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Below is a collection of technical papers in our General Applications Bibliography. All of these papers feature FLOW-3D results. Learn more about how FLOW-3D can be used to successfully simulate problems that involve complex multiphysics.
2024년 8월 12일 Upate
204-23 Togo Shinonaga, Hibiki Tajima, Yasuhiro Okamoto, Akira Okada, Application of large-area electron beam irradiation to micro-edge filleting, Journal of Manufacturing Processes, 107; pp. 65-73, 2023. doi.org/10.1016/j.jmapro.2023.10.039
167-23 Xiaoyong Cheng, Zhixian Cao, Ji Li, Alistair Borthwick, A numerical study of the settling of non-spherical particles in quiescent water, Physics of Fluids, 35.9; 2023. doi.org/10.1063/5.0165555
109-23 Dileep Karnam, Yu-Lung Lo, Chia-Hua Yang, Simulation study and parameter optimization of laser TSV using artificial neural networks, Journal of Materials Research and Technology, 25; pp. 3712-3727, 2023. doi.org/10.1016/j.jmrt.2023.06.199
66-23 Erik Holmen Olofsson, Michael Roland, Jon Spangenberg, Ninna Halberg Jokil, Jesper Henri Hattel, A CFD model with free surface tracking: predicting fill level and residence time in a starve-fed single-screw extruder, The International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology, 126; pp. 3579-3591, 2023. doi.org/10.1007/s00170-023-11329-w
20-23 Giampiero Sciortino, Valentina Lombardi, Pietro Prestininzi, Modelling of cantilever-based flow energy harvesters featuring C-shaped vibration inducers: The role of the fluid/beam interaction, Applied Sciences, 13.1; 416, 2023. doi.org/10.3390/app13010416
134-22 Guozheng Ma, Shuying Chen, Haidou Wang, Impact spread behavior of flying droplets and properties of splats, Micro Process and Quality Control of Plasma Spraying, pp. 87-202, 2022. doi.org/10.1007/978-981-19-2742-3_3
111-22 Chia-Lin Chiu, Chia-Ming Fan, Chia-Ren Chu, Numerical analysis of two spheres falling side by side, Physics of Fluids, 34; 072112, 2022. doi.org/10.1063/5.0096534
58-21 Ruizhe Liu, Haidong Zhao, Experimental study and numerical simulation of infiltration of AlSi12 alloys into Si porous preforms with micro-computed tomography inspection characteristics, Journal of the Ceramic Society of Japan, 129.6; pp. 315-322, 2021. doi.org/10.2109/jcersj2.21018
56-20 Nils Steinau, CFD modeling of ascending Strombolian gas slugs through a constricted volcanic conduit considering a non-linear rheology, Thesis, Universität Hamburg, Hamburg, Germany, 2020.
30-20 Bita Bayatsarmadi, Mike Horne, Theo Rodopoulos and Dayalan Gunasegaram, Intensifying diffusion-limited reactions by using static mixer electrodes in a novel electrochemical flow cell, Journal of The Electrochemical Society, 167.6, 2020. doi.org/10.1149/1945-7111/ab7e8f
75-19 Raphaël Comminal, Marcin Piotr Serdeczny, Navid Ranjbar, Mehdi Mehrali, David Bue Pedersen, Henrik Stang, Jon Spangenberg, Modelling of material deposition in big area additive manufacturing and 3D concrete printing, Proceedings, Advancing Precision in Additive Manufacturing, Nantes, France, September 16-18, 2019.
35-19 Sung-Won Ha, Tae-Won Kim, Joo-Hwan Choi, and Young-Jin Park, Study for flow phenomenon in the circulation water pump chamber using the Flow-3D model, Journal of the Korea Academia-Industrial Cooperation Society, Vol. 20, No. 4, pp. 580-589, 2019. doi: 10.5762/KAIS.2019.20.4.580
27-19 Rolands Cepuritis, Elisabeth L. Skare, Evgeny Ramenskiy, Ernst Mørtsell, Sverre Smeplass, Shizhao Li, Stefan Jacobsen, and Jon Spangeberg, Analysing limitations of the FlowCyl as a one-point viscometer test for cement paste, Construction and Building Materials, Vol. 218, pp. 333-340, 2019. doi: 10.1016.j.conbuildmat.2019.05.127
26-19 Shanshan Hu, Lunliang Duan, Qianbing Wan, and Jian Wang, Evaluation of needle movement effect on root canal irrigation using a computational fluid dynamics model, BioMedical Engineering OnLine, Vol. 18, No. 52, 2019. doi: 10.1186/s12938-019-0679-5
83-18 Elisabeth Leite Skare, Stefan Jacobsen, Rolands Cepuritis, Sverre Smeplass and Jon Spangenberg, Decreasing the magnitude of shear rates in the FlowCyl, Proceedings of the 12th fib International PhD Symposium in Civil Engineering, Prague, Czech Republic, August 29-31, 2018.
71-18 Marc Bascompta, Jordi Vives, Lluís Sanmiqeul and José Juan de Felipe, CFD friction factors verification in an underground mine, Proceedings of the 4th World Congress on Mechanical, Chemical, and Material Engineering, August 16 – 18, 2018, Madrid, Spain, Paper No. MMME 105, 2018. doi.org/10.11159/mmme18.105
56-18 J. Spangenberg, A. Uzala, M.W. Nielsen and J.H. Hattel, A robustness analysis of the bonding process of joints in wind turbine blades, International Journal of Adhesion and Adhesives, vol. 85, pp. 281-285, 2018. doi.org/10.1016/j.ijadhadh.2018.06.009
21-18 Zhang Weikang and Gong Hongwei, Numerical Simulation Study on Characteristics of Airtight Water Film with Flow Deflectors, IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science vol. 153, no. 3, pp. 032025, 2018. doi.org/10.1088/1755-1315/153/3/032025
59-17 Han Eol Park and In Cheol Bang, Design study on mixing performance of rotational vanes in subchannel with fuel rod bundles, Transactions of the Korean Nuclear Society Autumn Meeting, Gyeongju, Korea, October 26-27, 2017.
58-17 Jian Zhou, Claudia Cenedese, Tim Williams and Megan Ball, On the propagation of gravity currents over and through a submerged array of circular cylinders, Journal of Fluid Mechanics, Vol. 831, pp. 394-417, 2017. doi.org/10.1017/jfm.2017.604
24-17 Zhiyuan Ge, Wojciech Nemec, Rob L. Gawthorpe, Atle Rotevatn and Ernst W.M. Hansen, Response of unconfined turbidity current to relay-ramp topography: insights from process-based numerical modelling, doi: 10.1111/bre.12255 This article is protected by copyright. All rights reserved.
06-17 Masoud Hosseinpoor, Kamal H. Khayat, Ammar Yahia, Numerical simulation of self-consolidating concrete flow as a heterogeneous material in L-Box set-up: coupled effect of reinforcing bars and aggregate content on flow characteristics, A. Mater Struct (2017) 50: 163. doi:10.1617/s11527-017-1032-8
94-16 Mehran Seyed Ahmadi, Markus Bussmann and Stavros A. Argyropoulos, Mass transfer correlations for dissolution of cylindrical additions in liquid metals with gas agitation, International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer, Volume 97, June 2016, Pages 767-778
83-16 Masoud Hosseinpoor, Numerical simulation of fresh SCC flow in wall and beam elements using flow dynamics models, Ph.D. Thesis: University of Sherbrooke, September 2016.
51-16 Aditi Verma, Application of computational transport analysis – Oil spill dynamics, Master Thesis: State University of New York at Buffalo, 2016, 56 pages; 1012775
37-16 Hannah Dietterich, Einat Lev, and Jiangzhi Chen, Benchmarking computational fluid dynamics models for lava flow simulation, Geophysical Research Abstracts, Vol. 18, EGU2016-2202, 2016, EGU General Assembly 2016, © Author(s) 2016. CC Attribution 3.0 License.
19-16 A.J. Vellinga, M.J.B. Cartigny, E.W.M. Hansen, P.J. Tallinga, M.A. Clare, E.J. Sumner and J.T. Eggenhuisen, Process-based Modelling of Turbidity Currents – From Computational Fluid-dynamics to Depositional Signature, Second Conference on Forward Modelling of Sedimentary Systems, 25 April 2016, DOI: 10.3997/2214-4609.201600374
106-15 Hidetaka Oguma, Koji Tsukimoto, Saneyuki Goya, Yoshifumi Okajima, Kouichi Ishizaka, and Eisaku Ito, Development of Advanced Materials and Manufacturing Technologies for High-efficiency Gas Turbines, Mitsubishi Heavy Industries Technical Review Vol. 52 No. 4, December 2015
93-15 James M. Brethour, Modelling of Cavitation within Highly Transient Flows with the Volume of Fluid Method, 1st Pan-American Congress on Computational Mechanics, April 27-29, 2015
90-15 Troy Shinbrot, Matthew Rutala, Andrea Montessori, Pietro Prestininzi and Sauro Succi, Paradoxical ratcheting in cornstarch, Phys. Fluids 27, 103101 (2015); http://dx.doi.org/10.1063/1.4934709
84-15 Nicolas Roussel, Annika Gram, Massimiliano Cremonesi, Liberato Ferrara, Knut Krenzer, Viktor Mechtcherine, Sergiy Shyshko, Jan Skocec, Jon Spangenberg, Oldrich Svec, Lars Nyholm Thrane and Ksenija Vasilic, Numerical simulations of concrete flow: A benchmark comparison, Cem. Concr. Res. (2015), http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.cemconres.2015.09.022
02-15 David Souders, FLOW-3D Version 11 Enhances CFD Simulation, Desktop Engineering, January 2015
125-14 Herbert Obame Mve, Romuald Rullière, Rémi Goulet and Phillippe Haberschill, Numerical Analysis of Heat Transfer of a Flow Confined by Wire Screen in Lithium Bromide Absorption Process, Defect and Diffusion Forum, ISSN: 1662-9507, Vol. 348, pp 40-50, doi:10.4028/www.scientific.net/DDF.348.40, © 2014 Trans Tech Publications, Switzerland
55-14 Agni Arumugam Selvi, Effect of Linear Direction Oscillation on Grain Refinement, Master’s Thesis: The Ohio State University, Graduate Program in Mechanical Engineering, Copyright by Agni Arumugam Selvi, 2014
99-13 R. C. Givler and M. J. Martinez, Computational Model of Miniature Pulsating Heat Pipes, SANDIA REPORT, SAND2012-4750, Unlimited Release, Printed January 2013.
82-13 Shizhao Li, Jon Spangenberg, Jesper Hattel, A CFD Approach for Prediction of Unintended Porosities in Aluminum Syntactic Foam A Preliminary Study, 8th International Conference on Porous Metals and Metallic Foams (METFOAM 2013), Raleigh, NC, June 2013
81-13 S. Li, J. Spangenberg, J. H. Hattel, A CFD Model for Prediction of Unintended Porosities in Metal Matrix Composites A Preliminary Study, 19th International Conference on Composite Materials (ICCM 2013), Montreal, Canada, July 2013
78-13 Haitham A. Hussein, Rozi Abdullah, Sobri, Harun and Mohammed Abdulkhaleq, Numerical Model of Baffle Location Effect on Flow Pattern in Oil and Water Gravity Separator Tanks, World Applied Sciences Journal 26 (10): 1351-1356, 2013, ISSN 1818-4952, DOI: 10.5829/idosi.wasj.2013.26.10.1239, © IDOSI Publications, 2013
74-13 Laetitia Martinie, Jean-Francois Lataste, and Nicolas Roussel, Fiber orientation during casting of UHPFRC: electrical resistivity measurements, image analysis and numerical simulations, Materials and Structures, DOI 10.1617/s11527-013-0205-3, November 2013. Available for purchase online at SpringerLink.
67-13 Stefan Jacobsen, Rolands Cepuritis, Ya Peng, Mette R. Geiker, and Jon Spangenberg, Visualizing and simulating flow conditions in concrete form filling using Pigments, Construction and Building Materials 49 (2013) 328–342, © 2013 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved. Available for purchase at ScienceDirect.
60-13 Huey-Jiuan Lin, Fu-Yuan Hsu, Chun-Yu Chiu, Chien-Kuo Liu, Ruey-Yi Lee, Simulation of Glass Molding Process for Planar Type SOFC Sealing Devices, Key Engineering Materials, 573, 131, September 2013. Available for purchase at Scientific.net.
32-13 M A Rashid, I Abustan and M O Hamzah, Numerical simulation of a 3-D flow within a storage area hexagonal modular pavement systems, 4th International Conference on Energy and Environment 2013 (ICEE 2013), IOP Conf. Series: Earth and Environmental Science 16 (2013) 012056 doi:10.1088/1755-1315/16/1/012056. Full paper available at IOP.
105-12 Jon Spangenberg, Numerisk modellering af formfyldning ved støbning i selvkompakterende beton, Ph.D. Thesis: Technical University of Denmark, ID: 0eeede98-fb07-4800-86e2-0a6baeb1e7a3, 2012.
100-12 Nurul Hasan, Validation of CFD models using FLOW-3D for a Submerged Liquid Jet, Ninth International Conference on CFD in the Minerals and Process Industries, CSIRO, Melbourne, Australia, 10-12 December 2012.
87-12 Abustan, Ismail, Hamzah, Meor Othman and Rashid, Mohd Aminur, A 3-Dimensional Numerical Study of a Flow within a Permeable Pavement, OIDA International Journal of Sustainable Development, Vol. 04, No. 02, pp. 37-44, April 2012.
86-12 Abustan, Ismail, Hamzah, Meor Othman and Rashid, Mohd Aminur, Review of Permeable Pavement Systems in Malaysia Conditions, OIDA International Journal of Sustainable Development, Vol. 04, No. 02, pp. 27-36, April 2012.
85-12 Mohd Aminur Rashid, Ismail Abustan, Meor Othman Hamzah, Infiltration Characteristic Modeling Using FLOW-3D within a Modular Pavement, Procedia Engineering, Volume 50, 2012, Pages 658-667, ISSN 1877-7058, 10.1016/j.proeng.2012.10.072.
73-12 Mohd Aminur Rashid, Ismail Abustan, Meor Othman Hamzah, Infiltration Characteristic Modeling Using FLOW-3D within a Modular Pavement, Procedia Engineering, Volume 50, 2012, Pages 658-667, ISSN 1877-7058, 10.1016/j.proeng.2012.10.072.
65-12 X.H. Yang, T.J. Lu, T. Kim, Influence of non-conducting pore inclusions on phase change behavior of porous media with constant heat flux boundary, International Journal of Thermal Sciences, Available online 10 October 2012. Available online at SciVerse.
56-12 Giancarlo Alfonsi, Agostino Lauria, Leonardo Primavera, Flow structures around large-diameter circular cylinder, Journal of Flow Visualization and Image Processing, DOI: 10.1615/JFlowVisImageProc.2012005088, 2012. Available for purchase online at Begell Digital Library.
49-12 M. Janocko, M.B.J. Cartigny, W. Nemec, E.W.M. Hansen, Turbidity current hydraulics and sediment deposition in erodible sinuous channels: laboratory experiments and numerical simulations, Marine and Petroleum Geology, Available online 17 September 2012. Available for purchase online at SciVerse.
32-12 Fatih Karadagli, Bruce E. Rittmann, Drew C. McAvoy, and John E. Richardson, Effect of Turbulence on the Disintegration Rate of Flushable Consumer Products, Water Environment Research, Volume 84, Number 5, May 2012
31-12 D. Valero Huerta and R. García-Bartual, Optimization of Air Conditioning Diffusers Location in Large Agricultural Warehouses Using CFD Techniques, International Conference of Agricultural Engineering (CIGR-AgEng2012) Valencia, Spain, July 8-12, 2012
16-12 Yi Fan Fu, Wei Dong, Ying Li, Yi Tan, Ming Hui Yi, Akira Kawasaki, Simulation of the Effects of the Physical Properties on Particle Formation of Pulsated Orifice Ejection Method (POEM), 2012, Advanced Materials Research, 509, 161. Available for purchase online at Scientific.Net.
92-11 Giancarlo Alfonsi, Agostino Lauria, Leonardo Primavera, The lower vertical structure past the Ahmed car model, International Conference on Computational Science, ICCS 2011. Available for purchase online at Begell Digital Library.
80-11 Ismail Abustan, Meor Othman Hamzah, Mohd Aminur Rashid, A 3-Dimensional Numerical Study of a Flow within a Permeable Pavement, OIDA International Conference on Sustainable Development, ISSN 1923-6670, Putrajaya, Malaysia, 5-7th December 2011
66-11 H. Kondo, T. Furukawa, Y. Hirakawa, K. Nakamura, M. Ida, K.Watanabe, T. Kanemura, E. Wakai, H. Horiike, N. Yamaoka, H. Sugiura, T. Terai, A. Suzuki, J. Yagi, S. Fukada, H. Nakamura, I. Matsushita, F. Groeschel, K. Fujishiro, P. Garin and H. Kimura, IFMIF-EVEDA lithium test loop design and fabrication technology of target assembly as a key component, Nuclear Fusion Volume 51 Number 12, doi:10.1088/0029-5515/51/12/123008
49-11 N.I. Vatin, A.A. Girgidov, K.I. Strelets, Numerical modelling the three-dimensional velocity field in the cyclone, Inzhenerno-Stroitel’nyi Zhurnal, No. 4, 2011. In Russian.
41-11 Maiko Hosoda, Taichi Hirano, and Keiji Sakai, Low-Viscosity Measurement by Capillary Electromagnetically Spinning Technique, © 2011 The Japan Society of Applied Physics, Japanese Journal of Applied Physics, July 20, 2011.
18-11 Ortloff, C.R., Vogel, M., Spray cooling heat transfer — Test and CFD analysis, Semiconductor Thermal Measurement and Management Symposium (SEMI-THERM), 2011 27th Annual IEEE, 20-24 March 2011, pp 245 – 252, San Jose, CA, 10.1109/STHERM.2011.5767208.
82-10 Dr. John Abbott, Two problems on the flow of viscous sheets of molten glass, 26th Annual Workshop on Mathematical Problems in Industry, Rensselear Polytechnic Institute, June 14-18, 2010
57-10 Chouet, B. A., Dawson, P. B., James, M. R. and Lane, S. J., Seismic source mechanism of degassing bursts at Kilauea Volcano, Hawaii: Results from waveform inversion in the 10–50 s band, J. Geophys. Res., 115, B09311, doi:10.1029/2009JB006661, September 2010. Available online at JOURNAL OF GEOPHYSICAL RESEARCH.
55-10 Pamela Waterman, FEA and CFD: Getting Better All the Time, Desktop Engineering, December 2010.
53-10 Nicolas Fries, Capillary transport processes in porous materials – experiment and model, Cuvillier Verlag Göttingen; 2010; ISBN 978-3-86955-507-2. Available at www.cuvillier.de and www.amazon.de.
45-10 Meiring Beyers, Thomas Harms, and Johan Stander, Mitigating snowdrift at the elevated SANAE IV research station in Antarctica CFD simulation and field application, The Fifth International Symposium on Computational Wind Engineering (CWE2010), Chapel Hill, North Carolina, USA, May 23-27, 2010.
31-10 J. Spangenberg, N. Roussel, J.H. Hattel, J. Thorborg, M.R. Geiker, H. Stang and J. Skocek, Prediction of the Impact of Flow-Induced Inhomogeneities in Self-Compacting Concrete (SCC), Ch. 25 of “Design, Production and Placement of Self-Consolidating Concrete,” RILEM Bookseries, 2010, Volume 1, Part 5, 209-215, DOI: 10.1007/978-90-481-9664-7_18. Available online at Springer Link.
28-10 Sirisha Burra, Daniel P. Nicolella, W. Loren Francis, Christopher J. Freitas, Nicholas J. Mueschke, Kristin Poole, and Jean X. Jiang, Dendritic processes of osteocytes are mechanotransducers that induce the opening of hemichannels, Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. 2010 Jul 19. [Epub ahead of print], Available for purchase at PNAS.
19-10 Michael T. Tolley, Michael Kalontarov, Jonas Neubert, David Erickson and Hod Lipson, Stochastic Modular Robotic Systems A Study of Fluidic Assembly Strategies, IEEE Transactions on Robotics, Vol. 26, NO. 3, June 2010
59-17 Han Eol Park and In Cheol Bang, Design study on mixing performance of rotational vanes in subchannel with fuel rod bundles, Transactions of the Korean Nuclear Society Autumn Meeting, Gyeongju, Korea, October 26-27, 2017.
44-09 Micah Fuller, Fabian Bombardelli, Deb Niemeier, Particulate Matter Modeling in Near-Road Vegetation Environments, Contract AQ-04-01: Developing Effective and Quantifiable Air Quality Mitigation Measures, UC Davis, Caltrans, September 2009
28-09 D. C. Lo, Dong-Taur Su and Jan-Ming Chen (2009), Application of Computational Fluid Dynamics Simulations to the Analysis of Bank Effects in Restricted Waters, Journal of Navigation, 62, pp 477-491, doi:10.1017/S037346330900527X; Purchase the article online (clicking on this link will take you to the Cambridge Journals website).
24-09 Richard C. Givler and Mario J. Martinez, Modeling of Pulsating Heat Pipes, Sandia Report, SAND2009-4520, Sandia National Laboratories, August 2009.
45-08 J. Saeki, Seikei Kakou, Three-Dimensional Flow Analysis of a Thermosetting Compound in a Motor Stator, 20, 750-754 (2008) [in Japanese] (Zipped file contains paper and appendices)
38-08 Yoshifumi Kuriyama, Ken’ichi Yano and Masafumi Hamaguchi, Trajectory Planning for Meal Assist Robot Considering Spilling Avoidance, 17th IEEE International Conference on Control Applications, Part of 2008 1EEE Multi-conference on Systems and Control, San Antonio, Texas, September 3-5, 2008
29-08 Ernst W.M. Hansen, Wojciech Nemec and Snorre Heimsund, Numerical CFD simulations — a new tool for the modelling of turbidity currents and sand dispersal in deep-water basins, Production Geoscience 2008 in Stavanger, Norway, © 2008
17-08 James, M. R., Lane, S. J. & Corder, S. B., Modelling the rapid near-surface expansion of gas slugs in low-viscosity magmas, In Lane S. J., Gilbert J. S. (eds) Fluid Motion in Volcanic Conduits: A Source of Seismic and Acoustic Signals. Geol. Soc., London, Spec. Pub., 307, 147-167, doi: 10.1144/SP307.9. 2008
16-08 Stefano Malavasi, Nicola Trabucchi, Numerical Investigation of the Flow Around a Rectangular Cylinder Near a Solid Wall, BBAA VI International Colloquium on: Bluff Bodies Aerodynamics & Applications, Milano, Italy, July 2008
41-07 Nicolas Roussel, Mette R. Geiker, Frederic Dufour, Lars N. Thrane and Peter Szabo, Computational modeling of concrete flow General Overview, Cement and Concrete Research 37 (2007) 1298-1307, © 2007 Elsevier Ltd.
40-07 Nemec, W., Heimsund, S., Xu, J. & Hansen, E.W.M., Numerical CFD simulation of turbidity currents, British Sedimentological Research Group (BSRG) Annual Meeting, Birmingham, 17-18 December 2007
39-07 Heimsund, S, Xu, J. & Nemec, W., Numerical Simulation of Recent Turbidity Currents in the Monterey Canyon System, Offshore California, American Geophysical Union Fall Meeting, 10-14 December 2007
32-07 James, M. R., Lane, S. J. & Corder, S. B., Modeling the near-surface expansion of gas slugs in basaltic magma, Eos Trans. A.G.U., 88(52), Fall Meet. Suppl.. Abs. V12B-03. 2007
31-07 James, M. R., Lane, S. J. and Corder, S. B., Degassing low-viscosity magma: Quantifying the transition between passive bubble-burst and explosive activity, E.G.U. Geophys. Res. Abstr., 9, 05336, SRef-ID: 1607-7962/gra/EGU2007-A-05336. 2007
35-06 S. Green and C. Manepally, Software Validation Report for FLOW-3D Version 9.0, Center for Nuclear Waste Regulatory Analyses, August 2006
33-06 N. Roussel, Correlation between yield stress and slump: Comparison between numerical simulations and concrete rheometers results, © RILEM 2006, Materials and Structures (2006) 39:501-509, Purchase online at Springer Link.
32-06 Heimsund, S., Möller, N. and Guargena, C., FLOW-3D simulation of the Ormen Lange field, mid-Norway, In: Hoyanagi, K., Takano, O. and Kano, K. (Ed.), Abstracts, International Association of Sedimentologists 17th International Sedimentological Congress, Fukuoka, Vol. B, p. 107, 2006
10-06 Gengsheng Wei, An Implicit Method to Solve Problems of Rigid Body Motion Coupled with Fluid Flow, Flow Science Technical Note #76, FSI-05-TN76.
8-06 Gengsheng Wei, Three-Dimensional Collision Modeling for Rigid Bodies and its Coupling with Fluid Flow Computation, Flow Science Technical Note #75, FSI-06-TN75.
34-05 Young Bae Kim, Kyung Do Kim, Sang Eui Hong, Jong Goo Kim, Man Ho Park, and Ju Hyun Kim, and Jae Keun Kweon, 3D Simulation of PU Foaming Flow in a Refrigerator Cabinet, Appliance Magazine.com, January 2005.
33-05 N. Roussel, Fifty-cent rheo-meter for yield stress measurements From slump to spreading flow, @2005 by The Society of Rheolgoy, Inc., J. Rheol. 49(3), 705-718 May/June (2005)
32-05 Heimsund, S., Möller, N., Guargena, C. and Thompson, L., Field-scale modeling of turbidity currents by FLOW-3D simulations, In: Workshop Abstracts, Modeling of Turbidity Currents and Related Gravity Currents, University of California, Santa Barbara, 2 p., (2005)
15-05 Gengsheng Wei, A Fixed-Mesh Method for General Moving Objects, Flow Science Technical Note #73, FSI-05-TN73
14-05 James M. Brethour, Incremental Thermoelastic Stress Model, Flow Science Technical Note #72, FSI-05-TN72
9-05 Gengsheng Wei, A Fixed-Mesh Method for General Moving Objects in Fluid Flow, Modern Physics Letters B, Vol. 19, Nos. 28-29 (2005) 1719-1722
1-05 C.W. Hirt, Electro-Hydrodynamics of Semi-Conductive Fluids: With Application to Electro-Spraying Flow Science Technical Note #70, FSI-05-TN70
35-04 J. Saeki, T. Kono and T. Teramae, Seikei Kakou, Formulation of Mathematical Models for Estimating Residual Stress and Strain Components Correlated with 3-D Flow of Thermosetting Compounds, 16, 5, 309-316 (2004) [in Japanese]. (Zipped file contains paper and appendices)
31-04 Heimsund, S., Möller, N., Guargena, C. and Thompson, L., The control of seafloor topography on turbidite sand dispersal in the Ormen Lange field: a large-scale application of FLOW-3D simulations, In: Martinsen, O.J. (Ed.), Abstracts and Proceedings of the Geological Society of Norway (NGF), Deep Water Sedimentary Systems of Arctic and North Atlantic Margins, Stavanger, 3, p. 25, (2004)
26-04 Beyers, J.H.M., Harms, T.M. and Sundsbø, P.A., 2004, Numerical simulation of three dimensional, transient snow drifting around a cube, Journal of wind engineering and industrial aerodynamics, vol. 92, pp. 725-747, ISSN 0167-6105
25-04 Beyers, J.H.M, Harms, T.M. and Sundsbø, P.A., 2004, Numerical simulation of snow drifting around an elevated obstacle, Proceedings of the 5th conference on snow engineering, Davos, Switzerland, pp.185-191
17-04 Michael Barkhudarov, Multi-Block Gridding Technique for FLOW-3D (Revised), Flow Science Technical Note #59-R2, FSI-00-TN59-R2
36-03 Heimsund, S., Hansen, E.W.M. and Nemec, W., Numerical CFD simulation of turbidity currents and comparison with laboratory data, In: Hodgetts, D., Hodgson, D. and Smith, R. (Ed.), Slope Modelling Workshop Abstracts, Experimental, Reservoir and Forward Modelling of Turbidity Currents and Deep-Water Sedimentary Systems, Liverpool Univ., p. 13., (2003b)
35-03 Heimsund, S., Hansen, E.W.M. and Nemec, W. Computational 3-D fluid-dynamics model for sediment transport, erosion and deposition by turbidity currents, In: Nakrem, H.A. (Ed.), Abstracts and Proceedings of the Geological Society of Norway (NGF), Den 18. Vinterkonferansen, Oslo, 1, p. 39., (2003a)
33-03 Beyers, J.H.M., Sundsbø, P.A. and Harms, T.M., 2003, Numerical simulation and verification of drifting snow around a cube, Proceedings of the 11th international conference on wind engineering, Texas Tech University, Lubbock, Texas, USA, pp. 1886-1893
27-03 Jun Zeng, Daniel Sobek and Tom Korsmeyer, Electro-Hydrodynamic Modeling of Electrospray Ionization CAD for a µFluidic Device-Mass Spectrometer Interface, Agilent Technologies Inc, paper presented at Transducers 2003, June 03 Boston (note: Reference #10 is to FLOW-3D)
25-03 J. M Brethour, Moving Boundaries an Eularian Approach, Moving Boundaries VII, Computational Modelling of Free and Moving Boundary Problems, A. A. Mammoli & C.A. Brebbia, WIT Press
19-03 James Brethour, Incremental Elastic Stress Model, Flow Science Technical Note (FSI-03-TN64)
18-03 Michael Barkhudarov, Semi-Lagrangian VOF Advection Method for FLOW-3D, Flow Science Technical Note (FSI-03-TN63)
11-02 Junichi Saeki and Tsutomu Kono, Three-Dimensional Flow Analysis of a Thermosetting Compound during Mold Filling, Polymer Processing Society 18th Annual Meeting, June 2002, Guimares, Portugal.
46-01 Yasunori Iwai, Takumi Hayashi, Toshihiko Yamanishi, Kazuhiro Kobayashi and Masataka Nishi, Simulation of Tritium Behavior after Intended Tritium Release in Ventilated Room, Journal of Nuclear Science and Technology, Vol. 38, No. 1, p. 63-75, January 2001
23-01 Borre Bang, Dag Lukkassen, Application of Homogenization Theory Related to Stokes Flow in Porous Media, Applications of Mathematics, Narvik, Norway, No 4, pp. 309-319.
15-01 Ernst Hansen, SINTEF Energy Research, Trondheim, Norway, Computer Simulation Helps Increase Flow Rate in Three-Phase Separator, Drilling Marketplace, Vol 55, No 10, May 15, 2001, pp.14
10-01 Ernst Hansen, SINTEF Energy Research, Phenomeological Modeling and Simulation of Fluid Flow and Separation Behaviour in Offshore Gravity Separators, PVP-Col 431, Emerging Technologies for Fluids, Structures and Fluids, Structures and Fluid Structure Interaction — 2001, ASME 2001, pp. 23-29
7-01 C. Bohm, D. A. Weiss, and C. Tropea, Multi-droplet Impact onto Solid Walls Droplet-droplet Interaction and Collision of Kinemeatic Discontinuities, DaimlerChrysler Research and Technology, ILASS-Europe 2000, September 11-13, 2000
6-01 Ernst Hansen, Simulation Raises Separator Flow Rate, Engineering Talk, March 21, 2001
3-01 M. Sick, H. Keck, G. Vullioud, and E. Parkinson, New Challenges in Pelton Research
1-01 Y. Darsht, K. Kuvanov, A. Puzanov, I. Kholkin, FLOW-3D in Designing Hydraulic Systems for Heavy Machinery (in Russian), SAPR I Grafika (CAD and Graphics), August 2000, pp. 50-55.
22-00 A. K. Temu, O. K. Sønju and E. W. M. Hansen, Criteria for Minimum Particle Deposition onto a Cylinder in Crossflow, International Symposium on Multiphase Flow and Transport Phenomena, November 2000, Tekirova, Antalya, Turkey
21-00 Claus Maier, Stefan aus der Wiesche and Eberhard P. Hofer, Impact of Microdrops on Solid Surfaces for DNA-Synthesis, Department of Measurement, Control and Microtechnology, University of Ulm, Technical Proceedings of the 2000 International Conference on Modeling and Simulation of Microsystems, pp. 586-589
11-00 Thomas K. Thiis, A Comparison of Numerical Simulations and Full-scale Measurements of Snowdrifts around Buildings, Wind and Structures – ISSN: 1226-6116,Vol. 3, nr. 2 (2000), pp. 73-81
10-00 P.A. Sundsbo and B. Bang, Snow drift control in residential areas-Field measurements and numerical simulations, Fourth International Conference on Snow Engineering, pp. 377-382
9-00 Thomas K. Thiis and Christian Jaedicke, The Snowdrift Pattern Around Two Cubical Obstacles with Varying Distance—Measurement and Numerical Simulations, Snow Engineering, edited by Hjorth-Hansen, et al, Balkema, Rotterdam, 2000, pp.369-375.
8-00 Thomas K. Thiis and Christian Jaedicke, Changes in the Snowdrift Pattern Caused by a Building Extension—Investigations Through Scale Modeling and Numerical Simulations, Snow Engineering, edited by Hjorth-Hansen, et al, Balkema, Rotterdam, 2000, pp. 363-368
7-00 Bruce Letellier, Louis Restrepo, and Clinton Shaffer, Near-Field Dispersion of Fission Products in Complex Terrain Using a 3-D Turbulent Fluid-Flow Model, CCPS International Conference, San Francisco, CA, September 28-October 1, 1999
6-00 Bruce Letellier, Patrick McClure, and Louis Restrepo, Source-Term and Building-Wake Consequence Modeling for the GODIVA IV Reactor at Los Alamos National Laboratory, 1999 Safety Analysis Workshop, Portland, Oregon, June 13-18, 1999
11-99 Thomas K. Thiis and Yngvar Gjessing, Large-scale Measurements of Snowdrifts Around Flat-roofed and Single-pitch-roofed Buildings, Cold Regions Science and Technology 30, Narvik, Norway, May 17, 1999, pp. 175-181
3-99 A. A. Gubaidullin, Jr., T. N. Dinh, and B. R. Sehgal, Analysis of Natural Convection Heat Transfer and Flows in Internally Heated Stratified Liquid, accepted for publication 33rd Natl. Heat Transfer Conf. CD proceedings, Albuquerque, NM, August 15-17, 1999
20-98 Mark W. Silva, A Computational Study of Highly Viscous Impinging Jets, published by the Amarillo National Resource Center for Plutonium, ANRCP-1998-18, November 1998
17-98 P. A. Sundsbo and B. Bang, 1998, Calculation of Snowdrift Around Roadside Safety Barriers, Proc of the International Snow Science Workshop, Sept. 1998, Sunriver, Oregon, USA 279-283
11-98 P-A Sundsbo, Numerical simulations of wind deflection fins to control snow accumulation in building steps, Journal of Wind Engineering and Industrial Aerodynamics 74-76 (1998) 543-552
23-97 P.E. O’Donoghue, M.F. Kanninen, C.P. Leung, G. Demofonti, and S. Venzi, The development and validation of a dynamic propagation model for gas transmission pipelines, Intl J. Pres. Ves. & Piping 70 (1997) 11-25, P11 : S0308 – 0161 (96) 00012 – 9.
22-97 Christopher J. Matice, Simulation of High Speed Filling, Presented at High Speed Processing & Filling of Plastic Containers, SME, Chicago, Illinois, November 11, 1997.
12-97 B. Entezam and W. K. Van Moorhem, University of Utah, Salt Lake City, UT and J. Majdalani, Marquette University, Milwaukee, WI, Modeling of a Rijke-Tube Pulse Combustor Using Computational Fluid Dynamics, presented at 33rd AIAA/ASME/SAE/ASEE Joint Propulsion Conference & Exhibit, Seattle, WA, July 6-9, 1997.
11-97 B. Entezam, Computational and Experimental Investigation of Unsteady Flowfield Inside the Rijke Tube, doctoral thesis submitted to University of Utah, Dept. Mechanical Engineering, Salt Lake City, UT, June 1997
2-97 K. Fujisaki, T. Ueyama, and K. Okazawa, Magnetohydrodynamic Calculation of In-Mold Electromagnetic Stirring, Nippon Steel Corp., IEEE Transactions on Magnetics, Vol. 33, No. 2, March 1997
1-97 P. A. Sundsbo, Four Layer Modelling and Numerical Simulations of Snow Drift, to be submitted to the Journal of Glaciology, 1997
23-96 Andy K Palmer, Computational Fluid Dynamic Software Comparison and Electrostatic Precipitator Modeling, Presented to the Faculty of California State University, Summer 1996
21-96 P. A. Sundsbo, Computer Simulation of Snow-Drift around Structures, Proceedings of the 4th Symposium on Building Physics in the Nordic Countries, Vol. 2, 533-539, Finland, 9-10 Sep. 1996
20-96 P. A. Sundsbo and E.W.M. Hansen, Modelling and Numerical Simulation of Snow-Drift around Snow Fences, Proceedings of the 3rd International Conference on Snow Engineering, Sendai, Japan, 26-31 May 1996
19-96 P. A. Sundsbo, Numerical Modelling and Simulation of Snow Accumulations around Porous Fences, Proceedings of the International Snow Science Workshop, Banff, Alberta, Canada, 6-10 Oct. 1996
18-96 T. Iverson, Editor, Applied Modelling and Simulation, Proceedings of the 38th SIMS Simulation Conference, Norwegian University of Science and Technology, Trondheim, Norway, June 11-13, 1996
17-96 C. L. Parish, Modeling Compressible Flow Through an Orifice Stack Using Numerical Methods, thesis submitted for M.S. Mech. Engineering, NM State University, Las Cruces, NM, December 1996
15-96 T. Wiik and R. K. Calay, A Study of Balcony on Flow-Field and Wind Loads for Low-Rise Buildings, Fourth Symposium on Building Physics in the Nordic Countries, Dipoli, Espoo, Finland, September 1996
14-96 T. Wiik, E.W.M. Hansen, The Assessment of Wind Loads on Roof Overhang of Low-Rise Buildings, Second International Symposium Wind Engineering, Fort Collins, CO, September 1996
13-96 T. Wiik, R. K. Calay, and A. Holdo, A Study of Effects of Eaves on Flow-Field and Wind Loads for Low-Rise Houses, Third International Colloquium on Bluff Body Aerodynamics and Applications, Blacksburg, Virginia, August 1996
11-96 Y. Miyamoto and M. Harada, A Flow Analysis accompanied by Formation of the Liquid Droplets shown with an Animation Display Technique, SEA Corporation, presented at Visualization Information Conference, Tokyo, Japan, July 17, 1996
8-96 J. Bakken, E. Naess, T. Engebretsen, and E. W. M. Hansen, Fluid Flow in Porous Media, proceedings of the 38th SIMS Simulations Conference, Norwegian Univ. of Science & Technology, Trondheim, Norway, June 11-13, 1996
7-96E. W. M. Hansen, Performance of Oil/Water Gravity Separators Imposed to Motion, proceedings of the 38th SIMS Simulations Conference, Norwegian Univ. of Science & Technology, Trondheim, Norway, June 11-13, 1996
8-95 J. J. Francis, Computational Hydrodynamic Study of Flow through a Vertical Slurry Heat Exchanger, NSF Summer Research Program, Dept. Mech. Engineering, Univ. of Nevada Las Vegas, August 9, 1995
4-94 J. L. Ditter and C. W. Hirt, A Scalable Model for Mixing Vessels, Flow Science report, FSI-94-00-1, presented at the 1994 ASME Fluids Engineering Summer Meeting, Incline Village, NV, June 1994
3-94 A. Nielsen, B. Bang, P. A. Sundsbo and T. Wiik, Computer Simulation of Windspeed, Windpressure and Snow Accumulation around Buildings (SNOW-SIM), 1st International Conference on HVAC in Cold Climate, Rovaniemi, Finland, from Narvik Institute of Technology, Narvik, Norway, March 1994
2-94 J. M. Sicilian, Addition of an Extended Bubble Model to FLOW-3D, Flow Science report, FSI-94-58-1, March 1994
1-94 T. Hong, C. Zhu, P. Cal and L-S Fan, Numerical Modeling of Basic Modes of Formation and Interactions of Bubbles in Liquids, Dept. Chem. Engineering, Ohio State University, Columbus, OH 43210, March 1994
14-93 J. L. Ditter and C. W. Hirt, A Scalable Model for Stir Tanks, Flow Science Technical Note #38, December 1993 (FSI-93-TN38)
13-93 J. Partinen, N. Saluja and J. K. Kirtley, Jr., Experimental and Computational Investigation of Rotary Electromagnetic Stirring in a Woods Metal System, Dept. of Math, Science and Engr. and Dept. of Electrical Engr. and Computer Science, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Cambridge, MA 02139-4307
12-93 J. Partinen, N. Saluja and J. K. Kirtley, Jr., Modeling of Surface Deformation in an Electromagnetically Stirred Metallic Melt, Dept. of Math, Science, and Engr. and Dept. of Electrical Engr. and Computer Science, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Cambridge, MA 02139-4307
10-93 C. Philippe, Summary Report on Test Calculations with FLOW-3D/CAST93, (coupled-rigid-body dynamics model), ESTEC, Noordwijk, The Netherlands, September 17, 1993
5-93 J. M. Sicilian, J. L. Ditter and C. L. Bronisz, FLOW-3D Analyses of CFD Triathlon Benchmark, Flow Science report, presented at the ASME Fluids Engineering Conference, Washington DC, June 20-24, 1993
4-93 T. Wiik, Ventilation of the Attic due to Wind Loads on Low-Rise Buildings, paper for 3rd Symposium of Building Physics in Nordic Countries, Narvik Institute of Technology, Narvik, Norway, summer 1993
3-93 E. W. M. Hansen, Modelling and Simulation of Separation Effects and Fluid Flow Behaviour in Process-Units, SIMS’93 – 35th Simulation Conference, Kongsberg, Norway, June 9-11, 1993
2-93 M. A. Briones, R. S. Brodsky and J. J. Chalmers, Computer Simulation of the Rupture of a Gas Bubble at a Gas-Liquid Interface and its Implications in Animal Cell Damage, Dept. Chemical Engineering, Ohio State University, Manuscript No. RB68, April 1993
11-92 G. Trapaga, E. F. Matthys, J. J. Valencia and J. Szekely, Fluid Flow, Heat Transfer, and Solidification of Molten Metal Droplets Impinging on Substrates: Comparison of Numerical and Experimental Results, Metallurgical Transactions B, Vol. 23B, pp. 701-718, December 1992
10-92 J. B. Dalin, J. M. Le Guilly, P. Le Roy and E. Maas, Numerical Simulations Applied to the Production of Automotive Foundry Components, Numerical Methods in Industrial Forming Processes, Wood & Zienkiewicz (eds), Balkema, Rotterdam, 1992
5-92 C. W. Hirt, Volume-Fraction Techniques: Powerful Tools for Flow Modeling, Flow Science report (FSI-92-00-02), presented at the Computational Wind Engineering Conference, University of Tokyo, August 1992
3-92 C. L. Bronisz and C.W. Hirt, Lubricant Flow in a Rotary Lip Seal, Flow Science Technical Note #33, February 1992 (FSI-92-TN33)
16-91 A. Nielsen, SNOW-SIM – Computer Model for Simulation of Wind and Snow Loads on Buildings and Structures, Building Science, Narvik Institute of Technology, Narvik, Norway, (not dated)
15-91 E. W. M. Hansen, H. Heitmann, B. Laska, A. Ellingsen, O. Ostby, T. B. Morrow and F. T. Dodge, Fluid Flow Modelling of Gravity Separators, SINTEF, Norway and Southwest Research Institute, Texas, Elsevier Science Publishers, 1991
14-91 E. W. M. Hansen, H. Heitmann, B. Laska and M. Loes, Numerical Simulation of Fluid Flow Behaviour Inside, and Redesign of a Field Separator, SINTEF, Norway and STATOIL, Norway (not dated)
13-91 G. Trapaga and J. Szekely, Mathematical Modeling of the Isothermal Impingement of Liquid Droplets in Spraying Processes, Metallurgical Transactions, Vol. 22B, pp. 901-914, December 1991
11-91 N. Saluja and J. Szekely, Velocity Fields and Free Surface Phenomena in an Inductively Stirred Mercury Pool, European Journal of Mechanics, B/Fluids, Vol. 10, No. 5, pp. 563-572, Oct. 1991
4-90 J. M. Sicilian, A Note on Implementing Specified Velocities and Momentum Sources, Flow Science report, September 1990 (FSI-90-00-5)
13-90 P. Jonsson, N. Saluja, O. J. Ilegbusi, and J. Szekely, Fluid Flow Phenomena in the Filling of Cylindrical Molds Using Newtonian (Turbulent) and Non-Newtonian (Power Law) Fluids, submitted to Trans. of the American Foundrymen’s Soc., June 1990
12-90 N. Saluja, O. J. Ilegbusi, and J. Szekely, On the Computation of the Velocity Fields and the Dynamic Free Surface Generated in a Liquid Metal Column by a Rotating Magnetic Field, submitted to J. Fluid Mech., July 1990
7-90 C. L. Bronisz and C. W. Hirt, Modeling Unsaturated Flow in Porous Media: A FLOW-3D Extension, Flow Science report, July 1990 (FSI-90-48-2)
5-90 C. L. Bronisz and C. W. Hirt, Hydrodynamic Ram Simulations Using FLOW-3D, Flow Science report, May 1990 (FSI-90-49-1)
3-90 C. W. Hirt, Turbojet Plume Flow Analysis, Flow Science report, February 1990 (FSI-90-45-1)
5-89 K. S. Eckhoff and E. W. M. Hansen, Mathematical Modelling and Numerical Investigation of Separation in Two-Phase Rotating Flow, SINTEF-Foundation for Scientific and Industrial Research at the Norwegian Institute of Technology, Trondheim, Norway, Report No. OR 22 1907.00.01.89, 29 April 1989
2-89 J. M. Sicilian and J. R. Tegart, Comparisons of FLOW-3D Calculations with Very Large Amplitude Slosh Data, presented at the Symposium on Computational Experiments, PVP ASME Conference, Honolulu, HI, July 22-27, 1989
2-88 J. M. Sicilian and C. W. Hirt, AFT Field Joint: CFD Analysis Using the FLOW-3D Program, in Redesigned Solid Rocket Motor Circumferential Flow Technical Interchange Meeting Final Report, NASA-TWR-17788, February 1988
14-87 C. J. Freitas, S. T. Green, and T. B. Morrow, Fluid Dynamics Associated with Ductile Pipeline Fracture, Southwest Research Institute report presented at ASME Winter Annual Meeting, Boston, MA, December 1987
13-87 J. Sicilian, The FLOW-3D Model for Thermal Conduction in Solids, Flow Science report, Dec. 1987 (FSI-87-00-4)
7-87 C.W. Hirt, Vectored Nozzle Flow with Turbulence Modeling, Flow Science report, Sept. 1987 (FSI-87-29-1)
4-87 J.M. Sicilian, C.W. Hirt, and R. P. Harper, FLOW-3D: Computational Modeling Power for Scientists and Engineers, Flow Science report, 1987 (FSI-87-00-1)
3-86 J. M. Sicilian, Natural-Convection Heat-Transfer Analysis, Flow Science Technical Note #4, June 1986 (FSI-86-00-TN4)
2-86 J. Navickas and C. R. Cross, Air Circulation Characteristics and Convective Losses in a 5-MW Molten Salt Cavity Solar Receiver, ASME 8th Annual Conference on Solar Engineering, Anaheim, California, April 13-16, 1986
5-85 C. W. Hirt and R. P. Harper, Calculations of Vent Clearing in a Chemical Process Tank, Flow Science report, December 1985 (FSI-85-28-1)
2-84 Applications of SOLA-3D/FSI to Fluid Slosh, Flow Science report, May 1984