving particle sources
- Change simulation parameters while solver runs
- Launch and manage multiple simulations
- Automatic simulation termination based on user-defined criteria
- Run simulation on remote servers using remote solving
- Copy boundary conditions to other mesh blocks
Multi-Processor Computing
- Shared memory computers
- Distributed memory clusters
- Particle visualization
- Velocity vector fields
- Streamlines & pathlines
- Iso-surfaces
- 2D, 3D and arbitrary clips
- Volume render
- Probe data
- History data
- Vortex cores
- Link multiple results
- Multiple data views
- Non-inertial reference frame
- Spline clip