Local Scour Depth Around Bridge Piers: Performance Evaluation of Dimensional Analysis-based Empirical Equations and AI Techniques

Local Scour Depth Around Bridge Piers: Performance Evaluation of Dimensional Analysis-based Empirical Equations and AI Techniques


Artificial Intelligence (AI) techniques, such as Artificial Neural Networks (ANN) and Adaptive Neuro-Fuzzy Inference Systems (ANFIS), and dimensional analysis-based empirical equations (DAEEs), can estimate scour depth around bridge piers. AI’s accuracy depends on various architectures, while DAEEs’ performance depends on experimental data. This study evaluated the performance of AI and DAEEs for scour depth estimation using flow velocity, depth, size of bed sediment, critical approach velocity, and pier width. The data from a smooth rectangular (20 m × 1 m) flume and a high-precision particle image velocimetry to study the flow structure around the pier – width: 1.5 – 91.5 cm evaluated DAEEs. Various ANNs (5, 10, and 15 neurons), double layer (DL) and triple layers (TL), and different ANFIS settings were trained, tested, and verified. The Generalized Reduced Gradient optimization identified the parameters of DAEEs, and Nash–Sutcliffe efficiency (NSE) and Mean Square Error (MSE) evaluated the performance of different models. The study revealed that DL ANN-3 with 10 neurons (NSE = 0.986) outperformed ANFIS, other ANN (ANN1, ANN2, ANN4 & ANN5) models, and empirical equations with NSE values between 0.76 and 0.983. The study found pier dimensions to be the most influential parameter for pier scour.

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Abdul Razzaq GhummanHusnain HaiderIbrahim Saleh Al SalamahMd. ShafiquzzamanAbdullah AlodahMohammad AlresheediRashid FarooqAfzal Ahmed & Ghufran Ahmed Pasha

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Authors also thank “The US Department of the Interior,” US Geol. Surv. Reston, VA, USA” for providing access to scour data. The Researchers would like to thank the Deanship of Graduate Studies and Scientific Research at Qassim University for financial support (QU-APC-2024-9/1).

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Authors and Affiliations

  1. Dept. of Civil Engineering, College of Engineering, Qassim University, Buraydah, 51452, Saudi ArabiaAbdul Razzaq Ghumman, Husnain Haider, Ibrahim Saleh Al Salamah, Md. Shafiquzzaman, Abdullah Alodah & Mohammad Alresheedi
  2. Dept. of Civil Engineering, International Islamic University, Islamabad, 44000, PakistanRashid Farooq
  3. Dept. of Civil Engineering, University of Engineering and Technology, Taxila, 47050, PakistanAfzal Ahmed & Ghufran Ahmed Pasha

  • DOIhttps://doi.org/10.1007/s12205-024-1161-x


Discharge Coefficient of a Two-Rectangle Compound Weir combined with a Semicircular Gate beneath it under Various Hydraulic and Geometric Conditions

다양한 수력학적 및 기하학적 조건에서 아래에 반원형 게이트가 결합된 두 개의 직사각형 복합 웨어의 배수 계수


Two-component composite hydraulic structures are commonly employed in irrigation systems. The first component, responsible for managing the overflow, is represented by a weir consisting of two rectangles. The second component, responsible for regulating the underflow, is represented by a semicircular gate. Both components are essential for measuring, directing, and controlling the flow. In this study, we experimentally investigated the flow through a combined two-rectangle sharp-crested weir with a semicircular gate placed across the channel as a control structure. The upper rectangle of the weir has a width of 20 cm, while the lower rectangle has varying widths (W2 ) of 5, 7, and 9 cm and depths (z) of 6, 9, and 11 cm. Additionally, three different values were considered for the gate diameter (d), namely 8, 12, and 15 cm. These dimensions were tested interchangeably, including a weir without a gate (d = 0), under different water head conditions. The results indicate that the discharge passing through the combined structure of the two rectangles and the gate is significantly affected by the weir and gate dimensions. After analyzing the data, empirical formulas were developed to predict the discharge coefficient (Cd ) of the combined structure. It is important to note that the analysis and results presented in this study are limited to the range of data that were tested.

2성분 복합 수력 구조물은 일반적으로 관개 시스템에 사용됩니다. 오버플로 관리를 담당하는 첫 번째 구성 요소는 두 개의 직사각형으로 구성된 웨어로 표시됩니다.

언더플로우 조절을 담당하는 두 번째 구성 요소는 반원형 게이트로 표시됩니다. 두 구성 요소 모두 흐름을 측정, 지시 및 제어하는 데 필수적입니다. 본 연구에서 우리는 제어 구조로 수로를 가로질러 배치된 반원형 게이트를 갖춘 결합된 두 개의 직사각형 뾰족한 둑을 통한 흐름을 실험적으로 조사했습니다.

웨어의 위쪽 직사각형은 폭이 20cm인 반면, 아래쪽 직사각형은 5, 7, 9cm의 다양한 폭(W2)과 6, 9, 11cm의 깊이(z)를 갖습니다. 또한 게이트 직경(d)에 대해 8, 12, 15cm의 세 가지 다른 값이 고려되었습니다.

이러한 치수는 게이트가 없는 둑(d = 0)을 포함하여 다양한 수두 조건에서 상호 교환적으로 테스트되었습니다. 결과는 두 개의 직사각형과 게이트가 결합된 구조를 통과하는 방전이 위어와 게이트 크기에 크게 영향을 받는다는 것을 나타냅니다.

데이터를 분석한 후, 결합구조물의 유출계수(Cd)를 예측하기 위한 실험식을 개발하였다. 본 연구에서 제시된 분석 및 결과는 테스트된 데이터 범위에 국한된다는 점에 유의하는 것이 중요합니다.


combound weir; semicircular gates; discharge coefficient; combined structure; open channels;
discharge measurement

Fig. 2. The flume and hydraulic bench layout
Fig. 2. The flume and hydraulic bench layout


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Lab-on-a-Chip 시스템의 혈류 역학에 대한 검토: 엔지니어링 관점

Review on Blood Flow Dynamics in Lab-on-a-Chip Systems: An Engineering Perspective

  • Bin-Jie Lai
  • Li-Tao Zhu
  • Zhe Chen*
  • Bo Ouyang*
  • , and 
  • Zheng-Hong Luo*


다양한 수송 메커니즘 하에서, “LOC(lab-on-a-chip)” 시스템에서 유동 전단 속도 조건과 밀접한 관련이 있는 혈류 역학은 다양한 수송 현상을 초래하는 것으로 밝혀졌습니다.

본 연구는 적혈구의 동적 혈액 점도 및 탄성 거동과 같은 점탄성 특성의 역할을 통해 LOC 시스템의 혈류 패턴을 조사합니다. 모세관 및 전기삼투압의 주요 매개변수를 통해 LOC 시스템의 혈액 수송 현상에 대한 연구는 실험적, 이론적 및 수많은 수치적 접근 방식을 통해 제공됩니다.

전기 삼투압 점탄성 흐름에 의해 유발되는 교란은 특히 향후 연구 기회를 위해 혈액 및 기타 점탄성 유체를 취급하는 LOC 장치의 혼합 및 분리 기능 향상에 논의되고 적용됩니다. 또한, 본 연구는 보다 정확하고 단순화된 혈류 모델에 대한 요구와 전기역학 효과 하에서 점탄성 유체 흐름에 대한 수치 연구에 대한 강조와 같은 LOC 시스템 하에서 혈류 역학의 수치 모델링의 문제를 식별합니다.

전기역학 현상을 연구하는 동안 제타 전위 조건에 대한 보다 실용적인 가정도 강조됩니다. 본 연구는 모세관 및 전기삼투압에 의해 구동되는 미세유체 시스템의 혈류 역학에 대한 포괄적이고 학제적인 관점을 제공하는 것을 목표로 한다.


1. Introduction

1.1. Microfluidic Flow in Lab-on-a-Chip (LOC) Systems

Over the past several decades, the ability to control and utilize fluid flow patterns at microscales has gained considerable interest across a myriad of scientific and engineering disciplines, leading to growing interest in scientific research of microfluidics. 

(1) Microfluidics, an interdisciplinary field that straddles physics, engineering, and biotechnology, is dedicated to the behavior, precise control, and manipulation of fluids geometrically constrained to a small, typically submillimeter, scale. 

(2) The engineering community has increasingly focused on microfluidics, exploring different driving forces to enhance working fluid transport, with the aim of accurately and efficiently describing, controlling, designing, and applying microfluidic flow principles and transport phenomena, particularly for miniaturized applications. 

(3) This attention has chiefly been fueled by the potential to revolutionize diagnostic and therapeutic techniques in the biomedical and pharmaceutical sectorsUnder various driving forces in microfluidic flows, intriguing transport phenomena have bolstered confidence in sustainable and efficient applications in fields such as pharmaceutical, biochemical, and environmental science. The “lab-on-a-chip” (LOC) system harnesses microfluidic flow to enable fluid processing and the execution of laboratory tasks on a chip-sized scale. LOC systems have played a vital role in the miniaturization of laboratory operations such as mixing, chemical reaction, separation, flow control, and detection on small devices, where a wide variety of fluids is adapted. Biological fluid flow like blood and other viscoelastic fluids are notably studied among the many working fluids commonly utilized by LOC systems, owing to the optimization in small fluid sample volumed, rapid response times, precise control, and easy manipulation of flow patterns offered by the system under various driving forces. 

(4)The driving forces in blood flow can be categorized as passive or active transport mechanisms and, in some cases, both. Under various transport mechanisms, the unique design of microchannels enables different functionalities in driving, mixing, separating, and diagnosing blood and drug delivery in the blood. 

(5) Understanding and manipulating these driving forces are crucial for optimizing the performance of a LOC system. Such knowledge presents the opportunity to achieve higher efficiency and reliability in addressing cellular level challenges in medical diagnostics, forensic studies, cancer detection, and other fundamental research areas, for applications of point-of-care (POC) devices. 


1.2. Engineering Approach of Microfluidic Transport Phenomena in LOC Systems

Different transport mechanisms exhibit unique properties at submillimeter length scales in microfluidic devices, leading to significant transport phenomena that differ from those of macroscale flows. An in-depth understanding of these unique transport phenomena under microfluidic systems is often required in fluidic mechanics to fully harness the potential functionality of a LOC system to obtain systematically designed and precisely controlled transport of microfluids under their respective driving force. Fluid mechanics is considered a vital component in chemical engineering, enabling the analysis of fluid behaviors in various unit designs, ranging from large-scale reactors to separation units. Transport phenomena in fluid mechanics provide a conceptual framework for analytically and descriptively explaining why and how experimental results and physiological phenomena occur. The Navier–Stokes (N–S) equation, along with other governing equations, is often adapted to accurately describe fluid dynamics by accounting for pressure, surface properties, velocity, and temperature variations over space and time. In addition, limiting factors and nonidealities for these governing equations should be considered to impose corrections for empirical consistency before physical models are assembled for more accurate controls and efficiency. Microfluidic flow systems often deviate from ideal conditions, requiring adjustments to the standard governing equations. These deviations could arise from factors such as viscous effects, surface interactions, and non-Newtonian fluid properties from different microfluid types and geometrical layouts of microchannels. Addressing these nonidealities supports the refining of theoretical models and prediction accuracy for microfluidic flow behaviors.

The analytical calculation of coupled nonlinear governing equations, which describes the material and energy balances of systems under ideal conditions, often requires considerable computational efforts. However, advancements in computation capabilities, cost reduction, and improved accuracy have made numerical simulations using different numerical and modeling methods a powerful tool for effectively solving these complex coupled equations and modeling various transport phenomena. Computational fluid dynamics (CFD) is a numerical technique used to investigate the spatial and temporal distribution of various flow parameters. It serves as a critical approach to provide insights and reasoning for decision-making regarding the optimal designs involving fluid dynamics, even prior to complex physical model prototyping and experimental procedures. The integration of experimental data, theoretical analysis, and reliable numerical simulations from CFD enables systematic variation of analytical parameters through quantitative analysis, where adjustment to delivery of blood flow and other working fluids in LOC systems can be achieved.

Numerical methods such as the Finite-Difference Method (FDM), Finite-Element-Method (FEM), and Finite-Volume Method (FVM) are heavily employed in CFD and offer diverse approaches to achieve discretization of Eulerian flow equations through filling a mesh of the flow domain. A more in-depth review of numerical methods in CFD and its application for blood flow simulation is provided in Section 2.2.2.

1.3. Scope of the Review

In this Review, we explore and characterize the blood flow phenomena within the LOC systems, utilizing both physiological and engineering modeling approaches. Similar approaches will be taken to discuss capillary-driven flow and electric-osmotic flow (EOF) under electrokinetic phenomena as a passive and active transport scheme, respectively, for blood transport in LOC systems. Such an analysis aims to bridge the gap between physical (experimental) and engineering (analytical) perspectives in studying and manipulating blood flow delivery by different driving forces in LOC systems. Moreover, the Review hopes to benefit the interests of not only blood flow control in LOC devices but also the transport of viscoelastic fluids, which are less studied in the literature compared to that of Newtonian fluids, in LOC systems.

Section 2 examines the complex interplay between viscoelastic properties of blood and blood flow patterns under shear flow in LOC systems, while engineering numerical modeling approaches for blood flow are presented for assistance. Sections 3 and 4 look into the theoretical principles, numerical governing equations, and modeling methodologies for capillary driven flow and EOF in LOC systems as well as their impact on blood flow dynamics through the quantification of key parameters of the two driving forces. Section 5 concludes the characterized blood flow transport processes in LOC systems under these two forces. Additionally, prospective areas of research in improving the functionality of LOC devices employing blood and other viscoelastic fluids and potentially justifying mechanisms underlying microfluidic flow patterns outside of LOC systems are presented. Finally, the challenges encountered in the numerical studies of blood flow under LOC systems are acknowledged, paving the way for further research.

2. Blood Flow Phenomena


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2.1. Physiological Blood Flow Behavior

Blood, an essential physiological fluid in the human body, serves the vital role of transporting oxygen and nutrients throughout the body. Additionally, blood is responsible for suspending various blood cells including erythrocytes (red blood cells or RBCs), leukocytes (white blood cells), and thrombocytes (blood platelets) in a plasma medium.Among the cells mentioned above, red blood cells (RBCs) comprise approximately 40–45% of the volume of healthy blood. 

(7) An RBC possesses an inherent elastic property with a biconcave shape of an average diameter of 8 μm and a thickness of 2 μm. This biconcave shape maximizes the surface-to-volume ratio, allowing RBCs to endure significant distortion while maintaining their functionality. 

(8,9) Additionally, the biconcave shape optimizes gas exchange, facilitating efficient uptake of oxygen due to the increased surface area. The inherent elasticity of RBCs allows them to undergo substantial distortion from their original biconcave shape and exhibits high flexibility, particularly in narrow channels.RBC deformability enables the cell to deform from a biconcave shape to a parachute-like configuration, despite minor differences in RBC shape dynamics under shear flow between initial cell locations. As shown in Figure 1(a), RBCs initiating with different resting shapes and orientations displaying display a similar deformation pattern 

(10) in terms of its shape. Shear flow induces an inward bending of the cell at the rear position of the rim to the final bending position, 

(11) resulting in an alignment toward the same position of the flow direction.

Figure 1. Images of varying deformation of RBCs and different dynamic blood flow behaviors. (a) The deforming shape behavior of RBCs at four different initiating positions under the same experimental conditions of a flow from left to right, (10) (b) RBC aggregation, (13) (c) CFL region. (18) Reproduced with permission from ref (10). Copyright 2011 Elsevier. Reproduced with permission from ref (13). Copyright 2022 The Authors, under the terms of the Creative Commons (CC BY 4.0) License https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/. Reproduced with permission from ref (18). Copyright 2019 Elsevier.

The flexible property of RBCs enables them to navigate through narrow capillaries and traverse a complex network of blood vessels. The deformability of RBCs depends on various factors, including the channel geometry, RBC concentration, and the elastic properties of the RBC membrane. 

(12) Both flexibility and deformability are vital in the process of oxygen exchange among blood and tissues throughout the body, allowing cells to flow in vessels even smaller than the original cell size prior to deforming.As RBCs serve as major components in blood, their collective dynamics also hugely affect blood rheology. RBCs exhibit an aggregation phenomenon due to cell to cell interactions, such as adhesion forces, among populated cells, inducing unique blood flow patterns and rheological behaviors in microfluidic systems. For blood flow in large vessels between a diameter of 1 and 3 cm, where shear rates are not high, a constant viscosity and Newtonian behavior for blood can be assumed. However, under low shear rate conditions (0.1 s

–1) in smaller vessels such as the arteries and venules, which are within a diameter of 0.2 mm to 1 cm, blood exhibits non-Newtonian properties, such as shear-thinning viscosity and viscoelasticity due to RBC aggregation and deformability. The nonlinear viscoelastic property of blood gives rise to a complex relationship between viscosity and shear rate, primarily influenced by the highly elastic behavior of RBCs. A wide range of research on the transient behavior of the RBC shape and aggregation characteristics under varied flow circumstances has been conducted, aiming to obtain a better understanding of the interaction between blood flow shear forces from confined flows.

For a better understanding of the unique blood flow structures and rheological behaviors in microfluidic systems, some blood flow patterns are introduced in the following section.

2.1.1. RBC Aggregation

RBC aggregation is a vital phenomenon to be considered when designing LOC devices due to its impact on the viscosity of the bulk flow. Under conditions of low shear rate, such as in stagnant or low flow rate regions, RBCs tend to aggregate, forming structures known as rouleaux, resembling stacks of coins as shown in Figure 1(b). 

(13) The aggregation of RBCs increases the viscosity at the aggregated region, 

(14) hence slowing down the overall blood flow. However, when exposed to high shear rates, RBC aggregates disaggregate. As shear rates continue to increase, RBCs tend to deform, elongating and aligning themselves with the direction of the flow. 

(15) Such a dynamic shift in behavior from the cells in response to the shear rate forms the basis of the viscoelastic properties observed in whole blood. In essence, the viscosity of the blood varies according to the shear rate conditions, which are related to the velocity gradient of the system. It is significant to take the intricate relationship between shear rate conditions and the change of blood viscosity due to RBC aggregation into account since various flow driving conditions may induce varied effects on the degree of aggregation.

2.1.2. Fåhræus-Lindqvist Effect

The Fåhræus–Lindqvist (FL) effect describes the gradual decrease in the apparent viscosity of blood as the channel diameter decreases. 

(16) This effect is attributed to the migration of RBCs toward the central region in the microchannel, where the flow rate is higher, due to the presence of higher pressure and asymmetric distribution of shear forces. This migration of RBCs, typically observed at blood vessels less than 0.3 mm, toward the higher flow rate region contributes to the change in blood viscosity, which becomes dependent on the channel size. Simultaneously, the increase of the RBC concentration in the central region of the microchannel results in the formation of a less viscous region close to the microchannel wall. This region called the Cell-Free Layer (CFL), is primarily composed of plasma. 

(17) The combination of the FL effect and the following CFL formation provides a unique phenomenon that is often utilized in passive and active plasma separation mechanisms, involving branched and constriction channels for various applications in plasma separation using microfluidic systems.

2.1.3. Cell-Free Layer Formation

In microfluidic blood flow, RBCs form aggregates at the microchannel core and result in a region that is mostly devoid of RBCs near the microchannel walls, as shown in Figure 1(c). 

(18) The region is known as the cell-free layer (CFL). The CFL region is often known to possess a lower viscosity compared to other regions within the blood flow due to the lower viscosity value of plasma when compared to that of the aggregated RBCs. Therefore, a thicker CFL region composed of plasma correlates to a reduced apparent whole blood viscosity. 

(19) A thicker CFL region is often established following the RBC aggregation at the microchannel core under conditions of decreasing the tube diameter. Apart from the dependence on the RBC concentration in the microchannel core, the CFL thickness is also affected by the volume concentration of RBCs, or hematocrit, in whole blood, as well as the deformability of RBCs. Given the influence CFL thickness has on blood flow rheological parameters such as blood flow rate, which is strongly dependent on whole blood viscosity, investigating CFL thickness under shear flow is crucial for LOC systems accounting for blood flow.

2.1.4. Plasma Skimming in Bifurcation Networks

The uneven arrangement of RBCs in bifurcating microchannels, commonly termed skimming bifurcation, arises from the axial migration of RBCs within flowing streams. This uneven distribution contributes to variations in viscosity across differing sizes of bifurcating channels but offers a stabilizing effect. Notably, higher flow rates in microchannels are associated with increased hematocrit levels, resulting in higher viscosity compared with those with lower flow rates. Parametric investigations on bifurcation angle, 

(20) thickness of the CFL, 

(21) and RBC dynamics, including aggregation and deformation, 

(22) may alter the varying viscosity of blood and its flow behavior within microchannels.

2.2. Modeling on Blood Flow Dynamics

2.2.1. Blood Properties and Mathematical Models of Blood Rheology

Under different shear rate conditions in blood flow, the elastic characteristics and dynamic changes of the RBC induce a complex velocity and stress relationship, resulting in the incompatibility of blood flow characterization through standard presumptions of constant viscosity used for Newtonian fluid flow. Blood flow is categorized as a viscoelastic non-Newtonian fluid flow where constitutive equations governing this type of flow take into consideration the nonlinear viscometric properties of blood. To mathematically characterize the evolving blood viscosity and the relationship between the elasticity of RBC and the shear blood flow, respectively, across space and time of the system, a stress tensor (τ) defined by constitutive models is often coupled in the Navier–Stokes equation to account for the collective impact of the constant dynamic viscosity (η) and the elasticity from RBCs on blood flow.The dynamic viscosity of blood is heavily dependent on the shear stress applied to the cell and various parameters from the blood such as hematocrit value, plasma viscosity, mechanical properties of the RBC membrane, and red blood cell aggregation rate. The apparent blood viscosity is considered convenient for the characterization of the relationship between the evolving blood viscosity and shear rate, which can be defined by Casson’s law, as shown in eq 1.


(1)where τ

0 is the yield stress–stress required to initiate blood flow motion, η is the Casson rheological constant, and γ̇ is the shear rate. The value of Casson’s law parameters under blood with normal hematocrit level can be defined as τ

0 = 0.0056 Pa and η = 0.0035 Pa·s. 

(23) With the known property of blood and Casson’s law parameters, an approximation can be made to the dynamic viscosity under various flow condition domains. The Power Law model is often employed to characterize the dynamic viscosity in relation to the shear rate, since precise solutions exist for specific geometries and flow circumstances, acting as a fundamental standard for definition. The Carreau and Carreau–Yasuda models can be advantageous over the Power Law model due to their ability to evaluate the dynamic viscosity at low to zero shear rate conditions. However, none of the above-mentioned models consider the memory or other elastic behavior of blood and its RBCs. Some other commonly used mathematical models and their constants for the non-Newtonian viscosity property characterization of blood are listed in Table 1 below. 

(24−26)Table 1. Comparison of Various Non-Newtonian Models for Blood Viscosity 


ModelNon-Newtonian ViscosityParameters
Power Law(2)n = 0.61, k = 0.42
Carreau(3)μ0 = 0.056 Pa·s, μ = 0.00345 Pa·s, λ = 3.1736 s, m = 2.406, a = 0.254
Walburn–Schneck(4)C1 = 0.000797 Pa·s, C2 = 0.0608 Pa·s, C3 = 0.00499, C4 = 14.585 g–1, TPMA = 25 g/L
Carreau–Yasuda(5)μ0 = 0.056 Pa·s, μ = 0.00345 Pa·s, λ = 1.902 s, n = 0.22, a = 1.25
Quemada(6)μp = 0.0012 Pa·s, k = 2.07, k0 = 4.33, γ̇c = 1.88 s–1

The blood rheology is commonly known to be influenced by two key physiological factors, namely, the hematocrit value (H

t) and the fibrinogen concentration (c

f), with an average value of 42% and 0.252 gd·L

–1, respectively. Particularly in low shear conditions, the presence of varying fibrinogen concentrations affects the tendency for aggregation and rouleaux formation, while the occurrence of aggregation is contingent upon specific levels of hematocrit. 

(27) The study from Apostolidis et al. 

(28) modifies the Casson model through emphasizing its reliance on hematocrit and fibrinogen concentration parameter values, owing to the extensive knowledge of the two physiological blood parameters.The viscoelastic response of blood is heavily dependent on the elasticity of the RBC, which is defined by the relationship between the deformation and stress relaxation from RBCs under a specific location of shear flow as a function of the velocity field. The stress tensor is usually characterized by constitutive equations such as the Upper-Convected Maxwell Model 

(29) and the Oldroyd-B model 

(30) to track the molecule effects under shear from different driving forces. The prominent non-Newtonian features, such as shear thinning and yield stress, have played a vital role in the characterization of blood rheology, particularly with respect to the evaluation of yield stress under low shear conditions. The nature of stress measurement in blood, typically on the order of 1 mPa, is challenging due to its low magnitude. The occurrence of the CFL complicates the measurement further due to the significant decrease in apparent viscosity near the wall over time and a consequential disparity in viscosity compared to the bulk region.In addition to shear thinning viscosity and yield stress, the formation of aggregation (rouleaux) from RBCs under low shear rates also contributes to the viscoelasticity under transient flow 

(31) and thixotropy 

(32) of whole blood. Given the difficulty in evaluating viscoelastic behavior of blood under low strain magnitudes and limitations in generalized Newtonian models, the utilization of viscoelastic models is advocated to encompass elasticity and delineate non-shear components within the stress tensor. Extending from the Oldroyd-B model, Anand et al. 

(33) developed a viscoelastic model framework for adapting elasticity within blood samples and predicting non-shear stress components. However, to also address the thixotropic effects, the model developed by Horner et al. 

(34) serves as a more comprehensive approach than the viscoelastic model from Anand et al. Thixotropy 

(32) typically occurs from the structural change of the rouleaux, where low shear rate conditions induce rouleaux formation. Correspondingly, elasticity increases, while elasticity is more representative of the isolated RBCs, under high shear rate conditions. The model of Horner et al. 

(34) considers the contribution of rouleaux to shear stress, taking into account factors such as the characteristic time for Brownian aggregation, shear-induced aggregation, and shear-induced breakage. Subsequent advancements in the model from Horner et al. often revolve around refining the three aforementioned key terms for a more substantial characterization of rouleaux dynamics. Notably, this has led to the recently developed mHAWB model 

(35) and other model iterations to enhance the accuracy of elastic and viscoelastic contributions to blood rheology, including the recently improved model suggested by Armstrong et al. 


2.2.2. Numerical Methods (FDM, FEM, FVM)

Numerical simulation has become increasingly more significant in analyzing the geometry, boundary layers of flow, and nonlinearity of hyperbolic viscoelastic flow constitutive equations. CFD is a powerful and efficient tool utilizing numerical methods to solve the governing hydrodynamic equations, such as the Navier–Stokes (N–S) equation, continuity equation, and energy conservation equation, for qualitative evaluation of fluid motion dynamics under different parameters. CFD overcomes the challenge of analytically solving nonlinear forms of differential equations by employing numerical methods such as the Finite-Difference Method (FDM), Finite-Element Method (FEM), and Finite-Volume Method (FVM) to discretize and solve the partial differential equations (PDEs), allowing for qualitative reproduction of transport phenomena and experimental observations. Different numerical methods are chosen to cope with various transport systems for optimization of the accuracy of the result and control of error during the discretization process.FDM is a straightforward approach to discretizing PDEs, replacing the continuum representation of equations with a set of finite-difference equations, which is typically applied to structured grids for efficient implementation in CFD programs. 

(37) However, FDM is often limited to simple geometries such as rectangular or block-shaped geometries and struggles with curved boundaries. In contrast, FEM divides the fluid domain into small finite grids or elements, approximating PDEs through a local description of physics. 

(38) All elements contribute to a large, sparse matrix solver. However, FEM may not always provide accurate results for systems involving significant deformation and aggregation of particles like RBCs due to large distortion of grids. 

(39) FVM evaluates PDEs following the conservation laws and discretizes the selected flow domain into small but finite size control volumes, with each grid at the center of a finite volume. 

(40) The divergence theorem allows the conversion of volume integrals of PDEs with divergence terms into surface integrals of surface fluxes across cell boundaries. Due to its conservation property, FVM offers efficient outcomes when dealing with PDEs that embody mass, momentum, and energy conservation principles. Furthermore, widely accessible software packages like the OpenFOAM toolbox 

(41) include a viscoelastic solver, making it an attractive option for viscoelastic fluid flow modeling. 


2.2.3. Modeling Methods of Blood Flow Dynamics

The complexity in the blood flow simulation arises from deformability and aggregation that RBCs exhibit during their interaction with neighboring cells under different shear rate conditions induced by blood flow. Numerical models coupled with simulation programs have been applied as a groundbreaking method to predict such unique rheological behavior exhibited by RBCs and whole blood. The conventional approach of a single-phase flow simulation is often applied to blood flow simulations within large vessels possessing a moderate shear rate. However, such a method assumes the properties of plasma, RBCs and other cellular components to be evenly distributed as average density and viscosity in blood, resulting in the inability to simulate the mechanical dynamics, such as RBC aggregation under high-shear flow field, inherent in RBCs. To accurately describe the asymmetric distribution of RBC and blood flow, multiphase flow simulation, where numerical simulations of blood flows are often modeled as two immiscible phases, RBCs and blood plasma, is proposed. A common assumption is that RBCs exhibit non-Newtonian behavior while the plasma is treated as a continuous Newtonian phase.Numerous multiphase numerical models have been proposed to simulate the influence of RBCs on blood flow dynamics by different assumptions. In large-scale simulations (above the millimeter range), continuum-based methods are wildly used due to their lower computational demands. 

(43) Eulerian multiphase flow simulations offer the solution of a set of conservation equations for each separate phase and couple the phases through common pressure and interphase exchange coefficients. Xu et al. 

(44) utilized the combined finite-discrete element method (FDEM) to replicate the dynamic behavior and distortion of RBCs subjected to fluidic forces, utilizing the Johnson–Kendall–Roberts model 

(45) to define the adhesive forces of cell-to-cell interactions. The iterative direct-forcing immersed boundary method (IBM) is commonly employed in simulations of the fluid–cell interface of blood. This method effectively captures the intricacies of the thin and flexible RBC membranes within various external flow fields. 

(46) The study by Xu et al. 

(44) also adopts this approach to bridge the fluid dynamics and RBC deformation through IBM. Yoon and You utilized the Maxwell model to define the viscosity of the RBC membrane. 

(47) It was discovered that the Maxwell model could represent the stress relaxation and unloading processes of the cell. Furthermore, the reduced flexibility of an RBC under particular situations such as infection is specified, which was unattainable by the Kelvin–Voigt model 

(48) when compared to the Maxwell model in the literature. The Yeoh hyperplastic material model was also adapted to predict the nonlinear elasticity property of RBCs with FEM employed to discretize the RBC membrane using shell-type elements. Gracka et al. 

(49) developed a numerical CFD model with a finite-volume parallel solver for multiphase blood flow simulation, where an updated Maxwell viscoelasticity model and a Discrete Phase Model are adopted. In the study, the adapted IBM, based on unstructured grids, simulates the flow behavior and shape change of the RBCs through fluid-structure coupling. It was found that the hybrid Euler–Lagrange (E–L) approach 

(50) for the development of the multiphase model offered better results in the simulated CFL region in the microchannels.To study the dynamics of individual behaviors of RBCs and the consequent non-Newtonian blood flow, cell-shape-resolved computational models are often adapted. The use of the boundary integral method has become prevalent in minimizing computational expenses, particularly in the exclusive determination of fluid velocity on the surfaces of RBCs, incorporating the option of employing IBM or particle-based techniques. The cell-shaped-resolved method has enabled an examination of cell to cell interactions within complex ambient or pulsatile flow conditions 

(51) surrounding RBC membranes. Recently, Rydquist et al. 

(52) have looked to integrate statistical information from macroscale simulations to obtain a comprehensive overview of RBC behavior within the immediate proximity of the flow through introduction of respective models characterizing membrane shape definition, tension, bending stresses of RBC membranes.At a macroscopic scale, continuum models have conventionally been adapted for assessing blood flow dynamics through the application of elasticity theory and fluid dynamics. However, particle-based methods are known for their simplicity and adaptability in modeling complex multiscale fluid structures. Meshless methods, such as the boundary element method (BEM), smoothed particle hydrodynamics (SPH), and dissipative particle dynamics (DPD), are often used in particle-based characterization of RBCs and the surrounding fluid. By representing the fluid as discrete particles, meshless methods provide insights into the status and movement of the multiphase fluid. These methods allow for the investigation of cellular structures and microscopic interactions that affect blood rheology. Non-confronting mesh methods like IBM can also be used to couple a fluid solver such as FEM, FVM, or the Lattice Boltzmann Method (LBM) through membrane representation of RBCs. In comparison to conventional CFD methods, LBM has been viewed as a favorable numerical approach for solving the N–S equations and the simulation of multiphase flows. LBM exhibits the notable advantage of being amenable to high-performance parallel computing environments due to its inherently local dynamics. In contrast to DPD and SPH where RBC membranes are modeled as physically interconnected particles, LBM employs the IBM to account for the deformation dynamics of RBCs 

(53,54) under shear flows in complex channel geometries. 

(54,55) However, it is essential to acknowledge that the utilization of LBM in simulating RBC flows often entails a significant computational overhead, being a primary challenge in this context. Krüger et al. 

(56) proposed utilizing LBM as a fluid solver, IBM to couple the fluid and FEM to compute the response of membranes to deformation under immersed fluids. This approach decouples the fluid and membranes but necessitates significant computational effort due to the requirements of both meshes and particles.Despite the accuracy of current blood flow models, simulating complex conditions remains challenging because of the high computational load and cost. Balachandran Nair et al. 

(57) suggested a reduced order model of RBC under the framework of DEM, where the RBC is represented by overlapping constituent rigid spheres. The Morse potential force is adapted to account for the RBC aggregation exhibited by cell to cell interactions among RBCs at different distances. Based upon the IBM, the reduced-order RBC model is adapted to simulate blood flow transport for validation under both single and multiple RBCs with a resolved CFD-DEM solver. 

(58) In the resolved CFD-DEM model, particle sizes are larger than the grid size for a more accurate computation of the surrounding flow field. A continuous forcing approach is taken to describe the momentum source of the governing equation prior to discretization, which is different from a Direct Forcing Method (DFM). 

(59) As no body-conforming moving mesh is required, the continuous forcing approach offers lower complexity and reduced cost when compared to the DFM. Piquet et al. 

(60) highlighted the high complexity of the DFM due to its reliance on calculating an additional immersed boundary flux for the velocity field to ensure its divergence-free condition.The fluid–structure interaction (FSI) method has been advocated to connect the dynamic interplay of RBC membranes and fluid plasma within blood flow such as the coupling of continuum–particle interactions. However, such methodology is generally adapted for anatomical configurations such as arteries 

(61,62) and capillaries, 

(63) where both the structural components and the fluid domain undergo substantial deformation due to the moving boundaries. Due to the scope of the Review being blood flow simulation within microchannels of LOC devices without deformable boundaries, the Review of the FSI method will not be further carried out.In general, three numerical methods are broadly used: mesh-based, particle-based, and hybrid mesh–particle techniques, based on the spatial scale and the fundamental numerical approach, mesh-based methods tend to neglect the effects of individual particles, assuming a continuum and being efficient in terms of time and cost. However, the particle-based approach highlights more of the microscopic and mesoscopic level, where the influence of individual RBCs is considered. A review from Freund et al. 

(64) addressed the three numerical methodologies and their respective modeling approaches of RBC dynamics. Given the complex mechanics and the diverse levels of study concerning numerical simulations of blood and cellular flow, a broad spectrum of numerical methods for blood has been subjected to extensive review. 

(64−70) Ye at al. 

(65) offered an extensive review of the application of the DPD, SPH, and LBM for numerical simulations of RBC, while Rathnayaka et al. 

(67) conducted a review of the particle-based numerical modeling for liquid marbles through drawing parallels to the transport of RBCs in microchannels. A comparative analysis between conventional CFD methods and particle-based approaches for cellular and blood flow dynamic simulation can be found under the review by Arabghahestani et al. 

(66) Literature by Li et al. 

(68) and Beris et al. 

(69) offer an overview of both continuum-based models at micro/macroscales and multiscale particle-based models encompassing various length and temporal dimensions. Furthermore, these reviews deliberate upon the potential of coupling continuum-particle methods for blood plasma and RBC modeling. Arciero et al. 

(70) investigated various modeling approaches encompassing cellular interactions, such as cell to cell or plasma interactions and the individual cellular phases. A concise overview of the reviews is provided in Table 2 for reference.

Table 2. List of Reviews for Numerical Approaches Employed in Blood Flow Simulation

ReferenceNumerical methods
Li et al. (2013) (68)Continuum-based modeling (BIM), particle-based modeling (LBM, LB-FE, SPH, DPD)
Freund (2014) (64)RBC dynamic modeling (continuum-based modeling, complementary discrete microstructure modeling), blood flow dynamic modeling (FDM, IBM, LBM, particle-mesh methods, coupled boundary integral and mesh-based methods, DPD)
Ye et al. (2016) (65)DPD, SPH, LBM, coupled IBM-Smoothed DPD
Arciero et al. (2017) (70)LBM, IBM, DPD, conventional CFD Methods (FDM, FVM, FEM)
Arabghahestani et al. (2019) (66)Particle-based methods (LBM, DPD, direct simulation Monte Carlo, molecular dynamics), SPH, conventional CFD methods (FDM, FVM, FEM)
Beris et al. (2021) (69)DPD, smoothed DPD, IBM, LBM, BIM
Rathnayaka (2022) (67)SPH, CG, LBM

3. Capillary Driven Blood Flow in LOC Systems


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3.1. Capillary Driven Flow Phenomena

Capillary driven (CD) flow is a pivotal mechanism in passive microfluidic flow systems 

(9) such as the blood circulation system and LOC systems. 

(71) CD flow is essentially the movement of a liquid to flow against drag forces, where the capillary effect exerts a force on the liquid at the borders, causing a liquid–air meniscus to flow despite gravity or other drag forces. A capillary pressure drops across the liquid–air interface with surface tension in the capillary radius and contact angle. The capillary effect depends heavily on the interaction between the different properties of surface materials. Different values of contact angles can be manipulated and obtained under varying levels of surface wettability treatments to manipulate the surface properties, resulting in different CD blood delivery rates for medical diagnostic device microchannels. CD flow techniques are appealing for many LOC devices, because they require no external energy. However, due to the passive property of liquid propulsion by capillary forces and the long-term instability of surface treatments on channel walls, the adaptability of CD flow in geometrically complex LOC devices may be limited.

3.2. Theoretical and Numerical Modeling of Capillary Driven Blood Flow

3.2.1. Theoretical Basis and Assumptions of Microfluidic Flow

The study of transport phenomena regarding either blood flow driven by capillary forces or externally applied forces under microfluid systems all demands a comprehensive recognition of the significant differences in flow dynamics between microscale and macroscale. The fundamental assumptions and principles behind fluid transport at the microscale are discussed in this section. Such a comprehension will lay the groundwork for the following analysis of the theoretical basis of capillary forces and their role in blood transport in LOC systems.

At the macroscale, fluid dynamics are often strongly influenced by gravity due to considerable fluid mass. However, the high surface to volume ratio at the microscale shifts the balance toward surface forces (e.g., surface tension and viscous forces), much larger than the inertial force. This difference gives rise to transport phenomena unique to microscale fluid transport, such as the prevalence of laminar flow due to a very low Reynolds number (generally lower than 1). Moreover, the fluid in a microfluidic system is often assumed to be incompressible due to the small flow velocity, indicating constant fluid density in both space and time.Microfluidic flow behaviors are governed by the fundamental principles of mass and momentum conservation, which are encapsulated in the continuity equation and the Navier–Stokes (N–S) equation. The continuity equation describes the conservation of mass, while the N–S equation captures the spatial and temporal variations in velocity, pressure, and other physical parameters. Under the assumption of the negligible influence of gravity in microfluidic systems, the continuity equation and the Eulerian representation of the incompressible N–S equation can be expressed as follows:




(8)Here, p is the pressure, u is the fluid viscosity, 

𝝉⇀�⇀ represents the stress tensor, and F is the body force exerted by external forces if present.

3.2.2. Theoretical Basis and Modeling of Capillary Force in LOC Systems

The capillary force is often the major driving force to manipulate and transport blood without an externally applied force in LOC systems. Forces induced by the capillary effect impact the free surface of fluids and are represented not directly in the Navier–Stokes equations but through the pressure boundary conditions of the pressure term p. For hydrophilic surfaces, the liquid generally induces a contact angle between 0° and 30°, encouraging the spread and attraction of fluid under a positive cos θ condition. For this condition, the pressure drop becomes positive and generates a spontaneous flow forward. A hydrophobic solid surface repels the fluid, inducing minimal contact. Generally, hydrophobic solids exhibit a contact angle larger than 90°, inducing a negative value of cos θ. Such a value will result in a negative pressure drop and a flow in the opposite direction. The induced contact angle is often utilized to measure the wall exposure of various surface treatments on channel walls where different wettability gradients and surface tension effects for CD flows are established. Contact angles between different interfaces are obtainable through standard values or experimental methods for reference. 

(72)For the characterization of the induced force by the capillary effect, the Young–Laplace (Y–L) equation 

(73) is widely employed. In the equation, the capillary is considered a pressure boundary condition between the two interphases. Through the Y–L equation, the capillary pressure force can be determined, and subsequently, the continuity and momentum balance equations can be solved to obtain the blood filling rate. Kim et al. 

(74) studied the effects of concentration and exposure time of a nonionic surfactant, Silwet L-77, on the performance of a polydimethylsiloxane (PDMS) microchannel in terms of plasma and blood self-separation. The study characterized the capillary pressure force by incorporating the Y–L equation and further evaluated the effects of the changing contact angle due to different levels of applied channel wall surface treatments. The expression of the Y–L equation utilized by Kim et al. 

(74) is as follows:


(9)where σ is the surface tension of the liquid and θ



l, and θ

r are the contact angle values between the liquid and the bottom, top, left, and right walls, respectively. A numerical simulation through Coventor software is performed to evaluate the dynamic changes in the filling rate within the microchannel. The simulation results for the blood filling rate in the microchannel are expressed at a specific time stamp, shown in Figure 2. The results portray an increasing instantaneous filling rate of blood in the microchannel following the decrease in contact angle induced by a higher concentration of the nonionic surfactant treated to the microchannel wall.

Figure 2. Numerical simulation of filling rate of capillary driven blood flow under various contact angle conditions at a specific timestamp. (74) Reproduced with permission from ref (74). Copyright 2010 Elsevier.

When in contact with hydrophilic or hydrophobic surfaces, blood forms a meniscus with a contact angle due to surface tension. The Lucas–Washburn (L–W) equation 

(75) is one of the pioneering theoretical definitions for the position of the meniscus over time. In addition, the L–W equation provides the possibility for research to obtain the velocity of the blood formed meniscus through the derivation of the meniscus position. The L–W equation 

(75) can be shown below:


(10)Here L(t) represents the distance of the liquid driven by the capillary forces. However, the generalized L–W equation solely assumes the constant physical properties from a Newtonian fluid rather than considering the non-Newtonian fluid behavior of blood. Cito et al. 

(76) constructed an enhanced version of the L–W equation incorporating the power law to consider the RBC aggregation and the FL effect. The non-Newtonian fluid apparent viscosity under the Power Law model is defined as


(11)where γ̇ is the strain rate tensor defined as 

𝛾˙=12𝛾˙𝑖𝑗𝛾˙𝑗𝑖⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯√�˙=12�˙���˙��. The stress tensor term τ is computed as τ = μγ̇

ij. The updated L–W equation by Cito 

(76) is expressed as


(12)where k is the flow consistency index and n is the power law index, respectively. The power law index, from the Power Law model, characterizes the extent of the non-Newtonian behavior of blood. Both the consistency and power law index rely on blood properties such as hematocrit, the appearance of the FL effect, the formation of RBC aggregates, etc. The updated L–W equation computes the location and velocity of blood flow caused by capillary forces at specified time points within the LOC devices, taking into account the effects of blood flow characteristics such as RBC aggregation and the FL effect on dynamic blood viscosity.Apart from the blood flow behaviors triggered by inherent blood properties, unique flow conditions driven by capillary forces that are portrayed under different microchannel geometries also hold crucial implications for CD blood delivery. Berthier et al. 

(77) studied the spontaneous Concus–Finn condition, the condition to initiate the spontaneous capillary flow within a V-groove microchannel, as shown in Figure 3(a) both experimentally and numerically. Through experimental studies, the spontaneous Concus–Finn filament development of capillary driven blood flow is observed, as shown in Figure 3(b), while the dynamic development of blood flow is numerically simulated through CFD simulation.

Figure 3. (a) Sketch of the cross-section of Berthier’s V-groove microchannel, (b) experimental view of blood in the V-groove microchannel, (78) (c) illustration of the dynamic change of the extension of filament from FLOW 3D under capillary flow at three increasing time intervals. (78) Reproduced with permission from ref (78). Copyright 2014 Elsevier.

Berthier et al. 

(77) characterized the contact angle needed for the initiation of the capillary driving force at a zero-inlet pressure, through the half-angle (α) of the V-groove geometry layout, and its relation to the Concus–Finn filament as shown below:


(13)Three possible regimes were concluded based on the contact angle value for the initiation of flow and development of Concus–Finn filament:

𝜃>𝜃1𝜃1>𝜃>𝜃0𝜃0no SCFSCF without a Concus−Finn filamentSCF without a Concus−Finn filament{�>�1no SCF�1>�>�0SCF without a Concus−Finn filament�0SCF without a Concus−Finn filament

(14)Under Newton’s Law, the force balance with low Reynolds and Capillary numbers results in the neglect of inertial terms. The force balance between the capillary forces and the viscous force induced by the channel wall is proposed to derive the analytical fluid velocity. This relation between the two forces offers insights into the average flow velocity and the penetration distance function dependent on time. The apparent blood viscosity is defined by Berthier et al. 

(78) through Casson’s law, 

(23) given in eq 1. The research used the FLOW-3D program from Flow Science Inc. software, which solves transient, free-surface problems using the FDM in multiple dimensions. The Volume of Fluid (VOF) method 

(79) is utilized to locate and track the dynamic extension of filament throughout the advancing interface within the channel ahead of the main flow at three progressing time stamps, as depicted in Figure 3(c).

4. Electro-osmotic Flow (EOF) in LOC Systems


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The utilization of external forces, such as electric fields, has significantly broadened the possibility of manipulating microfluidic flow in LOC systems. 

(80) Externally applied electric field forces induce a fluid flow from the movement of ions in fluid terms as the “electro-osmotic flow” (EOF).Unique transport phenomena, such as enhanced flow velocity and flow instability, induced by non-Newtonian fluids, particularly viscoelastic fluids, under EOF, have sparked considerable interest in microfluidic devices with simple or complicated geometries within channels. 

(81) However, compared to the study of Newtonian fluids and even other electro-osmotic viscoelastic fluid flows, the literature focusing on the theoretical and numerical modeling of electro-osmotic blood flow is limited due to the complexity of blood properties. Consequently, to obtain a more comprehensive understanding of the complex blood flow behavior under EOF, theoretical and numerical studies of the transport phenomena in the EOF section will be based on the studies of different viscoelastic fluids under EOF rather than that of blood specifically. Despite this limitation, we believe these studies offer valuable insights that can help understand the complex behavior of blood flow under EOF.

4.1. EOF Phenomena

Electro-osmotic flow occurs at the interface between the microchannel wall and bulk phase solution. When in contact with the bulk phase, solution ions are absorbed or dissociated at the solid–liquid interface, resulting in the formation of a charge layer, as shown in Figure 4. This charged channel surface wall interacts with both negative and positive ions in the bulk sample, causing repulsion and attraction forces to create a thin layer of immobilized counterions, known as the Stern layer. The induced electric potential from the wall gradually decreases with an increase in the distance from the wall. The Stern layer potential, commonly termed the zeta potential, controls the intensity of the electrostatic interactions between mobile counterions and, consequently, the drag force from the applied electric field. Next to the Stern layer is the diffuse mobile layer, mainly composed of a mobile counterion. These two layers constitute the “electrical double layer” (EDL), the thickness of which is directly proportional to the ionic strength (concentration) of the bulk fluid. The relationship between the two parameters is characterized by a Debye length (λ

D), expressed as


(15)where ϵ is the permittivity of the electrolyte solution, k

B is the Boltzmann constant, T is the electron temperature, Z is the integer valence number, e is the elementary charge, and c

0 is the ionic density.

Figure 4. Schematic diagram of an electro-osmotic flow in a microchannel with negative surface charge. (82) Reproduced with permission from ref (82). Copyright 2012 Woodhead Publishing.

When an electric field is applied perpendicular to the EDL, viscous drag is generated due to the movement of excess ions in the EDL. Electro-osmotic forces can be attributed to the externally applied electric potential (ϕ) and the zeta potential, the system wall induced potential by charged walls (ψ). As illustrated in Figure 4, the majority of ions in the bulk phase have a uniform velocity profile, except for a shear rate condition confined within an extremely thin Stern layer. Therefore, EOF displays a unique characteristic of a “near flat” or plug flow velocity profile, different from the parabolic flow typically induced by pressure-driven microfluidic flow (Hagen–Poiseuille flow). The plug-shaped velocity profile of the EOF possesses a high shear rate above the Stern layer.Overall, the EOF velocity magnitude is typically proportional to the Debye Length (λ

D), zeta potential, and magnitude of the externally applied electric field, while a more viscous liquid reduces the EOF velocity.

4.2. Modeling on Electro-osmotic Viscoelastic Fluid Flow

4.2.1. Theoretical Basis of EOF Mechanisms

The EOF of an incompressible viscoelastic fluid is commonly governed by the continuity and incompressible N–S equations, as shown in eqs 7 and 8, where the stress tensor and the electrostatic force term are coupled. The electro-osmotic body force term F, representing the body force exerted by the externally applied electric force, is defined as 

𝐹⇀=𝑝𝐸𝐸⇀�⇀=���⇀, where ρ

E and 

𝐸⇀�⇀ are the net electric charge density and the applied external electric field, respectively.Numerous models are established to theoretically study the externally applied electric potential and the system wall induced potential by charged walls. The following Laplace equation, expressed as eq 16, is generally adapted and solved to calculate the externally applied potential (ϕ).


(16)Ion diffusion under applied electric fields, together with mass transport resulting from convection and diffusion, transports ionic solutions in bulk flow under electrokinetic processes. The Nernst–Planck equation can describe these transport methods, including convection, diffusion, and electro-diffusion. Therefore, the Nernst–Planck equation is used to determine the distribution of the ions within the electrolyte. The electric potential induced by the charged channel walls follows the Poisson–Nernst–Plank (PNP) equation, which can be written as eq 17.


(17)where D


i, and z

i are the diffusion coefficient, ionic concentration, and ionic valence of the ionic species I, respectively. However, due to the high nonlinearity and numerical stiffness introduced by different lengths and time scales from the PNP equations, the Poisson–Boltzmann (PB) model is often considered the major simplified method of the PNP equation to characterize the potential distribution of the EDL region in microchannels. In the PB model, it is assumed that the ionic species in the fluid follow the Boltzmann distribution. This model is typically valid for steady-state problems where charge transport can be considered negligible, the EDLs do not overlap with each other, and the intrinsic potentials are low. It provides a simplified representation of the potential distribution in the EDL region. The PB equation governing the EDL electric potential distribution is described as


(18)where n

0 is the ion bulk concentration, z is the ionic valence, and ε

0 is the electric permittivity in the vacuum. Under low electric potential conditions, an even further simplified model to illustrate the EOF phenomena is the Debye–Hückel (DH) model. The DH model is derived by obtaining a charge density term by expanding the exponential term of the Boltzmann equation in a Taylor series.

4.2.2. EOF Modeling for Viscoelastic Fluids

Many studies through numerical modeling were performed to obtain a deeper understanding of the effect exhibited by externally applied electric fields on viscoelastic flow in microchannels under various geometrical designs. Bello et al. 

(83) found that methylcellulose solution, a non-Newtonian polymer solution, resulted in stronger electro-osmotic mobility in experiments when compared to the predictions by the Helmholtz–Smoluchowski equation, which is commonly used to define the velocity of EOF of a Newtonian fluid. Being one of the pioneers to identify the discrepancies between the EOF of Newtonian and non-Newtonian fluids, Bello et al. attributed such discrepancies to the presence of a very high shear rate in the EDL, resulting in a change in the orientation of the polymer molecules. Park and Lee 

(84) utilized the FVM to solve the PB equation for the characterization of the electric field induced force. In the study, the concept of fractional calculus for the Oldroyd-B model was adapted to illustrate the elastic and memory effects of viscoelastic fluids in a straight microchannel They observed that fluid elasticity and increased ratio of viscoelastic fluid contribution to overall fluid viscosity had a significant impact on the volumetric flow rate and sensitivity of velocity to electric field strength compared to Newtonian fluids. Afonso et al. 

(85) derived an analytical expression for EOF of viscoelastic fluid between parallel plates using the DH model to account for a zeta potential condition below 25 mV. The study established the understanding of the electro-osmotic viscoelastic fluid flow under low zeta potential conditions. Apart from the electrokinetic forces, pressure forces can also be coupled with EOF to generate a unique fluid flow behavior within the microchannel. Sousa et al. 

(86) analytically studied the flow of a standard viscoelastic solution by combining the pressure gradient force with an externally applied electric force. It was found that, at a near wall skimming layer and the outer layer away from the wall, macromolecules migrating away from surface walls in viscoelastic fluids are observed. In the study, the Phan-Thien Tanner (PTT) constitutive model is utilized to characterize the viscoelastic properties of the solution. The approach is found to be valid when the EDL is much thinner than the skimming layer under an enhanced flow rate. Zhao and Yang 

(87) solved the PB equation and Carreau model for the characterization of the EOF mechanism and non-Newtonian fluid respectively through the FEM. The numerical results depict that, different from the EOF of Newtonian fluids, non-Newtonian fluids led to an increase of electro-osmotic mobility for shear thinning fluids but the opposite for shear thickening fluids.Like other fluid transport driving forces, EOF within unique geometrical layouts also portrays unique transport phenomena. Pimenta and Alves 

(88) utilized the FVM to perform numerical simulations of the EOF of viscoelastic fluids considering the PB equation and the Oldroyd-B model, in a cross-slot and flow-focusing microdevices. It was found that electroelastic instabilities are formed due to the development of large stresses inside the EDL with streamlined curvature at geometry corners. Bezerra et al. 

(89) used the FDM to numerically analyze the vortex formation and flow instability from an electro-osmotic non-Newtonian fluid flow in a microchannel with a nozzle geometry and parallel wall geometry setting. The PNP equation is utilized to characterize the charge motion in the EOF and the PTT model for non-Newtonian flow characterization. A constriction geometry is commonly utilized in blood flow adapted in LOC systems due to the change in blood flow behavior under narrow dimensions in a microchannel. Ji et al. 

(90) recently studied the EOF of viscoelastic fluid in a constriction microchannel connected by two relatively big reservoirs on both ends (as seen in Figure 5) filled with the polyacrylamide polymer solution, a viscoelastic fluid, and an incompressible monovalent binary electrolyte solution KCl.

Figure 5. Schematic diagram of a negatively charged constriction microchannel connected to two reservoirs at both ends. An electro-osmotic flow is induced in the system by the induced potential difference between the anode and cathode. (90) Reproduced with permission from ref (90). Copyright 2021 The Authors, under the terms of the Creative Commons (CC BY 4.0) License https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/.

In studying the EOF of viscoelastic fluids, the Oldroyd-B model is often utilized to characterize the polymeric stress tensor and the deformation rate of the fluid. The Oldroyd-B model is expressed as follows:


(19)where η

p, λ, c, and I represent the polymer dynamic viscosity, polymer relaxation time, symmetric conformation tensor of the polymer molecules, and the identity matrix, respectively.A log-conformation tensor approach is taken to prevent convergence difficulty induced by the viscoelastic properties. The conformation tensor (c) in the polymeric stress tensor term is redefined by a new tensor (Θ) based on the natural logarithm of the c. The new tensor is defined as


(20)in which Λ is the diagonal matrix and R is the orthogonal matrix.Under the new conformation tensor, the induced EOF of a viscoelastic fluid is governed by the continuity and N–S equations adapting the Oldroyd-B model, which is expressed as


(21)where Ω and B represent the anti-symmetric matrix and the symmetric traceless matrix of the decomposition of the velocity gradient tensor ∇u, respectively. The conformation tensor can be recovered by c = exp(Θ). The PB model and Laplace equation are utilized to characterize the charged channel wall induced potential and the externally applied potential.The governing equations are numerically solved through the FVM by RheoTool, 

(42) an open-source viscoelastic EOF solver on the OpenFOAM platform. A SIMPLEC (Semi-Implicit Method for Pressure Linked Equations-Consistent) algorithm was applied to solve the velocity-pressure coupling. The pressure field and velocity field were computed by the PCG (Preconditioned Conjugate Gradient) solver and the PBiCG (Preconditioned Biconjugate Gradient) solver, respectively.Ranging magnitudes of an applied electric field or fluid concentration induce both different streamlines and velocity magnitudes at various locations and times of the microchannel. In the study performed by Ji et al., 

(90) notable fluctuation of streamlines and vortex formation is formed at the upper stream entrance of the constriction as shown in Figure 6(a) and (b), respectively, due to the increase of electrokinetic effect, which is seen as a result of the increase in polymeric stress (τ


(90) The contraction geometry enhances the EOF velocity within the constriction channel under high E

app condition (600 V/cm). Such phenomena can be attributed to the dependence of electro-osmotic viscoelastic fluid flow on the system wall surface and bulk fluid properties. 


Figure 6. Schematic diagram of vortex formation and streamlines of EOF depicting flow instability at (a) 1.71 s and (b) 1.75 s. Spatial distribution of the elastic normal stress at (c) high Eapp condition. Streamline of an electro-osmotic flow under Eapp of 600 V/cm (90) for (d) non-Newtonian and (e) Newtonian fluid through a constriction geometry. Reproduced with permission from ref (90). Copyright 2021 The Authors, under the terms of the Creative Commons (CC BY 4.0) License https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/.

As elastic normal stress exceeds the local shear stress, flow instability and vortex formation occur. The induced elastic stress under EOF not only enhances the instability of the flow but often generates an irregular secondary flow leading to strong disturbance. 

(92) It is also vital to consider the effect of the constriction layout of microchannels on the alteration of the field strength within the system. The contraction geometry enhances a larger electric field strength compared with other locations of the channel outside the constriction region, resulting in a higher velocity gradient and stronger extension on the polymer within the viscoelastic solution. Following the high shear flow condition, a higher magnitude of stretch for polymer molecules in viscoelastic fluids exhibits larger elastic stresses and enhancement of vortex formation at the region. 

(93)As shown in Figure 6(c), significant elastic normal stress occurs at the inlet of the constriction microchannel. Such occurrence of a polymeric flow can be attributed to the dominating elongational flow, giving rise to high deformation of the polymers within the viscoelastic fluid flow, resulting in higher elastic stress from the polymers. Such phenomena at the entrance result in the difference in velocity streamline as circled in Figure 6(d) compared to that of the Newtonian fluid at the constriction entrance in Figure 6(e). 

(90) The difference between the Newtonian and polymer solution at the exit, as circled in Figure 6(d) and (e), can be attributed to the extrudate swell effect of polymers 

(94) within the viscoelastic fluid flow. The extrudate swell effect illustrates that, as polymers emerge from the constriction exit, they tend to contract in the flow direction and grow in the normal direction, resulting in an extrudate diameter greater than the channel size. The deformation of polymers within the polymeric flow at both the entrance and exit of the contraction channel facilitates the change in shear stress conditions of the flow, leading to the alteration in streamlines of flows for each region.

4.3. EOF Applications in LOC Systems

4.3.1. Mixing in LOC Systems

Rather than relying on the micromixing controlled by molecular diffusion under low Reynolds number conditions, active mixers actively leverage convective instability and vortex formation induced by electro-osmotic flows from alternating current (AC) or direct current (DC) electric fields. Such adaptation is recognized as significant breakthroughs for promotion of fluid mixing in chemical and biological applications such as drug delivery, medical diagnostics, chemical synthesis, and so on. 

(95)Many researchers proposed novel designs of electro-osmosis micromixers coupled with numerical simulations in conjunction with experimental findings to increase their understanding of the role of flow instability and vortex formation in the mixing process under electrokinetic phenomena. Matsubara and Narumi 

(96) numerically modeled the mixing process in a microchannel with four electrodes on each side of the microchannel wall, which generated a disruption through unstable electro-osmotic vortices. It was found that particle mixing was sensitive to both the convection effect induced by the main and secondary vortex within the micromixer and the change in oscillation frequency caused by the supplied AC voltage when the Reynolds number was varied. Qaderi et al. 

(97) adapted the PNP equation to numerically study the effect of the geometry and zeta potential configuration of the microchannel on the mixing process with a combined electro-osmotic pressure driven flow. It was reported that the application of heterogeneous zeta potential configuration enhances the mixing efficiency by around 23% while the height of the hurdles increases the mixing efficiency at most 48.1%. Cho et al. 

(98) utilized the PB model and Laplace equation to numerically simulate the electro-osmotic non-Newtonian fluid mixing process within a wavy and block layout of microchannel walls. The Power Law model is adapted to describe the fluid rheological characteristic. It was found that shear-thinning fluids possess a higher volumetric flow rate, which could result in poorer mixing efficiency compared to that of Newtonian fluids. Numerous studies have revealed that flow instability and vortex generation, in particular secondary vortices produced by barriers or greater magnitudes of heterogeneous zeta potential distribution, enhance mixing by increasing bulk flow velocity and reducing flow distance.To better understand the mechanism of disturbance formed in the system due to externally applied forces, known as electrokinetic instability, literature often utilize the Rayleigh (Ra) number, 

(1) as described below:


(22)where γ is the conductivity ratio of the two streams and can be written as 

𝛾=𝜎el,H𝜎el,L�=�el,H�el,L. The Ra number characterizes the ratio between electroviscous and electro-osmotic flow. A high Ra

v value often results in good mixing. It is evident that fluid properties such as the conductivity (σ) of the two streams play a key role in the formation of disturbances to enhance mixing in microsystems. At the same time, electrokinetic parameters like the zeta potential (ζ) in the Ra number is critical in the characterization of electro-osmotic velocity and a slip boundary condition at the microchannel wall.To understand the mixing result along the channel, the concentration field can be defined and simulated under the assumption of steady state conditions and constant diffusion coefficient for each of the working fluid within the system through the convection–diffusion equation as below:


(23)where c

i is the species concentration of species i and D

i is the diffusion coefficient of the corresponding species.The standard deviation of concentration (σ

sd) can be adapted to evaluate the mixing quality of the system. 

(97) The standard deviation for concentration at a specific portion of the channel may be calculated using the equation below:


(24)where C*(y*) and C

m are the non-dimensional concentration profile and the mean concentration at the portion, respectively. C* is the non-dimensional concentration and can be calculated as 

𝐶∗=𝐶𝐶ref�*=��ref, where C

ref is the reference concentration defined as the bulk solution concentration. The mean concentration profile can be calculated as 

𝐶m=∫10(𝐶∗(𝑦∗)d𝑦∗∫10d𝑦∗�m=∫01(�*(�*)d�*∫01d�*. With the standard deviation of concentration, the mixing efficiency 

(97) can then be calculated as below:


(25)where σ

sd,0 is the standard derivation of the case of no mixing. The value of the mixing efficiency is typically utilized in conjunction with the simulated flow field and concentration field to explore the effect of geometrical and electrokinetic parameters on the optimization of the mixing results.

5. Summary


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5.1. Conclusion

Viscoelastic fluids such as blood flow in LOC systems are an essential topic to proceed with diagnostic analysis and research through microdevices in the biomedical and pharmaceutical industries. The complex blood flow behavior is tightly controlled by the viscoelastic characteristics of blood such as the dynamic viscosity and the elastic property of RBCs under various shear rate conditions. Furthermore, the flow behaviors under varied driving forces promote an array of microfluidic transport phenomena that are critical to the management of blood flow and other adapted viscoelastic fluids in LOC systems. This review addressed the blood flow phenomena, the complicated interplay between shear rate and blood flow behaviors, and their numerical modeling under LOC systems through the lens of the viscoelasticity characteristic. Furthermore, a theoretical understanding of capillary forces and externally applied electric forces leads to an in-depth investigation of the relationship between blood flow patterns and the key parameters of the two driving forces, the latter of which is introduced through the lens of viscoelastic fluids, coupling numerical modeling to improve the knowledge of blood flow manipulation in LOC systems. The flow disturbances triggered by the EOF of viscoelastic fluids and their impact on blood flow patterns have been deeply investigated due to their important role and applications in LOC devices. Continuous advancements of various numerical modeling methods with experimental findings through more efficient and less computationally heavy methods have served as an encouraging sign of establishing more accurate illustrations of the mechanisms for multiphase blood and other viscoelastic fluid flow transport phenomena driven by various forces. Such progress is fundamental for the manipulation of unique transport phenomena, such as the generated disturbances, to optimize functionalities offered by microdevices in LOC systems.

The following section will provide further insights into the employment of studied blood transport phenomena to improve the functionality of micro devices adapting LOC technology. A discussion of the novel roles that external driving forces play in microfluidic flow behaviors is also provided. Limitations in the computational modeling of blood flow and electrokinetic phenomena in LOC systems will also be emphasized, which may provide valuable insights for future research endeavors. These discussions aim to provide guidance and opportunities for new paths in the ongoing development of LOC devices that adapt blood flow.

5.2. Future Directions

5.2.1. Electro-osmosis Mixing in LOC Systems

Despite substantial research, mixing results through flow instability and vortex formation phenomena induced by electro-osmotic mixing still deviate from the effective mixing results offered by chaotic mixing results such as those seen in turbulent flows. However, recent discoveries of a mixing phenomenon that is generally observed under turbulent flows are found within electro-osmosis micromixers under low Reynolds number conditions. Zhao 

(99) experimentally discovered a rapid mixing process in an AC applied micromixer, where the power spectrum of concentration under an applied voltage of 20 V

p-p induces a −5/3 slope within a frequency range. This value of the slope is considered as the O–C spectrum in macroflows, which is often visible under relatively high Re conditions, such as the Taylor microscale Reynolds number Re > 500 in turbulent flows. 

(100) However, the Re value in the studied system is less than 1 at the specific location and applied voltage. A secondary flow is also suggested to occur close to microchannel walls, being attributed to the increase of convective instability within the system.Despite the experimental phenomenon proposed by Zhao et al., 

(99) the range of effects induced by vital parameters of an EOF mixing system on the enhanced mixing results and mechanisms of disturbance generated by the turbulent-like flow instability is not further characterized. Such a gap in knowledge may hinder the adaptability and commercialization of the discovery of micromixers. One of the parameters for further evaluation is the conductivity gradient of the fluid flow. A relatively strong conductivity gradient (5000:1) was adopted in the system due to the conductive properties of the two fluids. The high conductivity gradients may contribute to the relatively large Rayleigh number and differences in EDL layer thickness, resulting in an unusual disturbance in laminar flow conditions and enhanced mixing results. However, high conductivity gradients are not always achievable by the working fluids due to diverse fluid properties. The reliance on turbulent-like phenomena and rapid mixing results in a large conductivity gradient should be established to prevent the limited application of fluids for the mixing system. In addition, the proposed system utilizes distinct zeta potential distributions at the top and bottom walls due to their difference in material choices, which may be attributed to the flow instability phenomena. Further studies should be made on varying zeta potential magnitude and distribution to evaluate their effect on the slip boundary conditions of the flow and the large shear rate condition close to the channel wall of EOF. Such a study can potentially offer an optimized condition in zeta potential magnitude through material choices and geometrical layout of the zeta potential for better mixing results and manipulation of mixing fluid dynamics. The two vital parameters mentioned above can be varied with the aid of numerical simulation to understand the effect of parameters on the interaction between electro-osmotic forces and electroviscous forces. At the same time, the relationship of developed streamlines of the simulated velocity and concentration field, following their relationship with the mixing results, under the impact of these key parameters can foster more insight into the range of impact that the two parameters have on the proposed phenomena and the microfluidic dynamic principles of disturbances.

In addition, many of the current investigations of electrokinetic mixers commonly emphasize the fluid dynamics of mixing for Newtonian fluids, while the utilization of biofluids, primarily viscoelastic fluids such as blood, and their distinctive response under shear forces in these novel mixing processes of LOC systems are significantly less studied. To develop more compatible microdevice designs and efficient mixing outcomes for the biomedical industry, it is necessary to fill the knowledge gaps in the literature on electro-osmotic mixing for biofluids, where properties of elasticity, dynamic viscosity, and intricate relationship with shear flow from the fluid are further considered.

5.2.2. Electro-osmosis Separation in LOC Systems

Particle separation in LOC devices, particularly in biological research and diagnostics, is another area where disturbances may play a significant role in optimization. 

(101) Plasma analysis in LOC systems under precise control of blood flow phenomena and blood/plasma separation procedures can detect vital information about infectious diseases from particular antibodies and foreign nucleic acids for medical treatments, diagnostics, and research, 

(102) offering more efficient results and simple operating procedures compared to that of the traditional centrifugation method for blood and plasma separation. However, the adaptability of LOC devices for blood and plasma separation is often hindered by microchannel clogging, where flow velocity and plasma yield from LOC devices is reduced due to occasional RBC migration and aggregation at the filtration entrance of microdevices. 

(103)It is important to note that the EOF induces flow instability close to microchannel walls, which may provide further solutions to clogging for the separation process of the LOC systems. Mohammadi et al. 

(104) offered an anti-clogging effect of RBCs at the blood and plasma separating device filtration entry, adjacent to the surface wall, through RBC disaggregation under high shear rate conditions generated by a forward and reverse EOF direction.

Further theoretical and numerical research can be conducted to characterize the effect of high shear rate conditions near microchannel walls toward the detachment of binding blood cells on surfaces and the reversibility of aggregation. Through numerical modeling with varying electrokinetic parameters to induce different degrees of disturbances or shear conditions at channel walls, it may be possible to optimize and better understand the process of disrupting the forces that bind cells to surface walls and aggregated cells at filtration pores. RBCs that migrate close to microchannel walls are often attracted by the adhesion force between the RBC and the solid surface originating from the van der Waals forces. Following RBC migration and attachment by adhesive forces adjacent to the microchannel walls as shown in Figure 7, the increase in viscosity at the region causes a lower shear condition and encourages RBC aggregation (cell–cell interaction), which clogs filtering pores or microchannels and reduces flow velocity at filtration region. Both the impact that shear forces and disturbances may induce on cell binding forces with surface walls and other cells leading to aggregation may suggest further characterization. Kinetic parameters such as activation energy and the rate-determining step for cell binding composition attachment and detachment should be considered for modeling the dynamics of RBCs and blood flows under external forces in LOC separation devices.

Figure 7. Schematic representations of clogging at a microchannel pore following the sequence of RBC migration, cell attachment to channel walls, and aggregation. (105) Reproduced with permission from ref (105). Copyright 2018 The Authors under the terms of the Creative Commons (CC BY 4.0) License https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/.

5.2.3. Relationship between External Forces and Microfluidic Systems

In blood flow, a thicker CFL suggests a lower blood viscosity, suggesting a complex relationship between shear stress and shear rate, affecting the blood viscosity and blood flow. Despite some experimental and numerical studies on electro-osmotic non-Newtonian fluid flow, limited literature has performed an in-depth investigation of the role that applied electric forces and other external forces could play in the process of CFL formation. Additional studies on how shear rates from external forces affect CFL formation and microfluidic flow dynamics can shed light on the mechanism of the contribution induced by external driving forces to the development of a separate phase of layer, similar to CFL, close to the microchannel walls and distinct from the surrounding fluid within the system, then influencing microfluidic flow dynamics.One of the mechanisms of phenomena to be explored is the formation of the Exclusion Zone (EZ) region following a “Self-Induced Flow” (SIF) phenomenon discovered by Li and Pollack, 

(106) as shown in Figure 8(a) and (b), respectively. A spontaneous sustained axial flow is observed when hydrophilic materials are immersed in water, resulting in the buildup of a negative layer of charges, defined as the EZ, after water molecules absorb infrared radiation (IR) energy and break down into H and OH


Figure 8. Schematic representations of (a) the Exclusion Zone region and (b) the Self Induced Flow through visualization of microsphere movement within a microchannel. (106) Reproduced with permission from ref (106). Copyright 2020 The Authors under the terms of the Creative Commons (CC BY 4.0) License https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/.

Despite the finding of such a phenomenon, the specific mechanism and role of IR energy have yet to be defined for the process of EZ development. To further develop an understanding of the role of IR energy in such phenomena, a feasible study may be seen through the lens of the relationships between external forces and microfluidic flow. In the phenomena, the increase of SIF velocity under a rise of IR radiation resonant characteristics is shown in the participation of the external electric field near the microchannel walls under electro-osmotic viscoelastic fluid flow systems. The buildup of negative charges at the hydrophilic surfaces in EZ is analogous to the mechanism of electrical double layer formation. Indeed, research has initiated the exploration of the core mechanisms for EZ formation through the lens of the electrokinetic phenomena. 

(107) Such a similarity of the role of IR energy and the transport phenomena of SIF with electrokinetic phenomena paves the way for the definition of the unknown SIF phenomena and EZ formation. Furthermore, Li and Pollack 

(106) suggest whether CFL formation might contribute to a SIF of blood using solely IR radiation, a commonly available source of energy in nature, as an external driving force. The proposition may be proven feasible with the presence of the CFL region next to the negatively charged hydrophilic endothelial glycocalyx layer, coating the luminal side of blood vessels. 

(108) Further research can dive into the resonating characteristics between the formation of the CFL region next to the hydrophilic endothelial glycocalyx layer and that of the EZ formation close to hydrophilic microchannel walls. Indeed, an increase in IR energy is known to rapidly accelerate EZ formation and SIF velocity, depicting similarity to the increase in the magnitude of electric field forces and greater shear rates at microchannel walls affecting CFL formation and EOF velocity. Such correlation depicts a future direction in whether SIF blood flow can be observed and characterized theoretically further through the lens of the relationship between blood flow and shear forces exhibited by external energy.

The intricate link between the CFL and external forces, more specifically the externally applied electric field, can receive further attention to provide a more complete framework for the mechanisms between IR radiation and EZ formation. Such characterization may also contribute to a greater comprehension of the role IR can play in CFL formation next to the endothelial glycocalyx layer as well as its role as a driving force to propel blood flow, similar to the SIF, but without the commonly assumed pressure force from heart contraction as a source of driving force.

5.3. Challenges

Although there have been significant improvements in blood flow modeling under LOC systems over the past decade, there are still notable constraints that may require special attention for numerical simulation applications to benefit the adaptability of the designs and functionalities of LOC devices. Several points that require special attention are mentioned below:

1.The majority of CFD models operate under the relationship between the viscoelasticity of blood and the shear rate conditions of flow. The relative effect exhibited by the presence of highly populated RBCs in whole blood and their forces amongst the cells themselves under complex flows often remains unclearly defined. Furthermore, the full range of cell populations in whole blood requires a much more computational load for numerical modeling. Therefore, a vital goal for future research is to evaluate a reduced modeling method where the impact of cell–cell interaction on the viscoelastic property of blood is considered.
2.Current computational methods on hemodynamics rely on continuum models based upon non-Newtonian rheology at the macroscale rather than at molecular and cellular levels. Careful considerations should be made for the development of a constructive framework for the physical and temporal scales of micro/nanoscale systems to evaluate the intricate relationship between fluid driving forces, dynamic viscosity, and elasticity.
3.Viscoelastic fluids under the impact of externally applied electric forces often deviate from the assumptions of no-slip boundary conditions due to the unique flow conditions induced by externally applied forces. Furthermore, the mechanism of vortex formation and viscoelastic flow instability at laminar flow conditions should be better defined through the lens of the microfluidic flow phenomenon to optimize the prediction of viscoelastic flow across different geometrical layouts. Mathematical models and numerical methods are needed to better predict such disturbance caused by external forces and the viscoelasticity of fluids at such a small scale.
4.Under practical situations, zeta potential distribution at channel walls frequently deviates from the common assumption of a constant distribution because of manufacturing faults or inherent surface charges prior to the introduction of electrokinetic influence. These discrepancies frequently lead to inconsistent surface potential distribution, such as excess positive ions at relatively more negatively charged walls. Accordingly, unpredicted vortex formation and flow instability may occur. Therefore, careful consideration should be given to these discrepancies and how they could trigger the transport process and unexpected results of a microdevice.

Author Information


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  • Corresponding Authors
    • Zhe Chen – Department of Chemical Engineering, School of Chemistry and Chemical Engineering, State Key Laboratory of Metal Matrix Composites, Shanghai Jiao Tong University, Shanghai 200240, P. R. China;  Email: zaccooky@sjtu.edu.cn
    • Bo Ouyang – Department of Chemical Engineering, School of Chemistry and Chemical Engineering, State Key Laboratory of Metal Matrix Composites, Shanghai Jiao Tong University, Shanghai 200240, P. R. China;  Email: bouy93@sjtu.edu.cn
    • Zheng-Hong Luo – Department of Chemical Engineering, School of Chemistry and Chemical Engineering, State Key Laboratory of Metal Matrix Composites, Shanghai Jiao Tong University, Shanghai 200240, P. R. China;  Orcidhttps://orcid.org/0000-0001-9011-6020; Email: luozh@sjtu.edu.cn
  • Authors
    • Bin-Jie Lai – Department of Chemical Engineering, School of Chemistry and Chemical Engineering, State Key Laboratory of Metal Matrix Composites, Shanghai Jiao Tong University, Shanghai 200240, P. R. China;  Orcidhttps://orcid.org/0009-0002-8133-5381
    • Li-Tao Zhu – Department of Chemical Engineering, School of Chemistry and Chemical Engineering, State Key Laboratory of Metal Matrix Composites, Shanghai Jiao Tong University, Shanghai 200240, P. R. China;  Orcidhttps://orcid.org/0000-0001-6514-8864
  • NotesThe authors declare no competing financial interest.



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This work was supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China (No. 22238005) and the Postdoctoral Research Foundation of China (No. GZC20231576).



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Microfluidicsthe field of technological and scientific study that investigates fluid flow in channels with dimensions between 1 and 1000 μm
Lab-on-a-Chip Technologythe field of research and technological development aimed at integrating the micro/nanofluidic characteristics to conduct laboratory processes on handheld devices
Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD)the method utilizing computational abilities to predict physical fluid flow behaviors mathematically through solving the governing equations of corresponding fluid flows
Shear Ratethe rate of change in velocity where one layer of fluid moves past the adjacent layer
Viscoelasticitythe property holding both elasticity and viscosity characteristics relying on the magnitude of applied shear stress and time-dependent strain
Electro-osmosisthe flow of fluid under an applied electric field when charged solid surface is in contact with the bulk fluid
Vortexthe rotating motion of a fluid revolving an axis line



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Fig. 9 From: An Investigation on Hydraulic Aspects of Rectangular Labyrinth Pool and Weir Fishway Using FLOW-3D

An Investigation on Hydraulic Aspects of Rectangular Labyrinth Pool and Weir Fishway Using FLOW-3D


웨어의 두 가지 서로 다른 배열(즉, 직선형 웨어와 직사각형 미로 웨어)을 사용하여 웨어 모양, 웨어 간격, 웨어의 오리피스 존재, 흐름 영역에 대한 바닥 경사와 같은 기하학적 매개변수의 영향을 평가했습니다.

유량과 수심의 관계, 수심 평균 속도의 변화와 분포, 난류 특성, 어도에서의 에너지 소산. 흐름 조건에 미치는 영향을 조사하기 위해 FLOW-3D® 소프트웨어를 사용하여 전산 유체 역학 시뮬레이션을 수행했습니다.

수치 모델은 계산된 표면 프로파일과 속도를 문헌의 실험적으로 측정된 값과 비교하여 검증되었습니다. 수치 모델과 실험 데이터의 결과, 급락유동의 표면 프로파일과 표준화된 속도 프로파일에 대한 평균 제곱근 오차와 평균 절대 백분율 오차가 각각 0.014m와 3.11%로 나타나 수치 모델의 능력을 확인했습니다.

수영장과 둑의 흐름 특성을 예측합니다. 각 모델에 대해 L/B = 1.83(L: 웨어 거리, B: 수로 폭) 값에서 급락 흐름이 발생할 수 있고 L/B = 0.61에서 스트리밍 흐름이 발생할 수 있습니다. 직사각형 미로보 모델은 기존 모델보다 무차원 방류량(Q+)이 더 큽니다.

수중 흐름의 기존 보와 직사각형 미로 보의 경우 Q는 각각 1.56과 1.47h에 비례합니다(h: 보 위 수심). 기존 웨어의 풀 내 평균 깊이 속도는 직사각형 미로 웨어의 평균 깊이 속도보다 높습니다.

그러나 주어진 방류량, 바닥 경사 및 웨어 간격에 대해 난류 운동 에너지(TKE) 및 난류 강도(TI) 값은 기존 웨어에 비해 직사각형 미로 웨어에서 더 높습니다. 기존의 웨어는 직사각형 미로 웨어보다 에너지 소산이 더 낮습니다.

더 낮은 TKE 및 TI 값은 미로 웨어 상단, 웨어 하류 벽 모서리, 웨어 측벽과 채널 벽 사이에서 관찰되었습니다. 보와 바닥 경사면 사이의 거리가 증가함에 따라 평균 깊이 속도, 난류 운동 에너지의 평균값 및 난류 강도가 증가하고 수영장의 체적 에너지 소산이 감소했습니다.

둑에 개구부가 있으면 평균 깊이 속도와 TI 값이 증가하고 풀 내에서 가장 높은 TKE 범위가 감소하여 두 모델 모두에서 물고기를 위한 휴식 공간이 더 넓어지고(TKE가 낮아짐) 에너지 소산율이 감소했습니다.

Two different arrangements of the weir (i.e., straight weir and rectangular labyrinth weir) were used to evaluate the effects of geometric parameters such as weir shape, weir spacing, presence of an orifice at the weir, and bed slope on the flow regime and the relationship between discharge and depth, variation and distribution of depth-averaged velocity, turbulence characteristics, and energy dissipation at the fishway. Computational fluid dynamics simulations were performed using FLOW-3D® software to examine the effects on flow conditions. The numerical model was validated by comparing the calculated surface profiles and velocities with experimentally measured values from the literature. The results of the numerical model and experimental data showed that the root-mean-square error and mean absolute percentage error for the surface profiles and normalized velocity profiles of plunging flows were 0.014 m and 3.11%, respectively, confirming the ability of the numerical model to predict the flow characteristics of the pool and weir. A plunging flow can occur at values of L/B = 1.83 (L: distance of the weir, B: width of the channel) and streaming flow at L/B = 0.61 for each model. The rectangular labyrinth weir model has larger dimensionless discharge values (Q+) than the conventional model. For the conventional weir and the rectangular labyrinth weir at submerged flow, Q is proportional to 1.56 and 1.47h, respectively (h: the water depth above the weir). The average depth velocity in the pool of a conventional weir is higher than that of a rectangular labyrinth weir. However, for a given discharge, bed slope, and weir spacing, the turbulent kinetic energy (TKE) and turbulence intensity (TI) values are higher for a rectangular labyrinth weir compared to conventional weir. The conventional weir has lower energy dissipation than the rectangular labyrinth weir. Lower TKE and TI values were observed at the top of the labyrinth weir, at the corner of the wall downstream of the weir, and between the side walls of the weir and the channel wall. As the distance between the weirs and the bottom slope increased, the average depth velocity, the average value of turbulent kinetic energy and the turbulence intensity increased, and the volumetric energy dissipation in the pool decreased. The presence of an opening in the weir increased the average depth velocity and TI values and decreased the range of highest TKE within the pool, resulted in larger resting areas for fish (lower TKE), and decreased the energy dissipation rates in both models.

1 Introduction

Artificial barriers such as detour dams, weirs, and culverts in lakes and rivers prevent fish from migrating and completing the upstream and downstream movement cycle. This chain is related to the life stage of the fish, its location, and the type of migration. Several riverine fish species instinctively migrate upstream for spawning and other needs. Conversely, downstream migration is a characteristic of early life stages [1]. A fish ladder is a waterway that allows one or more fish species to cross a specific obstacle. These structures are constructed near detour dams and other transverse structures that have prevented such migration by allowing fish to overcome obstacles [2]. The flow pattern in fish ladders influences safe and comfortable passage for ascending fish. The flow’s strong turbulence can reduce the fish’s speed, injure them, and delay or prevent them from exiting the fish ladder. In adult fish, spawning migrations are usually complex, and delays are critical to reproductive success [3].

Various fish ladders/fishways include vertical slots, denil, rock ramps, and pool weirs [1]. The choice of fish ladder usually depends on many factors, including water elevation, space available for construction, and fish species. Pool and weir structures are among the most important fish ladders that help fish overcome obstacles in streams or rivers and swim upstream [1]. Because they are easy to construct and maintain, this type of fish ladder has received considerable attention from researchers and practitioners. Such a fish ladder consists of a sloping-floor channel with series of pools directly separated by a series of weirs [4]. These fish ladders, with or without underwater openings, are generally well-suited for slopes of 10% or less [12]. Within these pools, flow velocities are low and provide resting areas for fish after they enter the fish ladder. After resting in the pools, fish overcome these weirs by blasting or jumping over them [2]. There may also be an opening in the flooded portion of the weir through which the fish can swim instead of jumping over the weir. Design parameters such as the length of the pool, the height of the weir, the slope of the bottom, and the water discharge are the most important factors in determining the hydraulic structure of this type of fish ladder [3]. The flow over the weir depends on the flow depth at a given slope S0 and the pool length, either “plunging” or “streaming.” In plunging flow, the water column h over each weir creates a water jet that releases energy through turbulent mixing and diffusion mechanisms [5]. The dimensionless discharges for plunging (Q+) and streaming (Q*) flows are shown in Fig. 1, where Q is the total discharge, B is the width of the channel, w is the weir height, S0 is the slope of the bottom, h is the water depth above the weir, d is the flow depth, and g is the acceleration due to gravity. The maximum velocity occurs near the top of the weir for plunging flow. At the water’s surface, it drops to about half [6].

figure 1
Fig. 1

Extensive experimental studies have been conducted to investigate flow patterns for various physical geometries (i.e., bed slope, pool length, and weir height) [2]. Guiny et al. [7] modified the standard design by adding vertical slots, orifices, and weirs in fishways. The efficiency of the orifices and vertical slots was related to the velocities at their entrances. In the laboratory experiments of Yagci [8], the three-dimensional (3D) mean flow and turbulence structure of a pool weir fishway combined with an orifice and a slot is investigated. It is shown that the energy dissipation per unit volume and the discharge have a linear relationship.

Considering the beneficial characteristics reported in the limited studies of researchers on the labyrinth weir in the pool-weir-type fishway, and knowing that the characteristics of flow in pool-weir-type fishways are highly dependent on the geometry of the weir, an alternative design of the rectangular labyrinth weir instead of the straight weirs in the pool-weir-type fishway is investigated in this study [79]. Kim [10] conducted experiments to compare the hydraulic characteristics of three different weir types in a pool-weir-type fishway. The results show that a straight, rectangular weir with a notch is preferable to a zigzag or trapezoidal weir. Studies on natural fish passes show that pass ability can be improved by lengthening the weir’s crest [7]. Zhong et al. [11] investigated the semi-rigid weir’s hydraulic performance in the fishway’s flow field with a pool weir. The results showed that this type of fishway performed better with a lower invert slope and a smaller radius ratio but with a larger pool spacing.

Considering that an alternative method to study the flow characteristics in a fishway with a pool weir is based on numerical methods and modeling from computational fluid dynamics (CFD), which can easily change the geometry of the fishway for different flow fields, this study uses the powerful package CFD and the software FLOW-3D to evaluate the proposed weir design and compare it with the conventional one to extend the application of the fishway. The main objective of this study was to evaluate the hydraulic performance of the rectangular labyrinth pool and the weir with submerged openings in different hydraulic configurations. The primary objective of creating a new weir configuration for suitable flow patterns is evaluated based on the swimming capabilities of different fish species. Specifically, the following questions will be answered: (a) How do the various hydraulic and geometric parameters relate to the effects of water velocity and turbulence, expressed as turbulent kinetic energy (TKE) and turbulence intensity (TI) within the fishway, i.e., are conventional weirs more affected by hydraulics than rectangular labyrinth weirs? (b) Which weir configurations have the greatest effect on fish performance in the fishway? (c) In the presence of an orifice plate, does the performance of each weir configuration differ with different weir spacing, bed gradients, and flow regimes from that without an orifice plate?

2 Materials and Methods

2.1 Physical Model Configuration

This paper focuses on Ead et al. [6]’s laboratory experiments as a reference, testing ten pool weirs (Fig. 2). The experimental flume was 6 m long, 0.56 m wide, and 0.6 m high, with a bottom slope of 10%. Field measurements were made at steady flow with a maximum flow rate of 0.165 m3/s. Discharge was measured with magnetic flow meters in the inlets and water level with point meters (see Ead et al. [6]. for more details). Table 1 summarizes the experimental conditions considered for model calibration in this study.

figure 2
Fig. 2

Table 1 Experimental conditions considered for calibration

Full size table

2.2 Numerical Models

Computational fluid dynamics (CFD) simulations were performed using FLOW-3D® v11.2 to validate a series of experimental liner pool weirs by Ead et al. [6] and to investigate the effects of the rectangular labyrinth pool weir with an orifice. The dimensions of the channel and data collection areas in the numerical models are the same as those of the laboratory model. Two types of pool weirs were considered: conventional and labyrinth. The proposed rectangular labyrinth pool weirs have a symmetrical cross section and are sized to fit within the experimental channel. The conventional pool weir model had a pool length of l = 0.685 and 0.342 m, a weir height of w = 0.141 m, a weir width of B = 0.56 m, and a channel slope of S0 = 5 and 10%. The rectangular labyrinth weirs have the same front width as the offset, i.e., a = b = c = 0.186 m. A square underwater opening with a width of 0.05 m and a depth of 0.05 m was created in the middle of the weir. The weir configuration considered in the present study is shown in Fig. 3.

figure 3
Fig. 3

2.3 Governing Equations

FLOW-3D® software solves the Navier–Stokes–Reynolds equations for three-dimensional analysis of incompressible flows using the fluid-volume method on a gridded domain. FLOW -3D® uses an advanced free surface flow tracking algorithm (TruVOF) developed by Hirt and Nichols [12], where fluid configurations are defined in terms of a VOF function F (xyzt). In this case, F (fluid fraction) represents the volume fraction occupied by the fluid: F = 1 in cells filled with fluid and F = 0 in cells without fluid (empty areas) [413]. The free surface area is at an intermediate value of F. (Typically, F = 0.5, but the user can specify a different intermediate value.) The equations in Cartesian coordinates (xyz) applicable to the model are as follows:









where (uvw) are the velocity components, (AxAyAz) are the flow area components, (Gx, Gy, Gz) are the mass accelerations, and (fxfyfz) are the viscous accelerations in the directions (xyz), ρ is the fluid density, RSOR is the spring term, Vf is the volume fraction associated with the flow, and P is the pressure. The kε turbulence model (RNG) was used in this study to solve the turbulence of the flow field. This model is a modified version of the standard kε model that improves performance. The model is a two-equation model; the first equation (Eq. 5) expresses the turbulence’s energy, called turbulent kinetic energy (k) [14]. The second equation (Eq. 6) is the turbulent dissipation rate (ε), which determines the rate of dissipation of kinetic energy [15]. These equations are expressed as follows Dasineh et al. [4]:





In these equations, k is the turbulent kinetic energy, ε is the turbulent energy consumption rate, Gk is the generation of turbulent kinetic energy by the average velocity gradient, with empirical constants αε = αk = 1.39, C1ε = 1.42, and C2ε = 1.68, eff is the effective viscosity, μeff = μ + μt [15]. Here, μ is the hydrodynamic density coefficient, and μt is the turbulent density of the fluid.

2.4 Meshing and the Boundary Conditions in the Model Setup

The numerical area is divided into three mesh blocks in the X-direction. The meshes are divided into different sizes, a containing mesh block for the entire spatial domain and a nested block with refined cells for the domain of interest. Three different sizes were selected for each of the grid blocks. By comparing the accuracy of their results based on the experimental data, the reasonable mesh for the solution domain was finally selected. The convergence index method (GCI) evaluated the mesh sensitivity analysis. Based on this method, many researchers, such as Ahmadi et al. [16] and Ahmadi et al. [15], have studied the independence of numerical results from mesh size. Three different mesh sizes with a refinement ratio (r) of 1.33 were used to perform the convergence index method. The refinement ratio is the ratio between the larger and smaller mesh sizes (r = Gcoarse/Gfine). According to the recommendation of Celik et al. [17], the recommended number for the refinement ratio is 1.3, which gives acceptable results. Table 2 shows the characteristics of the three mesh sizes selected for mesh sensitivity analysis.Table 2 Characteristics of the meshes tested in the convergence analysis

Full size table

The results of u1 = umax (u1 = velocity component along the x1 axis and umax = maximum velocity of u1 in a section perpendicular to the invert of the fishway) at Q = 0.035 m3/s, × 1/l = 0.66, and Y1/b = 0 in the pool of conventional weir No. 4, obtained from the output results of the software, were used to evaluate the accuracy of the calculation range. As shown in Fig. 4x1 = the distance from a given weir in the x-direction, Y1 = the water depth measured in the y-direction, Y0 = the vertical distance in the Cartesian coordinate system, h = the water column at the crest, b = the distance between the two points of maximum velocity umax and zero velocity, and l = the pool length.

figure 4
Fig. 4

The apparent index of convergence (p) in the GCI method is calculated as follows:



f1f2, and f3 are the hydraulic parameters obtained from the numerical simulation (f1 corresponds to the small mesh), and r is the refinement ratio. The following equation defines the convergence index of the fine mesh:



Here, ε = (f2 − f1)/f1 is the relative error, and f2 and f3 are the values of hydraulic parameters considered for medium and small grids, respectively. GCI12 and GCI23 dimensionless indices can be calculated as:



Then, the independence of the network is preserved. The convergence index of the network parameters obtained by Eqs. (7)–(9) for all three network variables is shown in Table 3. Since the GCI values for the smaller grid (GCI12) are lower compared to coarse grid (GCI23), it can be concluded that the independence of the grid is almost achieved. No further change in the grid size of the solution domain is required. The calculated values (GCI23/rpGCI12) are close to 1, which shows that the numerical results obtained are within the convergence range. As a result, the meshing of the solution domain consisting of a block mesh with a mesh size of 0.012 m and a block mesh within a larger block mesh with a mesh size of 0.009 m was selected as the optimal mesh (Fig. 5).Table 3 GCI calculation

Full size table

figure 5
Fig. 5

The boundary conditions applied to the area are shown in Fig. 6. The boundary condition of specific flow rate (volume flow rate-Q) was used for the inlet of the flow. For the downstream boundary, the flow output (outflow-O) condition did not affect the flow in the solution area. For the Zmax boundary, the specified pressure boundary condition was used along with the fluid fraction = 0 (P). This type of boundary condition considers free surface or atmospheric pressure conditions (Ghaderi et al. [19]). The wall boundary condition is defined for the bottom of the channel, which acts like a virtual wall without friction (W). The boundary between mesh blocks and walls were considered a symmetrical condition (S).

figure 6
Fig. 6

The convergence of the steady-state solutions was controlled during the simulations by monitoring the changes in discharge at the inlet boundary conditions. Figure 7 shows the time series plots of the discharge obtained from the Model A for the three main discharges from the numerical results. The 8 s to reach the flow equilibrium is suitable for the case of the fish ladder with pool and weir. Almost all discharge fluctuations in the models are insignificant in time, and the flow has reached relative stability. The computation time for the simulations was between 6 and 8 h using a personal computer with eight cores of a CPU (Intel Core i7-7700K @ 4.20 GHz and 16 GB RAM).

figure 7
Fig. 7

3 Results

3.1 Verification of Numerical Results

Quantitative outcomes, including free surface and normalized velocity profiles obtained using FLOW-3D software, were reviewed and compared with the results of Ead et al. [6]. The fourth pool was selected to present the results and compare the experiment and simulation. For each quantity, the percentage of mean absolute error (MAPE (%)) and root-mean-square error (RMSE) are calculated. Equations (10) and (11) show the method used to calculate the errors.





Here, Xexp is the value of the laboratory data, Xnum is the numerical data value, and n is the amount of data. As shown in Fig. 8, let x1 = distance from a given weir in the x-direction and Y1 = water depth in the y-direction from the bottom. The trend of the surface profiles for each of the numerical results is the same as that of the laboratory results. The surface profiles of the plunging flows drop after the flow enters and then rises to approach the next weir. The RMSE and MAPE error values for Model A are 0.014 m and 3.11%, respectively, indicating acceptable agreement between numerical and laboratory results. Figure 9 shows the velocity vectors and plunging flow from the numerical results, where x and y are horizontal and vertical to the flow direction, respectively. It can be seen that the jet in the fish ladder pool has a relatively high velocity. The two vortices, i.e., the enclosed vortex rotating clockwise behind the weir and the surface vortex rotating counterclockwise above the jet, are observed for the regime of incident flow. The point where the jet meets the fish passage bed is shown in the figure. The normalized velocity profiles upstream and downstream of the impact points are shown in Fig. 10. The figure shows that the numerical results agree well with the experimental data of Ead et al. [6].

figure 8
Fig. 8
figure 9
Fig. 9
figure 10
Fig. 10

3.2 Flow Regime and Discharge-Depth Relationship

Depending on the geometric shape of the fishway, including the distance of the weir, the slope of the bottom, the height of the weir, and the flow conditions, the flow regime in the fishway is divided into three categories: dipping, transitional, and flow regimes [4]. In the plunging flow regime, the flow enters the pool through the weir, impacts the bottom of the fishway, and forms a hydraulic jump causing two eddies [220]. In the streamwise flow regime, the surface of the flow passing over the weir is almost parallel to the bottom of the channel. The transitional regime has intermediate flow characteristics between the submerged and flow regimes. To predict the flow regime created in the fishway, Ead et al. [6] proposed two dimensionless parameters, Qt* and L/w, where Qt* is the dimensionless discharge, L is the distance between weirs, and w is the height of the weir:



Q is the total discharge, B is the width of the channel, S0 is the slope of the bed, and g is the gravity acceleration. Figure 11 shows different ranges for each flow regime based on the slope of the bed and the distance between the pools in this study. The results of Baki et al. [21], Ead et al. [6] and Dizabadi et al. [22] were used for this comparison. The distance between the pools affects the changes in the regime of the fish ladder. So, if you decrease the distance between weirs, the flow regime more likely becomes. This study determined all three flow regimes in a fish ladder. When the corresponding range of Qt* is less than 0.6, the flow regime can dip at values of L/B = 1.83. If the corresponding range of Qt* is greater than 0.5, transitional flow may occur at L/B = 1.22. On the other hand, when Qt* is greater than 1, streamwise flow can occur at values of L/B = 0.61. These observations agree well with the results of Baki et al. [21], Ead et al. [6] and Dizabadi et al. [22].

figure 11
Fig. 11

For plunging flows, another dimensionless discharge (Q+) versus h/w given by Ead et al. [6] was used for further evaluation:



where h is the water depth above the weir, and Cd is the discharge coefficient. Figure 12a compares the numerical and experimental results of Ead et al. [6]. In this figure, Rehbock’s empirical equation is used to estimate the discharge coefficient of Ead et al. [6].



figure 12
Fig. 12

The numerical results for the conventional weir (Model A) and the rectangular labyrinth weir (Model B) of this study agree well with the laboratory results of Ead et al. [6]. When comparing models A and B, it is also found that a rectangular labyrinth weir has larger Q + values than the conventional weir as the length of the weir crest increases for a given channel width and fixed headwater elevation. In Fig. 12b, Models A and B’s flow depth plot shows the plunging flow regime. The power trend lines drawn through the data are the best-fit lines. The data shown in Fig. 12b are for different bed slopes and weir geometries. For the conventional weir and the rectangular labyrinth weir at submerged flow, Q can be assumed to be proportional to 1.56 and 1.47h, respectively. In the results of Ead et al. [6], Q is proportional to 1.5h. If we assume that the flow through the orifice is Qo and the total outflow is Q, the change in the ratio of Qo/Q to total outflow for models A and B can be shown in Fig. 13. For both models, the flow through the orifice decreases as the total flow increases. A logarithmic trend line was also found between the total outflow and the dimensionless ratio Qo/Q.

figure 13
Fig. 13

3.3 Depth-Averaged Velocity Distributions

To ensure that the target fish species can pass the fish ladder with maximum efficiency, the average velocity in the fish ladder should be low enough [4]. Therefore, the average velocity in depth should be as much as possible below the critical swimming velocities of the target fishes at a constant flow depth in the pool [20]. The contour plot of depth-averaged velocity was used instead of another direction, such as longitudinal velocity because fish are more sensitive to depth-averaged flow velocity than to its direction under different hydraulic conditions. Figure 14 shows the distribution of depth-averaged velocity in the pool for Models A and B in two cases with and without orifice plates. Model A’s velocity within the pool differs slightly in the spanwise direction. However, no significant variation in velocity was observed. The flow is gradually directed to the sides as it passes through the rectangular labyrinth weir. This increases the velocity at the sides of the channel. Therefore, the high-velocity zone is located at the sides. The low velocity is in the downstream apex of the weir. This area may be suitable for swimming target fish. The presence of an opening in the weir increases the flow velocity at the opening and in the pool’s center, especially in Model A. The flow velocity increase caused by the models’ opening varied from 7.7 to 12.48%. Figure 15 illustrates the effect of the inverted slope on the averaged depth velocity distribution in the pool at low and high discharge. At constant discharge, flow velocity increases with increasing bed slope. In general, high flow velocity was found in the weir toe sidewall and the weir and channel sidewalls.

figure 14
Fig. 14
figure 15
Fig. 15

On the other hand, for a constant bed slope, the high-velocity area of the pool increases due to the increase in runoff. For both bed slopes and different discharges, the most appropriate path for fish to travel from upstream to downstream is through the middle of the cross section and along the top of the rectangular labyrinth weirs. The maximum dominant velocities for Model B at S0 = 5% were 0.83 and 1.01 m/s; at S0 = 10%, they were 1.12 and 1.61 m/s at low and high flows, respectively. The low mean velocities for the same distance and S0 = 5 and 10% were 0.17 and 0.26 m/s, respectively.

Figure 16 shows the contour of the averaged depth velocity for various distances from the weir at low and high discharge. The contour plot shows a large variation in velocity within short distances from the weir. At L/B = 0.61, velocities are low upstream and downstream of the top of the weir. The high velocities occur in the side walls of the weir and the channel. At L/B = 1.22, the low-velocity zone displaces the higher velocity in most of the pool. Higher velocities were found only on the sides of the channel. As the discharge increases, the velocity zone in the pool becomes wider. At L/B = 1.83, there is an area of higher velocities only upstream of the crest and on the sides of the weir. At high discharge, the prevailing maximum velocities for L/B = 0.61, 1.22, and 1.83 were 1.46, 1.65, and 1.84 m/s, respectively. As the distance between weirs increases, the range of maximum velocity increases.

figure 16
Fig. 16

On the other hand, the low mean velocity for these distances was 0.27, 0.44, and 0.72 m/s, respectively. Thus, the low-velocity zone decreases with increasing distance between weirs. Figure 17 shows the pattern distribution of streamlines along with the velocity contour at various distances from the weir for Q = 0.05 m3/s. A stream-like flow is generally formed in the pool at a small distance between weirs (L/B = 0.61). The rotation cell under the jet forms clockwise between the two weirs. At the distances between the spillways (L/B = 1.22), the transition regime of the flow is formed. The transition regime occurs when or shortly after the weir is flooded. The rotation cell under the jet is clockwise smaller than the flow regime and larger than the submergence regime. At a distance L/B = 1.83, a plunging flow is formed so that the plunging jet dips into the pool and extends downstream to the center of the pool. The clockwise rotation of the cell is bounded by the dipping jet of the weir and is located between the bottom and the side walls of the weir and the channel.

figure 17
Fig. 17

Figure 18 shows the average depth velocity bar graph for each weir at different bed slopes and with and without orifice plates. As the distance between weirs increases, all models’ average depth velocity increases. As the slope of the bottom increases and an orifice plate is present, the average depth velocity in the pool increases. In addition, the average pool depth velocity increases as the discharge increases. Among the models, Model A’s average depth velocity is higher than Model B’s. The variation in velocity ranged from 8.11 to 12.24% for the models without an orifice plate and from 10.26 to 16.87% for the models with an orifice plate.

figure 18
Fig. 18

3.4 Turbulence Characteristics

The turbulent kinetic energy is one of the important parameters reflecting the turbulent properties of the flow field [23]. When the k value is high, more energy and a longer transit time are required to migrate the target species. The turbulent kinetic energy is defined as follows:



where uxuy, and uz are fluctuating velocities in the xy, and z directions, respectively. An illustration of the TKE and the effects of the geometric arrangement of the weir and the presence of an opening in the weir is shown in Fig. 19. For a given bed slope, in Model A, the highest TKE values are uniformly distributed in the weir’s upstream portion in the channel’s cross section. In contrast, for the rectangular labyrinth weir (Model B), the highest TKE values are concentrated on the sides of the pool between the crest of the weir and the channel wall. The highest TKE value in Models A and B is 0.224 and 0.278 J/kg, respectively, at the highest bottom slope (S0 = 10%). In the downstream portion of the conventional weir and within the crest of the weir and the walls of the rectangular labyrinth, there was a much lower TKE value that provided the best conditions for fish to recover in the pool between the weirs. The average of the lowest TKE for bottom slopes of 5 and 10% in Model A is 0.041 and 0.056 J/kg, and for Model B, is 0.047 and 0.064 J/kg. The presence of an opening in the weirs reduces the area of the highest TKE within the pool. It also increases the resting areas for fish (lower TKE). The highest TKE at the highest bottom slope in Models A and B with an orifice is 0.208 and 0.191 J/kg, respectively.

figure 19
Fig. 19

Figure 20 shows the effect of slope on the longitudinal distribution of TKE in the pools. TKE values significantly increase for a given discharge with an increasing bottom slope. Thus, for a low bed slope (S0 = 5%), a large pool area has expanded with average values of 0.131 and 0.168 J/kg for low and high discharge, respectively. For a bed slope of S0 = 10%, the average TKE values are 0.176 and 0.234 J/kg. Furthermore, as the discharge increases, the area with high TKE values within the pool increases. Lower TKE values are observed at the apex of the labyrinth weir, at the corner of the wall downstream of the weir, and between the side walls of the weir and the channel wall for both bottom slopes. The effect of distance between weirs on TKE is shown in Fig. 21. Low TKE values were observed at low discharge and short distances between weirs. Low TKE values are located at the top of the rectangular labyrinth weir and the downstream corner of the weir wall. There is a maximum value of TKE at the large distances between weirs, L/B = 1.83, along the center line of the pool, where the dip jet meets the bottom of the bed. At high discharge, the maximum TKE value for the distance L/B = 0.61, 1.22, and 1.83 was 0.246, 0.322, and 0.417 J/kg, respectively. In addition, the maximum TKE range increases with the distance between weirs.

figure 20
Fig. 20
figure 21
Fig. 21

For TKE size, the average value (TKEave) is plotted against q in Fig. 22. For all models, the TKE values increase with increasing q. For example, in models A and B with L/B = 0.61 and a slope of 10%, the TKE value increases by 41.66 and 86.95%, respectively, as q increases from 0.1 to 0.27 m2/s. The TKE values in Model B are higher than Model A for a given discharge, bed slope, and weir distance. The TKEave in Model B is higher compared to Model A, ranging from 31.46 to 57.94%. The presence of an orifice in the weir reduces the TKE values in both weirs. The intensity of the reduction is greater in Model B. For example, in Models A and B with L/B = 0.61 and q = 0.1 m2/s, an orifice reduces TKEave values by 60.35 and 19.04%, respectively. For each model, increasing the bed slope increases the TKEave values in the pool. For example, for Model B with q = 0.18 m2/s, increasing the bed slope from 5 to 10% increases the TKEave value by 14.34%. Increasing the distance between weirs increases the TKEave values in the pool. For example, in Model B with S0 = 10% and q = 0.3 m2/s, the TKEave in the pool increases by 34.22% if you increase the distance between weirs from L/B = 0.61 to L/B = 0.183.

figure 22
Fig. 22

Cotel et al. [24] suggested that turbulence intensity (TI) is a suitable parameter for studying fish swimming performance. Figure 23 shows the plot of TI and the effects of the geometric arrangement of the weir and the presence of an orifice. In Model A, the highest TI values are found upstream of the weirs and are evenly distributed across the cross section of the channel. The TI values increase as you move upstream to downstream in the pool. For the rectangular labyrinth weir, the highest TI values were concentrated on the sides of the pool, between the top of the weir and the side wall of the channel, and along the top of the weir. Downstream of the conventional weir, within the apex of the weir, and at the corners of the walls of the rectangular labyrinth weir, the percentage of TI was low. At the highest discharge, the average range of TI in Models A and B was 24–45% and 15–62%, respectively. The diversity of TI is greater in the rectangular labyrinth weir than the conventional weir. Fish swimming performance is reduced due to higher turbulence intensity. However, fish species may prefer different disturbance intensities depending on their swimming abilities; for example, Salmo trutta prefers a disturbance intensity of 18–53% [25]. Kupferschmidt and Zhu [26] found a higher range of TI for fishways, such as natural rock weirs, of 40–60%. The presence of an orifice in the weir increases TI values within the pool, especially along the middle portion of the cross section of the fishway. With an orifice in the weir, the average range of TI in Models A and B was 28–59% and 22–73%, respectively.

figure 23
Fig. 23

The effect of bed slope on TI variation is shown in Fig. 24. TI increases in different pool areas as the bed slope increases for a given discharge. For a low bed slope (S0 = 5%), a large pool area has increased from 38 to 63% and from 56 to 71% for low and high discharge, respectively. For a bed slope of S0 = 10%, the average values of TI are 45–67% and 61–73% for low and high discharge, respectively. Therefore, as runoff increases, the area with high TI values within the pool increases. A lower TI is observed for both bottom slopes in the corner of the wall, downstream of the crest walls, and between the side walls in the weir and channel. Figure 25 compares weir spacing with the distribution of TI values within the pool. The TI values are low at low flows and short distances between weirs. A maximum value of TI occurs at long spacing and where the plunging stream impinges on the bed and the area around the bed. TI ranges from 36 to 57%, 58–72%, and 47–76% for the highest flow in a wide pool area for L/B = 0.61, 1.22, and 1.83, respectively.

figure 24
Fig. 24
figure 25
Fig. 25

The average value of turbulence intensity (TIave) is plotted against q in Fig. 26. The increase in TI values with the increase in q values is seen in all models. For example, the average values of TI for Models A and B at L/B = 0.61 and slope of 10% increased from 23.9 to 33.5% and from 42 to 51.8%, respectively, with the increase in q from 0.1 to 0.27 m2/s. For a given discharge, a given gradient, and a given spacing of weirs, the TIave is higher in Model B than Model A. The presence of an orifice in the weirs increases the TI values in both types. For example, in Models A and B with L/B = 0.61 and q = 0.1 m2/s, the presence of an orifice increases TIave from 23.9 to 37.1% and from 42 to 48.8%, respectively. For each model, TIave in the pool increases with increasing bed slope. For Model B with q = 0.18 m2/s, TIave increases from 37.5 to 45.8% when you increase the invert slope from 5 to 10%. Increasing the distance between weirs increases the TIave in the pool. In Model B with S0 = 10% and q = 0.3 m2/s, the TIave in the pool increases from 51.8 to 63.7% as the distance between weirs increases from L/B = 0.61 to L/B = 0.183.

figure 26
Fig. 26

3.5 Energy Dissipation

To facilitate the passage of various target species through the pool of fishways, it is necessary to pay attention to the energy dissipation of the flow and to keep the flow velocity in the pool slow. The average volumetric energy dissipation (k) in the pool is calculated using the following basic formula:



where ρ is the water density, and H is the average water depth of the pool. The change in k versus Q for all models at two bottom slopes, S0 = 5%, and S0 = 10%, is shown in Fig. 27. Like the results of Yagci [8] and Kupferschmidt and Zhu [26], at a constant bottom slope, the energy dissipation in the pool increases with increasing discharge. The trend of change in k as a function of Q from the present study at a bottom gradient of S0 = 5% is also consistent with the results of Kupferschmidt and Zhu [26] for the fishway with rock weir. The only difference between the results is the geometry of the fishway and the combination of boulders instead of a solid wall. Comparison of the models shows that the conventional model has lower energy dissipation than the rectangular labyrinth for a given discharge. Also, increasing the distance between weirs decreases the volumetric energy dissipation for each model with the same bed slope. Increasing the slope of the bottom leads to an increase in volumetric energy dissipation, and an opening in the weir leads to a decrease in volumetric energy dissipation for both models. Therefore, as a guideline for volumetric energy dissipation, if the value within the pool is too high, the increased distance of the weir, the decreased slope of the bed, or the creation of an opening in the weir would decrease the volumetric dissipation rate.

figure 27
Fig. 27

To evaluate the energy dissipation inside the pool, the general method of energy difference in two sections can use:



where ε is the energy dissipation rate, and E1 and E2 are the specific energies in Sects. 1 and 2, respectively. The distance between Sects. 1 and 2 is the same. (L is the distance between two upstream and downstream weirs.) Figure 28 shows the changes in ε relative to q (flow per unit width). The rectangular labyrinth weir (Model B) has a higher energy dissipation rate than the conventional weir (Model A) at a constant bottom gradient. For example, at S0 = 5%, L/B = 0.61, and q = 0.08 m3/s.m, the energy dissipation rate in Model A (conventional weir) was 0.261. In Model B (rectangular labyrinth weir), however, it was 0.338 (22.75% increase). For each model, the energy dissipation rate within the pool increases as the slope of the bottom increases. For Model B with L/B = 1.83 and q = 0.178 m3/s.m, the energy dissipation rate at S0 = 5% and 10% is 0.305 and 0.358, respectively (14.8% increase). Figure 29 shows an orifice’s effect on the pools’ energy dissipation rate. With an orifice in the weir, both models’ energy dissipation rates decreased. Thus, the reduction in energy dissipation rate varied from 7.32 to 9.48% for Model A and from 8.46 to 10.57 for Model B.

figure 28
Fig. 28
figure 29
Fig. 29

4 Discussion

This study consisted of entirely of numerical analysis. Although this study was limited to two weirs, the hydraulic performance and flow characteristics in a pooled fishway are highlighted by the rectangular labyrinth weir and its comparison with the conventional straight weir. The study compared the numerical simulations with laboratory experiments in terms of surface profiles, velocity vectors, and flow characteristics in a fish ladder pool. The results indicate agreement between the numerical and laboratory data, supporting the reliability of the numerical model in capturing the observed phenomena.

When the configuration of the weir changes to a rectangular labyrinth weir, the flow characteristics, the maximum and minimum area, and even the location of each hydraulic parameter change compared to a conventional weir. In the rectangular labyrinth weir, the flow is gradually directed to the sides as it passes the weir. This increases the velocity at the sides of the channel [21]. Therefore, the high-velocity area is located on the sides. In the downstream apex of the weir, the flow velocity is low, and this area may be suitable for swimming target fish. However, no significant change in velocity was observed at the conventional weir within the fish ladder. This resulted in an average increase in TKE of 32% and an average increase in TI of about 17% compared to conventional weirs.

In addition, there is a slight difference in the flow regime for both weir configurations. In addition, the rectangular labyrinth weir has a higher energy dissipation rate for a given discharge and constant bottom slope than the conventional weir. By reducing the distance between the weirs, this becomes even more intense. Finally, the presence of an orifice in both configurations of the weir increased the flow velocity at the orifice and in the middle of the pool, reducing the highest TKE value and increasing the values of TI within the pool of the fish ladder. This resulted in a reduction in volumetric energy dissipation for both weir configurations.

The results of this study will help the reader understand the direct effects of the governing geometric parameters on the hydraulic characteristics of a fishway with a pool and weir. However, due to the limited configurations of the study, further investigation is needed to evaluate the position of the weir’s crest on the flow direction and the difference in flow characteristics when combining boulders instead of a solid wall for this type of labyrinth weir [26]. In addition, hydraulic engineers and biologists must work together to design an effective fishway with rectangular labyrinth configurations. The migration habits of the target species should be considered when designing the most appropriate design [27]. Parametric studies and field observations are recommended to determine the perfect design criteria.

The current study focused on comparing a rectangular labyrinth weir with a conventional straight weir. Further research can explore other weir configurations, such as variations in crest position, different shapes of labyrinth weirs, or the use of boulders instead of solid walls. This would help understand the influence of different geometric parameters on hydraulic characteristics.

5 Conclusions

A new layout of the weir was evaluated, namely a rectangular labyrinth weir compared to a straight weir in a pool and weir system. The differences between the weirs were highlighted, particularly how variations in the geometry of the structures, such as the shape of the weir, the spacing of the weir, the presence of an opening at the weir, and the slope of the bottom, affect the hydraulics within the structures. The main findings of this study are as follows:

  • The calculated dimensionless discharge (Qt*) confirmed three different flow regimes: when the corresponding range of Qt* is smaller than 0.6, the regime of plunging flow occurs for values of L/B = 1.83. (L: distance of the weir; B: channel width). When the corresponding range of Qt* is greater than 0.5, transitional flow occurs at L/B = 1.22. On the other hand, if Qt* is greater than 1, the streaming flow is at values of L/B = 0.61.
  • For the conventional weir and the rectangular labyrinth weir with the plunging flow, it can be assumed that the discharge (Q) is proportional to 1.56 and 1.47h, respectively (h: water depth above the weir). This information is useful for estimating the discharge based on water depth in practical applications.
  • In the rectangular labyrinth weir, the high-velocity zone is located on the side walls between the top of the weir and the channel wall. A high-velocity variation within short distances of the weir. Low velocity occurs within the downstream apex of the weir. This area may be suitable for swimming target fish.
  • As the distance between weirs increased, the zone of maximum velocity increased. However, the zone of low speed decreased. The prevailing maximum velocity for a rectangular labyrinth weir at L/B = 0.61, 1.22, and 1.83 was 1.46, 1.65, and 1.84 m/s, respectively. The low mean velocities for these distances were 0.27, 0.44, and 0.72 m/s, respectively. This finding highlights the importance of weir spacing in determining the flow characteristics within the fishway.
  • The presence of an orifice in the weir increased the flow velocity at the orifice and in the middle of the pool, especially in a conventional weir. The increase ranged from 7.7 to 12.48%.
  • For a given bottom slope, in a conventional weir, the highest values of turbulent kinetic energy (TKE) are uniformly distributed in the upstream part of the weir in the cross section of the channel. In contrast, for the rectangular labyrinth weir, the highest TKE values were concentrated on the sides of the pool between the crest of the weir and the channel wall. The highest TKE value for the conventional and the rectangular labyrinth weir was 0.224 and 0.278 J/kg, respectively, at the highest bottom slope (S0 = 10%).
  • For a given discharge, bottom slope, and weir spacing, the average values of TI are higher for the rectangular labyrinth weir than for the conventional weir. At the highest discharge, the average range of turbulence intensity (TI) for the conventional and rectangular labyrinth weirs was between 24 and 45% and 15% and 62%, respectively. This reveals that the rectangular labyrinth weir may generate more turbulent flow conditions within the fishway.
  • For a given discharge and constant bottom slope, the rectangular labyrinth weir has a higher energy dissipation rate than the conventional weir (22.75 and 34.86%).
  • Increasing the distance between weirs decreased volumetric energy dissipation. However, increasing the gradient increased volumetric energy dissipation. The presence of an opening in the weir resulted in a decrease in volumetric energy dissipation for both model types.

Availability of data and materials

Data is contained within the article.


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Numerical analysis of energy dissipator options using computational fluid dynamics modeling — a case study of Mirani Dam

전산 유체 역학 모델링을 사용한 에너지 소산자 옵션의 수치적 해석 — Mirani 댐의 사례 연구

Arabian Journal of Geosciences volume 15, Article number: 1614 (2022) Cite this article


이 연구에서 FLOW 3D 전산 유체 역학(CFD) 소프트웨어를 사용하여 파키스탄 Mirani 댐 방수로에 대한 에너지 소산 옵션으로 미국 매립지(USBR) 유형 II 및 USBR 유형 III 유역의 성능을 추정했습니다. 3D Reynolds 평균 Navier-Stokes 방정식이 해결되었으며, 여기에는 여수로 위의 자유 표면 흐름을 캡처하기 위해 공기 유입, 밀도 평가 및 드리프트-플럭스에 대한 하위 그리드 모델이 포함되었습니다. 본 연구에서는 5가지 모델을 고려하였다. 첫 번째 모델에는 길이가 39.5m인 USBR 유형 II 정수기가 있습니다. 두 번째 모델에는 길이가 44.2m인 USBR 유형 II 정수기가 있습니다. 3번째와 4 번째모델에는 길이가 각각 48.8m인 USBR 유형 II 정수조와 39.5m의 USBR 유형 III 정수조가 있습니다. 다섯 번째 모델은 네 번째 모델과 동일하지만 마찰 및 슈트 블록 높이가 0.3m 증가했습니다. 최상의 FLOW 3D 모델 조건을 설정하기 위해 메쉬 민감도 분석을 수행했으며 메쉬 크기 0.9m에서 최소 오차를 산출했습니다. 세 가지 경계 조건 세트가 테스트되었으며 최소 오류를 제공하는 세트가 사용되었습니다. 수치적 검증은 USBR 유형 II( L = 48.8m), USBR 유형 III( L = 35.5m) 및 USBR 유형 III 의 물리적 모델 에너지 소산을 0.3m 블록 단위로 비교하여 수행되었습니다( L= 35.5m). 통계 분석 결과 평균 오차는 2.5%, RMSE(제곱 평균 제곱근 오차) 지수는 3% 미만이었습니다. 수리학적 및 경제성 분석을 바탕으로 4 번째 모델이 최적화된 에너지 소산기로 밝혀졌습니다. 흡수된 에너지 백분율 측면에서 물리적 모델과 수치적 모델 간의 최대 차이는 5% 미만인 것으로 나타났습니다.

In this study, the FLOW 3D computational fluid dynamics (CFD) software was used to estimate the performance of the United States Bureau of Reclamation (USBR) type II and USBR type III stilling basins as energy dissipation options for the Mirani Dam spillway, Pakistan. The 3D Reynolds-averaged Navier–Stokes equations were solved, which included sub-grid models for air entrainment, density evaluation, and drift–flux, to capture free-surface flow over the spillway. Five models were considered in this research. The first model has a USBR type II stilling basin with a length of 39.5 m. The second model has a USBR type II stilling basin with a length of 44.2 m. The 3rd and 4th models have a USBR type II stilling basin with a length of 48.8 m and a 39.5 m USBR type III stilling basin, respectively. The fifth model is identical to the fourth, but the friction and chute block heights have been increased by 0.3 m. To set up the best FLOW 3D model conditions, mesh sensitivity analysis was performed, which yielded a minimum error at a mesh size of 0.9 m. Three sets of boundary conditions were tested and the set that gave the minimum error was employed. Numerical validation was done by comparing the physical model energy dissipation of USBR type II (L = 48.8 m), USBR type III (L =35.5 m), and USBR type III with 0.3-m increments in blocks (L = 35.5 m). The statistical analysis gave an average error of 2.5% and a RMSE (root mean square error) index of less than 3%. Based on hydraulics and economic analysis, the 4th model was found to be an optimized energy dissipator. The maximum difference between the physical and numerical models in terms of percentage energy absorbed was found to be less than 5%.


  • Numerical modeling
  • Spillway
  • Hydraulic jump
  • Energy dissipation
  • FLOW 3D


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Figure 1 Mitochondrial Weir Dam

The Three-dimensional Simulation of Granular
Mixtures Weir

Shen Zhen-dong*1, 2, Zhang Yang1, 2
1Zhejiang Guangchuan Engineering Consultation Co., Ltd., Hangzhou, 310020,
Zhejiang, China
2Zhejiang Institute of Hydraulics &Estuary, Hangzhou 310020, Zhejiang, China
E-mail: zdshen1991@126.com


최근 몇 년 동안 생태학적 수자원 보존 공학의 발전으로 많은 새로운 댐 디자인이 등장했습니다. 본 논문에서는 체계적인 소면보 연구와 조사를 바탕으로 새로운 종류의 입상 혼합물 위어를 제시하였습니다.

입상보의 수치해석은 Flow-3D를 이용하여 수행하였으며, 그 결과를 물리적 모델 실험결과와 비교하였습니다. 유속, 유속 분포 및 둑의 파손에 대한 수치 시뮬레이션 결과는 실험 결과와 잘 일치하며, 이는 3차원 수학적 모델이 물리적 모델 실험과 결합되어 모든 입상 혼합물 둑을 시뮬레이션할 수 있음을 나타냅니다.

이 방법을 이용하여 특성 및 수리학적 매개변수를 분석하면 생태보의 후속 연구를 위한 기술적 지원을 제공할 수 있습니다.

In recent years, with the development of ecological water conservancy engineering,
many new weir designs have also emerged. This paper has put forward a new kind of granular
mixtures weir based on the systematic carding weir researches, combined with investigation. The
numerical simulation of granular weir is carried out by using Flow-3D,and the results are
compared with the physical model experiment results. The numerical simulation results of the
flow velocity, flow distribution and the failure of the weir are in good agreement with the
experimental results, which indicates that the 3-D mathematical model can be combined with
physical model experiments to simulate the granular mixtures weir in all directions. Using this
method to analysis the characteristics and hydraulic parameters can provide technical support
for the follow-up research of ecological weir.

Figure 1 Mitochondrial Weir Dam
Figure 1 Mitochondrial Weir Dam
Table 1 Numerical simulation programme table
Table 1 Numerical simulation programme table
Figure 4 Final Damage of Weir in Different Projects
Figure 4 Final Damage of Weir in Different Projects


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Fig. 9. Simulated separation regions for surface mounted cylinder

Investigation on the Local Scour Beneath Piggyback Pipelines Under Clear-Water Conditions

China Ocean Engineering volume 35, pages422–431 (2021)Cite this article


피기백 파이프라인은 2개의 파이프로 구성되어 2차 라인이 2개의 파이프 사이의 길이가 고정된 거리로 메인 파이프에 탑승합니다. 새로운 전략은 단일 흐름 라인 대신 연안 지역에서 활용됩니다.

이와 관련하여 정상 전류에서 피기백 파이프라인 아래의 세굴 효과를 조사하는 실험 및 수치 연구는 소수에 불과합니다. 따라서 본 연구에서는 수치모사 및 실험적 실험을 통해 관직경, 관간격 등 정류에 의한 세굴에 영향을 미치는 요인을 살펴보고자 합니다.

따라서 연구의 첫 번째 단계에서 단일 파이프를 설치하고 실험식의 결과와 결과를 비교하기 위해 실험실에서 테스트했습니다. 실험적 검증을 마친 후, 피기백 파이프라인도 조립하여 안정된 전류 조건에서 정련을 연구했습니다. 파이프 사이의 간격을 늘리면 최대 세굴 깊이가 감소한다는 결론이 내려졌습니다.

그러나 작은 파이프의 직경이 증가하면 최대 세굴 깊이가 커집니다. 둘째, 본 연구의 수치적 조사에 적합한 도구인 FLOW-3D 소프트웨어를 사용하여 수치해석을 수행하였습니다.

마지막으로, 수치 결과를 해당 실험 데이터와 비교했으며, 이들 사이에 비교적 좋은 일치가 달성되었습니다.

A piggyback pipeline consists of two pipes such that the secondary line rides on the main pipe with a fixed distance between two pipes in length. The novel strategy is utilized in offshore areas instead of a single flow line. In this regard, there are only a handful of experimental and numerical studies investigating the effect of scour below a piggyback pipeline under steady current. Hence, this study focuses on examining the influential factors on scouring due to steady current including the pipe diameter and the gap between pipes through numerical simulations and experimental tests. Accordingly, at the first phase of the research, a single pipe was established and tested in laboratory to compare the results with those of an empirical equation. After finishing experimental verifications, piggyback pipelines were also assembled to study the scouring under steady current conditions. It was concluded that by increasing the gap distance between the pipes, the maximum scour depth decreases; however, an increase in the small pipe’s diameter results in a larger maximum scour depth. Secondly, numerical simulations were carried out using the FLOW-3D software which was found to be a suitable tool for the numerical investigation of this study. Finally, the numerical results have been compared with the corresponding experimental data and a relatively good agreement was achieved between them.

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Fig. 1.   (a) Arrangement of piggyback pipeline, (b) Plan view of experimental flume.
Fig. 1. (a) Arrangement of piggyback pipeline, (b) Plan view of experimental flume.
Fig. 3.   Initial photos of two mounted piggyback pipelines in experimental setup for d/D=0.25.
Fig. 3. Initial photos of two mounted piggyback pipelines in experimental setup for d/D=0.25.
Fig. 9.     Simulated  separation  regions  for  surface  mounted  cylinder
Fig. 9. Simulated separation regions for surface mounted cylinder


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Figure 8: Instantaneous flow structures extracted using the Q-criterion (Qcriterion=1200) and colored by the magnitude of flow velocity.

Hybrid modeling on 3D hydraulic features of a step-pool unit

Chendi Zhang1
, Yuncheng Xu1,2, Marwan A Hassan3
, Mengzhen Xu1
, Pukang He1
1State Key Laboratory of Hydroscience and Engineering, Tsinghua University, Beijing, 100084, China. 2
College of Water Resources and Civil Engineering, China Agricultural University, Beijing, 100081, China.
5 3Department of Geography, University of British Columbia, 1984 West Mall, Vancouver BC, V6T1Z2, Canada.
Correspondence to: Chendi Zhang (chendinorthwest@163.com) and Mengzhen Xu (mzxu@mail.tsinghua.edu.cn)


스텝 풀 시스템은 계류의 일반적인 기반이며 전 세계의 하천 복원 프로젝트에 활용되었습니다. 스텝 풀 장치는 스텝 풀 기능의 형태학적 진화 및 안정성과 밀접하게 상호 작용하는 것으로 보고된 매우 균일하지 않은 수력 특성을 나타냅니다.

그러나 스텝 풀 형태에 대한 3차원 수리학의 자세한 정보는 측정의 어려움으로 인해 부족했습니다. 이러한 지식 격차를 메우기 위해 SfM(Structure from Motion) 및 CFD(Computational Fluid Dynamics) 기술을 기반으로 하이브리드 모델을 구축했습니다. 이 모델은 CFD 시뮬레이션을 위한 입력으로 6가지 유속의 자연석으로 만든 인공 스텝 풀 장치가 있는 침대 표면의 3D 재구성을 사용했습니다.

하이브리드 모델은 스텝 풀 장치에 대한 3D 흐름 구조의 고해상도 시각화를 제공하는 데 성공했습니다. 결과는 계단 아래의 흐름 영역의 분할, 즉 수면에서의 통합 점프, 침대 근처의 줄무늬 후류 및 그 사이의 고속 제트를 보여줍니다.

수영장에서 난류 에너지의 매우 불균일한 분포가 밝혀졌으며 비슷한 용량을 가진 두 개의 에너지 소산기가 수영장에 공존하는 것으로 나타났습니다. 흐름 증가에 따른 풀 세굴 개발은 점프 및 후류 와류의 확장으로 이어지지만 이러한 증가는 스텝 풀 실패에 대한 임계 조건에 가까운 높은 흐름에서 점프에 대해 멈춥니다.

음의 경사면에서 발달된 곡물 20 클러스터와 같은 미세 지반은 국부 수력학에 상당한 영향을 주지만 이러한 영향은 수영장 바닥에서 억제됩니다. 스텝 스톤의 항력은 가장 높은 흐름이 사용되기 전에 배출과 함께 증가하는 반면 양력은 더 큰 크기와 더 넓은 범위를 갖습니다. 우리의 결과는 계단 풀 형태의 복잡한 흐름 특성을 조사할 때 물리적 및 수치적 모델링을 결합한 하이브리드 모델 접근 방식의 가능성과 큰 잠재력을 강조합니다.

Step-pool systems are common bedforms in mountain streams and have been utilized in river restoration projects around the world. Step-pool units exhibit highly non-uniform hydraulic characteristics which have been reported to closely 10 interact with the morphological evolution and stability of step-pool features. However, detailed information of the threedimensional hydraulics for step-pool morphology has been scarce due to the difficulty of measurement. To fill in this knowledge gap, we established a hybrid model based on the technologies of Structure from Motion (SfM) and computational fluid dynamics (CFD). The model used 3D reconstructions of bed surfaces with an artificial step-pool unit built by natural stones at six flow rates as inputs for CFD simulations. The hybrid model succeeded in providing high-resolution visualization 15 of 3D flow structures for the step-pool unit. The results illustrate the segmentation of flow regimes below the step, i.e., the integral jump at the water surface, streaky wake vortexes near the bed, and high-speed jets in between. The highly non-uniform distribution of turbulence energy in the pool has been revealed and two energy dissipaters with comparable capacity are found to co-exist in the pool. Pool scour development under flow increase leads to the expansion of the jump and wake vortexes but this increase stops for the jump at high flows close to the critical condition for step-pool failure. The micro-bedforms as grain 20 clusters developed on the negative slope affect the local hydraulics significantly but this influence is suppressed at pool bottom. The drag forces on the step stones increase with discharge before the highest flow is used while the lift force has a larger magnitude and wider varying range. Our results highlight the feasibility and great potential of the hybrid model approach combining physical and numerical modeling in investigating the complex flow characteristics of step-pool morphology.

Figure 1: Workflow of the hybrid modeling. SfM-MVS refers to the technology of Structure from Motion with Multi View Stereo. DSM is short for digital surface model. RNG-VOF is short for Renormalized Group (RNG) k-ε turbulence model coupled with Volume of Fluid method.
Figure 1: Workflow of the hybrid modeling. SfM-MVS refers to the technology of Structure from Motion with Multi View Stereo. DSM is short for digital surface model. RNG-VOF is short for Renormalized Group (RNG) k-ε turbulence model coupled with Volume of Fluid method.
Figure 2: Flume experiment settings in Zhang et al., (2020): (a) the artificially built-up step-pool model using natural stones, with stone number labelled; (b) the unsteady hydrograph of the run of CIFR (continually-increasing-flow-rate) T2 used in this study.
Figure 2: Flume experiment settings in Zhang et al., (2020): (a) the artificially built-up step-pool model using natural stones, with stone number labelled; (b) the unsteady hydrograph of the run of CIFR (continually-increasing-flow-rate) T2 used in this study.
Figure 3: Setup of the CFD model: (a) three-dimensional digital surface model (DSM) of the step-pool unit by structure from motion with multi view stereo (SfM-MVS) method as the input to the 3D computational fluid dynamics (CFD) modeling; (b) extruded bed 160 surface model connected to the extra downstream component (in purple blue) and rectangular columns to fill leaks (in green), with the boundary conditions shown on mesh planes; (c) recognized geometry with mesh grids of two mesh blocks shown where MS is short for mesh size; (d) sampling volumes to capture the flow forces acting on each step stone at X, Y, and Z directions; and (e) an example for the simulated 3D flow over the step-pool unit colored by velocity magnitude at the discharge of 49.9 L/s. The abbreviations for boundary conditions in (b) are: V for specified velocity; C for continuative; P for specific pressure; and W for wall 165 condition. The contraction section in Figure (e) refers to the edge between the jet and jump at water surface.
Figure 3: Setup of the CFD model: (a) three-dimensional digital surface model (DSM) of the step-pool unit by structure from motion with multi view stereo (SfM-MVS) method as the input to the 3D computational fluid dynamics (CFD) modeling; (b) extruded bed 160 surface model connected to the extra downstream component (in purple blue) and rectangular columns to fill leaks (in green), with the boundary conditions shown on mesh planes; (c) recognized geometry with mesh grids of two mesh blocks shown where MS is short for mesh size; (d) sampling volumes to capture the flow forces acting on each step stone at X, Y, and Z directions; and (e) an example for the simulated 3D flow over the step-pool unit colored by velocity magnitude at the discharge of 49.9 L/s. The abbreviations for boundary conditions in (b) are: V for specified velocity; C for continuative; P for specific pressure; and W for wall 165 condition. The contraction section in Figure (e) refers to the edge between the jet and jump at water surface.
Figure 4: Distribution of time-averaged velocity magnitude (VM_mean) and vectors in three longitudinal sections. The section at Y = 0 cm goes across the keystone while the other two (Y = -18 and 13.5 cm) are located at the step stones beside the keystone with 265 lower top elevations. Q refers to the discharge at the inlet of the computational domain. The spacing for X, Y, and Z axes are all 10 cm in the plots.
Figure 4: Distribution of time-averaged velocity magnitude (VM_mean) and vectors in three longitudinal sections. The section at Y = 0 cm goes across the keystone while the other two (Y = -18 and 13.5 cm) are located at the step stones beside the keystone with lower top elevations. Q refers to the discharge at the inlet of the computational domain. The spacing for X, Y, and Z axes are all 10 cm in the plots.
Figure 5: Distribution of time-averaged flow velocity at five cross sections which are set according to the reference section (x0). The reference cross section x0 is located at the downstream end of the keystone (KS). The five sections are located at 18 cm and 6 cm upstream of the reference section (x0-18 and x0-6), and 2 cm, 15 cm and 40 cm downstream of the reference section (x0+2, x0+15, x0+40). The spacing for X, Y, and Z axes are all 10 cm in the plots.
Figure 5: Distribution of time-averaged flow velocity at five cross sections which are set according to the reference section (x0). The reference cross section x0 is located at the downstream end of the keystone (KS). The five sections are located at 18 cm and 6 cm upstream of the reference section (x0-18 and x0-6), and 2 cm, 15 cm and 40 cm downstream of the reference section (x0+2, x0+15, x0+40). The spacing for X, Y, and Z axes are all 10 cm in the plots.
Figure 6: Distribution of the time-averaged turbulence kinetic energy (TKE) at the five cross sections same with Figure 3.
Figure 6: Distribution of the time-averaged turbulence kinetic energy (TKE) at the five cross sections same with Figure 3.
Figure 7: Boxplots for the distributions of the mass-averaged flow kinetic energy (KE, panels a-f), turbulence kinetic energy (TKE, panels g-l), and turbulent dissipation (εT, panels m-r) in the pool for all the six tested discharges (the plots at the same discharge are in the same row). The mass-averaged values were calculated every 2 cm in the streamwise direction. The flow direction is from left to right in all the plots. The general locations of the contraction section for all the flow rates are marked by the dashed lines, except for Q = 5 L/s when the jump is located too close to the step. The longitudinal distance taken up by negative slope in the pool for the inspected range is shown by shaded area in each plot.
Figure 7: Boxplots for the distributions of the mass-averaged flow kinetic energy (KE, panels a-f), turbulence kinetic energy (TKE, panels g-l), and turbulent dissipation (εT, panels m-r) in the pool for all the six tested discharges (the plots at the same discharge are in the same row). The mass-averaged values were calculated every 2 cm in the streamwise direction. The flow direction is from left to right in all the plots. The general locations of the contraction section for all the flow rates are marked by the dashed lines, except for Q = 5 L/s when the jump is located too close to the step. The longitudinal distance taken up by negative slope in the pool for the inspected range is shown by shaded area in each plot.
Figure 8: Instantaneous flow structures extracted using the Q-criterion (Qcriterion=1200) and colored by the magnitude of flow velocity.
Figure 8: Instantaneous flow structures extracted using the Q-criterion (Qcriterion=1200) and colored by the magnitude of flow velocity.
Figure 9: Time-averaged dynamic pressure (DP_mean) on the bed surface in the step-pool model under the two highest discharges, with the step numbers marked. The negative values in the plots result from the setting of standard atmospheric pressure = 0 Pa, whose absolute value is 1.013×105 Pa.
Figure 9: Time-averaged dynamic pressure (DP_mean) on the bed surface in the step-pool model under the two highest discharges, with the step numbers marked. The negative values in the plots result from the setting of standard atmospheric pressure = 0 Pa, whose absolute value is 1.013×105 Pa.
Figure 10: Time-averaged shear stress (SS_mean) on bed surface in the step-pool model, with the step numbers marked. The standard atmospheric pressure is set as 0 Pa.
Figure 10: Time-averaged shear stress (SS_mean) on bed surface in the step-pool model, with the step numbers marked. The standard atmospheric pressure is set as 0 Pa.
Figure 11: Variation of fluid force components and magnitude of resultant flow force acting on step stones with flow rate. The stone 4 is the keystone. Stone numbers are consistent with those in Fig. 9-10. The upper limit of the sampling volumes for flow force calculation is higher than water surface while the lower limit is set at 3 cm lower than the keystone crest.
Figure 11: Variation of fluid force components and magnitude of resultant flow force acting on step stones with flow rate. The stone 4 is the keystone. Stone numbers are consistent with those in Fig. 9-10. The upper limit of the sampling volumes for flow force calculation is higher than water surface while the lower limit is set at 3 cm lower than the keystone crest.
Figure 12: Variation of drag (CD) and lift (CL) coefficient of the step stones along with flow rate. Stone numbers are consistent with those in Fig. 8-9. KS is short for keystone. The negative values of CD correspond to the drag forces towards the upstream while the negative values of CL correspond to lift forces pointing downwards.
Figure 12: Variation of drag (CD) and lift (CL) coefficient of the step stones along with flow rate. Stone numbers are consistent with those in Fig. 8-9. KS is short for keystone. The negative values of CD correspond to the drag forces towards the upstream while the negative values of CL correspond to lift forces pointing downwards.
Figure 13: Longitudinal distributions of section-averaged and -integral turbulent kinetic energy (TKE) for the jump and wake vortexes at the largest three discharges. The flow direction is from left to right in all the plots. The general locations of the contraction sections under the three flow rates are marked by dashed lines in figures (d) to (f).
Figure 13: Longitudinal distributions of section-averaged and -integral turbulent kinetic energy (TKE) for the jump and wake vortexes at the largest three discharges. The flow direction is from left to right in all the plots. The general locations of the contraction sections under the three flow rates are marked by dashed lines in figures (d) to (f).
Figure A1: Water surface profiles of the simulations with different mesh sizes at the discharge of 43.6 L/s at the longitudinal sections at: (a) Y = 24.5 cm (left boundary); (b) Y = 0.3 cm (middle section); (c) Y = -24.5 cm (right boundary). MS is short for mesh size. The flow direction is from left to right in each plot.
Figure A1: Water surface profiles of the simulations with different mesh sizes at the discharge of 43.6 L/s at the longitudinal sections at: (a) Y = 24.5 cm (left boundary); (b) Y = 0.3 cm (middle section); (c) Y = -24.5 cm (right boundary). MS is short for mesh size. The flow direction is from left to right in each plot.
Figure A2: Contours of velocity magnitude in the longitudinal section at Y = 0 cm at different mesh sizes (MSs) under the flow condition with the discharge of 43.6 L/s: (a) 0.50 cm; (b) 0.375 cm; (c) 0.30 cm; (d) 0.27 cm; (e) 0.25 cm; (f) 0.24 cm. The flow direction is from left to right.
Figure A2: Contours of velocity magnitude in the longitudinal section at Y = 0 cm at different mesh sizes (MSs) under the flow condition with the discharge of 43.6 L/s: (a) 0.50 cm; (b) 0.375 cm; (c) 0.30 cm; (d) 0.27 cm; (e) 0.25 cm; (f) 0.24 cm. The flow direction is from left to right.
Figure A3: Measurements of water surfaces (orange lines) used in model verification: (a) water surface profiles from both sides of the flume; (b) upstream edge of the jump regime from top view. KS refers to keystone in figure (b).
Figure A3: Measurements of water surfaces (orange lines) used in model verification: (a) water surface profiles from both sides of the flume; (b) upstream edge of the jump regime from top view. KS refers to keystone in figure (b).
Figure A15. Figure (a) shows the locations of the cross sections and target coarse grains at Q = 49.9 L/s. Figures (b) to (e) show the distribution of velocity magnitude (VM_mean) in the four chosen cross sections: (a) x0+8.0; (b) x0+14.0; (c) x0+21.5; (d) x0+42.5. G1 to G6 refer to 6 protruding grains in the micro-bedforms in the pool.
Figure A15. Figure (a) shows the locations of the cross sections and target coarse grains at Q = 49.9 L/s. Figures (b) to (e) show the distribution of velocity magnitude (VM_mean) in the four chosen cross sections: (a) x0+8.0; (b) x0+14.0; (c) x0+21.5; (d) x0+42.5. G1 to G6 refer to 6 protruding grains in the micro-bedforms in the pool.
Figure A16. The distribution of turbulent kinetic energy (TKE) in the same cross sections as in figure S15: (a) x0+8.0; (b) x0+14.0; (c) x0+21.5; (d) x0+42.5.
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Fig. 3. Breakwaters model in Flow-3D with meshing geometry and boundary (a) circular slots (b) square slots.

Study of Unconventional Alternatives to Vertical Breakwater

수직 방파제에 대한 비전통적 대안 연구

Karim Badr Hussein and Mohamed Ibrahim
Lecturer of Irrigation and Hydraulics, Faculty of Engineering, Al-Azhar University
Corresponding author E-mail: badrkarim713@yahoo.com


방파제의 주요 목적은 항만 내부의 안정을 유지하여 선박의 안전과 운영의 용이성을 달성하는데 도움이 되기 때문에 강한 파도와 폭풍으로부터 항만, 해변 또는 해변 시설을 보호하는 것입니다.

이 연구는 수직 방파제에 대한 비전통적인 대안을 연구하는 것을 목표로 합니다. 이 연구에서는 유체역학적 성능의 연구 및 평가를 위해 구현된 수직파 장벽의 두 가지 다른 모델을 선택했습니다.

첫 번째 모델은 원형 슬롯이 있는 수직 벽이고 두 번째 모델은 사각형 슬롯이 있는 수직 벽입니다. 두 모델을 비교한 결과 정사각형 슬롯은 원형 슬롯보다 파동의 전송을 5~20% 감소시키는 것으로 나타났습니다.

두 개의 원형 홈이 있는 벽을 사용하면 단일 벽에 비해 파동 전송이 최대 30% 감소하고 파동 에너지 분산이 최대 40% 증가합니다. 상대 길이(h/L)가 증가함에 따라 수평파력이 증가합니다.

다공성 = 0.25에서 상대파력(F/Fo)은 다공성 = 0.50에서보다 10~30% 더 컸습니다. 개구부에서 파동 속도가 높고 파동 에너지 소산 계수도 높습니다. 파동 진폭이 클수록 파동 에너지 소산 계수가 커집니다.

Key words: Coastal, Breakwater, FLOW-3D, Numerical Models, Energy Dissipation, Vertical Wall.


모든 국가에서 해안 지역은 가장 중요하고 중요한 지역 중 하나입니다. 연안지역과 항만은 대외무역 촉진, 연안관광 개발 및 활성화 등 다양한 분야에 기여하고 있어 경제적 파급효과가 매우 크며, 일자리 창출은 물론 도시근린 정착 및 안정에도 기여한다. 젊은이들에게 강력한 수익을 제공하는 가능성과 어항을 건설하여 어획량을 늘리는 것입니다. [1].

그러나 해안선 부근의 파도, 바람, 조수, 조류 등의 자연 현상은 해변과 해안 지역의 안정성에 영향을 미칩니다. 따라서 연안 보전 서비스는 연안 환경의 균형을 유지하고 보존하는 데 중요한 역할을 합니다. 거센 파도로부터 항구와 해변 시설을 보호하는 방파제 방파제. 방파제는 선박이 안전하게 정박할 수 있는 조용한 지역을 제공하고 건설 및 석유 및 광물 발견 동안 임시 보호를 제공합니다.

파도는 방파제에 부딪힐 때 많은 에너지를 잃습니다. 방파제는 눈에 보이거나 떠 있거나 수중일 수 있으며 다양한 크기, 재료 및 출력 표준이 있습니다[11]. 전통적인 장벽 또는 눈에 보이는 격벽은 매우 효율적이지만 해변의 미적 비전을 가립니다. 많은 건축 자재가 필요하고 건설 비용이 증가합니다[9].

이에 반해 부유방벽은 자재가 필요없고 공사비가 저렴하지만 그 효과는 제한적입니다. 결과적으로 수중 파티션은 이러한 종류의 단점을 방지하기 때문에 더 나은 옵션 중 하나로 간주됩니다.

수중 방벽은 가장 중요한 해변 방어 시설 중 하나이며, 수중 방벽의 장점 중 하나는 투명 방벽에 비해 건설 비용이 비교적 저렴하고 물이 앞에서 뒤로 흐를 수 있다는 것입니다[3].

멤브레인 아래에서 물이 재생됩니다. 또한 바다의 미적 이미지를 왜곡하지 않고 조망을 방해하지 않아 인근 해변에 미치는 영향도 미미하다[18]. 반면에 잠긴 방파제는 건설 후 가라앉으면서 파도 에너지를 분산시키고 해안선을 방어하는 효과를 잃습니다. 장벽의 품질은 높은 수위의 영향도 받습니다.

결과적으로 해안 보호의 가장 중요한 측면 중 하나는 수중 방파제의 효율성을 향상시키는 것입니다. 수직 방파제 이러한 유형의 방파제는 바다를 향한 수직면이 있는 설비입니다[10]. 이러한 장벽은 파도 에너지의 일부가 해안이나 보호할 수역에 도달하는 것을 방지하여 파도를 진정시키는 역할을 합니다[16].

수직 방파제는 블록, 케이슨, 시트 파일 또는 셀룰러로 구성될 수 있습니다. 이 연구는 정사각형 및 원형 구멍이 있는 천공된 수직 방파제의 유체역학적 성능에 대한 연구를 제시하는 것을 목적으로 합니다.

이 논문은 또한 제안된 모델의 유체역학적 효율뿐만 아니라 이 분야의 유사한 연구와 비교되었습니다. 이것은 다음 헤드라인으로 이 백서에 나와 있습니다.

 Materials and methods.
 Results and discussion.
 Conclusions and recommendations.

Fig. 1. The open channel
Fig. 1. The open channel
Fig. 2. Breakwaters model (a) perforated wall with circular slots and (b) perforated wall with square slots.
Fig. 2. Breakwaters model (a) perforated wall with circular slots and (b) perforated wall with square slots.
Fig. 3. Breakwaters model in Flow-3D with meshing geometry and boundary (a) circular slots (b) square slots.
Fig. 3. Breakwaters model in Flow-3D with meshing geometry and boundary (a) circular slots (b) square slots.
Fig. 4. Details and dimensions of proposed breakwater
Fig. 4. Details and dimensions of proposed breakwater
Fig 5 .Wave profiles using (Flow-3D) at wave period (T) = 1.2 sec for perforated walls with circular slots at behind model (Ht).
Fig 5 .Wave profiles using (Flow-3D) at wave period (T) = 1.2 sec for perforated walls with circular slots at behind model (Ht).
Fig. 11. Velocity distribution through slots at (a) quarter wave period, (b) half wave period and (c) three quarters wave period.
Fig. 11. Velocity distribution through slots at (a) quarter wave period, (b) half wave period and (c) three quarters wave period.
Fig. 13. Velocity vectors at front, between and behind barriers.
Fig. 13. Velocity vectors at front, between and behind barriers.

Conclusion & Recommendations

얻어진 결과에 대한 이전 분석을 바탕으로 도달한 결론은 다음과 같습니다.
 결과와 연구에 따르면 FLOW-3D는 수직으로 구멍이 뚫린 벽이 있는 선형 파동과 파동의 관계를 설명하는 강력한 능력을 가지고 있습니다. 또한 실험실 데이터 및 반분석 결과의 가장 중요한 측면을 복제할 수 있습니다. FLOW-3D에 의해 생성된 수치적 결과는 훌륭합니다.
 사각슬롯은 원형슬롯에 비해 파동의 투과율이 5:20% 감소합니다.
 한 쌍의 원형 슬롯 벽을 사용하면 단일 벽에 비해 파동 투과율이 최대 30% 감소하고 파동 에너지 분산이 최대 40% 증가합니다.
 수평파력은 상대길이(h/L)가 증가할수록 증가한다. 다공성 = 0.25에서 상대파력(F/Fo)은 다공성 = 0.50에서보다 10~30% 더 높았다.
 파도가 원 모양으로 움직이고 큰 원이 위쪽에 있었다가 점차 아래쪽으로 내려갑니다.  개구부에서 파동 속도가 높았고 파동 에너지 소산 계수도 높았습니다. 파동 진폭이 높을수록 파동 에너지 소산 계수가 높아집니다.


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Figure 1. Sketch map of the port Laozi on Lake Hongze

FLOW-3D software for substantiation the layout of the port water area

항구 수역의 레이아웃을 입증하기 위한 FLOW-3D 소프트웨어

B Pan1

  • and N Belyaev2
    1 Peter the Great St. Petersburg Polytechnic University, St. Petersburg, Russia


방파제 설계시 항만 내 수역 및 접안 시설에서 중대한 파도 발생을 배제 할 필요가 있다. 이 기사는 항구 지역의 물 이동 계산 결과를 제시합니다. 항구 입구의 위치와 주어진 물체의 크기에 대한 가장 안전한 옵션이 확인되었습니다. FLOW – 3D 프로그램을 사용하여 항구 수역의 예비 배치 단계에서 계획되고 건설적인 솔루션을 선택할 가능성이 입증되었습니다.


항구를 설계 할 때 계류선의 가장 합리적인 구성과 항구 수역의 레이아웃을 선택하여 항구의 영토를 배치하는 것이 필요합니다. 러시아 연방의 항구 수역 배치는 항구 수역 요소에 대한 사양을 포함하는 해로, 페어웨이 및 기동 구역에 대한 설계 표준의 요구 사항에 따라 수행됩니다 [1, 2].

항구 물은 파도, 퇴적물 축적 및 얼음으로부터 보호되어야 합니다. 항구 계획을 작성할 때, 선박의 기동 및 연안 계류 중뿐만 아니라 선적 및 하역 및 기타 항구 운영 중에 선박 계류에 대한 정상적인 조건이 생성되도록 파도로부터 수역을 보호하는 정도를 제공해야 합니다.

설계 결정은 새로운 포트를 설계하거나 기존 포트를 개발할 때 물리적 또는 수학적 모델링을 기반으로 합니다 [2]. 항구 수역에서 계산 된 물 흐름의 매개 변수는 수문 기상 조사, 장기 현장 관찰 및 실험실 연구의 결과를 기반으로 하도록 권장됩니다.

공학 수문 기상 측량 데이터가 불충분하면 계산 방법을 기반으로 설계 폭풍의 파도 매개 변수를 결정할 수 있습니다. 사용된 계산 방법이 국제 실무에서 동일한 목적으로 채택된 방법 (모델)에 부합하는지 표시하는 것이 좋습니다 [3].

Figure 1. Sketch map of the port Laozi on Lake Hongze
Figure 1. Sketch map of the port Laozi on Lake Hongze
Figure 2. The location of the port entrance on Lake Hongze: a – variant 1; b – variant 2; c – variants 3-5
Figure 2. The location of the port entrance on Lake Hongze: a – variant 1; b – variant 2; c – variants 3-5
Figure 3. Port water area plan
Figure 3. Port water area plan
Figure 4. Modeling of variant 1 with the movement of waves in the port water area
Figure 4. Modeling of variant 1 with the movement of waves in the port water area
Figure 5. Modeling of variant 2: a is prevailing movement of water towards the enclosed water area; b is prevailing reverse movement of water
Figure 5. Modeling of variant 2: a is prevailing movement of water towards the enclosed water area; b is prevailing reverse movement of water
Figure 6. Modeling of variant 3
Figure 6. Modeling of variant 3
Figure 7. Modeling of variant 4
Figure 7. Modeling of variant 4
Figure 8. Modeling of variant 5
Figure 8. Modeling of variant 5
Figure 9. Plan of the port water area with design points
Figure 9. Plan of the port water area with design points
Figure 10. Change in water depth at point A: a – variant 1; b – variant 2
Figure 10. Change in water depth at point A: a – variant 1; b – variant 2
Figure 11. Change in water depth at point A: a – variant 3; b – variant 4; c – variant 5
Figure 11. Change in water depth at point A: a – variant 3; b – variant 4; c – variant 5
Figure 12. Change in water depth at points A (a) and C (b) for variant 3
Figure 12. Change in water depth at points A (a) and C (b) for variant 3
Figure 13. Change in water depth at points A (a) and B (b) for variant 3
Figure 13. Change in water depth at points A (a) and B (b) for variant 3
Figure 14. Scheme of vessel traffic: a – variant 3; b – variant 4
Figure 14. Scheme of vessel traffic: a – variant 3; b – variant 4

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Figure 1. Experimental flume used (a) Side view of the flume; (b) Pool detail.

Modelling of Pool-Type Fishways Flows: Efficiency and Scale Effects Assessment

by Ana L. Quaresma *OrcID andAntónio N. PinheiroOrcID
CERIS—Civil Engineering for Research and Innovation for Sustainability, Instituto Superior Técnico (IST), Universidade de Lisboa, 1049-001 Lisboa, Portugal*
Author to whom correspondence should be addressed.
Academic Editor: Bommanna Krishnappan
Water 2021, 13(6), 851; https://doi.org/10.3390/w13060851
Received: 16 January 2021 / Revised: 8 March 2021 / Accepted: 18 March 2021 / Published: 20 March 2021
(This article belongs to the Special Issue Ecohydraulics of Pool-Type Fishways)


이 연구에서는 전산 유체 역학 (CFD) 소프트웨어 (FLOW-3D®)를 사용하여 바닥 오리피스가 있는 풀형 어로에서 흐름의 3D 수치 모델링을 수행했습니다. 수치 결과는 음향 도플러 속도계 (ADV) 및 입자 이미지 속도계 (PIV) 측정에서 얻은 실험 데이터와 비교되었습니다.

흐름 깊이, 흐름 패턴, 수속, 난류 운동 에너지, Reynolds 수직 응력 및 바닥 구성 요소에 평행한 Reynolds 전단 응력과 같이 어로 효율에 영향을 미치는 여러 유체 역학적 변수를 정성 및 정량적으로 비교했습니다.

수치 모델은 복잡한 유동장을 정확하게 재현하여 수치 모델 예측과 분석 된 변수에 대한 실험 데이터 사이에 전반적으로 좋은 일치를 보여줍니다. 분석중인 모든 매개 변수에 대한 수치 모델 검증 수행의 중요성이 강조되었습니다.

또한 프로토 타입 어로의 업 스케일 된 수치 모델을 실행하여 스케일링 효과를 분석했습니다. 스케일 효과의 증거없이 실제 모델과 프로토 타입 치수 모두에 대해 유사한 정확도로 모델을 수행했습니다.

현재 연구는 CFD 모델 (즉, FLOW-3D®)이 새로운 수영장 유형 어로 형상을 위한 적절하고 효율적인 설계 및 분석 도구로 사용될 수 있으며 물리적 모델 테스트를 줄이고 보완 할 수 있다고 결론지었습니다.

In this study, the 3D numerical modelling of flow in a pool-type fishway with bottom orifices was performed using computational fluid dynamics (CFD) software (FLOW-3D®). Numerical results were compared with experimental data obtained from acoustic Doppler velocimetry (ADV) and particle image velocimetry (PIV) measurements. Several hydrodynamic variables that influence fishways efficiencies, such as flow depths, flow patterns, water velocity, turbulent kinetic energy, Reynolds normal stresses, and Reynolds shear stress parallel to the bottom component, were qualitatively and quantitatively compared. The numerical model accurately reproduced the complex flow field, showing an overall good agreement between the numerical model predictions and the experimental data for the analysed variables. The importance of performing a numerical model validation for all the parameters under analyses was highlighted. Additionally, scaling effects were analysed by running an upscaled numerical model of the prototype fishway. The model performed with similar accuracy for both physical model and prototype dimensions with no evidence of scale effects. The present study concludes that CFD models (namely FLOW-3D®) may be used as an adequate and efficient design and analysis tool for new pool-type fishways geometries, reducing and complementing physical model testing.Keywords: pool-type fishways3D numerical modellingLESscale effectsflow patternsCFD model assessment


강의 종단 연결성을 복원하는 것은 담수 생태계의 회복에있어 여전히 중요한 문제입니다 [1,2]. 잘 설계되고 건설된 경우 어로는 물고기가 댐과 둑을 지나 계속 이동할 수 있는 경로를 제공합니다.

물고기 통과 효율성에 대한 검토에서 Noonan et al. [3]은 기존의 많은 어로의 설계 특성이 어종의 요구를 적절하게 충족시키지 못했지만, 풀형 어로가 모든 어류 그룹에 대해 가장 높은 효율성을 보여 주었다는 것을 발견했습니다.
여러 어종에 적합한 수영 조건을 제공하는 것은 어항의 흐름과 난류 패턴이 성공에 중요한 역할을 하기 때문에 다소 어려운 일입니다 [2,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12].

물리적 모델링은 풀형 유형 어로의 유체 역학을 연구하기 위한 주요 접근 방식이었습니다 (예 : [13,14,15,16,17,18,19,20,21,22]). 그러나 물리적 실험은 비용과 시간이 많이 소요됩니다. 따라서 컴퓨터 기술의 발전으로 인해 물리적 모델 테스트를 줄이기 위해 복잡한 기하학적 구조를 가진 유압 구조의 흐름 패턴을 분석하는 데 전산 유체 역학 (CFD) 3 차원 (3D) 모델이 점점 더 많이 사용되고 있습니다 [23,24].

따라서 이러한 모델은 어로 유체 역학 연구 및 효율적인 어로 설계에 필수적인 역할을 할 수 있습니다.
어로에 대한 수치 모델링 연구는 주로 수직 슬롯 어로에 초점을 맞추고 있습니다 [12,25,26,27,28,29,30,31,32,33,34,35,36,37]. 수영장의 주요 부분에서 수직 슬롯 어로 흐름은 거의 2 차원 (2D)이고 수직 속도 구성 요소가 수평 요소 [26]보다 훨씬 작기 때문에 이러한 연구의 대부분은 2D 모델을 사용했습니다.

바닥 오리피스가있는 수영장 유형 어로에서는 흐름이 매우 복잡하고 3D이므로 정확한 유동장 특성화를 얻기 위해 3D 모델을 사용해야합니다. 이 어로 구성을 모델링하는 것은 높은 속도 구배, 높은 와도 및 높은 전단 영역을 포함하기 때문에 다소 어렵습니다.

이 연구에서는 FLOW-3D® (Flow Science, Inc., Santa Fe, NM, USA)를 사용하여 바닥 오리피스가 있는 수영장 유형 어로의 3D 수치 시뮬레이션을 수행하여 흐름 깊이, 속도 및 난류 패턴을 예측하는 능력을 평가했습니다. .

최근 몇 년 동안 실내에 가까운 프로토 타입 수영장 형 어로가 사이프 린드 종의 행동과 움직임을 연구하는데 사용되었습니다 [1,7,8,11,38,39,40,41,42,43]. Silva et al. [38]은 노치, 급락 및 스트리밍에 대한 두 가지 다른 유동 체제와 관련하여 조정 가능한 치수를 가진 침수된 오리피스와 표면 노치의 동시 존재에 대한 Iberian barbel Luciobarbus bocagei (Steindachner, 1864)의 반응을 평가했습니다.

이 연구의 결과는 이베리아 바벨이 어로를 협상하기 위해 오리피스 (76 %)를 선호했으며 어로에 들어가는 데 걸리는 시간도 오리피스에 비해 훨씬 적다는 것을 보여주었습니다.

Silva et al. [39] 오프셋 및 직선 오리피스가있는 수영장 유형 어로의 이베리아 바벨에 대한 적합성을 테스트했습니다. 이 연구는 오프셋 구성이 직선 오리피스 레이아웃 (28 %)에 비해 물고기 통과 성공률 (68 %)이 훨씬 더 높음을 발견했습니다. 어로를 성공적으로 협상하는 데 걸리는 시간도 오프셋 구성, 특히 작은 성인의 경우 훨씬 더 낮았습니다.

이 연구에서는 유속과 난류 매개 변수가 물고기 수영 성능에 미치는 영향을 분석했습니다. 수영장의 유동장을 특성화하기 위해 음향 도플러 속도계가 사용되었습니다.

이 연구의 결과에 따르면 레이놀즈 전단 응력은 어로 내 이베리아 미늘의 움직임에 가장 큰 영향을 미치는 매개 변수임이 입증되었습니다. Branco et al. [40] 두 가지 다른 흐름을 가진 오리피스와 노치가 있는 풀형 유형 어로에서 형태 학적 및 생태학적 특성이 다른 두 종, 바닥 지향 이베리아 바벨 Luciobarbus bocagei 및 물기둥 수영 자 Iberian chub Squalius pyrenaicus의 거동과 성능을 평가했습니다.

풀의 유체 역학을 특성화하기 위해 음향 도플러 속도계가 사용되었습니다. 결과는 두 종 모두 흐름 흐름이있는 노치를 선호했으며 이 흐름 체제로 상류로 이동하는데 더 성공적이었습니다.
이 연구에서는 이 시설의 1 : 2.5 스케일 어로 모델을 사용하여 Silva et al.에 의해 테스트된 바닥 오리피스 구성이 있는 풀형 유형 어로의 속도와 난류를 측정했습니다.

[7,38] 효과가 입증된 바벨 사용. 2D 입자 이미지 속도계 (PIV) 시스템 및 음향 도플러 속도계 (ADV)를 사용하여 순간 속도의 광범위한 측정을 수행하고, 후 처리하고, 수치 모델 정확도를 평가하는 데 사용했습니다.

Haque et al. [44] 대부분의 경우 수치 모델의 검증에 사용할 수있는 실험 데이터 세트에 높은 측정 오류가 있고 / 또는 측정 메시가 너무 거칠어 서 이들의 예측 기능을 올바르게 평가할 수없는 문제를 언급했습니다.

모델. Blocken과 Gualtieri [23]는 검증 및 검증 연구가 필수적이며 CFD 연구를 검증하기위한 데이터를 제공하기 위해 고품질 실험이 필요하다고 언급합니다.

Fuentes-Pérez et al. [35]는 특히 난류 메트릭에 대한 어로 연구에서 수치 모델 검증 데이터를 찾는 데 어려움을 언급합니다. 두 가지 측정 기술을 사용하고 상당한 양의 실험 데이터를 얻었기 때문에 이 연구에서는 이러한 문제를 극복했습니다.

물리적 모델은 종종 Froude 수 유사성을 기반으로하며, 두 유사성 법칙을 모두 충족하는 데 어려움이있어 무시되는 레이놀즈 수 유사성입니다. 프로토 타입 레이놀즈 수가 일반적으로 훨씬 더 크기 때문에 레이놀즈 수 관련 스케일 효과가 도입될 수 있습니다.

레이놀즈 수 증가는 속도 분포와 경계층 속성에 영향을 미칠 수 있습니다 [45]. 척도 효과를 평가하기 위해 수치 시뮬레이션을 사용할 수 있습니다 [46,47]. 따라서 본 연구에서는 바닥 오리피스 흐름이있는 풀형어도에 대한 스케일 효과를 분석하기 위해 두 가지 크기의 수치 모델을 개발했습니다.

프로토 타입 치수의 대형 모델과 물리적 모델 치수의 스케일 된 소형 모델입니다. .
바닥 오리피스가있는 수영장 형 어로의 유동장은 수직 슬롯 어로 (VSF)의 유동장보다 매우 3 차원 적이며 훨씬 더 복잡합니다. 이는 어로 수치 모델 검증에 대한 이전 연구에서 더 자주 고려 된 설계입니다 [26, 27,28,29,35].

저자가 아는 한, 이것은 바닥 오리피스가있는 풀형 어로에 대한 최초의 CFD 연구이며, 여기에는 실험 속도 데이터와 풀형 어로에 대한 3 차원 수치 모델링 결과 간의 가장 광범위한 비교도 포함됩니다. 두 가지 다른 측정 기술 (PIV 및 ADV)이 사용되어 자세한 비교가 가능하고 이러한 유형의 유동장에 대한 CFD 시뮬레이션 결과에 대한 확신을 제공합니다.

이 연구는 다른 어로 유형의 이전 수치 모델 연구에서 제시되지 않았던 난류 매개 변수를 포함하여 수치 모델 결과와 측정 간의 일치에 대한 통계적 테스트를 통해 정성적 비교 뿐만 아니라 상세한 정량적 비교도 제공합니다. 스케일 효과도 다룹니다.

따라서 이 연구는 전 세계적으로 가장 많이 사용되는 풀 유형 어로의 CFD 모델 검증을 원활하게 할 것이며 [10] 설계자들의 사용을 장려 할 것입니다.
또한 새로운 풀 유형 어로 형상을 위한 설계 도구로 CFD 모델 (즉, FLOW 3D®)을 사용하는 방법에 대해 설명합니다.

Figure 1. Experimental flume used (a) Side view of the flume; (b) Pool detail.
Figure 1. Experimental flume used (a) Side view of the flume; (b) Pool detail.
Figure 2. Three dimensional representations of a pool showing the measurement planes and the acoustic Doppler velocimetry (ADV) measurement grid (a) measurement planes parallel to the flume bottom; (b) vertical measurement planes (ADV measurement grid is only shown in one plane).
Figure 2. Three dimensional representations of a pool showing the measurement planes and the acoustic Doppler velocimetry (ADV) measurement grid (a) measurement planes parallel to the flume bottom; (b) vertical measurement planes (ADV measurement grid is only shown in one plane).
Figure 3. Computational domain, showing Pool 3 mesh block.
Figure 3. Computational domain, showing Pool 3 mesh block.
Figure 4. Streamlines of time-averaged velocities (left: PIV; right: mesh Amodel): (a,b) plane 2 (z = 0.088 m); (c,d) plane 5 (y = 0.20 m).
Figure 4. Streamlines of time-averaged velocities (left: PIV; right: mesh Amodel): (a,b) plane 2 (z = 0.088 m); (c,d) plane 5 (y = 0.20 m).
Figure 5. Longitudinal variation of velocity components: (a,c,e) planes 1 and 6 intersection (y = 0.36 m and z = 0.04 m); (b,d,f) planes 2 and 5 intersection (y = 0.20 m and z = 0.088 m).
Figure 5. Longitudinal variation of velocity components: (a,c,e) planes 1 and 6 intersection (y = 0.36 m and z = 0.04 m); (b,d,f) planes 2 and 5 intersection (y = 0.20 m and z = 0.088 m).
Figure 6. Longitudinal variation of Reynolds normal stress components and Reynolds shear stress parallel to the bottom component: (a,c,e,g) planes 1 and 6 intersection (y = 0.36 m and z = 0.04m); (b,d,f,h) planes 2 and 5 intersection (y = 0.20 m and z = 0.088 m).
Figure 6. Longitudinal variation of Reynolds normal stress components and Reynolds shear stress parallel to the bottom component: (a,c,e,g) planes 1 and 6 intersection (y = 0.36 m and z = 0.04m); (b,d,f,h) planes 2 and 5 intersection (y = 0.20 m and z = 0.088 m).


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Figure 2: Computational domain and boundary conditions for the two-dimensional flow problem

3-D transient simulation of viscoelastic coating flows

점탄성 코팅 흐름의 3-D 과도 시뮬레이션

James M. Brethour
Flow Science, Inc.
Santa Fe, New Mexico USA 87505
Presented at the 13th International Coating Science and Technology Symposium, September 10-
13, 2006, Denver, Colorado1

일시적인 프로세스의 3 차원 시뮬레이션은 자유 표면 이동 중에 왜곡을 방지하기 위해 시뮬레이션 중에 업데이트 해야 하는 복잡한 메시를 생성하기 때문에 일반적으로 사용자와 컴퓨터 모두에게 매우 어렵고 지루합니다.

고정된 규칙적인 메시를 통해 유체 운동을 추적하는 Eulerian 기술을 사용하면 이러한 어려움이 제거됩니다. 이러한 방식으로, 큰 유체 변형과 심지어 분열을 계산할 수 있습니다.

이 작업에 사용된 계산 소프트웨어인 FLOW-3D® [1]는 지속적으로 변화하는 유체 영역의 자유 표면을 추적하기 위해 Volume-of-Fluid 기반 기술의 독창적이고 진정한 형태 인 TruVOF®를 사용합니다.

이 모델에 추가 된 것은 점탄성 흐름의 시뮬레이션을 가능하게 하는 사용자 정의입니다. 점탄성 모델은 형태 텐서 [2]를 사용하여 각 유체 요소의 변형 및 회전 이력을 추적합니다. 이러한 계산은 이미 흐름 모델에 존재하는 질량 보존 및 운동량 방정식과 함께 해결됩니다. 필요한 추가 매개 변수는 탄성 계수와 이완 시간입니다.

계산 결과는 슬롯 코팅 [3]에서 하류 접촉 라인이 불안정해질 때까지 코팅액의 공급이 점차 감소하는 저 유량 한계의 실험 결과와 비교됩니다. 계산 결과는 모세관 수의 변화와 유체의 탄성 모두에 대한 실험과 잘 연관되어 있습니다.

Figure 1: Two-dimensional slice of slot coating process; in the experiments, the coating gap was maintained at 100 μm, the slot gap was 125 μm, and the vacuum pressure and web speed were continously varied.
Figure 1: Two-dimensional slice of slot coating process; in the experiments, the coating gap was maintained at 100 μm, the slot gap was 125 μm, and the vacuum pressure and web speed were continously varied.
Figure 2: Computational domain and boundary conditions for the two-dimensional flow problem
Figure 2: Computational domain and boundary conditions for the two-dimensional flow problem
Figure 3: Plot of low flow limits in slot coating as a function of capillary number and fluid elasticity. The solid markers indicate simulation results while the open markers indicate experimental results [3]. The lines represent best-fit power-law curves.
Figure 3: Plot of low flow limits in slot coating as a function of capillary number and fluid elasticity. The solid markers indicate simulation results while the open markers indicate experimental results [3]. The lines represent best-fit power-law curves.

FLOW-3D HYDRO- Dams & Spillways

Dams & spillways Long history of success

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  • CFD consultants
  • Academia

Dams & spillways

•Wide range of applications

•Wide range of flow conditions:
–Open channel
–Pressurized –Mixed

•Wide range of models
FLOW-3D HYDRO is a solution that is:

  • Versatile
  • Robust
  • Accurate

Spillway rating curve
Draft tube exit hydraulics
Flow distribution at turbine entrance
Head loss & energy dissipation
Forces on dams
Aerated flows
Spillway approach conditions
Jet deflection on upper spillway
Spillway water profile
Fish passage hydraulics
Forces on Spillways
Sediment & Scour

Limitless dam, spillway & stilling basin configurations

–Weirs & hydraulic controls
–Morning glory
–Piano Key weir
–Arced weirs

FLOW-3D HYDRO에는 수십 가지 예가 사전 탑재되어 있어 응용 프로그램 모델링을 시작할 수 있는 좋은 출발점을 제공합니다.

Ray-tracing an upcoming post-processing feature


기하학적 또는 흐름 구성에 대한 제한 없음: FLOW-3D HYDO는 속도, 공기 흡입 및 난류장과 같은 중요한 흐름 특성을 매우 정확하게 표현합니다.

  • Natural fishways
  • Pool & weir
  • Pool & orifice
  • Larinier
  • Ice-harbor
  • Natural
  • Baffle
  • Vertical slot
  • Denil •…
  • Simulation outputs
  • Detail of velocity field
  • Water elevation profiles

Spatial mapping of turbulence intensity

Determination of flow conditions:

Coating field – Slot Die Coating (슬롯다이 코팅)

Slot Die Coating (슬롯다이 코팅)

  • 응용
    – 배터리 전극
    – 광학 코팅
    – 전도성 필름
  • 공정 파라미터
    – 유량
    – 롤 속도
    – 기질 속도
    – 유동학
  • 품질 관리
    – 코팅 두께
    – 결함 최소화

슬롯다이 모델링

  • 세밀한 형상
  • 큰 종횡비
  • 간단한 격자 설정

슬롯다이 내부

슬롯다이 외부

슬롯다이 비교

  • 진공 보조 장치가 없는 슬롯 코팅
  • 실험 결과와 매우 일치

FLOW-3D 교육 안내



FLOW-3D 분야별 교육 과정 안내

  • 교육 과정명 : 수리 분야

댐, 하천의 여수로, 수문 등 구조물 설계 및 방류, 월류 등 흐름 검토를 하기 위한 유동 해석 방법을 소개하는 교육 과정입니다. 유입 조건(수위, 유량 등)과 유출 조건에 따른 방류량 및 유속, 압력 분포 등 유체의 흐름을 검토를 할 수 있도록 관련 예제를 통해 적절한 기능을 습득하실 수 있습니다.

  • 교육 과정명 : 수처리 분야

정수처리 및 하수처리 공정에서 각 시설물들의 특성에 맞는 최적 운영조건 검토 및 설계 검토을 위한 유동해석 방법을 소개하는 교육 과정입니다. 취수부터 시작하여 혼화지, 분배수로, 응집지, 침전지, 여과지, 정수지, 협기조, 호기조, 소독조 등 각 공정별 유동 특성을 검토하기 위한 해석 모델을 설정하는 방법에 대해 알려드립니다.

  • 교육 과정명 : 주조 분야

주조 분야 사용자들이 쉽게 접근할 수 있도록 각 공정별로 해석 절차 및 해석 방법을 소개하는 교육 과정입니다. 고압다이캐스팅, 저압다이캐스팅, 경동주조, 중력주조, 원심주조, 정밀주조 등 주조 공법 별 관련 예제를 통해 적절한 기능들을 습득할 수 있도록 도와 드립니다.

  • 교육 과정명 : Micro/Bio/Nano Fluidics 분야

점성력 및 모세관력 같은 유체 표면에 작용하는 힘이 지배적인 미세 유동의 특성을 정확하게 표현할 수 있는 해석 방법에 대해 소개하는 교육 과정입니다. 열적, 전기적 물리 현상을 구현할 수 있도록 관련 예제와 함께 해석 방법을 알려드립니다.

  • 교육 과정명 : 코팅 분야 과정

코팅 공정에 따른 코팅액의 두께, 균일도, 유동 특성 분석을 위한 해석 방법을 소개하는 교육 과정입니다. Slide coating, Dip coating, Spin coating, Curtain coating, Slot coating, Roll coating, Gravure coating 등 각 공정별 예제와 함께 적절한 기능을 습득하실 수 있도록 도와 드립니다.

  • 교육 과정명 : 레이저 용접 분야

레이저 용접 해석을 하기 위한 물리 모델과 용접 조건들을 설정하는 방법에 대해 소개하는 교육 과정입니다. 해석을 통해 용접 공정을 최적화할 수 있도록 관련 예제와 함께 적절한 기능들을 습득할 수 있도록 도와 드립니다.

  • 교육 과정명 : 3D프린팅 분야 과정

Powder Bed Fusion(PBF)와 Directed Energy Deposition(DED) 공정에 대한 해석 방법을 소개하는 교육 과정입니다. 파우더 적층 및 레이저 빔을 조사하면서 동시에 금속 파우더 용융지가 적층되는 공정을 해석하는 방법을 관련 예제와 함께 습득하실 수 있습니다.

  • 교육 과정명 : 해양/항만 분야

해안, 항만, 해양 구조물에 대한 파랑의 영향 및 유체의 수위, 유속, 압력의 영향을 예측할 수 있는 해석 방법을 소개하는 과정입니다. 항주파, 슬로싱, 계류 등 해안, 해양, 에너지, 플랜트 분야 구조물 설계 및 검토에 필요한 유동해석을 하실 수 있는 방법을 알려드립니다. 각 현상에 대한 적절한 예제를 통해 기능을 습득하실 수 있습니다.

  • 교육 과정명 : 우주/항공 분야

항공기 및 우주선의 연료 탱크와 추진체 관리장치의 내부 유동, 엔진 및 터빈 노즐 내부의 유동해석을 하실 수 있도록 관련 메뉴에 대한 설명, 설정 방법을 소개하는 과정입니다. 경계조건 설정, Mesh 방법 등 유동해석을 위한 기본적인 내용과 함께 관련 예제를 통해 기능들을 습득하실 수 있습니다.

고객 맞춤형 과정

상기 과정 이외의 경우 고객의 사업 업무 환경에 적합한 사례를 중심으로 맞춤형 교육을 실시합니다. 필요하신 부분이 있으시면 언제든지 교육 담당자에게 연락하여 협의해 주시기 바랍니다.

고객센터 및 교육 담당자

  • 전화 : 02)2026-0450, 02)2026-0455
  • 이메일 : flow3d@stikorea.co.kr

교육 일정 안내

Education Banner

교육은 매월 정해진 일정에 시행되는 정기 교육과 고객의 요청에 의해 시행되는 비정기 교육이 있습니다. 비정기 교육은 별도문의 바랍니다.

1. 연간교육 일정

2. 교육 내용 : FLOW-3D Basic

  1. FLOW-3D 소개 및 이론
    • FLOW-3D 소개  – 연혁, 특징 등
    • FLOW-3D 기본 개념
      • VOF
      • FAVOR
    • 해석사례 리뷰
  2. GUI 소개 및 사용법
    • 해석 모델 작성법  – 물리 모델 설정
      • 모델 형상 정의
      • 격자 분할
      • 초기 유체 지정
      • 경계 조건 설정
    • 해석 결과 분석 방법  – 해석 모델 설명
  3. 해석 모델 작성 실습
    • 해석 모델 작성 실습  – 격자 분할
      • 물리 모델 설정
      • 모델 형상 및 초기 조건 정의
      • 경계 조건 설정
      • 해석 과정 모니터링
      • 해석 결과 분석
    • 질의 응답 및 토의

3. 교육 과정 : FLOW-3D Advanced

  1. Physics Ⅰ
    • Density evaluation
    • Drift flux
    • Scalars
    • Sediment scour
    • Shallow water
  2. Physics Ⅱ
    • Gravity and non-inertial reference frame
    • Heat transfer
    • Moving objects
    • Solidification
  3. FLOW-3D POST (Post-processor)
    • FLOW-3D POST 소개
    • Interface Basics
    • 예제 실습

FLOW-3D 교육 신청 방법 안내

  • 교육 신청은 홈페이지의 교육 신청 창에서 최소 3일 전에 신청합니다.
  • 모든 교육과정은 신청 인원이 2인 이상일때 개설되며, 선착순 마감입니다.
  • 교육 신청을 완료하시면, 신청시 입력하신 메일주소로 교육 담당자가 확인 메일을 보내드립니다.
  • 교육 시간은 Basic : 오전10시~오후5시, Advanced : 오후1시30분~오후5시30분까지입니다.
  • 교육비 안내
    • FLOW-3D, FLOW-3D CAST, FLOW-3D HYDRO Basic (2일) : 기업 66만원, 학생 55만원
    • FLOW-3D WELD/AM Basic 레이저용접, 3D 프린팅(2일) : 기업 88만원, 학생 66만원
    • FLOW-3D Advanced (1일) : 기업 33만원, 학생 25만원
    • 상기 가격은 부가세 포함 가격입니다.
  • 교육비는 현금(계좌이체)로 납부 가능하며, 교재 및 중식이 제공됩니다.
  • 세금계산서 발급을 위해 사업자등록증 또는 신분증 사본을 함께 첨부하여 신청해 주시기 바랍니다.
  • 교육 종료 후 이메일로 수료증이 발급됩니다.
고객센터 및 교육 담당자
  • 전화 : 02)2026-0450, 02)2026-0455
  • 이메일 : flow3d@stikorea.co.kr
교육 장소 안내
  • 지하철 1호선/가산디지털단지역 (8번출구), 지하철 7호선/가산디지털단지역 (5번출구)
  • 우림라이온스밸리 B동 302호 또는 교육장
  • 당사 건물에 주차할 경우 무료 주차 1시간만 지원되오니, 가능하면 대중교통을 이용해 주시기 바랍니다.
오시는 길

컨설팅 절차

컨설팅 절차

  • 해석 컨설팅을 저희에게 의뢰하시면, 상세한 상담 후 견적을 작성하여 보내 드립니다. 상담은 전화, 이메일, 방문 등의 방법으로 진행됩니다.
  • 계약이 체결된 후 수치해석을 위한 자료 및 데이터를 받아, 협의된 안으로 수치해석을 수행합니다.
  • 컨설팅 진행 과정 중에 수시로 해석 결과 및 진행 상황에 대해 연락 드리며, 변경, 수정 사항을 협의하여 반영할 수 있습니다.
  • 수치해석이 완료되면 최종 보고서를 작성하여 제출하며, 필요시 방문하여 결과를 상세히 설명 드립니다.
  • 수치해석 기술 전수가 포함된 계약일 경우, 최종 보고서 제출 이후에 기술 전수 교육을 진행합니다.
  • 모든 기술 자료는 대외비로 취급되며, 철저하게 보안을 유지해드립니다.

컨설팅 분야

수자원 분야

  • 댐체, 수문, 제반 구조물 안정성 검토
  • 댐, 여수로 유동 해석
  • 여수로 수위별 방류량 해석
  • 여수로 월류 및 수위 검토 해석
  • 발전소 취수로 유동 해석
  • 배수터널 방류향 해석
  • 취수탑 유입 유량 해석
  • 교각주위 세굴 해석
  • 수문 수차 유량 해석
  • 저수지 수위별 유동해석
  • 배수암거 부정류 해석
  • 저수지 연결 터널 유동 해석
  • 교각 유동 작용 힘 검토
  • 도수터널 통수 능력 해석
  • 부유사 확산 검토
  • 냉각수 취수로 유량 해석
  • 수문 유동 양상 분석
  • 배수터널 방류량 해석
  • 월류 수위별 유량 유속 해석

수처리 분야

  • 정수지 유동해석
  • 분배수로 유량분배 해석
  • 침전지 유동 및 유속 분포 해석
  • 반응조 농도 및 반응시간 해석
  • 응집지 유동해석
  • 하수처리시설 슬러지 농도 해석
  • DAF 응집제 농도 해석
  • 수조 최적 교반 해석
  • 여과지 유동해석
  • 혼화지 유동해석
  • 호기조 담체 거동해석
  • 수처리 구조물 유동 양상 분석
  • 하수처리시설 유동해석
  • 분말활성탄 접촉조 해석
  • PSBR 반응조 해석
  • 지하수 ICE RING 형성 해석
  • 절리면 모세관 열유동 해석
  • DAF 실증시설 부상조 해석
  • 착수정 유량 분배 해석

우주 항공분야

  • 발사체 탱크 슬로싱 댐핑 평가 해석
  • 항공기 비행 및 급유 시 연료 탱크 내부 유동 해석
  • 항공기 날개 연료 탱크 내부 유동 해석
  • 항공기 연료 탱크 내부 유동 해석
  • 추진체 관리 장치 내부 유동 해석
  • 엔진 및 터빈 노즐 내부 유동 및 캐비테이션 해석

자동차 분야

  • 자동차 연료 탱크에 연료 주입 시 탱크 내부 유동 해석
  • 피스톤 쿨링젯 시스템 해석
  • 전착 도장 해석
  • 자동차 연료 주입구의 주입 유량별 유동 특성 분석
  • 기어 펌프의 로터 회전에 따른 오일 유동 양상 분석
  • 엔진 실린더 내 피스톤 운동과 배기가스 유동 패턴 해석
  • 베어링 내 윤활을 위한 오일의 유동 양상 해석


  • 해양 컨테이너 연료 탱크 슬로싱 해석
  • 방파제 구조물 주변 유동 해석
  • 선박 운항에 따른 항주파 및 유동 특성 분석
  • 사석 방파제 등 구조물 주변 유동 해석
  • 진동수주형 파력 발전 구조물 최적화 모델 해석
  • 선박 및 부유체 계류 시 계류 안정성 및 계류력 해석
  • 발전소 부근 해역 온배수 영향 예측
  • 지진 해일에 의한 영향 해석

주조 분야

  • 고압다이캐스팅  충진 거동 및 응고 해석
  • 저압주조 충진 거동 및 응고 해석
  • 경동주조 충진 거동 및 응고 해석
  • 중력주조 충진 거동 및 응고 해석
  • 원심주조 충진 거동 및 응고 해석
  • 금형온도 분포 해석
  • 제품 및 금형 열응력, 변형 해석
  • 주조 공법 별 온도 분포, 산화물 분포 및 결함 분석
  • 금형 및 몰드 냉각방안 최적화 검토

Micro/Bio/Nano Fluidics 분야

  • Slit 및 Slot 코팅 해석
  • Roll 코팅 해석
  • Gravure / Gravure-offset 프린팅 해석
  • Curtain 코팅 해석
  • Multi-layer Slide 코팅 해석
  • 전기 삼투를 이용한 마이크로 펌프 전위 및 유동해석
  • 마이크로 채널 액적 생성 연속성 및 혼합 해석
  • 잉크젯 헤드 조건에 따른 잉크 분사 성능 해석
  • 열모데관 유동해석과 모세관 충진 해석
  • 유전 영동 현상을 이용한 액적 융합 해석

레이저 용접 분야

  • 이종재 레이저 용접 해석
  • 용접속도와 경사도에 따른 키홀 내부의 기공 거동 해석
  • 이종재의 레이저 용접 시 wobbling 해석
  • 레이저 용접 Melt Pool 거동 해석
  • 레이저 파워, 속도에 따른 balling 결함 영향 해석

HVAC System Designs

HVAC(난방, 냉방 및 환기)시스템 엔지니어가 고려해야 하는 최적 설계 배치에 대한 검토를 수행

발전소의 경우 대형(길이 90m, 너비 33m, 높이 26m)건물로 변압기, 전력선, 조명 등 열 발생 장비를 갖추고 있어서 여러가지 시설물의 상황을 고려할 수 있음

건물 내 공기를 올바르게 분배하고 적절한 쾌적한 온도를 확보하기 위해 건물 구조와 흡입그 크기 등의 검토 가능

수치해석 기술 컨설팅 안내

FLOW-3D Case Studies

수치해석 기술 컨설팅 안내

  • 전화 :   02-2026-0455
  • Email : flow3d@stikorea.co.kr

컨설팅 형태

수치해석 의뢰

  • 고객이 당면한 문제를 분석 /검토/협의 후, 가장 적절한 수치해석 방법을 수립합니다.
  • 주로 상호 협의된 설계안 및 해석 조건에 대해 수치해석을 수행하여 결과를 도출 분석, 검토합니다.
  • 설계 변경 인자 및 해석 횟수는 고객과 협의하여 진행합니다. 수치해석 결과를 분석 검토하여 설계에 반영하기 위한 의견을 제시하여 드립니다.

해석 대행 의뢰

  • 고객사에 해석 프로세스가 정립되어 있는 경우에 대해, 계산 장비와 수치해석 인력을 이용하여 해석 대행 및 해석 결과물을 제출합니다.

컨설팅 절차

  • 해석 컨설팅을 저희에게 의뢰하시면, 상세한 상담 후 견적을 작성하여 보내 드립니다. 상담은 전화, 이메일, 방문 등의 방법으로 진행됩니다.
  • 계약이 체결된 후 수치해석을 위한 자료 및 데이터를 받아, 협의된 안으로 수치해석을 수행합니다.
  • 컨설팅 진행 과정 중에 수시로 해석 결과 및 진행 상황에 대해 연락 드리며, 변경, 수정 사항을 협의하여 반영할 수 있습니다.
  • 수치해석이 완료되면 최종 보고서를 작성하여 제출하며, 필요시 방문하여 결과를 상세히 설명 드립니다.
  • 수치해석 기술 전수가 포함된 계약일 경우, 최종 보고서 제출 이후에 기술 전수 교육을 진행합니다.
  • 모든 기술 자료는 대외비로 취급되며, 철저하게 보안을 유지해드립니다.

주요 컨설팅 의뢰 분야

수자원 분야

  • 댐체, 수문, 제반 구조물 안정성 검토
  • 댐, 여수로 유동 해석
  • 여수로 수위별 방류량 해석
  • 여수로 월류 및 수위 검토 해석
  • 발전소 취수로 유동 해석
  • 배수터널 방류향 해석
  • 취수탑 유입 유량 해석
  • 교각주위 세굴 해석
  • 수문 수차 유량 해석
  • 저수지 수위별 유동해석
  • 배수암거 부정류 해석
  • 저수지 연결 터널 유동 해석
  • 교각 유동 작용 힘 검토
  • 도수터널 통수 능력 해석
  • 부유사 확산 검토
  • 냉각수 취수로 유량 해석
  • 수문 유동 양상 분석
  • 배수터널 방류량 해석
  • 월류 수위별 유량 유속 해석

수처리 분야

Wastewater Treatment Plant
Wastewater Treatment Plant
  • 정수지 유동해석
  • 분배수로 유량분배 해석
  • 침전지 유동 및 유속 분포 해석
  • 반응조 농도 및 반응시간 해석
  • 응집지 유동해석
  • 하수처리시설 슬러지 농도 해석
  • DAF 응집제 농도 해석
  • 수조 최적 교반 해석
  • 여과지 유동해석
  • 혼화지 유동해석
  • 호기조 담체 거동해석
  • 수처리 구조물 유동 양상 분석
  • 하수처리시설 유동해석
  • 분말활성탄 접촉조 해석
  • PSBR 반응조 해석
  • 지하수 ICE RING 형성 해석
  • 절리면 모세관 열유동 해석
  • DAF 실증시설 부상조 해석
  • 착수정 유량 분배 해석

우주 항공분야

  • 발사체 탱크 슬로싱 댐핑 평가 해석
  • 항공기 비행 및 급유 시 연료 탱크 내부 유동 해석
  • 항공기 날개 연료 탱크 내부 유동 해석
  • 항공기 연료 탱크 내부 유동 해석
  • 추진체 관리 장치 내부 유동 해석
  • 엔진 및 터빈 노즐 내부 유동 및 캐비테이션 해석

자동차 분야

  • 자동차 연료 탱크에 연료 주입 시 탱크 내부 유동 해석
  • 피스톤 쿨링젯 시스템 해석
  • 전착 도장 해석
  • 자동차 연료 주입구의 주입 유량별 유동 특성 분석
  • 기어 펌프의 로터 회전에 따른 오일 유동 양상 분석
  • 엔진 실린더 내 피스톤 운동과 배기가스 유동 패턴 해석
  • 베어링 내 윤활을 위한 오일의 유동 양상 해석


  • 해양 컨테이너 연료 탱크 슬로싱 해석
  • 방파제 구조물 주변 유동 해석
  • 선박 운항에 따른 항주파 및 유동 특성 분석
  • 사석 방파제 등 구조물 주변 유동 해석
  • 진동수주형 파력 발전 구조물 최적화 모델 해석
  • 선박 및 부유체 계류 시 계류 안정성 및 계류력 해석
  • 발전소 부근 해역 온배수 영향 예측
  • 지진 해일에 의한 영향 해석

주조 해석 분야

  • 고압다이캐스팅  충진 거동 및 응고 해석
  • 저압주조 충진 거동 및 응고 해석
  • 경동주조 충진 거동 및 응고 해석
  • 중력주조 충진 거동 및 응고 해석
  • 원심주조 충진 거동 및 응고 해석
  • 금형온도 분포 해석
  • 제품 및 금형 열응력, 변형 해석
  • 주조 공법 별 온도 분포, 산화물 분포 및 결함 분석
  • 금형 및 몰드 냉각방안 최적화 검토

Micro/Bio/Nano Fluidics 분야

  • Slit 및 Slot 코팅 해석
  • Roll 코팅 해석
  • Gravure / Gravure-offset 프린팅 해석
  • Curtain 코팅 해석
  • Multi-layer Slide 코팅 해석
  • 전기 삼투를 이용한 마이크로 펌프 전위 및 유동해석
  • 마이크로 채널 액적 생성 연속성 및 혼합 해석
  • 잉크젯 헤드 조건에 따른 잉크 분사 성능 해석
  • 열모데관 유동해석과 모세관 충진 해석
  • 유전 영동 현상을 이용한 액적 융합 해석

레이저 용접 분야

  • 이종재 레이저 용접 해석
  • 용접속도와 경사도에 따른 키홀 내부의 기공 거동 해석
  • 이종재의 레이저 용접 시 wobbling 해석
  • 레이저 용접 Melt Pool 거동 해석
  • 레이저 파워, 속도에 따른 balling 결함 영향 해석

공기/열 흐름 분야 (HVAC System Designs)

HVAC(난방, 냉방 및 환기)시스템 엔지니어가 고려해야 하는 최적 설계 배치에 대한 검토를 수행

발전소의 경우 대형(길이 90m, 너비 33m, 높이 26m)건물로 변압기, 전력선, 조명 등 열 발생 장비를 갖추고 있어서 여러가지 시설물의 상황을 고려할 수 있음

건물 내 공기를 올바르게 분배하고 적절한 쾌적한 온도를 확보하기 위해 건물 구조와 흡입그 크기 등의 검토 가능

고객 정보보호 보장

해석용역 주요 거래처

□ 공공기관

  • 한국수자원공사
  • 한국건설기술연구원
  • 한국시설안전공단
  • 한국전력기술
  • 한국생산기술연구원
  • 한국동서발전(주)
  • 한국남부발전(주)
  • 한국지질자원연구원 등

□ 기계전자분야

  • 삼성전자
  • LG전자
  • 현대-기아자동차
  • POSCO 등

□ 건설분야

  • 대우건설
  • GS건설
  • SK건설
  • 한화건설
  • 삼성건설 등

□ 엔지니어링 분야

  • (주)삼안
  • (주)도화
  • 현대엔지니어링(주)
  • 한국종합엔지니어링(주)
  • 유신
  • 벽산엔지니어링
  • (주)건화 등

Computational Analysis of Drop Formation and Detachment

Computational Analysis of Drop Formation and Detachment

Introduction and Problem Statement

신속, 반복, 작은 물방울의 생성 및 증착, 작은 형상의 프린팅 또는 패터닝 (예 : l = 10-3-1 mm), 스프레이로  균일한 두께의 박막 형성은 다양한 산업에 매우 중요합니다(1-5). 액체 이동과 액적 형성 / 증착 공정은 복잡한 자유 표면 흐름, 자연적인 모세관운동 형성, thinning, pinch-off를 수반한다 (1-5). 단순한 뉴턴 및 비탄성 유체에 대해 액적 생성 및 액적 이동을 분석하기위한 실험적, 이론적 및 1 차원 시뮬레이션 연구가 진행되었지만 프린팅 또는 패터닝에 대한 기계론적인 이해는 여전히 과제로 남아 있습니다. 현재의 계산에 대한 주된 목표는 뉴턴 유체의 pinch-off에 대한 기계론적 이해를 얻기 위해 FLOW-3D에 내장된 VOF(volume-of-fluid) 접근법으로 시험하는 것입니다. 전산해석은 모세관, 관성, 점성 응력의 복잡한 상호 작용을 포착하여 자기유사 모세관의 thinning and pinch-off를 결정합니다. 뉴턴 유체의 물방울 형성 ​​및 분리현상은  전산해석으로부터 얻어진 자기유사 모세관현상 이론, 보편적인 축소화 기법인 1D 시뮬레이션 (1-7)과 실험 (1, 2, 8-12)을 이용하여 설명될 수 있음을 보여준다. 이러한 우리가 진행한 원형흐름 시뮬레이션은 유한한 시간의 비선형 역학, 위성 낙하현상, 복잡한 형상의 프린팅과 같이 어려운 전산해석의 기반이 될 것 입니다.

방울 형성의 전산 분석
그림 1 : FLOW-3D를 사용하여 시뮬레이션 한 저점도 유체의 드롭 형성 및 분리에 대한 전산해석 : (a) 5개의 저점도 유체에 대한 물방울의 necking에 대한 반경이 시간변화에 따라 표시됩니다. 물방울 necking의 반지름이 오른쪽에서 왼쪽으로 시간에 따른 전개를 보여줍니다. 마찬가지로 스냅 샷은 necking의 반경이 오른쪽에서 왼쪽으로 줄어듭니다. 속도의 크기 (단위 : cm/s) 와 화살표의 방향에 대한 컬러 맵을 사용하면 변형장을 결정할 수 있으며 Fluid 5 (표 1 참조)의 경우에는 순식간에 신장이됩니다. 이미지 II에 캡처 된 pinch-off 하기 전에 형성된 원추형 necking은 실험을 통해 얻은 necking 모양과 유사합니다.

Modeling Approach and Parameter Space

표면 장력 및 중력 모델을 적용한 FLOW-3D 에서 균일한 메쉬 크기를 사용하여 노즐에서 드롭 형성 및 분리에 대한 시뮬레이션을 수행하였습니다. 유한 체적의 유체를 떨어뜨리거나 분리하는 일은 물방울의 성장과 드롭, 노즐에 연결되는 모세관 현상, 관성, 점도 및 중력에 대한 상호 작용을 수반합니다. 시뮬레이션에서 스테인레스 강 노즐 ( {{D} _ {0}} = 2 {{R} _ {0}} = 1.7 \, \ text {mm}) 에서 유한 체적의 뉴턴 유체가 발생합니다. 표면 장력이 중력을 겪으면 새로 형성된 액적 분리가 발생합니다 (mg> 2 \ pi \ sigma {{R} _ {0}}). 시뮬레이션은 유체점도의 영향을 설명하기 위해 두 그룹으로 나누어져 있습니다: 저점도 유체 (글리세롤 함량이 40 % 미만인 물과 글리세롤/물 혼합물) 및 점도가 높은 유체 (예 : 글리세롤과 글리세롤/물 혼합물 점도 > 100x 물 점도). 두 그룹의 유체 특성은 각각 표 1과 2에 나와 있습니다.

계산 분석 드롭 형성 저점도

그림 2 : FLOW-3D를 사용하여 시뮬레이션 한 저점도 유체의 드롭형성 및 분리에 대한 전산 해석 : 반경 플롯에서 4개의 고점도 뉴톤유체에 대해 necking 반경을 시간변화에 따라 표시합니다. 낙하 분리 중 모세관 현상이 스냅 샷으로 표시됩니다. 컬러 맵은 Fluid 8의 속도 크기 (단위 : cm/s)의 변화를 포착합니다 (표2 참조). 화살표는 성장하는 물방울과 얇아지는 물방울내에서 흐름방향을 나타냅니다. FLOW-3D 시뮬레이션으로 얻은 necking 모양은 고점도의 뉴턴유체에 대한 특징인 원통형 유체요소로 이어집니다.


<표 1 : FLOW-3D를 사용하여 시뮬레이션 된 저점도 유체의 특성>
Fluid PropertyFluid 1Fluid 2Fluid 3Fluid 4Fluid 5
Viscosity [Pa · s]
Surface Tension  [mN / m]6868686868
Density [g / cm 3 ]11111
Ohnesorge Number0.
 저점도 유체 (표 1의 유체 2) 가 노즐에서 떨어지는 것을 시뮬레이션 합니다. 색상변수는 속도크기 (단위 : cm / s)이며 속도벡터가 표시됩니다.


<표 2 : FLOW-3D를 사용하여 시뮬레이션 된 고점도 유체의 특성>
Fluid PropertyFluid 6Fluid 7Fluid 8Fluid 9
Viscosity [Pa · s]
Surface Tension  [mN / m ]68686868
Density [g / cm 3 ]1111
Ohnesorge Number6.243.332.081.04

고점도 유체 (표 2의 유체 8) 가 노즐에서 떨어지는 것을 시뮬레이션 합니다. 색상변수는 속도크기 (단위 : cm / s) 이며 속도 벡터가 표시됩니다.

Discussion of the Simulation Results

드롭 형성 및 분리는 표1과 표2에 열거 된 유체에 대해 FLOW-3D 를 사용하여 시뮬레이션 하였고, 시간 경과에 따른 necking 모양, 반경을 분석하였습니다. 물방울의 necking 모양과 저점도에서의 necking에 대한 역학(그림 1 참조)은 실험, 흐름 이론, 1D 시뮬레이션, 자기유사 관성에 대한 모세현상의 특성을 나타냅니다 (1, 2, 6, 7, 13) :

(1)  \ displaystyle \ frac {{R (t)}} {{{{R} _ {0}}}} \ approx 0.8 R {{{{왼쪽} {R} {0} 3}}} 오른쪽}) ^ {{{{frac {1} {3}}} {{왼쪽 {{{{왼쪽}}} {2} {3}}}}

여기서 R (t)가  necking의 순간 반경이고, R0는 노즐의 외부반경이며,  \ displaystyle \ sigma 는 표면 장력,  \ displaystyle \ rho 는 유체의 밀도 tC 는 pinch-off 시간이다. 마찬가지로, 이러한 더 높은 점도의 뉴턴유체에 대한 반경 변화데이터는 시간에 따른 반경의 감소를 나타내는 것이며,  Papageorgiou’s visco-capillary scaling (8, 9)은 아래의 식으로 표현된다.

(2)  \ {0 \} {} {} {} {} {} {} {} {} {} {} {} {} { } ({{t} _ {p}} - t)

모세관 속도(표면 장력과 점도의 비)의 측정 값은 McKinley와 Tripathi (8)에 의해 Capillary Break-Up Extensional Rheometer (CaBER)라고 불리는 상업적으로 이용 가능한 장비를 사용하여 얻은 값과 모세관 속도는 공칭 표면 장력과 점도를 사용하여 계산됩니다.

FLOW-3D 는 물방울의 necking부분을 속도 벡터로 시각화하여 유체의 흐름을 나타낼 수 있습니다. 또한, 이는 그림 1과 같이 전단, 확장을 겪은 후 얇아지는 물방울이 흐르는 과정의 순간을 결정할 수 있는 가능성을 줍니다. 추가로, 낮은 점도의 뉴턴유체는 높은 점도의 뉴턴 유체에 비해 질적으로 다른 거동을 보여준다(그림 2참조). 낮은 점도의 뉴턴 유체에 대한 necking 프로파일은 이론(6,13)에 따라 자기 유사성이 됩니다.

Conclusions, Outlook and Ongoing work

우리의 예비결과는 FLOW-3D 기반의 전산해석이 액적 형성과 탈착의 기초가 되는 프로토타입의 자유 표면흐름을 시뮬레이션하는데 사용될 수 있음을 보여줍니다 . 시뮬레이션된 반경변화 프로파일이 실험적으로 관찰된 높은 유체 및 이론적으로 예측된 유체인 스케일링 법칙 및 pinch-off dynamics과 일치하는 것을 발견하였습니다.

자주 사용되는 1D 또는 2D 모델과 달리 FLOW-3D 는 기본 응력 및 확장 유동장 (균일도 및 크기)의 강도와 얇은 액체 필라멘트 내 흐름에 대한 시각화를 나타낼 수 있습니다(그림1과 2 참조). 확장 유동장과 연관된 흐름 방향 속도 구배는 모세관현상이 나타나는 물방울의 얇은 부분 내에서 발생합니다. 유동학적으로 복잡한 유체에서 non Newtonian shear 및 신장, 점도뿐만 아니라 그외의 탄성 응력이 nonlinear pinch-off dynamics을 급격하게 변화시킵니다(2, 10-12). 우리는 현재 점탄성과 non-Newtonian 유동학을 사용하여 FLow-3D에 복합 유체의 처리 성능평가를 위한 강력한 연산 프로토콜을 개발하고 있습니다.


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Coating Bibliography

아래는 코팅 참고 문헌의 기술 문서 모음입니다. 
이 모든 논문은 FLOW-3D  결과를 포함하고 있습니다. FLOW-3D를 사용하여 코팅 공정을 성공적으로 시뮬레이션  하는 방법에 대해 자세히 알아보십시오.

Coating Bibliography

2024년 11월 20일 Update

98-24 Fabiano I. Indicatti, Bo Cheng, Michael Rädler, Elisabeth Stammen, Klaus Dilger, Experimental and numerical investigation of the squeegee process during stencil printing of thick adhesive sealings, The Journal of Adhesion, 2024. doi.org/10.1080/00218464.2024.2356105

130-22   Md Didarul Islam, Himendra Perera, Benjamin Black, Matthew Phillips, Muh-Jang Chen, Greyson Hodges, Allyce Jackman, Yuxuan Liu, Chang-Jin Kim, Mohammed Zikry, Saad Khan, Yong Zhu, Mark Pankow, Jong Eun Ryu, Template-free scalable fabrication of linearly periodic microstructures by controlling ribbing defects phenomenon in forward roll coating for multifunctional applications, Advanced Materials Interfaces, 9.27; 2201237, 2022. doi.org/10.1002/admi.202201237

03-21   Delong Jia, Peng Yi, Yancong Liu, Jiawei Sun, Shengbo Yue, Qi Zhao, Effect of laser­ textured groove wall interface on molybdenum coating diffusion and metallurgical bonding, Surface and Coatings Technology, 405; 126561, 2021. doi.org/10.1016/j.surfcoat.2020.126561

50-19     Peng Yi, Delong Jia, Xianghua Zhan, Pengun Xu, and Javad Mostaghimi, Coating solidification mechanism during plasma-sprayed filling the laser textured grooves, International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer, Vol. 142, 2019. doi:10.1016/j.ijheatmasstransfer.2019.118451

01-19   Jelena Dinic and Vivek Sharma, Computational analysis of self-similar capillary-driven thinning and pinch-off dynamics during dripping using the volume-of-fluid method, Physics of Fluids, Vol. 31, 2019. doi: 10.1063/1.5061715

85-18   Zia Jang, Oliver Litfin and Antonio Delgado, A semi-analytical approach for prediction of volume flow rate in nip-fed reverse roll coating process, Proceedings in Applied Mathematics and Mechanics, Vol. 18, no. 1, Special Issue: 89th Annual Meeting of the International Association of Applied Mathematics and Mechanics, 2018. doi: 10.1002/pamm.201800317

80-14   Hiroaki Koyama, Kazuhiro Fukada, Yoshitaka Murakami, Satoshi Inoue, and Tatsuya Shimoda, Investigation of Roll-to-Sheet Imprinting for the Fabrication of Thin-film Transistor Electrodes, IEICE TRAN, ELECTRON, VOL.E97-C, NO.11, November 2014

46-14   Isabell Vogeler, Andreas Olbers, Bettina Willinger and Antonio Delgado, Numerical investigation of the onset of air entrainment in forward roll coating, 17th International Coating Science and Technology Symposium September 7-10, 2014 San Diego, CA, USA

17-12  Chi-Feng Lin, Bo-Kai Wang, Carlos Tiu and Ta-Jo Liu, On the Pinning of Downstream Meniscus for Slot Die Coating, Advances in Polymer Technology, Vol. 00, No. 0, 1-9 (2012) © 2012 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. Available online at Wiley.

01-11  Reid Chesterfield, Andrew Johnson, Charlie Lang, Matthew Stainer, and Jonathan Ziebarth, Solution-Coating Technology for AMOLED Displays, Information Display Magazine, 1/11 0362-0972/01/2011-024 © SID 2011.

61-09 Yi-Rong Chang, Chi-Feng Lin and Ta-Jo Liu, Start-up of slot die coating, Polymer Engineering and Science, Vol. 49, pp. 1158-1167, 2009. doi:10.1002/pen.21360

26-06  James M. Brethour, 3-D transient simulation of viscoelastic coating flows, 13th International Coating Science and Technology Symposium, September 2006, Denver, Colorado

19-06  Ivosevic, M., Cairncross, R. A., and Knight, R., 3D Predictions of Thermally Sprayed Polymer Splats Modeling Particle Acceleration, Heating and Deformation on Impact with a Flat Substrate, Int. J. of Heat and Mass Transfer, 49, pp. 3285 – 3297, 2006

9-06  M. Ivosevic, R. A. Cairncross, R. Knight, T. E. Twardowski, V. Gupta, Drexel University, Philadelphia, PA; J. A. Baldoni, Duke University, Durham, NC, Effect of Substrate Roughness on Splatting Behavior of HVOF Sprayed Polymer Particles Modeling and Experiments, International Thermal Spray Conference, Seattle, WA, May 2006.

26-05  Ivosevic, M., Cairncross, R. A., Knight, R., Impact Modeling of Thermally Sprayed Polymer Particles, Proc. International Thermal Spray Conference [ITSC-2005], Eds., DVS/IIW/ASM-TSS, Basel, Switzerland, May 2005.

11-05  Brethour, J., Simulation of Viscoelastic Coating Flows with a Volume-of-fluid Technique, in Proceedings of the 6th European Coating Symposium, Bradford, UK, 2005

1-05 C.W. Hirt, Electro-Hydrodynamics of Semi-Conductive Fluids: With Application to Electro-Spraying, Flow Science Technical Note #70, FSI-05-TN70

38-04 K.H. Ho and Y.Y. Zhao, Modelling thermal development of liquid metal flow on rotating disc in centrifugal atomisation, Materials Science and Engineering, A365, pp. 336-340, 2004. doi:10.1016/j.msea.2003.09.044

30-04  M. Ivosevic, R.A. Cairncross, and R. Knight, Impact Modeling of HVOF Sprayed Polymer Particles, Presented at the 12th International Coating Science and Technology Symposium, Rochester, New York, September 23-25, 2004

29-04  J.M. Brethour and C.W. Hirt, Stains Arising from Dried Liquid Drops, Presented at the 12th International Coating Science and Technology Symposium, Rochester, New York, September 23-25, 2004

20-03  James Brethour, Filling and Emptying of Gravure Cells–A CFD Analysis, Convertech Pacific October 2002, Vol. 10, No 4, p 34-37

4-03   M. Toivakka, Numerical Investigation of Droplet Impact Spreading in Spray Coating of Paper, In Proceedings of 2003 TAPPI 8th Advanced Coating Fundamentals Symposium, TAPPI Press, Atlanta, 2003

28-02  J.M. Brethour and H. Benkreira, Filling and Emptying of Gravure Cells—Experiment and CFD Comparison, 11th International Coating Science and Technology Symposium, September 23-25, 2002, Minneapolis, Minnesota

22-02  Hirt, C.W., and Brethour, J.M., Contact Line on Rough Surfaces with Application to Air Entrainment, Presented at the 11th International Coating Science and Technology Symposium, September 23-25, 2002, Minneapolis, Minnesota. Unpublished.

17-01  J. M. Brethour, C. W. Hirt, Moving Contact Lines on Rough Surfaces, 4th European Coating Symposium, 2001, Belgium

16-01  J. M. Brethour, Filling and Emptying of Gravure Cells–-A CFD Analysis, proceedings of the 4th European Coating Symposium 2001, October 1-4, 2001, Brussels, Belgium

26-00 Ronald H. Miller and Gary S. Strumolo, A Self-Consistent Transient Paint Simulation, Proceedings of IMEC2000: 2000 ASME International Mechanical Engineering Congress and Exposition, November 2000, Orlando, Florida

6-99  C. W. Hirt, Direct Computation of Dynamic Contact Angles and Contact Lines, ECC99 Coating Conference, Erlangen, Germany (FSI-99-00-2), Sept. 1999

7-98 J. E. Richardson and Y. Becker, Three-Dimensional Simulation of Slot Coating Edge Effects, Flow Science Inc, and Polaroid Corporation, presented at the 9th International Coating Science and Technology Symposium, Newark, DE, May 18-20, 1998

6-98  C. W. Hirt and E. Choinski, Simulation of the Wet-Start Process in Slot Coating, Flow Science Inc, and Polaroid Corporation, presented at the 9th International Coating Science and Technology Symposium, Newark, DE, May 18-20, 1998

3-97  C. W. Hirt and J. E. Richardson of Flow Science Inc, and K.S. Chen, Sandia National Laboratory, Simulation of Transient and Three-Dimensional Coating Flows Using a Volume-of-Fluid Technique, presented at the 50th Annual Conference of the Society for Imaging and Science Technology, Boston, MA 18-23 May 1997

2-96 C. W. Hirt, K. S. Chen, Simulation of Slide-Coating Flows Using a Fixed Grid and a Volume-of-Fluid Front-Tracking Technique, presented a the 8th International Coating Process Science & Technology Symposium, February 25-29, 1996, New Orleans, LA

Coastal & Maritime Bibliography

Coastal & Maritime Bibliography

다음은 연안 및 해양 분야의 기술 문서 모음입니다.
이 모든 논문은 FLOW-3D  결과를 포함하고 있습니다. FLOW-3D를 사용하여 연안 및 해양 시설물을 성공적으로 시뮬레이션 하는 방법에 대해 자세히 알아보십시오.

2024년 11월 20일 Update

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117-24 Dong Zeng, Wuyang Bi, Yi Yu, Yun Yan, Weiqiu Chen, Yong Yao, Cheng Zhang, Tianyu Wu, Prediction of local scouring of offshore wind turbine foundations based on the amplification principle of local seabed shear stress, The 34th International Ocean and Polar Engineering Conference, ISOPE-I-24-125, 2024.

116-24 Chen-Shan Kung, Ya-Cing You, Pei-Yu Lee, Siu-Yu Pan, The air entrainment effect of pump blades operation under different water depths, The 34th International Ocean and Polar Engineering Conference, ISOPE-I-24-595, 2024.

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102-24 Mary Kathryn Walker, Computational fluid dynamics study of perforated monopiles, Thesis, Florida Institute of Technology, 2024.

80-24 Deniz Velioglu Sogut, Erdinc Sogut, Ali Farhadzadeh, Tian-Jian Hsu, Non-equilibrium scour evolution around an emerged structure exposed to a transient wave, Journal of Marine Science and Engineering, 12; 946, 2024. doi.org/10.3390/jmse12060946

79-24 Sujantoko, D.R. Ahidah, W. Wardhana, E.B. Djatmiko, M. Mustain, Numerical modeling of wave reflection and transmission in I-shaped floating breakwater series, IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science, 1321; 012010, 2024. doi.org/10.1088/1755-1315/1321/1/012010

75-24 Sahel Sohrabi, Mohamad Ali Lofollahi Yaghin, Alireza Mojtahedi, Mohamad Hosein Aminfar, Mehran Dadashzadeh, Experimental and numerical investigation of a hybrid floating breakwater-WEC system, Ocean Engineering, 303; 117613, 2024. doi.org/10.1016/j.oceaneng.2024.117613

73-24 Penghui Wang, Chunning Ji, Xiping Sun, Dong Xu, Chao Ying, Development and test of FDEM–FLOW-3D—A CFD–DEM model for the fluid–structure interaction of AccropodeTM blocks under wave loads, Ocean Engineering, 303; 117735, 2024. doi.org/10.1016/j.oceaneng.2024.117735

67-24 Alexander Schendel, Stefan Schimmels, Mario Welzel, Philippe April-LeQuéré, Abdolmajid Mohammadian, Clemens Krautwald, Jacob Stolle, Ioan Nistor, Nils Goseberg, Spatiotemporal scouring processes around a square column on a sloped beach induced by tsunami bores, Journal of Waterway, Port, Coastal, and Ocean Engineering, 150.3; 2024. https://doi.org/10.1061/JWPED5.WWENG-2052

65-24 Kaiqi Yu, Elda Miramontes, Matthieu J.B. Cartigny, Yuping Yang, Jingping Xu, The impacts of profile concavity on turbidite deposits: Insights from the submarine canyons on global continental margins, Geomorphology, 454; 109157, 2024. doi.org/10.1016/j.geomorph.2024.109157

61-24 M.T. Mansouri Kia, H.R. Sheibani, A. Hoback, Initial maintenance notes about the first river ship lock in Iran, Journal of Hydraulic and Water Engineering, 1.2; pp. 143-162, 2024.

47-24 Cheng Yee Ng, Nauman Riyaz Maldar, Muk Chen Ong, Numerical investigation on performance enhancement in a drag-based hydrokinetic turbine with a diffuser, Ocean Engineering, 298; 117179, 2024. doi.org/10.1016/j.oceaneng.2024.117179

26-24 Zegao Yin, Guoqing Li, Fei Wu, Zihan Ni, Feifan Li, Experimental and numerical study on hydrodynamic characteristics of a bottom-hinged pitching flap breakwater under regular waves, Ocean Engineering, 293; 116665, 2024. doi.org/10.1016/j.oceaneng.2024.116665

21-24   Young-Ki Moon, Chang-Ill Yoo, Jong-Min Lee, Sang-Hyub Lee, Han-Sam Yoon, Evaluation of pedestrian safety for wave overtopping by ship-induced waves in waterfront revetment, Journal of Coastal Research, 116; pp.314-318, 2024. doi.org/10.2112/JCR-SI116-064.1

14-24   Hongliang Wang, Xuanwen Jia, Chuan Wang, Bo Hu, Weidong Cao, Shanshan Li, Hui Wang, Study on the sand-scouring characteristics of pulsed submerged jets based on experiments and numerical models, Journal of Marine Science and Engineering, 12.1; 57, 2024. doi.org/10.3390/jmse12010057

239-23 Sara Tuozzo, Angela Di Leo, Mariano Buccino, Fabio Dentale, Eugenio Pugliese Carratelli, Mario Calabrese, The effect of wind stress on wave overtopping on vertical seawall, Coastal Engineering Proceedings, 37; 2023. doi.org/10.9753/icce.v37.papers.49

224-23   Helia Molaei Nodeh, Reza Dezvareh, Mahdi Yousefifard, Numerical analysis of the effects of rubble mound breakwater geometry under the effect of nonlinear wave force, Arabian Journal for Science and Engineering, 2023. doi.org/10.1007/s13369-023-08520-2

212-23   Feifei Cao, Mingqi Yu, Meng Han, Bing Liu, Zhiwen Wei, Juan Jiang, Huiyuan Tian, Hongda Shi, Yanni Li, WECs microarray effect on the coupled dynamic response and power performance of a floating combined wind and wave energy system, Renewable Energy, 219.2; 119476, 2023. doi.org/10.1016/j.renene.2023.119476

210-23   H. Omara, Sherif M. Elsayed, Karim Adel Nassar, Reda Diab, Ahmed Tawfik, Hydrodynamic and morphologic investigating of the discrepancy in flow performance between inclined rectangular and oblong piers, Ocean Engineering, 288.2; 116132, 2023. doi.org/10.1016/j.oceaneng.2023.116132

190-23   M.F. Ahmad, M.I. Ramli, M.A. Musa, S.E.G. Goh, C.W.M.N Che Wan Othman, E.H. Ariffin, N.A. Mokhtar, Numerical simulation for overtopping discharge on tetrapod breakwater, AIP Conference Proceedings, 2746.1; 2023. doi.org/10.1063/5.0153371

183-23   Youkou Dong, Enjin Zhao, Lan Cui, Yizhe Li, Yang Wang, Dynamic performance of suspended pipelines with permeable wrappers under solitary waves, Journal of Marine Science and Engineering, 11.10; 1872, 2023. doi.org/10.3390/jmse11101872

176-23   Guoxu Niu, Yaoyong Chen, Jiao Lu, Jing Zhang, Ning Fan, Determination of formulae for the hydrodynamic performance of a fixed box-type free surface breakwater in the intermediate water, Journal of Marine Science and Engineering, 11.9; 1812, 2023. doi.org/10.3390/jmse11091812

168-23   Yupeng Ren, Huiguang Zhou, Houjie Wang, Xiao Wu, Guohui Xu, Qingsheng Meng, Study on the critical sediment concentration determining the optimal transport capability of submarine sediment flows with different particle size composition, Marine Geology, 464; 107142, 2023. doi.org/10.1016/j.margeo.2023.107142

163-23   Ahmad Fitriadhy, Sheikh Fakruradzi, Alamsyah Kurniawan, Nita Yuanita, Anuar Abu Bakar, 3D computational fluid dynamic investigation on wave transmission behind low-crested submerged geo-bag breakwater, CFD Letters, 15.10; 2023. doi.org/10.37934/cfdl.15.10.1222

162-23   Ramtin Sabeti, Landslide-generated tsunami waves-physical and numerical modelling, International Seminar on Tsunami Research, University of Bath, 2023.

161-23   Duy Linh Du, Study on the optimal location for pile-rock breakwater in reducing wave height in Dong Hai District, Bac Lieu Province, Vietnam, Thesis, Can Tho University, 2023.

160-23   Duy Linh Du, Dai Bang Pham, Van Duy Dinh, Tan Ngoc Cao, Van Ty Tran, Gia Bao Tran, Hieu Duc Tran, Modelling the wave reduction effectiveness of pile-rock breakwater using FLOW-3D, (in Vietnamese) Journal of Materials and Construction, 13.04; 2023. doi.org/10.54772/jomc.04.2023.537

151-23 Zhiguo Zhang, Jinpeng Chen, Tong Ye, Zhengguo Zhu, Mengxi Zhang, Yutao Pan, Wave-induced response of seepage pressure around shield tunnel in sand seabed slope, International Journal of Geomechanics, 23.10; 2023. doi.org/10.1061/IJGNAI.GMENG-8072

147-23 Jiale Li, Jijian Lian, Haijun Wang, Yaohua Guo, Sha Liu, Yutong Zhang, FengWu Zhang, Numerical study of the local scour characteristics of bottom-supported installation platforms during the installation of a monopile, Ships and Offshore Structures, 2023. doi.org/10.1080/17445302.2023.2243700

144-23 Weixang Liang, Min Lou, Changhong Fan, Deguang Zhao, Xiang Li, Coupling effect of vortex-induced vibration and local scour of double tandem pipelines in steady current, Ocean Engineering, 286.1; 115495, 2023. doi.org/10.1016/j.oceaneng.2023.11549

136-23 Zegao Yin, Jiahao Li, Yanxu Wang, Haojian Wang, Tianxu Yin, Solitary wave attenuation characteristics of mangroves and multi-parameter prediction model, Ocean Engineering, 285.2; 115372, 2023. doi.org/10.1016/j.oceaneng.2023.115372

130-23 Sheng Wang, Chaozhe Yuan, Yuchi Hao, Xiaowei Yan, Feasibility analysis of laying and construction of deep-water dredging sinking pipeline, The 33rd International Ocean and Polar Engineering Conference, ISOPE-1-23-030, 2023.

127-23 Chen-Shan Kung, Ya-Cing You, Pei-Yu Lee, Siu-Yu Pan, Yu-Chun Chen, The air entrainment effect stability on the marine pipeline, The 33rd International Ocean and Polar Engineering Conference, ISOPE-I-23-242, 2023.

126-23 Yuting Wang, Zhaode Zhang, Yuan Zhang, Numerical simulationa and measurement of artificial flow creation in reclamation projects, The 33rd International Ocean and Polar Engineering Conference, ISOPE-1-23-168, 2023.

125-23 Chen-Shan Kung, Siu-Yu Pan, Pei-Yu Lee, Ya-Cing You, Yu-Chun Chen, Numerical simulation of wave motion on the submarine HDPE pipe system, The 33rd International Ocean and Polar Engineering Conference, ISOPE-I-23-327, 2023.

115-23 Qishun Li, Yanpeng Hao, Peng Zhang, Haotian Tan, Wanxing Tian, Linhao Chen, Lin Yang, Numerical study of the local scouring process and influencing factors of semi-exposed submarine cables, Journal of Marine Science and Engineering, 11.7; 1349, 2023. doi.org/10.3390/jmse11071349

113-23 Minxi Zhang, Hanyan Zhao, Dongliang Zhao, Shaolin Yue, Huan Zhou, Xudong Zhao, Carlo Gualtieri, Guoliang Yu, Numerical study of the flow at a vertical pile with net-like scour protection mat, Journal of Ocean Engineering and Science, 2023. doi.org/10.1016/j.joes.2023.06.002

108-23 Seyed A. Ghaherinezhad, M. Behdarvandi Askar, Investigating effect of changing vegetation height with irregular layout on reduction of waves using FLOW-3D numerical model, Journal of Hydraulic and Water Engineering, 1.1; pp.55-64, 2023. doi.org/10.22044/JHWE.2023.12844.1004

92-23 Tongshun Yu, Xingyu Chen, Yuying Tang, Junrong Wang, Yuqiao Wang, Shuting Huang, Numerical modelling of wave run-up heights and loads on multi-degree-of-freedom buoy wave energy converters, Applied Energy, 344; 121255, 2023. doi.org/10.1016/j.apenergy.2023.121255

85-23   Emilee A. Wissmach, Biomimicry of natural reef hydrodynamics in an artificial spur and groove reef formation, Thesis, Florida Institute of Technology, 2023.

81-23   Zhi Fan, Feifei Cao, Hongda Shi, Numerical simulation on the energy capture spectrum of heaving buoy wave energy converter, Ocean Engineering, 280; 114475, 2023. doi.org/10.1016/j.oceaneng.2023.114475

72-23   Zegao Yin, Fei Wu, Yingni Luan, Xuecong Zhang, Xiutao Jiang, Jie Xiong, Hydrodynamic and aeration characteristics of an aerator of a surging water tank with a vertical baffle under a horizontal sinusoidal motion, Ocean Engineering, 287; 114396, 2023. doi.org/10.1016/j.oceaneng.2023.114396

71-23   Erfan Amini, Mahdieh Nasiri, Navid Salami Pargoo, Zahra Mozhgani, Danial Golbaz, Mehrdad Baniesmaeil, Meysam Majidi Nezhad, Mehdi Neshat, Davide Astiaso Garcia, Georgios Sylaios, Design optimization of ocean renewable energy converter using a combined Bi-level metaheuristic approach, Energy Conversion and Management: X, 19; 100371, 2023. doi.org/10.1016/j.ecmx.2023.100371

70-23   Ali Ghasemi, Rouholla Amirabadi, Ulrich Reza Kamalian, Numerical investigation of hydrodynamic responses and statistical analysis of imposed forces for various geometries of the crown structure of caisson breakwater, Ocean Engineering, 278; 114358, 2023. doi.org/10.1016/j.oceaneng.2023.114358

67-23   Aisyah Dwi Puspasari, Jyh-Haw Tang, Numerical simulation of scouring around groups of six cylinders with different flow directions, Journal of the Chinese Institute of Engineers, 46.4; 2023. doi.org/10.1080/02533839.2023.2194919

62-23   Rob Nairn, Qimiao Lu, Rebecca Quan, Matthew Hoy, Dain Gillen, Data collection and modeling in support of the Mid-Breton Sediment Diversion Project, Coastal Sediments, 2023. doi.org/10.1142/9789811275135_0246

55-23   Yupeng Ren, Hao Tian, Zhiyuan Chen, Guohui Xu, Lejun Liu, Yibing Li, Two kinds of waves causing the resuspension of deep-sea sediments: excitation and internal solitary waves, Journal of Ocean University of China, 22; pp. 429-440, 2023. doi.org/10.1007/s11802-023-5293-2

42-23   Antonija Harasti, Gordon Gilja, Simulation of equilibrium scour hole development around riprap sloping structure using the numerical model, EGU General Assembly, 2023. doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu23-6811

25-23   Ke Hu, Xinglan Bai, Murilo A. Vaz, Numerical simulation on the local scour processing and influencing factors of submarine pipeline, Journal of Marine Science and Engineering, 11.1; 234, 2023. doi.org/10.3390/jmse11010234

12-23   Fan Zhang, Zhipeng Zang, Ming Zhao, Jinfeng Zhang, Numerical investigations on scour and flow around two crossing pipelines on a sandy seabed, Journal of Marine Science and Engineering, 10.12; 2019, 2023. doi.org/10.3390/jmse10122019

10-23 Wenshe Zhou, Yongzhou Cheng, Zhiyuan Lin, Numerical simulation of long-wave wave dissipation in near-water flat-plate array breakwaters, Ocean Engineering, 268; 113377, 2023. doi.org/10.1016/j.oceaneng.2022.113377

181-22   Ramtin Sabeti, Mohammad Heidarzadeh, Numerical simulations of water waves generated by subaerial granular and solid-block landslides: Validation, comparison, and predictive equations, Ocean Engineering, 266.3; 112853, 2022. doi.org/10.1016/j.oceaneng.2022.112853 

167-22 Zhiyong Zhang, Cunhong Pan, Jian Zeng, Fuyuan Chen, Hao Qin, Kun He, Kui Zhu, Enjin Zhao, Hydrodynamics of tidal bore overflow on the spur dike and its infuence on the local scour, Ocean Engineering, 266.4; 113140, 2022. doi.org/10.1016/j.oceaneng.2022.113140

166-22 Nguyet-Minh Nguyen, Duong Do Van, Duy Tu Le, Quyen Nguyen, Bang Tran, Thanh Cong Nguyen, David Wright, Ahad Hasan Tanim, Phong Nguyen Thanh, Duong Tran Anh, Physical and numerical modeling of four different shapes of breakwaters to test the suspended sediment trapping capacity in the Mekong Delta, Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf Science, 279; 108141, 2022. doi.org/10.1016/j.ecss.2022.108141

163-22 Sahameddin Mahmoudi Kurdistani, Giuseppe Roberto Tomasicchio, Felice D’Alessandro, Antonio Francone, Formula for wave transmission at submerged homogeneous porous breakwaters, Ocean Engineering, 266.4; 113053, 2022. doi.org/10.1016/j.oceaneng.2022.113053

162-22 Kai Wei, Xueshuang Yin, Numerical study into configuration of horizontal flanges on hydrodynamic performance of moored box-type floating breakwater, Ocean Engineering, 266.4; 112991, 2022. doi.org/10.1016/j.oceaneng.2022.112991

161-22 Sung-Chul Jang, Jin-Yong Jeong, Seung-Woo Lee, Dongha Kim, Identifying hydraulic characteristics related to fishery activities using numerical analysis and an automatic identification system of a fishing vessel, Journal of Marine Science and Engineering, 10; 1619, 2022. doi.org/10.3390/jmse10111619

156-22 Keith Adams, Mohammad Heidarzadeh, Extratropical cyclone damage to the seawall in Dawlish, UK: Eyewitness accounts, sea level analysis and numerical modelling, Natural Hazards, 2022. doi.org/10.1007/s11069-022-05692-2

155-22 Youxiang Lu, Zhenlu Wang, Zegao Yin, Guoxiang Wu, Bingchen Liang, Experimental and numerical studies on local scour around closely spaced circular piles under the action of steady current, Journal of Marine Science and Engineering, 10; 1569, 2022. doi.org/10.3390/jmse10111569

152-22 Nauman Riyaz Maldar, Ng Cheng Yee, Elif Oguz, Shwetank Krishna, Performance investigation of a drag-based hydrokinetic turbine considering the effect of deflector, flow velocity, and blade shape, Ocean Engineering, 266.2; 112765, 2022. doi.org/10.1016/j.oceaneng.2022.112765

148-22   Ramtin Sabeti, Mohammad Heidarzadeh, Numerical simulations of water waves generated by subaerial granular and solid-block landslides: Validation, comparison, and predictive equations, Ocean Engineering, 266.3; 112853, 2022. doi.org/10.1016/j.oceaneng.2022.112853

145-22   I-Fan Tseng, Chih-Hung Hsu, Po-Hung Yeh, Ting-Chieh Lin, Physical mechanism for seabed scouring around a breakwater—a case study in Mailiao Port, Journal of Marine Science and Engineering, 10; 1386, 2022. doi.org/10.3390/jmse10101386

144-22   Jiarui Yu, Baozeng Yue, Bole Ma, Isogeometric analysis with level set method for large-amplitude liquid sloshing, Ocean Engineering, 265; 112613, 2022. doi.org/10.1016/j.oceaneng.2022.112613

141-22   Qi Yang, Peng Yu, Hongjun Liu, Computational investigation of scour characteristics of USAF in multi-specie sand under steady current, Ocean Engineering, 262; 112141, 2022. doi.org/10.1016/j.oceaneng.2022.112141

128-22   Atish Deoraj, Calvin Wells, Justin Pringle, Derek Stretch, On the reef scale hydrodynamics at Sodwana Bay, South Africa, Environmental Fluid Mechanics, 2022. doi.org/10.1007/s10652-022-09896-9

108-22   Angela Di Leo, Mariano Buccino, Fabio Dentale, Eugenio Pugliese Carratelli, CFD analysis of wind effect on wave overtopping, 32nd International Ocean and Polar Engineering Conference,  ISOPE-I-22-428, 2022.

105-22   Pin-Tzu Su, Chen-shan Kung, Effects of currents and sediment flushing on marine pipes, 32nd International Ocean and Polar Engineering Conference, ISOPE-I-22-153, 2022.

89-22   Kai Wei, Cong Zhou, Bo Xu, Spatial distribution models of horizontal and vertical wave impact pressure on the elevated box structure, Applied Ocean Research, 125; 103245, 2022. doi.org/10.1016/j.apor.2022.103245

87-22   Tran Thuy Linh, Numerical modelling (3D) of wave interaction with porous structures in the Mekong Delta coastal zone, Thesis, Ho Chi Minh City University of Technology, 2022.

82-22   Seyyed-Mahmood Ghassemizadeh, Mohammad Javad Ketabdari, Modeling of solitary wave interaction with curved-facing seawalls using numerical method, Advances in Civil Engineering, 5649637, 2022. doi.org/10.1155/2022/5649637

81-22   Raphael Alwan, Boyin Ding, David M. Skene, Zhaobin Li, Luke G. Bennetts, On the structure of waves radiated by a submerged cylinder undergoing large-amplitude heave motions, 32nd International Ocean and Polar Engineering Conference, Shanghai, China, June 5-10, 2022. doi.org/10.1111/jfr3.12828

77-22   Weiyun Chen, Linchong Huang, Dan Wang, Chao Liu, Lingyu Xu, Zhi Ding, Effects of siltation and desiltation on the wave-induced stability of foundation trench of immersed tunnel, Soil Dynamics and Earthquake Engineering, 160; 107360, 2022. doi.org/10.1016/j.soildyn.2022.107360

63-22   Yongzhou Cheng, Zhiyuan Lin, Gan Hu, Xing Lyu, Numerical simulation of the hydrodynamic characteristics of the porous I-type composite breakwater, Journal of Marine Science and Application, 21; pp. 140-150, 2022. doi.org/10.1007/s11804-022-00251-4

37-22   Ray-Yeng Yang, Chuan-Wen Wang, Chin-Cheng Huang, Cheng-Hsien Chung, Chung-Pang, Chen, Chih-Jung Huang, The 1:20 scaled hydraulic model test and field experiment of barge-type floating offshore wind turbine system, Ocean Engineering, 247.1; 110486, 2022. doi.org/10.1016/j.oceaneng.2021.110486

35-22   Mingchao Cui, Zhisong Li, Chenglin Zhang, Xiaoyu Guo, Statistical investigation into the flow field of closed aquaculture tanks aboard a platform under periodic oscillation, Ocean Engineering, 248; 110677, 2022. doi.org/10.1016/j.oceaneng.2022.110677

30-22   Jijian Lian, Jiale Li, Yaohua Guo, Haijun Wang, Xu Yang, Numerical study on local scour characteristics of multi-bucket jacket foundation considering exposed height, Applied Ocean Research, 121; 103092. doi.org/10.1016/j.apor.2022.103092

19-22   J.J. Wiegerink, T.E. Baldock, D.P. Callaghan, C.M. Wang, Slosh suppression blocks – A concept for mitigating fluid motions in floating closed containment fish pen in high energy environments, Applied Ocean Research, 120; 103068, 2022. doi.org/10.1016/j.apor.2022.103068

9-22   Amir Bordbar, Soroosh Sharifi, Hassan Hemida, Investigation of scour around two side-by-side piles with different spacing ratios in live-bed, Lecture Notes in Civil Engineering, 208; pp. 302-309, 2022. doi.org/10.1007/978-981-16-7735-9_33

7-22   Jinzhao Li, Xuan Kong, Yilin Yang, Lu Deng, Wen Xiong, CFD investigations of tsunami-induced scour around bridge piers, Ocean Engineering, 244; 110373, 2022. doi.org/10.1016/j.oceaneng.2021.110373

3-22   Ana Gomes, José Pinho, Wave loads assessment on coastal structures at inundation risk using CFD modelling, Climate Change and Water Security, 178; pp. 207-218, 2022. doi.org/10.1007/978-981-16-5501-2_17

2-22   Ramtin Sabeti, Mohammad Heidarzadeh, Numerical simulations of tsunami wave generation by submarine landslides: Validation and sensitivity analysis to landslide parameters, Journal of Waterway, Port, Coastal, and Ocean Engineering, 148.2; 05021016, 2022. doi.org/10.1061/(ASCE)WW.1943-5460.0000694

146-21   Ming-ming Liu, Hao-cheng Wang, Guo-qiang Tang, Fei-fei Shao, Xin Jin, Investigation of local scour around two vertical piles by using numerical method, Ocean Engineering, 244; 110405, 2021. doi.org/10.1016/j.oceaneng.2021.110405

135-21   Jian Guo, Jiyi Wu, Tao Wang, Prediction of local scour depth of sea-crossing bridges based on the energy balance theory, Ships and Offshore Structures, 16.10, 2021. doi.org/10.1080/17445302.2021.2005362

133-21   Sahel Sohrabi, Mohamad Ali Lofollahi Yaghin, Mohamad Hosein Aminfar, Alireza Mojtahedi, Experimental and numerical investigation of hydrodynamic performance of a sloping floating breakwater with and without chain-net, Iranian Journal of Science and Technology: Transactions of Civil Engineering, , 2021. doi.org/10.1007/s40996-021-00780-y

131-21   Seyed Morteza Marashian, Mehdi Adjami, Ahmad Rezaee Mazyak, Numerical modelling investigation of wave interaction on composite berm breakwater, China Ocean Engineering, 35; pp. 631-645, 2021. doi.org/10.1007/s13344-021-0060-x

124-21   Ramin Safari Ghaleh, Omid Aminoroayaie Yamini, S. Hooman Mousavi, Mohammad Reza Kavianpour, Numerical modeling of failure mechanisms in articulated concrete block mattress as a sustainable coastal protection structure, Sustainability, 13.22; pp. 1-19, 2021.

118-21   A. Keshavarz, M. Vaghefi, G. Ahmadi, Investigation of flow patterns around rectangular and oblong peirs with collar located in a 180-degree sharp bend, Scientia Iranica A, 28.5; pp. 2479-2492, 2021.

109-21   Jacek Jachowski, Edyta Książkiewicz, Izabela Szwoch, Determination of the aerodynamic drag of pneumatic life rafts as a factor for increasing the reliability of rescue operations, Polish Maritime Research, 28.3; p. 128-136, 2021. doi.org/10.2478/pomr-2021-0040

107-21   Jiay Han, Bing Zhu, Baojie Lu, Hao Ding, Ke Li, Liang Cheng, Bo Huang, The influence of incident angles and length-diameter ratios on the round-ended cylinder under regular wave action, Ocean Engineering, 240; 109980, 2021. doi.org/10.1016/j.oceaneng.2021.109980

96-21   Andrea Franco, Jasper Moernaut, Barbara Schneider-Muntau, Michael Strasser, Bernhard Gems, Triggers and consequences of landslide-induced impulse waves – 3D dynamic reconstruction of the Taan Fiord 2015 tsunami event, Engineering Geology, 294; 106384, 2021. doi.org/10.1016/j.enggeo.2021.106384

95-21   Ahmed A. Romya, Hossam M. Moghazy, M.M. Iskander, Ahmed M. Abdelrazek, Performance assessment of corrugated semi-circular breakwaters for coastal protection, Alexandria Engineering Journal, in press, 2021. doi.org/10.1016/j.aej.2021.08.086

87-21   Ruigeng Hu, Hongjun Liu, Hao Leng, Peng Yu, Xiuhai Wang, Scour characteristics and equilibrium scour depth prediction around umbrella suction anchor foundation under random waves, Journal of Marine Science and Engineering, 9; 886, 2021. doi.org/10.3390/jmse9080886

78-21   Sahir Asrari, Habib Hakimzadeh, Nazila Kardan, Investigation on the local scour beneath piggyback pipelines under clear-water conditions, China Ocean Engineering, 35; pp. 422-431, 2021. doi.org/10.1007/s13344-021-0039-7

64-21   Pin-Tzu Su, Chen-shan Kung, Effects of diffusers on discharging jet, 31st International Ocean and Polar Engineering Conference (ISOPE), Rhodes, Greece, June 20-25, 2021.

62-21   Fei Wu, Wei Li, Shuzhao Li, Xiaopeng Shen, Delong Dong, Numerical simulation of scour of backfill soil by jetting flows on the top of buried caisson, 31st International Ocean and Polar Engineering Conference (ISOPE), Rhodes, Greece, June 20-25, 2021.

56-21   Murat Aksel, Oral Yagci, V.S. Ozgur Kirca, Eryilmaz Erdog, Naghmeh Heidari, A comparitive analysis of coherent structures around a pile over rigid-bed and scoured-bottom, Ocean Engineering, 226; 108759, 2021. doi.org/10.1016/j.oceaneng.2021.108759

52-21   Byeong Wook Lee, Changhoon Lee, Equation for ship wave crests in a uniform current in the entire range of water depths, Coastal Engineering, 167; 103900, 2021. doi.org/10.1016/j.coastaleng.2021.103900

43-21   Agnieszka Faulkner, Claire E. Bulgin, Christopher J. Merchant, Characterising industrial thermal plumes in coastal regions using 3-D numerical simulations, Environmental Research Communications, 3; 045003, 2021. doi.org/10.1088/2515-7620/abf62e

39-21   Fan Yang, Yiqi Zhang, Chao Liu, Tieli Wang, Dongin Jiang, Yan Jin, Numerical and experimental investigations of flow pattern and anti-vortex measures of forebay in a multi-unit pumping station, Water, 13.7; 935, 2021. doi.org/10.3390/w13070935

30-21   Norfadhlina Khalid, Aqil Azraie Che Shamshudin, Megat Khalid Puteri Zarina, Analysis on wave generation and hull: Modification for fishing vessels, Advanced Engineering for Processes and Technologies II: Advanced Structured Materials, 147; pp. 77-89, 2021. doi.org/10.1007/978-3-030-67307-9_9

28-21   Jae-Sang Jung, Jae-Seon Yoon, Seokkoo Kang, Seokil Jeong, Seung Oh Lee, Yong-Sung Park, Discharge characteristics of drainage gates on Saemangeum tidal dyke, South Korea, KSCE Journal of Engineering, 25; pp. 1308-1325, 2021. doi.org/10.1007/s12205-021-0590-z

24-21   Ali Temel, Mustafa Dogan, Time dependent investigation of the wave induced scour at the trunk section of a rubble mound breakwater, Ocean Engineering, 221; 108564, 2021. doi.org/10.1016/j.oceaneng.2020.108564

13-21   P.X. Zou, L.Z. Chen, The coupled tube-mooring system SFT hydrodynamic characteristics under wave excitations, Proceedings, 14th International Conference on Vibration Problems, Crete, Greece, September 1 – 4, 2019, pp. 907-923, 2021. doi.org/10.1007/978-981-15-8049-9_55

122-20  M.A. Musa, M.F. Roslan, M.F. Ahmad, A.M. Muzathik, M.A. Mustapa, A. Fitriadhy, M.H. Mohd, M.A.A. Rahman, The influence of ramp shape parameters on performance of overtopping breakwater for energy conversion, Journal of Marine Science and Engineering, 8.11; 875, 2020. doi.org/10.3390/jmse8110875

120-20  Lee Hooi Chie, Ahmad Khairi Abd Wahab, Derivation of engineering design criteria for flow field around intake structure: A numerical simulation study, Journal of Marine Science and Engineering, 8.10; 827, 2020.  doi.org/10.3390/jmse8100827

109-20  Mario Maiolo, Riccardo Alvise Mel, Salvatore Sinopoli, A stepwise approach to beach restoration at Calabaia Beach, Water, 12.10; 2677, 2020. doi.org/10.3390/w12102677

107-20  S. Deshpande, P. Sundsbø, S. Das, Ship resistance analysis using CFD simulations in Flow-3D, International Journal of Multiphysics, 14.3; pp. 227-236, 2020. doi.org/10.21152/1750-9548.14.3.227

103-20   Mahmood Nematollahi, Mohammad Navim Moghid, Numerical simulation of spatial distribution of wave overtopping on non-reshaping berm breakwaters, Journal of Marine Science and Application, 19; pp. 301-316, 2020. doi.org/10.1007/s11804-020-00147-1

98-20   Lin Zhao, Ning Wang, Qian Li, Analysis of flow characteristics and wave dissipation performances of a new structure, Proceedings, 30th International Ocean and Polar Engineering Conference (ISOPE), Online, October 11-16, ISOPE-I-20-3289, 2020.

96-20   Xiaoyu Guo, Zhisong Li, Mingchao Cui, Benlong Wang, Numerical investigation on flow characteristics of water in the fish tank on a force-rolling aquaculture platform, Ocean Engineering, 217; 107936, 2020. doi.org/10.1016/j.oceaneng.2020.107936

92-20   Yong-Jun Cho, Scour controlling effect of hybrid mono-pile as a substructure of offshore wind turbine: A numerical study, Journal of Marine Science and Engineering, 8.9; 637, 2020. doi.org/10.3390/jmse8090637

89-20   Andrea Franco, Jasper Moernaut, Barbara Schneider-Muntau, Michael Strasser, Bernhard Gems, The
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81-20   Eliseo Marchesi, Marco Negri, Stefano Malavasi, Development and analysis of a numerical model for a two-oscillating-body wave energy converter in shallow water, Ocean Engineering, 214; 107765, 2020. doi.org/10.1016/j.oceaneng.2020.107765

79-20   Zegao Yin, Yanxu Wang, Yong Liu, Wei Zou, Wave attenuation by rigid emergent vegetation under combined wave and current flows, Ocean Engineering, 213; 107632, 2020. doi.org/10.1016/j.oceaneng.2020.107632

71-20   B. Pan, N. Belyaev, FLOW-3D software for substantiation the layout of the port water area, IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering, Construction Mechanics, Hydraulics and Water Resources Engineering (CONMECHYDRO), Tashkent, Uzbekistan, 23-25 April, 883; 012020, 2020. doi.org/10.1088/1757-899X/883/1/012020

51-20       Yupeng Ren, Xingbei Xu, Guohui Xu, Zhiqin Liu, Measurement and calculation of particle trajectory of liquefied soil under wave action, Applied Ocean Research, 101; 102202, 2020. doi.org/10.1016/j.apor.2020.102202

50-20       C.C. Battiston, F.A. Bombardelli, E.B.C. Schettini, M.G. Marques, Mean flow and turbulence statistics through a sluice gate in a navigation lock system: A numerical study, European Journal of Mechanics – B/Fluids, 84; pp.155-163, 2020. doi.org/10.1016/j.euromechflu.2020.06.003

49-20     Ahmad Fitriadhy, Nur Amira Adam, Nurul Aqilah Mansor, Mohammad Fadhli Ahmad, Ahmad Jusoh, Noraieni Hj. Mokhtar, Mohd Sofiyan Sulaiman, CFD investigation into the effect of heave plate on vertical motion responses of a floating jetty, CFD Letters, 12.5; pp. 24-35, 2020. doi.org/10.37934/cfdl.12.5.2435

40-20       P. April Le Quéré, I. Nistor, A. Mohammadian, Numerical modeling of tsunami-induced scouring around a square column: Performance assessment of FLOW-3D and Delft3D, Journal of Coastal Research (preprint), 2020. doi.org/10.2112/JCOASTRES-D-19-00181

38-20       Sahameddin Mahmoudi Kurdistani, Giuseppe Roberto Tomasicchio, Daniele Conte, Stefano Mascetti, Sensitivity analysis of existing exponential empirical formulas for pore pressure distribution inside breakwater core using numerical modeling, Italian Journal of Engineering Geology and Environment, 1; pp. 65-71, 2020. doi.org/10.4408/IJEGE.2020-01.S-08

36-20       Mohammadamin Torabi, Bruce Savage, Efficiency improvement of a novel submerged oscillating water column (SOWC) energy harvester, Proceedings, World Environmental and Water Resources Congress (Cancelled), Henderson, Nevada, May 17–21, 2020. doi.org/10.1061/9780784482940.003

32-20       Adriano Henrique Tognato, Modelagem CFD da interação entre hidrodinâmica costeira e quebra-mar submerso: estudo de caso da Ponta da Praia em Santos, SP (CFD modeling of interaction between sea waves and submerged breakwater at Ponta de Praia – Santos, SP: a case study, Thesis, Universidad Estadual de Campinas, Campinas, Brazil, 2020.

29-20   Ana Gomes, José L. S. Pinho, Tiago Valente, José S. Antunes do Carmo and Arkal V. Hegde, Performance assessment of a semi-circular breakwater through CFD modelling, Journal of Marine Science and Engineering, 8.3, art. no. 226, 2020. doi.org/10.3390/jmse8030226

23-20  Qi Yang, Peng Yu, Yifan Liu, Hongjun Liu, Peng Zhang and Quandi Wang, Scour characteristics of an offshore umbrella suction anchor foundation under the combined actions of waves and currents, Ocean Engineering, 202, art. no. 106701, 2020. doi.org/10.1016/j.oceaneng.2019.106701

04-20  Bingchen Liang, Shengtao Du, Xinying Pan and Libang Zhang, Local scour for vertical piles in steady currents: review of mechanisms, influencing factors and empirical equations, Journal of Marine Science and Engineering, 8.1, art. no. 4, 2020. doi.org/10.3390/jmse8010004

104-19   A. Fitriadhy, S.F. Abdullah, M. Hairil, M.F. Ahmad and A. Jusoh, Optimized modelling on lateral separation of twin pontoon-net floating breakwater, Journal of Mechanical Engineering and Sciences, 13.4, pp. 5764-5779, 2019. doi.org/10.15282/jmes.13.4.2019.04.0460

103-19  Ahmad Fitriadhy, Nurul Aqilah Mansor, Nur Adlina Aldin and Adi Maimun, CFD analysis on course stability of an asymmetrical bridle towline model of a towed ship, CFD Letters, 11.12, pp. 43-52, 2019.

90-19   Eric P. Lemont and Karthik Ramaswamy, Computational fluid dynamics in coastal engineering: Verification of a breakwater design in the Torres Strait, Proceedings, pp. 762-768, Australian Coasts and Ports 2019 Conference, Hobart, Australia, September 10-13, 2019.

86-19   Mohammed Arab Fatiha, Benoît Augier, François Deniset, Pascal Casari, and Jacques André Astolfi, Morphing hydrofoil model driven by compliant composite structure and internal pressure, Journal of Marine Science and Engineering, 7:423, 2019. doi.org/10.3390/jmse7120423

83-19   Cong-Uy Nguyen, So-Young Lee, Thanh-Canh Huynh, Heon-Tae Kim, and Jeong-Tae Kim, Vibration characteristics of offshore wind turbine tower with gravity-based foundation under wave excitation, Smart Structures and Systems, 23:5, pp. 405-420, 2019. doi.org/10.12989/sss.2019.23.5.405

68-19   B.W. Lee and C. Lee, Development of an equation for ship wave crests in a current in whole water depths, Proceedings, 10th International Conference on Asian and Pacific Coasts (APAC 2019), Hanoi, Vietnam, September 25-28, 2019; pp. 207-212, 2019. doi.org/10.1007/978-981-15-0291-0_29

62-19   Byeong Wook Lee and Changhoon Lee, Equation for ship wave crests in the entire range of water depths, Coastal Engineering, 153:103542, 2019. doi.org/10.1016/j.coastaleng.2019.103542

23-19     Mariano Buccino, Mohammad Daliri, Fabio Dentale, Angela Di Leo, and Mario Calabrese, CFD experiments on a low crested sloping top caisson breakwater, Part 1: Nature of loadings and global stability, Ocean Engineering, Vol. 182, pp. 259-282, 2019. doi.org/10.1016/j.oceaneng.2019.04.017

21-19     Mahsa Ghazian Arabi, Deniz Velioglu Sogut, Ali Khosronejad, Ahmet C. Yalciner, and Ali Farhadzadeh, A numerical and experimental study of local hydrodynamics due to interactions between a solitary wave and an impervious structure, Coastal Engineering, Vol. 147, pp. 43-62, 2019. doi.org/10.1016/j.coastaleng.2019.02.004

15-19     Chencong Liao, Jinjian Chen, and Yizhou Zhang, Accumulation of pore water pressure in a homogeneous sandy seabed around a rocking mono-pile subjected to wave loads, Vol. 173, pp. 810-822, 2019. doi.org/10.1016/j.oceaneng.2018.12.072

09-19     Yaoyong Chen, Guoxu Niu, and Yuliang Ma, Study on hydrodynamics of a new comb-type floating breakwater fixed on the water surface, 2018 International Symposium on Architecture Research Frontiers and Ecological Environment (ARFEE 2018), Wuhan, China, December 14-16, 2018, E3S Web of Conferences Vol. 79, Art. No. 02003, 2019. doi.org/10.1051/e3sconf/20197902003

08-19     Hongda Shi, Zhi Han, and Chenyu Zhao, Numerical study on the optimization design of the conical bottom heaving buoy convertor, Ocean Engineering, Vol. 173, pp. 235-243, 2019. doi.org/10.1016/j.oceaneng.2018.12.061

06-19   S. Hemavathi, R. Manjula and N. Ponmani, Numerical modelling and experimental investigation on the effect of wave attenuation due to coastal vegetation, Proceedings of the Fourth International Conference in Ocean Engineering (ICOE2018), Vol. 2, pp. 99-110, 2019. doi.org/10.1007/978-981-13-3134-3_9

87-18   Muhammad Syazwan Bazli, Omar Yaakob and Kang Hooi Siang, Validation study of u-oscillating water column device using computational fluid dynamic (CFD) simulation, 11thInternational Conference on Marine Technology, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, August 13-14, 2018.

86-18   Nur Adlina Aldin, Ahmad Fitriadhy, Nurul Aqilah Mansor, and Adi Maimun, CFD analysis on unsteady yaw motion characteristic of a towed ship, 11th International Conference on Marine Technology, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, August 13-14, 2018.

78-18 A.A. Abo Zaid, W.E. Mahmod, A.S. Koraim, E.M. Heikal and H.E. Fath, Wave interaction of partially immersed semicircular breakwater suspended on piles using FLOW-3D, CSME Conference Proceedings, Toronto, Canada, May 27-30, 2018.

73-18   Jian Zhou and Subhas K. Venayagamoorthy, Near-field mean flow dynamics of a cylindrical canopy patch suspended in deep water, Journal of Fluid Mechanics, Vol. 858, pp. 634-655, 2018. doi.org/10.1017/jfm.2018.775

69-18   Keisuke Yoshida, Shiro Maeno, Tomihiro Iiboshi and Daisuke Araki, Estimation of hydrodynamic forces acting on concrete blocks of toe protection works for coastal dikes by tsunami overflows, Applied Ocean Research, Vol. 80, pp. 181-196, 2018. doi.org/10.1016/j.apor.2018.09.001

68-18   Zegao Yin, Yanxu Wang and Xiaoyu Yang, Regular wave run-up attenuation on a slope by emergent rigid vegetation, Journal of Coastal Research (in-press), 2018. doi.org/10.2112/JCOASTRES-D-17-00200.1

65-18   Dagui Tong, Chencong Liao, Jinjian Chen and Qi Zhang, Numerical simulation of a sandy seabed response to water surface waves propagating on current, Journal of Marine Science and Engineering, Vol. 6, No. 3, 2018. doi.org/10.3390/jmse6030088

61-18   Manuel Gerardo Verduzco-Zapata, Aramis Olivos-Ortiz, Marco Liñán-Cabello, Christian Ortega-Ortiz, Marco Galicia-Pérez, Chris Matthews, and Omar Cervantes-Rosas, Development of a Desalination System Driven by Low Energy Ocean Surface Waves, Journal of Coastal Research: Special Issue 85 – Proceedings of the 15th International Coastal Symposium, pp. 1321 – 1325, 2018. doi.org/10.2112/SI85-265.1

37-18   Songsen Xu, Chunshuo Jiao, Meng Ning and Sheng Dong, Analysis of Buoyancy Module Auxiliary Installation Technology Based on Numerical Simulation, Journal of Ocean University of China, vol. 17, no. 2, pp. 267-280, 2018. doi.org/10.1007/s11802-018-3305-4

36-18   Deniz Velioglu Sogut and Ahmet Cevdet Yalciner, Performance comparison of NAMI DANCE and FLOW-3D® models in tsunami propagation, inundation and currents using NTHMP benchmark problems, Pure and Applied Geophysics, pp. 1-39, 2018. doi.org/10.1007/s00024-018-1907-9

26-18   Mohammad Sarfaraz and Ali Pak, Numerical investigation of the stability of armour units in low-crested breakwaters using combined SPH–Polyhedral DEM method, Journal of Fluids and Structures, vol. 81, pp. 14-35, 2018. doi.org/10.1016/j.jfluidstructs.2018.04.016

25-18   Yen-Lung Chen and Shih-Chun Hsiao, Numerical modeling of a buoyant round jet under regular waves, Ocean Engineering, vol. 161, pp. 154-167, 2018. doi.org/10.1016/j.oceaneng.2018.04.093

13-18   Yizhou Zhang, Chencong Liao, Jinjian Chen, Dagui Tong, and Jianhua Wang, Numerical analysis of interaction between seabed and mono-pile subjected to dynamic wave loadings considering the pile rocking effect, Ocean Engineering, Volume 155, 1 May 2018, Pages 173-188, doi.org/10.1016/j.oceaneng.2018.02.041

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58-17   Jian Zhou, Claudia Cenedese, Tim Williams and Megan Ball, On the propagation of gravity currents over and through a submerged array of circular cylinders, Journal of Fluid Mechanics, Vol. 831, pp. 394-417, 2017. doi.org/10.1017/jfm.2017.604

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47-17   Jae-Nam Cho, Chang-Geun Song, Kyu-Nam Hwang and Seung-Oh Lee, Experimental assessment of suspended sediment concentration changed by solitary wave, Journal of Marine Science and Technology, Vol. 25, No. 6, pp. 649-655 (2017) 649 DOI: 10.6119/JMST-017-1226-04

45-17   Muhammad Aldhiansyah Rifqi Fauzi, Haryo Dwito Armono, Mahmud Mustain and Aniendhita Rizki Amalia, Comparison Study of Various Type Artificial Reef Performance in Reducing Wave Height, Regional Conference in Civil Engineering (RCCE) 430 The Third International Conference on Civil Engineering Research (ICCER) August 1st-2nd 2017, Surabaya – Indonesia.

44-17   Fabio Dentale, Ferdinando Reale, Angela Di Leo, and Eugenio Pugliese Carratelli, A CFD approach to rubble mound breakwater design, International Journal of Naval Architecture and Ocean Engineering, Available online 30 December 2017.

39-17   Milad Rashidinasab and Mehdi Behdarvandi Askar, Modeling the Pressure Distribution and the Changes of Water Level around the Offshore Platforms Exposed to Waves, Using the Numerical Model of FLOW-3D, Computational Water, Energy, and Environmental Engineering, 2017, 6, 97-106, http://www.scirp.org/journal/cweee, ISSN Online: 2168-1570, ISSN Print: 2168-1562

30-17   Omid Nourani and Mehdi Behdarvandi Askar, Comparison of the Effect of Tetrapod Block and Armor X block on Reducing Wave Overtopping in Breakwaters, Open Journal of Marine Science, 2017, 7, 472-484 http://www.scirp.org/journal/ojms ISSN Online: 2161-7392.

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28-17   Manuel G. Verduzco-Zapata, Francisco J. Ocampo-Torres, Chris Matthews, Aramis Olivos-Ortiz, Diego E. and Galván-Pozos, Development of a Wave Powered Desalination Device Numerical Modelling, Proceedings of the 12th European Wave and Tidal Energy Conference 27th Aug -1st Sept 2017, Cork, Ireland

20-17   Chu-Kuan Lin, Jaw-Guei Lin, Ya-Lan Chen, Chin-Shen Chang, Seabed Change and Soil Resistance Assessment of Jack up Foundation, Proceedings of the Twenty-seventh (2017) International Ocean and Polar Engineering Conference, San Francisco, CA, USA, June 25-30, 2017, Copyright © 2017 by the International Society of Offshore and Polar Engineers (ISOPE), ISBN 978-1-880653-97-5; ISSN 1098-6189.

19-17   Velioğlu Deniz, Advanced Two- and Three-Dimensional Tsunami – Models Benchmarking and Validation, Ph.D Thesis:, Middle East Technical University, June 2017

18-17   Farrokh Mahnamfar and Abdüsselam Altunkaynak, Comparison of numerical and experimental analyses for optimizing the geometry of OWC systems, Ocean Engineering 130 (2017) 10–24.

07-17   Jonas Čerka, Rima Mickevičienė, Žydrūnas Ašmontas, Lukas Norkevičius, Tomas Žapnickas, Vasilij Djačkov and Peilin Zhou, Optimization of the research vessel hull form by using numerical simulation, Ocean Engineering 139 (2017) 33–38

05-17   Liang, B.; Ma, S.; Pan, X., and Lee, D.Y., Numerical modelling of wave run-up with interaction between wave and dolosse breakwater, In: Lee, J.L.; Griffiths, T.; Lotan, A.; Suh, K.-S., and Lee, J. (eds.), 2017, The 2nd International Water Safety Symposium. Journal of Coastal Research, Special Issue No. 79, pp. 294-298. Coconut Creek (Florida), ISSN 0749-0208.

02-17   A. Yazid Maliki, M. Azlan Musa, Ahmad M.F., Zamri I., Omar Y., Comparison of numerical and experimental results for overtopping discharge of the OBREC wave energy converter, Journal of Engineering Science and Technology, In Press, © School of Engineering, Taylor’s University

01-17   Tanvir Sayeed, Bruce Colbourne, David Molyneux, Ayhan Akinturk, Experimental and numerical investigation of wave forces on partially submerged bodies in close proximity to a fixed structure, Ocean Engineering, Volume 132, Pages 70–91, March 2017

101-16 Xin Li, Liang-yu Xu, Jian-Min Yang, Study of fluid resonance between two side-by-side floating barges, Journal of Hydrodynamics, vol. B-28, no. 5, pp. 767-777, 2016. doi.org/10.1016/S1001-6058(16)60679-0

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72-16   Yen-Lung Chen and Shih-Chun Hsiao, Generation of 3D water waves using mass source wavemaker applied to Navier–Stokes model, Coastal Engineering 109 (2016) 76–95.

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50-16   Mohsin A. R. Irkal, S. Nallayarasu and S. K. Bhattacharyya, CFD simulation of roll damping characteristics of a ship midsection with bilge keel, Proceedings of the ASME 2016 35th International Conference on Ocean, Offshore and Arctic Engineering, OMAE2016, June 19-24, 2016, Busan, South Korea

49-16   Bill Baird, Seth Logan, Wim Van Der Molen, Trevor Elliot and Don Zimmer, Thoughts on the future of physical models in coastal engineering, Proceedings of the 6th International Conference on the Application of Physical Modelling in Coastal and Port Engineering and Science (Coastlab16) Ottawa, Canada, May 10-13, 2016 Copyright ©: Creative Commons CC BY-NC-ND 4.0

47-16   KH Kim et. al, Numerical analysis on the effects of shoal on the ship wave, Applied Engineering, Materials and Mechanics: Proceedings of the 2016 International Conference on Applied Engineering, Materials and Mechanics (ICAEMM 2016)

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13-16   Maryam Deilami-Tarifi, Mehdi Behdarvandi-Askar, Vahid Chegini, and Sadegh Haghighi-Pou, Modeling of the Changes in Flow Velocity on Seawalls under Different Conditions Using FLOW-3DSoftware, Open Journal of Marine Science, 2016, 6, 317-322, Published Online April 2016 in SciRes.

01-16   Mohsin A.R. Irkal, S. Nallayarasu, and S.K. Bhattacharyya, CFD approach to roll damping of ship with bilge keel with experimental validation, Applied Ocean Research, Volume 55, February 2016, Pages 1–17

121-15   Josh Carter, Scott Fenical, Craig Hunter and Joshua Todd, CFD modeling for the analysis of living shoreline structure performance, Coastal Structures and Solutions to Coastal Disasters Joint Conference, Boston, MA, Sept. 9-11, 2015. © 2017 by the American Society of Civil Engineers. doi.org/10.1061/9780784480304.047

114-15   Jisheng Zhang, Peng Gao, Jinhai Zheng, Xiuguang Wu, Yuxuan Peng and Tiantian Zhang, Current-induced seabed scour around a pile-supported horizontal-axis tidal stream turbine, Journal of Marine Science and Technology, Vol. 23, No. 6, pp. 929-936 (2015) 929, DOI: 10.6119/JMST-015-0610-11

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61-15   Bingchen Liang, Duo Li, Xinying Pan and Guangxin Jiang, Numerical Study of Local Scour of Pipeline under Combined Wave and Current Conditions, Proceedings of the Twenty-fifth (2015) International Ocean and Polar Engineering Conference Kona, Big Island, Hawaii, USA, June 21-26, 2015 Copyright © 2015 by the International Society of Offshore and Polar Engineers (ISOPE) ISBN 978-1-880653-89-0; ISSN 1098-6189.

60-15   Chun-Han Ko, Ching-Piao Tsai, Ying-Chi Chen, and Tri-Octaviani Sihombing, Numerical Simulations of Wave and Flow Variations between Submerged Breakwaters and Slope Seawall, Proceedings of the Twenty-fifth (2015) International Ocean and Polar Engineering Conference Kona, Big Island, Hawaii, USA, June 21-26, 2015 Copyright © 2015 by the International Society of Offshore and Polar Engineers (ISOPE) ISBN 978-1-880653-89-0; ISSN 1098-6189.

57-15   Giacomo Viccione and Settimio Ferlisi, A numerical investigation of the interaction between debris flows and defense barriers, Advances in Environmental and Geological Science and Engineering, ISBN: 978-1-61804-314-6, 2015

56-15   Vittorio Bovolin, Eugenio Pugliese Carratelli and Giacomo Viccione, A numerical study of liquid impact on inclined surfaces, Advances in Environmental and Geological Science and Engineering, ISBN: 978-1-61804-314-6, 2015

49-15   Fabio Dentale, Giovanna Donnarumma, Eugenio Pugliese Carratelli, and Ferdinando Reale, A numerical method to analyze the interaction between sea waves and rubble mound emerged breakwaters, WSEAS TRANSACTIONS on FLUID MECHANICS, E-ISSN: 2224-347X, Volume 10, 2015

45-15   Diego Vicinanza, Daniela Salerno, Fabio Dentale and Mariano Buccino, Structural Response of Seawave Slot-cone Generator (SSG) from Random Wave CFD Simulations, Proceedings of the Twenty-fifth (2015) International Ocean and Polar Engineering Conference, Kona, Big Island, Hawaii, USA, June 21-26, 2015, Copyright © 2015 by the International Society of Offshore and Polar Engineers (ISOPE), ISBN 978-1-880653-89-0; ISSN 1098-6189

38-15   Yen-Lung Chen, Shih-Chun Hsiao, Yu-Cheng Hou, Han-Lun Wu and Yuan Chieh Wu, Numerical Simulation of a Neutrally Buoyant Round Jet in a Wave Environment, E-proceedings of the 36th IAHR World Congress, 28 June – 3 July, 2015, The Hague, the Netherlands

34-15   Dieter Vanneste and Peter Troch, 2D numerical simulation of large-scale physical model tests of wave interaction with a rubble-mound breakwater, Coastal Engineering, Volume 103, September 2015, Pages 22–41.

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101-14  Dieter Vanneste, Corrado Altomare, Tomohiro Suzuki, Peter Troch and Toon Verwaest, Comparison of Numerical Models for Wave Overtopping and Impact on a Sea Wall, Coastal Engineering 2014

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52-14   Fabio Dentale, Giovanna Donnarumma, and Eugenio Pugliese Carratelli, A new numerical approach to the study of the interaction between wave motion and roubble mound breakwaters, Latest Trends in Engineering Mechanics, Structures, Engineering Geology, ISBN: 978-960-474-376-6

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32-14  Richard Keough, Victoria Mullaley, Hilary Sinclair, and Greg Walsh, Design, Fabrication and Testing of a Water Current Energy Device, Memorial University of Newfoundland, Faculty of Engineering and Applied Science, Mechanical Design Project II – ENGI 8926, April 2014

25-14    Paulius Rapalis, Vytautas Smailys, Vygintas Daukšys, Nadežda Zamiatina, and Vasilij Djačkov, Vandens  – Duju Silumos Mainai Gaz-Lifto Tipo Skruberyje,Technologijos mokslo darbai Vakarų Lietuvoje, Vol 9 > Rapalis. Available for download at http://journals.ku.lt/index.php/TMD/article/view/259.

92-13   Matteo Tirindelli, Scott Fenical and Vladimir Shepsis, State-of-the-Art Methods for Extreme Wave Loading on Bridges and Coastal Highways, Seventh National Seismic Conference on Bridges and Highways (7NSC), May 20-22, 2013, Oakland, CA

89-13 Worakanok Thanyamanta, Don Bass and David Molyneux, Prediction of sloshing effects using a coupled non-linear seakeeping and CFD code, Proceedings of the ASME 2013 32nd International Conference on Ocean, Offshore and Arctic Engineering, OMAE2013, June 9-14, 2013, Nantes, France. Available for purchase online at ASME.

83-13   B.W. Lee and C. Lee, Development of Wave Power Generation Device with Resonance Channels, Proceedings of the 7th International Conference on Asian and Pacific Coasts (APAC 2013) Bali, Indonesia, September 24-26, 2013

68-13   Fabio Dentale, Giovanna Donnarumma, and Eugenio Pugliese Carratelli, Rubble Mound Breakwater Run-Up, Reflection and Overtopping by Numerical 3D Simulation, ICE Conference, September 2013, Edinburgh (UK).

66-13  Peter Arnold, Validation of FLOW-3D against Experimental Data for an Axi-Symmetric Point Absorber WEC, © wavebob™, 2013

62-13 Yanan Li, Junwei Zhou, Dazheng Wang and Yonggang Cui, Resistance and Strength Analysis of Three Hulls with ifferent Knuckles, Advanced Materials Research Vols. 779-780 (2013) pp 615-618, © (2013) Trans Tech Publications, Switzerland, doi:10.4028/www.scientific.net/AMR.779-780.615.

61-13  M.R. Soliman, Satoru Ushijima, Nobu Miyagi and Tetsuay Sumi, Density Current Simulation Using Two-Dimensional High Resolution Model, Annuals of Disas. Prev. Res. Inst., Kyoto Univ., No 56 B, 2013.

59-13  Guang Wei Liu, Qing He Zhang, and Jin Feng Zhang, Wave Forces on the Composite Bucket Foundation of Offshore Wind Turbines, Applied Mechanics and Materials, 405-408, 1420, September 2013. Available for purchase online at Scientific.net.

50-13  Joel Darnell and Vladimir Shepsis, Pontoon Launch Analysis, Design and Performance, Ports 2013, © ASCE 2013. Available for purchase online at ASCE.

45-13 Min-chi Li, Numerical Simulation of Wave Overtopping Rate at Sloping Seawalls with Different Configurations of Wave Dissipators, Master’s Thesis: Department of Marine Environment and Engineering, National Sun Yat-Sen University. Abstract only available here: http://etd.lib.nsysu.edu.tw/ETD-db/ETD-search/view_etd?URN=etd-0701113-144919.

22-13  Nahidul Khan, Jonathan Smith, and Michael Hinchey, Models with all the right curves, © Journal of Ocean Technology, The Journal of Ocean Technology, Vol. 8, No. 1, 2013.

20-13  Efim Pelinovsky, Dong-Chul Kim, Kyeong-Ok Kim and Byung-Ho Choi, Three-dimensional simulation of extreme runup heights during the 2004 Indonesian and 2011 Japanese tsunamis, EGU General Assembly 2013, held 7-12 April, 2013 in Vienna, Austria, id. EGU2013-1760. Online at: http://adsabs.harvard.edu/abs/2013EGUGA..15.1760P.

18-13 Dazheng Wang, Fei Ma, and Lei Mei, Optimization of a 17m Catamaran based on the Resistance Performance, Advanced Materials Research Vols. 690-693, pp 3414-3418, © Trans Tech Publications, Switzerland, doi:10.4028/www.scientific.net/AMR.690-693.3414, May 2013.

16-13  Dong Chule Kim, Kyeong Ok Kim, Efim Pelinovsky, Ira Didenkulova, and Byung Ho Choi, Three-dimensional tsunami runup simulation for the port of Koborinai on the Sanriku coast of Japan, Journal of Coastal Research, Special Issue No. 65, 2013.

15-13  Dong Chule Kim, Kyeong Ok Kim, Byung Ho Choi, Kyung Hwan Kim, and Efin Pelinovsky, Three –dimensional runup simulation of the 2004 Ocean tsunami at the Lhok Nga twin peaks, Journal of Coastal Research, Special Issue No. 65, 2013.

14-13  Jae-Seol Shim, Jinah Kim, Dong-Shul Kim, Kiyoung Heo, Kideok Do, and Sun-Jung Park, Storm surge inundation simulations comparing three-dimensional with two-dimensional models based on Typhoon Maemi over Masan Bay of South Korea, Journal of Coastal Research, Special Issue No. 65, 2013.

115-12  Worakanok Thanyamanta and David Molyneux, Prediction of Stabilizing Moments and Effects of U-Tube Anti-Roll Tank Geometry Using CFD, ASME 2012 31st International Conference on Ocean, Offshore and Arctic Engineering, Volume 5: Ocean Engineering; CFD and VIV, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, July 1–6, 2012, ISBN: 978-0-7918-4492-2, Copyright © 2012 by ASME

114-12   Dane Kristopher Behrens, The Russian River Estuary: Inlet Morphology, Management, and Estuarine Scalar Field Response, Ph.D. Thesis: Civil and Environmental Engineering, UC Davis, © 2012 by Dane Kristopher Behrens. All Rights Reserved.

111-12  James E. Beget, Zygmunt Kowalik, Juan Horrillo, Fahad Mohammed, Brian C. McFall, and Gyeong-Bo Kim, NEeSR-CR Tsunami Generation by Landslides Integrating Laboratory Scale Experiments, Numerical Models and Natural Scale Applications, George E. Brown, Jr. Network for Earthquake Engineering Simulation Research, July 2012, Boston, MA.

110-12   Gyeong-Bo Kim, Numerical Simulation of Three-Dimensional Tsunami Generation by Subaerial Landslides, M.S. Thesis: Texas A&M University, Copyright 2012 Gyeong-Bo Kim, December 2012

109-12 D. Vanneste, Experimental and Numerical study of Wave-Induced Porous Flow in Rubble-Mound Breakwaters, Ph.D. thesis (Chapters 5 and 6), Faculty of Engineering and Architecture, Ghent University, Ghent (Belgium), 2012.

104-12 Junwoo Choi, Kab Keun Kwon, and Sung Bum Yoon, Tsunami Inundation Simulation of a Built-up Area using Equivalent Resistance Coefficient, Coastal Engineering Journal, Vol. 54, No. 2 (2012) 1250015 (25 pages), © World Scientific Publishing Company and Japan Society of Civil Engineers, DOI: 10.1142/S0578563412500155

94-12 Parviz Ghadimi, Abbas Dashtimanesh, Mohammad Farsi, and Saeed Najafi, Investigation of free surface flow generated by a planing flat plate using smoothed particle hydrodynamics method and FLOW-3D simulations, Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part M: Journal of Engineering for the Maritime Environment, December 7, 2012 1475090212465235. Available for purchase online at sage journals.

92-12    Panayotis Prinos, Maria Tsakiri, and Dimitris Souliotis, A Numerical Simulation of the WOS and the Wave Propagation along a Coastal Dike, Coastal Engineering 2012.

88-12  Nahidul Khan and Michael Hinchey, Adaptive Backstepping Control of Marine Current Energy Conversion System, PKP Open Conference Systems, IEEE Newfoundland and Labrador Section, 2012.

72-12   F. Dentale, G. Donnarumma, and E. Pugliese Carratelli, Wave Run Up and Reflection on Tridimensional Virtual, Journal of Hydrogeology & Hydrologic Engineering, 2012, 1:1, http://dx.doi.org/10.4172/jhhe.1000102.

64-12  Anders Wedel Nielsen, Xiaofeng Liu, B. Mutlu Sumer, Jørgen Fredsøe, Flow and bed shear stresses in scour protections around a pile in a current, Coastal Engineering, Volume 72, February 2013, Pages 20–38.

56-12  Giancarlo Alfonsi, Agostino Lauria, Leonardo Primavera, Flow structures around large-diameter circular cylinder, Journal of Flow Visualization and Image Processing, 2012. DOI:10.1615/JFlowVisImageProc.2012005088.

51-12  Chun-Ho Chen, Study on the Application of FLOW-3D for Wave Energy Dissipation by a Porous Structure, Master’s Thesis: Department of Marine Environment and Engineering, National Sun Yat-sen University, July 2012. In Chinese.

37-12  Yu-Ren Chen, Numerical Modeling on Internal Solitary Wave propagation over an obstacle using FLOW-3D, Master’s Thesis: Department of Marine Environment and Engineering, National Sun Yat-sen University June 2012. In Chinese.

26-12  D.C. Lo Numerical simulation of hydrodynamic interaction produced during the overtaking and the head-on encounter process of two ships, Engineering Computations: International Journal for Computer-Aided Engineering and Software, Vol. 29 No. 1, 2012. pp. 83-10, Emerald Group Publishing Limited, www.emeraldinsight.com/0264-4401.htm.

14-12  Bahaa Elsharnouby, Akram Soliman, Mohamed Elnaggar, and Mohamed Elshahat, Study of environment friendly porous suspended breakwater for the Egyptian Northwestern Coast, Ocean Engineering 48 (2012) 47-58. Available for purchase online at Science Direct.

11-12  Sang-Ho Oh, Young Min Oh, Ji-Young Kim, Keum-Seok Kang, A case study on the design of condenser effluent outlet of thermal power plant to reduce foam emitted to surrounding seacoast, Ocean Engineering, Volume 47, June 2012, Pages 58–64. Available for purchase online at SciVerse.

101-11 Tsunami – A Growing Disaster, edited by Mohammad Mokhtari, ISBN 978-953-307-431-3, 232 pages, Publisher: InTech, Chapters published December 16, 2011 under CC BY 3.0 license, DOI: 10.5772/922. Available for download at Intech.

100-11 Kwang-Oh Ko, Jun-Woo Choi, Sung-Bum Yoon, and Chang-Beom Park, Internal Wave Generation in FLOW-3D Model, Proceedings of the Twenty-first (2011) International Offshore and Polar Engineering Conference, Maui, Hawaii, USA, June 19-24, 2011, Copyright © 2011 by the International Society of Offshore and Polar Engineers (ISOPE), ISBN 978-1-880653-96-8 (Set); ISSN 1098-6189 (Set); www.isope.org

95-11  S. Brizzolara, L. Savio, M. Viviani, Y. Chen, P. Temarel, N. Couty, S. Hoflack, L. Diebold, N. Moirod and A. Souto Iglesias, Comparison of experimental and numerical sloshing loads in partially filled tanks, Ships and Offshore StructuresVol. 6, Nos. 1–2, 2011, 15–43. Available for purchase online at Francis & Taylor.

85-11 Andrew Eoghan Maguire, Hydrodynamics, control and numerical modelling of absorbing wavemakers, thesis: The University of Edinburgh, 2011.

74-11  Jonathan Smith, Nahidul Khan and Michael Hinchey, CFD Simulation of AUV Depth Control, Paper presented at NECEC 2011, St. John’s, Newfoundland and Labrador, Canada. Abstract available online.

70-11  G. Kim, S.-H. Oh, K.S. Lee, I.S. Han, J.W. Chae, and S.-J Ahn, Numerical Investigation on Water Discharge Capability of Sluice Caisson of Tidal Power Plant, Proceedings of the Sixth International Conference on Asian and Pacific Coasts (APAC 2011), December 14-16, 2011, Hong Kong, China.

69-11  G. Alfonsi, A. Lauria, and L. Primavera, Wave-Field Flow Structures Developing Around Large-Diameter Vertical Circular Cylinder, Proceedings of the Sixth International Conference on Asian and Pacific Coasts (APAC 2011), December 14-16, 2011, Hong Kong, China.

68-11    C. Lee, B.W. Lee, Y.J. Kim, and K.O. Ko, Ship Wave Crests in Intermediate-Depth Water, Proceedings of the Sixth International Conference on Asian and Pacific Coasts (APAC 2011), December 14-16, 2011, Hong Kong, China.

63-11   Worakanok Thanyamanta, Paul Herrington, and David Molyneux, Wave patterns, wave induced forces and moments for a gravity based structure predicted using CFD, Proceedings of the ASME 2011, 30th International Conference on Ocean, Offshore and Arctic Engineering, OMAE2011, Rotterdam, The Netherlands, June 19-24, 2011.

61-11  Jun Jin and Bo Meng, Computation of wave loads on the superstructures of coastal highway bridges, Ocean Engineering, available online October 19, 2011, ISSN 0029-8018, 10.1016/j.oceaneng.2011.09.029. Available for purchase at Science Direct.

36-11    Nadir Yilmaz, Geoffrey E. Trapp, Scott M. Gagan, Timothy R. Emmerich, CFD Supported Examination of Buoy Design for Wave Energy Conversion, IGEC-VI-2011-173, pp: 537-541

28-11  Rodolfo Bolaños, Laurent O. Amoudry and Ken Doyle, Effects of Instrumented Bottom Tripods on Process Measurements, Journal of Atmospheric and Oceanic Technology, June 2011, Vol. 28, No. 6: pp. 827-837. Available online at: AMS Journals Online.

81-10    Ashwin Lohithakshan Parambath, Impact of Tsunamis on Near Shore Wind Power Units, M.S. Thesis: Texas A&M University, Copyright 2010 Ashwin Lohithakshan Parambath December 2010.

80-10    Juan J. Horrillo, Amanda L. Wood, Charles Williams, Ashwin Parambath, and Gyeong-Bo Kim, Construction of Tsunami Inundation Maps in the Gulf of Mexico, Report to the National Tsunami Hazard Mitigation Program, December 2010.

69-10    George A Aggidis and Clive Mingham, A Joint Numerical and Experimental Study of a Surging Point Absorbing Wave Energy Converter (WRASPA), Joule Centre Research Grant Joint Final Report (Lancaster University and Macnhester Metropolitan University), Joule Grant No: JIRP306/02, 2010

67-10  Kazuhiko Terashima, Ryuji Ito, Yoshiyuki Noda, Yoji Masui and Takahiro Iwasa, Innovative Integrated Simulator for Agile Control Design on Shipboard Crane Considering Ship and Load Sway, 2010 IEEE International Conference on Control Applications, Part of 2010 IEEE Multi-Conference on Systems and Control, Yokohama, Japan, September 8-10, 2010

66-10  Shan-Hwei Ou, Tai-Wen Hsu, Jian-Feng Lin, Jian-Wu Lai, Shih-Hsiang Lin, Chen-Chen Chang, Yuan-Jyh Lan, Experimental and Numerical Studies on Wave Transformation over Artificial Reefs, Proceedings of the International Conference on Coastal Engineering, No 32 (2010), Shanghai, China, 2010.

65-10 Tai-Wen Hsu, Jian-Wu Lai, Yuan-Jyh Lan, Experimental and Numerical Studies on Wave Propagation over Coarse Grained Sloping Beach, Proceedings of the International Conference on Coastal Engineering, No 32 (2010), Shanghai, China, 2010.

26-10 R. Marcer, C. Berhault, C. de Jouëtte, N. Moirod and L. Shen, Validation of CFD Codes for Slamming, V European Conference on Computational Fluid Dynamics, ECCOMAS CFD 2010, J.C.F. Pereira and A. Sequeira (Eds), Lisbon, Portugal, 14-17 June 2010

25-10 J.M. Zhan, Z. Dong, W. Jiang, and Y.S. Li, Numerical Simulation of wave transformation and runup incorporating porous media wave absorber and turbulence models, Ocean Engineering (2010), doi: 10.1016/j.oceaneng.2010.06.005. Available for purchase at Science Direct.

17-10 F. Dentale, S.D. Russo, E. Pugliese Carratelli, S. Mascetti, A New Numerical Approach to Study the Wave Motion with Breakwaters and the Armor Stability, Marine Technology Reporter, May 2010

01-10 F. Dentale, S.D. Russo, E. Pugliese Carratelli, Innovative Numerical Simulation to Study the Fluid withing Rubble Mound Breakwaters and the Armour Stability, 17th Armourstone Wallingford Armourstone Meeting, Wallingford, UK, February 2010.

52-09  Mark Reed, Øistein Johansen, Frode Leirvik, and Bård Brørs, Numerical Algorithm to Compute the Effects of Breaking Waves on Surface Oil Spilled at Sea, Final Report, Second revision, SINTEF, October 2009.

49-09  Anna Pellicioli, Indagine Numerica Sulla Resistenza Idrodinamica Di Uno Scafo In Presenza Di Superficie Libera, thesis: Univerista Degli Studi Di Bergamo, 2008/2009. In Italian. Available upon request.

46-09 Carlos Guedes Soares, P.K. Das, Analysis and Design of Marine Structures, CRC Press; 1 Har/Cdr edition (March 2, 2009), 0415549345

32-09 M.A. Binder, C.G. Mingham, D.M. Causon, M.T. Rahmati, G.A. Aggidis, R.V. Chaplin, Numerical Modelling of a Surging Point Absorber Wave Energy Converter, 8th European Wave and Tidal Energy Conference EWTEC 2009, Uppsala, Sweden, 7-10 September 2009

28-09 D. C. Lo, Dong-Taur Su and Jan-Ming Chen (2009), Application of Computational Fluid Dynamics Simulations to the Analysis of Bank Effects in Restricted Waters, Journal of Navigation, 62, pp 477-491, doi:10.1017/S037346330900527X; Purchase the article online (clicking on this link will take you to the Cambridge Journals website).

26-09 Fabio Dentale, E. Pugliese Carratelli, S.D. Russo, and Stefano Mascetti, Advanced Numerical Simulations on the Interaction between Waves and Rubble Mound Breakwaters, Journal of the Engineering Association for Offshore and Marine in Italy, (translation from the Italian)

25-09 F. Dentale, B. Messina, E. Pugliese Carratelli, S. Mascetti, Studio numerico avanzato sul moto di filtrazione in ambito marittimo, A & C, Analisi e Calcolo, Giugno 2009 (in Italian)

22-09 M.A. Bhinder, C.G. Mingham, D.M. Causon, M.T. Rahmati, G.A. Aggidis and R.V. Chaplin, A Joint Numerical And Experimental Study Of a Surging Point Absorbing Wave Energy Converter (WRASPA)2, Proceedings of the ASME 28th International Conference on Ocean, Offshore and Arctic Engineering, OMAE2009-79392, Honolulu, Hawaii, May 31-June 5, 2009

8-09 Basu, D., S. Green, K. Das, R. Janetzke, and J. Stamatakos, Numerical Simulation of Surface Waves Generated by a Subaerial Landslide at Lituya Bay, 28th International Conference on Ocean, Offshore and Arctic Engineering, May 31–June 5, 2009, Honolulu, Hawaii

17-09 Das, K., R. Janetzke, D. Basu, S. Green, and J. Stamatakos, Numerical Simulations of Tsunami Wave Generation by Submarine and Aerial Landslides Using RANS and SPH Models, 28th International Conference on Ocean, Offshore and Arctic Engineering, May 31–June 5, 2009, Honolulu, Hawaii

16-09 Basu, D., S. Green, K. Das, R. Janetzke, and J. Stamatakos, Navier-Stokes Simulations of Surface Waves Generated by Submarine Landslides Effect of Slide Geometry and Turbulence, 2009 Society of Petroleum Engineering Americas E&P Environmental & Safety Conference, March 23–25, 2009, San Antonio, Texas.

48-08    Osamu Kiyomiya1 and Kazuya Kuroki, Flap Gate to Prevent Urban Area from Tsunami, The 14th World Conference on Earthquake Engineering, October 12-17, 2008, Beijing, China

43-08  Eldina Fatimah, Ahmad Khairi Abd. Wahab, and Hadibah Ismail, Numerical modeling approach of an artificial mangrove root system (ArMs) submerged breakwater as wetland habitat protector, COPEDEC VII, Dubai UAE, 2008.

40-08 Giacomo Viccione, Fabio Dentale, and Vittorio Bovolin, Simulation of Wave Impact Pressure on Vertical Structures with the SPH Method, 3rd ERCOFTAC SPHERIC workshop on SPH applications, Laussanne, Switzerland, June 4-6, 2008.

39-08 Kang, Young-Seung, Kim, Pyeong-Joong, Hyun, Sang-Kwon and Sung, Ha-Keun, Numerical Simulation of Ship-induced Wave Using FLOW-3D, Journal of Korean Society of Coastal and Ocean Engineers / v.20, no.3, 2008, pp.255-267, ISSN: 1976-8192, http://ksci.kisti.re.kr/search/article/articleView.ksci?articleBean.artSeq=HOHODK_2008_v20n3_255

35-08 B.W. Nam, S.H. Shin, K.Y. Hong, S.W. Hong, Numerical Simulation of Wave Flow over the Spiral-Reef Overtopping Device, Proceedings of the Eighth (2008) ISOPE Pacific/Asia Offshore Mechanics Symposium, Bangkok, Thailand, November 10-14, 2008, © 2008 by The International Society of Offshore and Polar Engineers, ISBN 978-1-880653-52-4

34-08 B. H. Choi, E. Pelinovsky, D.C. Kim, I. Didenkulova and S.-B. Woo, Two and three-dimensional computation of solitary wave runup on non-plane beach, Nonlin. Processes Geophys., 15, 489-502, 2008, www.nonlin-processes-geophys.net/15/489/2008 (c) Author(s) 2008.

23-08 Barb Schmitz, Tecplot, Nastran & FLOW-3D Win the Race, Desktop Engineering’s Elements of Analysis, September 2008

38-07 Choi, B.-H., Kim, D. C., Pelinovsky, E., and Woo, S. B., Three-dimensional simulation of tsunami run-up around conical island, Coast. Eng., Vol. 54, Issue 8, 618-629, 2007.

33-07 Mirela Zalar, Sime Malenica, Zoran Mravak, Nicolas Moirod, Some Aspects of Direct Calculation Methods for the Assessment of LNG Tank Structure Under Sloshing Impacts, La Asociación Española del Gas (sedigas) Spain 2007

20-07 Oceanic Consulting Corporation, Berthing Studies for LNG Carriers in the Calcasieu River Waterway, Making Waves: Newsletter of Oceanic Consulting Corporation, Winter 2007

10-07 Gildas Colleter, Breaking wave uplift and overtopping on a horizontal deck using physical and numerical modeling, Coasts and Ports 2007 Conference in Melbourne, Australia

18-06 Brizzolara, Stefano and Rizzuto, Enrico, Wind Heeling Moments on Very Large Ships. Some Insights through CFD Results, Proceedings on the 9th International Conference on Stability of Ships and Ocean Vehicles, Rio de Janeiro, September 25, 2006

16-06 Ransau, Samuel R, and Hansen, Ernst W.M., Numerical Simulations of Sloshing in Rectangular Tanks, Proceedings of OMAE2006, 25th International Conference on Offshore Mechanics and Arctic Engineering, Hamburg, Germany, June 4-9, 2006

15-06 Ema Muk-Pavic, Shin Chin and Don Spencer, Validation of the CFD code FLOW-3D for the free surface flow around the ships’; hulls, 14th Annual Conference of the CFD Society of Canada, Kingston, Canada, July 16-18, 2006

3-06 Hansen, E.W.M. and Geir J. Rørtveit, Numerical Simulation of Fluid Mechanisms and Separation Behaviour in Offshore Gravity Separators, Chapter 16 in Emulsions and Emulsion Stability, 2nd Edition, edited by Johan Sjøblom, Taylor & Francis, 2006

24-05 Hansen E.W., Separation Offshore Survey – Design-Redesign of Gravity Separators, Exploration & Production: The Oil & Gas Review 2005 – Issue 2

8-05 T. Kristiansen, R. Baarholm, C.T. Stansberg, G. Rortveit and E.W.M. Hansen, Kinematics in a Diffracted Wave Field Particle Image Velocimetry (PIV) and Numerical Models, Presented at the 24th International Conference on Offshore Mechanics and Arctic Engineering, OMAE 67176, Halkidiki, Greece, June 12-17, 2005

7-05 C.T. Stansberg, R. Baarholm, T. Kristiansen, E.W.M. Hansen and G. Rortveit, Extreme Wave Amplification and Impact Loads on Offshore Structures, presented at the 2005 Offshore Technology Conference, Houston, TX, May 2-5, 2005

16-04 Carl Trygve Stansberg, Kjetil Berget, Oyvind Hellan, Ole A. Hermundstad, Jan R. Hoff and Trygve Kristiansen and Ernst Hansen, Prediction of Green Sea Loads on FPSO in Random Seas, presented at the 14th International Offshore and Polar Engineering Conference (ISOPE 2004), Toulon, France, May 2004

15-04 Š. Malenica, M. Zalar, J.M. Orozco, B. LeGallo & X.B. Chen, Linear and Non-Linear Effects of Sloshing on Ship Motions, 23rd International Conference on Offshore Mechanics and Artic Engineering, OMAE 2004, Vancouver, June 2004

11-04 Don Bass, David Molyneux, Kevin McTaggart, Simulating Wave Action in the Well Deck of Landing Platform Dock Ships Using Computational Fluid Dynamics

37-03  Sreenivasa C Chopakatla, A CFD Model for Wave Transformations and Breaking in the Surf Zone, thesis: Master of Science, The Ohio State Univeristy, 2003.

29-02   O. Bayle, V. L’Hullier, M. Ganet, P. Delpy, J.L. Francart and D. Paris, Influence of the ATV Propellant Sloshing on the GNC Performance, AIAA Guidance, Navigation, and Control Conference and Exhibit, Monterey, California, 5-8 August 2002, © 2002 by EADS Launch Vehicles

25-02 Y. Kim, Numerical Analysis of Sloshing Problem, American Bureau of Shipping, Research Dept, Houston, TX

10-02 Peter Chang III & Xiongjun Wu, Entrainment Correlations Based on a Fuel-Water Stratified Shear Flow, Proceedings of FEDSM2002, 2002 ASME Fluids Engineering Decision Summer Meeting, July 14-18, 2002, Montreal, Quebec, Canada

37-01 Ismail B. Celik, Allen E. Badeau Jr., Andrew Burt and Sherif Kandil, A Single Fluid Transport Model For Computation of Stratified Immiscible Liquid-Liquid Flows, Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering Department, West Virginia University, Proceedings of the XXIX IAHR Congress, September 2001. Beijing, China

14-01 Charles Ortloff, CTC/United Defense, Computer Simulation Analyzed Typhoon Damage to FPSOs, Marine News, April 30, 2001, pp. 22-23

8-01 Charles Ortloff, Computer Simulations Analyze Wave Damage to Offloading Vessels, Marine News, April 30, 2001, pp. 22-23

25-00 Faltinsen, O.A. and Rognebakke, O.F., Sloshing in Rectangular Tanks and Interaction with Ship Motions-Sloshing, Int. Conf. on Ship and Shipping Research NAV, Venice, Italy, 2000.

20-97   C.R. Ortloff, Numerical Test Tank Simulation of Ocean Engineering Problems by Computational Fluid Dynamics, Offshore Technology Conference Paper 8269B, Houston, TX, 1997

19-97   C.R. Ortloff and M. Krafft, Numerical Test Tanks-Computer Simulation-Test Verification of Major Ocean Engineering Problems for the Off-Shore Oil Industry, OTC 8269A, Offshore Technology Conference, Copyright 1997, Houston, Texas, May 1997

9-94 P. A. Chang, C-W Lin, CD-NSWC, Hydrodynamic Analysis of Oil Outflow from Double Hull Tankers, The Advanced Double-Hull Technical Symposium, Gaithersburg, MD, October 25-26, 1994.

8-90 C. W. Hirt, Computational Modeling of Cavitation, Flow Science report, July 1990, presented at the 2nd International Symposium on Performance Enhancement for Marine Applications, Newport, RI, October 14-16, 1990

10-87 H. W. Meldner, USA’s Revolutionary Appendages and CFD, CORDTRAN Corp. Report presented at AIAA and SNAME 17th Annual International Symposium on Sailing, Stanford University, Palo Alto, CA, Oct. 31-Nov. 1, 1987

3-85 C. W. Hirt and J. M. Sicilian, A Porosity Technique for the Definition of Obstacles in Rectangular Cell Meshes, Fourth International Conference on Ship Hydrodynamics, Washington, DC, September 1985

Water & Environmental Bibliography

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Water and Environmental Bibliography

2024년 11월 20일 Update

118-24 Lei Liao, Jia Li, Min Chen, Ruidong An, Effects of hydraulic cues in barrier environments on fish navigation downstream of dams, Journal of Environmental Management, 365; 121495, 2024. doi.org/10.1016/j.jenvman.2024.121495

115-24 H. Liu, Y.G. Cheng, Z.Y. Yang, J. Zhang, J.Y. Fan, W.X. Li, Effect of uneven inflow on hydrodynamic performance of bulb turbine, Journal of Physics: Conference Series, 2752; 012032, 2024. doi.org/10.1088/1742-6596/2752/1/012032

112-24 Jian Guo, Bowen Weng, Jiyi Wu, Investigation of the energy loss in cylindrical bridge piers scour depth prediction on sand-bed, Ocean Engineering, 309.1; 118513, 2024. doi.org/10.1016/j.oceaneng.2024.118513

110-24 Siyu Chen, Xiyen Liu, Junyao Tang, Ying Gao, Tianyou Zhang, Linhao Gu, Tao Ma, Can Chen, Study on the influence of design parameters of porous asphalt pavement on drainage performance, Journal of Hydrology, 638; 131514, 2024. doi.org/10.1016/j.jhydrol.2024.131514

108-24 Abubaker Sami Dheyab, Mustafa Günal, Experimental and numerical study for local scour around cylindrical bridge pier in non-cohesive sediment bed, 4th International Congress of Engineering and Natural Sciences (ICENSS), 2024.

106-24 P. Asabian, C.D. Rennie, N. Egsgard, Experimental and numerical investigation of the flow-structure of river surf waves, River Flow 2022, eds. Ana Maria Ferreira da Silva, Colin Rennie, Susan Gaskin, Jay Lacey, Bruce MacVicar, 2024.

105-24 M. Cihan Aydin, Ali Emre Ulu, Ercan Işık, Nizamettin Hamidi, An experimental and numerical investigation of hydraulic performance of in-channel triangular labyrinth weir for free overflow, ISH Journal of Hydraulic Engineering, pp. 1-10, 2024. doi.org/10.1080/09715010.2024.2363224

103-24 Yazhou Wang, Jinrong Da, Yuchen Luo, Sirui He, Zuocong Tian, Ziyi Xue, Zehao Li, Xianyu Zhao, Desheng Yin, Hui Peng, Xiang Liu, Xiaoning Liu , Minimization of heavy metal adsorption in struvite through effective separation and manipulation of flow field, Journal of Hazardous Materials, 474; 134820, 2024. doi.org/10.1016/j.jhazmat.2024.134820

101-24 Davut Yilmaz, Tugce Basar, Arzu Ozkaya, Assessing the pressure variation in the plunge pool of Yusufeli dam, Dams and Reservoirs, 2024. doi.org/10.1680/jdare.2024.1

99-24 Azim Turan, High resolution flash flood forecasting by combining a hydrometeorological modeling system with a computational fluid dynamics model, Thesis, Middle East Technical University, 2024.

97-24 Umut Aykan, Numerical investigation of vortex formation at single and multiple symmetric horizontal intakes, Thesis, Middle East Technical University, 2024.

91-24 Di Wang, Xiaoyong Cheng, Zhixuan Cao, Jinyun Deng, Three-dimensional flow structure in a confluence-bifurcation unit, Engineering Applications of Computational Fluid Mechanics, 18.1; 2024. doi.org/10.1080/19942060.2024.2349076

86-24 M.Z. Qamar, M.K. Verma, A.P. Meshram, Physical and numerical modelling for settling efficiency of desilting chamber, ISH Journal of Hydraulic Engineering, 30.3; 2024. doi.org/10.1080/09715010.2024.2345338

85-24 Ruichen Xu, Duane C. Chapman, Caroline M. Elliott, Bruce C. Call, Robert B. Jacobson, Binbin Wang, Ecological inferences on invasive carp survival using hydrodynamics and egg drift models, Scientific Reports, 14; 9556, 2024. doi.org/10.1038/s41598-024-60189-1

84-24 M. Cihan Aydin, Ali Emre Ulu, Ercan Işik, Experimental and numerical investigation of rectangular labyrinth weirs in an open channel, Water Management , 2024. doi.org/10.1680/jwama.22.00112

76-24 Chyan-Deng Jan, Litan Dey, Slump-flow channel test for evaluating the relations between spreading and rheological parameters of sediment mixtures, European Journal of Mechanics – B/Fluids, 106; pp. 137-147, 2024. doi.org/10.1016/j.euromechflu.2024.04.005

74-24 Abhishek K. Pandey, Pranab K. Mohapatra, 3D numerical simulations of the bed evolution at an open-channel junction in flood conditions, Journal of Irrigation and Drainage Engineering, 150.3; 2024. doi.org/10.1061/JIDEDH.IRENG-10321

70-24 Jianing Rao, Qi Wei, Lian Tang, Yuanming Wang, Ruifeng Liang, Kefeng Li, A design of a nature-like fishway to solve the fractured river connectivity caused by small hydropower based on hydrodynamics and fish behaviors, Environmental Science and Pollution Research, 31; pp. 27883-27896, 2024. doi.org/10.1007/s11356-024-33034-1

69-24 M. Cihan Aydin, Ali Emre Ulu, Ercan Işık, Determination of effective flow behaviors on discharge performance of trapezoidal labyrinth weirs using numerical and physical models, Modeling Earth Systems and Environment, 10; pp. 3763-3776, 2024. doi.org/10.1007/s40808-024-01996-3

62-24 Ramtin Sabeti, Mohammad Heidarzadeh, Estimating maximum initial wave amplitude of subaerial landslide tsunamis: A three-dimensional modelling approach, Ocean Modelling, 189; 102360, 2024. doi.org/10.1016/j.ocemod.2024.102360

60-24 Mahdi Ebrahimi, Mirali Mohammadi, Sayed Mohammad Hadi Meshkati, Farhad Imanshoar, Embankment dams overtopping breach: A numerical investigation of hydraulic results, Iranian Journal of Science and Technology: Transactions of Civil Engineering, 2024. doi.org/10.1007/s40996-024-01387-9

59-24 Behshad Mardasi, Rasoul Ilkhanipour Zeynali, Majid Heydari, Conducting experimental and numerical studies to analyze the impact of the base nose shape on flow hydraulics in PKW weir using FLOW-3D, Journal of Hydraulic Structures, 9.4; pp. 88-113, 2024. doi.org/10.22055/JHS.2024.45888.1284

58-24 Ramtin Sabeti, Mohammad Heidarzadeh, Alessandro Romano, Gabriel Barajas Ojeda, Javier L. Lara, Three-dimensional simulations of subaerial landslide-generated waves: Comparing OpenFOAM and FLOW-3D HYDRO models, Pure and Applied Geophysics, 181; pp. 1075-1093, 2024. doi.org/10.1007/s00024-024-03443-x

56-24 Ali Poorkarimi, Khaled Mafakheri, Shahrzad Maleki, Effect of inlet and baffle position on the removal efficiency of sedimentation tank using FLOW-3D software, Journal of Hydraulic Structures, 9.4; pp. 76-87, 2024. doi.org/10.22055/jhs.2024.44817.1265

55-24 P Sujith Nair, Aniruddha D. Ghare, Ankur Kapoor, An approach to hydraulic design of conical central baffle flumes, Flow Measurement and Instrumentation, 97; 102573, 2024. doi.org/10.1016/j.flowmeasinst.2024.102573

54-24 Isabelle Cheff, Julie Taylor, Andrew Mitchell, Kathleen Horita, Darren Shepherd, Steven Rintoul, Rob Millar, Evaluating uncertainty in debris flood modelling for the design of a steep built channel, EGU General Assembly, EGU24-20781, 2024. doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu24-20781

53-24 Antonija Harasti, Gordon Gilja, Josip Vuco, Jelena Boban, Manousos Valyrakis, Temporal development of the scour hole next to the riprap sloping structure, EGU General Assembly, EGU24-10349, 2024. doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu24-10349

52-24 Gordon Gilja, Antonija Harasti, Dea Delija, Iva Mejašić, Manousos Valyrakis, Change in flow field next to riprap sloping structure caused by variability of scoured bathymetry, EGU General Assembly, EGU24-10417, 2024. doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu24-10417

49-24 Mehdi Hamidi, Mehran Sadeqlu, Ali Mahdian Khalili, Investigating the design and arrangement of dual submerged vanes as mitigation countermeasure of bridge pier scour depth using a numerical approach, Ocean Engineering, 299; 117270, 2024. doi.org/10.1016/j.oceaneng.2024.117270

48-24 Yingying Wang, Mouchao Lv, Wen’e Wang, Ming Meng, Discharge formula and hydraulics of rectangular side weirs in the small channel and field inlet, Water, 16.5; 713, 2024. doi.org/10.3390/w16050713

45-24 José Saldanha Matos, Filipa Ferreira, Lisbon Master Plans and nature-based solutions, Urban Green Spaces – New Perspectives for Urban Resilience, Eds. Cristina M. Monteiro, Cristina Santos, Cristina Matos, Ana Briga Sá. doi.org/10.5772/intechopen.113870

44-24 Muhanad Al-Jubouri, Richard P. Ray, Enhancing pier local scour prediction in the presence of floating debris, Pollack Periodica, 2024. doi.org/10.1556/606.2023.00952

42-24 Huanquan Yang, Jiabao Ma, Xueying Liu, Numerical simulation research on energy dissipation characteristics of fish scale weir, ES3 Web of Conferences, 490; 03005, 2024. doi.org/10.1051/e3sconf/202449003005

39-24 Henry-John Wright, Investigation of novel deflector shapes for uncontrolled spillways, Thesis, Stellenbosch University, 2024.

37-24 Filipe Romão, Ana L. Quaresma, Joana Simão, Francisco J. Bravo-Córdoba, Teresa Viseu, José M. Santos, Francisco J. Sanz-Ronda, António N. Pi, Debating the rules: an experimental approach to assess cyprinid passage performance thresholds in vertical slot fishways, Water, 16.3; 439, 2024. doi.org/10.3390/w16030439

36-24 Berkay Erat, Efe Barbaros, Kerem Taştan, Experimental and numerical investigation on flow and scour upstream of pipe intake structures, Arabian Journal for Science and Engineering, 49; pp. 5973-5987, 2024. doi.org/10.1007/s13369-023-08539-5

31-24 Mahmoud T. Ghonim, Ashraf Jatwary, Magdy H. Mowafy, Martina Zelenakova, Hany F. Abd-Elhamid, H. Omara, Hazem M. Eldeeb, Estimating the peak outflow and maximum erosion rate during the breach of embankment dam, Water, 16.3; 399, 2024. doi.org/10.3390/w16030399

30-24 Deli Qiu, Jiangdong Xu, Hai Lin, Numerical analysis of the overtopping failure of the tailings dam model based on inception similarity optimization, Applied Sciences, 14.3; 990, 2024. doi.org/10.3390/app14030990

29-24 Tino Kostić, Yuanjie Ren, Stephan Theobald, 3D-CFD analysis of bedload transport in channel bifurcations, Journal of Hydroinformatics, 26.2; 480, 2024. doi.org/10.2166/hydro.2024.175

28-24 Chenhao Zhang, Xin Li, Renyu Zhou, Bernard A. Engel, Yubao Wang, Hydraulic characteristics and flow measurement performance of portable primary and subsidiary fish-shaped flumes in U-shaped channels, Flow Measurement and Instrumentation, 96; 102539, 2024. doi.org/10.1016/j.flowmeasinst.2024.102539

23-24   Arash Ahmadi, Amir H. Azimi, Effects of ramp slope and discharge on hydraulic performance of submerged hump weirs, Flow Measurement and Instrumentation, 96; 102520, 2024. doi.org/10.1016/j.flowmeasinst.2023.102520

20-24   Parisa Mirkhorli, Amir Ghaderi, Forough Alizadeh Sanami, Mirali Mohammadi, Alban Kuriqi, An investigation on hydraulic aspects of rectangular labyrinth pool and weir fishway using FLOW-3D, Arabian Journal for Science and Engineering, 2024. doi.org/10.1007/s13369-023-08537-7

17-24   Veysi Kartal, M. Emin Emiroglu, Numerical simulation of the flow passing through the side weir-gate, Flow Measurement and Instrumentation, 95; 102519, 2024. doi.org/10.1016/j.flowmeasinst.2023.102519

16-24   Junqi Chen, Wen Zhang, Chen Cao, Han Yin, Jia Wang, Wankun Li, Yanhao Zheng, The effect of the check dam on the sediment transport and control in debris flow events, Engineering Geology, 329; 107397, 2024. doi.org/10.1016/j.enggeo.2023.107397

15-24   Jingxin Mao, Yijun Wang, Hao Zhang, Xiaofei Jing, Study on the influence of urban water supply pipeline leakage on the scouring failure law of cohesive soil subgrade, Water, 16.1; 93, 2024. doi.org/10.3390/w16010093

13-24   Ramtin Sabeti, Mohammad Heidarzadeh, Alessandro Romano, Gabriel Barajas Ojeda, Javier L. Lara, Three-dimensional simulations of subaerial landslide-generated wave: comparing OpenFOAM and FLOW-3D HYDRO models, Pure and Applied Geophysics, 2024. doi.org/10.1007/s00024-024-03443-x

12-24   Damoon Mohammad Ali Nezhadian, Hossein Hamidifar, Effects of floating debris on flow characteristics around slotted bridge piers: a numerical simulation, Water, 16.1; 90, 2024. doi.org/10.3390/w16010090

10-24   Zhong Gao, Jinpeng Liu, Wen He, Bokai Lu, Manman Wang, Zikai Tang, Study of a tailings dam failure pattern and post-failure effects under flooding conditions, Water, 16.1; 68, 2024. doi.org/10.3390/w16010068

9-24   Yilin Yang, Jinzhao Li, Waner Zou, Benshuang Chen, Numerical investigation of flow and scour around complex bridge piers in wind-wave-current conditions, Journal of Marine Science and Engineering, 12.1; 23, 2024. doi.org/10.3390/jmse12010023

7-24   Penfeng Li, Haixiao Jing, Guodong Li, Generation and prediction of water waves induced by rigid piston-like landslide, Natural Hazards, 120; pp. 2683-2704, 2024. doi.org/10.1007/s11069-023-06300-7

6-24   Jie-yuan Zhang, Xing-Guo Yang, Gang Fan, Hai-bo Li, Jia-wen Zhou, Physical and numerical modeling of a landslide dam breach and flood routing process, Journal of Hydrology, 628; 130552, 2024. doi.org/10.1016/j.jhydrol.2023.130552

241-23 Kamyab Habibi, Farinaz Erfani Fard, Seyed Amin Asghari Pari, Investigation of the flow field around bridge piers on a non-eroding bed using FLOW-3D, 22nd Iranian Conference on Hydraulics, 2023.

240-23 Dong Hyun Kim, Su-Hyun Yang, Sung Sik Joo, Seung Oh Lee, Analysis of flow velocity in the channel according to the type of revetments blocks using 3D numerical model, Journal of Korean Society of Disaster and Security, 16.4; pp. 9-18, 2023.

238-23 Mohamed Elberry, Abdelazim Ali, Fahmy Abdelhaleem, Amir Ibrahim, Numerical investigations of stilling basin efficiency downstream radial gates – A case study of New Assuit Barrage, Egypt, Journal of Water and Land Development, 59 (X-XII); pp. 126-134, 2023. doi.org/10.24425/jwld.2023.147237

237-23 Oğuzhan Uluyurt, Numerical investigation of energy dissipation using macro roughness elements in a stilling basin, Thesis, Middle East Technical University, 2023.

236-23   Mohamed Galal Eltarabily, Mohamed Kamel Elshaarawy, Mohamed Elkiki, Tarek Selim, Computational fluid dynamics and artificial neural networks for modelling lined irrigation canals with low-density polyethylene and cement concrete liners, Irrigation and Drainage, 2023. doi.org/10.1002/ird.2911

234-23   Saman Baharvand, Babak Lashkar-Ara, Hydrodynamic and biological assessment of modified meander C-type fishway to pass rainbow trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss) fish species, Scientia Iranica, 2023.

232-23   Chung R. Song, Richard L. Wood, Basil Abualshar, Bashar Al-Nimri, Mark O’Brien, Mitra Nasimi, Erosion resistant rock shoulder, Nebraska Department of Transportation, Final Report SPR-P1(20), 2023.

230-23   Rongzhao Zhang, Wen Xiong, Xiaolong Ma, C.S. Cai, A forensic investigation of progressive bridge collapse under floods and asymmetric scour validated by incident video footages, Structure and Infrastructure Engineering, 2023. doi.org/10.1080/15732479.2023.2290701

229-23   Vivek Sharma Jai, Hydraulic simulation and numerical investigation of the flow in the stepped spillway with the help of FLOW-3D software, International Journal of Innovative Science and Research Technology, 8; 2023. doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.8076943

228-23   Hao Chen, Yang Tang, Jinyuan Li, Faxin Zhu, Xianbin Teng, The influence of impinging distance variable on the effect of submerged jet scour, Journal of Physics: Conference Series, 2660; 012004, 2023. doi.org/10.1088/1742-6596/2660/1/012004

225-23   Kyle Thomson, Towards safer bridges: Overcoming 2D model limitations and reducing flood risks through computational fluid dynamics, IPWEA Annual Conference Gold Coast, 2023.

223-23   Chong-xun Wang, Jia-wen Zhou, Chang-bing Zhang, Yu-xiang Hu, Hao Chen, Hai-bo Li, Failure mechanism analysis and mass movement assessment of a post‑earthquake high slope, Arabian Journal of Geosciences, 16; 683, 2023. doi.org/10.1007/s12517-023-11737-y

222-23   Alaa Ghzayel, Anthony Beaudoin, Sébastien Jarny, Three-dimensional numerical study of a local scour downstream of a submerged sluice gate using two hydro-morphodynamic models, SedFoam and FLOW-3D, Comptes Rendus. Mécanique, 351.G2; pp. 525-550, 2023. doi.org/10.5802/crmeca.223

221-23   Othon José Rocha, Luiz Renato Martini Filho, Caio Gripp Benevente, Letícia Imbuzeiro, Modelagem CFD-3D aplicada ao setor de mineração (3D CFD modeling applied to the mining sector), 34th Seminario Nacional de Grandes Barragens, 2023.

220-23   Gaetano Crispino, David Dorthe, Corrado Gisonni, Michael Pfister, Optimal hydraulic design of supercritical bend manholes, Proceedings of the 40th IAHR World Congress, Eds. Helmut Habersack, Michael Tritthart, Lisa Waldenberger, 2023. doi.org/10.3850/978-90-833476-1-5_iahr40wc-p0090-cd

218-23   Arun Goel, Aditya Thakare, M.K. Verma, M.Z. Qamar, Evaluation of design approaches of desilting basins for hydroelectric projects in Himalayan region, ISH Journal of Hydraulic Engineering, 30.1; pp. 122-131, 2023. doi.org/10.1080/09715010.2023.2283593

215-23   Ahmed Ashour, Emam Salah, Numerical study of energy dissipation in baffled stepped spillway using FLOW-3D, International Journal of Research in Engineering, Science and Management, 6.11; 2023.

214-23   Farshid Mosaddeghi, Mete Koken, Ismail Aydin, Finite volume analysis of dam breaking subjected to earthquake accelerations, Journal of Hydraulic Research, 61.6; pp. 845-865, 2023. doi.org/10.1080/00221686.2023.2259858

213-23   Habib Ahmari, Ashish Bhurtyal, Srinivas Prabakar, Qazi Ashique Mowla, Saman Baharvand, Hassan Alsaud, Laboratory testing of engineered media for biofiltration swales, University of Texas Arlington, Project No. TRN6835 Final Report, 2023.

209-23   Cong Trieu Tran, Cong Ty Trinh, Prediction of the vortex evolution and influence analysis of rough bed in a hydraulic jump with the Omega-Liutex method, Tehnički Vjesnik, 30.6; 2023. doi.org/10.17559/TV-20230206000327

203-23   Muhammad Waqas Zaffar, Ishtiaq Hassan, Zulfiqar Ali, Kaleem Sarwar, Muhammad Hassan, Muhammad Taimoor Mustafa, Faizan Ahmed Waris, Numerical investigation of hydraulic jumps with USBR and wedge-shaped baffle block basins for lower tailwater, AQUA – Water Infrastructure, Ecosystems and Society, 72.11; 2081, 2023. doi.org/10.2166/aqua.2023.261

201-23   E.F.R. Bollaert, Digital cloud-based platform to predict rock scour at high-head dams, Role of Dams and Reservoirs in a Successful Energy Transition, Eds. Robert Boes, Patrice Droz, Raphael Leroy, 2023. doi.org/10.1201/9781003440420

200-23   Iacopo Vona, Oysters’ integration on submerged breakwaters as nature-based solution for coastal protection within estuarine environments, Thesis, University of Maryland, 2023.

198-23   Hao Chen, Xianbin Teng, Zhibin Zhang, Faxin Zhu, Jie Wang, Zhaohao Zhang, Numerical analysis of the influence of the impinging distance on the scouring efficiency of submerged jets, Fluid Dynamics & Materials Processing, 20.2; pp. 429-445, 2023. doi.org/10.32604/fdmp.2023.030585

193-23   Chen Peng, Liuweikai Gu, Qiming Zhong, Numerical simulation of dam failure process based on FLOW-3D, Advances in Frontier Research on Engineering Structures, pp. 545-550, 2023. doi.org/10.3233/ATDE230245

189-23   Rebecca G. Englert, Age J. Vellinga, Matthieu J.B. Cartigny, Michael A. Clare, Joris T. Eggenhuisen, Stephen M. Hubbard, Controls on upstream-migrating bed forms in sandy submarine channels, Geology, 51.12; PP. 1137-1142, 2023. doi.org/10.1130/G51385.1

187-23   J.W. Kim, S.B. Woo, A numerical approach to the treatment of submerged water exchange processes through the sluice gates of a tidal power plant, Renewable Energy, 219.1; 119408, 2023. doi.org/10.1016/j.renene.2023.119408

186-23   Chan Jin Jeong, Hyung Jun Park, Hyung Suk Kim, Seung Oh Lee, Study on fish-friendly flow characteristic in stepped fishway, Proceedings of the Korean Water Resources Association Conference, 2023. (In Korean)

185-23   Jaehwan Yoo, Sedong Jang, Byunghyun Kim, Analysis of coastal city flooding in 2D and 3D considering extreme conditions and climate change, Proceedings of the Korean Water Resources Association Conference, 2023. (In Korean)

180-23   Prathyush Nallamothu, Jonathan Gregory, Jordan Leh, Daniel P. Zielinski, Jesse L. Eickholt, Semi-automated inquiry of fish launch angle and speed for hazard analysis, Fishes, 8.10; 476, 2023. doi.org/10.3390/fishes8100476

179-23   Reza Norouzi, Parisa Ebadzadeh, Veli Sume, Rasoul Daneshfaraz, Upstream vortices of a sluice gate: an experimental and numerical study, AQUA – Water Infrastructure, Ecosystems and Society, 72.10; 1906, 2023. doi.org/10.2166/aqua.2023.269

178-23   Bai Hao Li, How Tion Puay, Muhammad Azfar Bin Hamidi, Influence of spur dike’s angle on sand bar formation in a rectangular channel, IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science, 1238; 012027, 2023. doi.org/10.1088/1755-1315/1238/1/012027

177-23   Hao Zhe Khor, How Tion Puay, Influence of gate lip angle on downpull forces for vertical lift gates, IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science, 1238; 012019, 2023. doi.org/10.1088/1755-1315/1238/1/012019

175-23   Juan Francisco Macián-Pérez, Rafael García-Bartual, P. Amparo López-Jiménez, Francisco José Vallés-Morán, Numerical modeling of hydraulic jumps at negative steps to improve energy dissipation in stilling basins, Applied Water Science, 13.203; 2023. doi.org/10.1007/s13201-023-01985-4

174-23   Ahintha Kandamby, Dusty Myers, Narrows bypass chute CFD analysis, Dam Safety, 2023.

173-23   H. Jalili, R.C. Mahon, M.F. Martinez, J.W. Nicklow, Sediment sluicing from the reservoirs with high efficiency, SEDHYD, 2023.

170-23   Ramith Fernando, Gangfu Zhang, Beyond 2D: Unravelling bridge hydraulics with CFD modelling, 24th Queensland Water Symposium, 2023.

169-23   K. Licht, G. Lončar, H. Posavčić, I. Halkijević, Short-time numerical simulation of ultrasonically assisted electrochemical removal of strontium from water, 18th International Conference on Environmental Science and Technology (CEST), 2023.

166-23   Ebrahim Hamid Hussein Al-Qadami, Mohd Adib Mohammad Razi, Wawan Septiawan Damanik, Zahiraniza Mustaffa, Eduardo Martinez-Gomariz, Fang Yenn Teo, Anwar Ameen Hezam Saeed, Understanding the stability of passenger vehicles exposed to water flows through 3D CFD modelling, Sustainability, 15.17; 13262, 2023. doi.org/10.3390/su151713262

165-23   Ebrahim Hamid Hussein Al-Qadami, Mohd Adib Mohammad Razi, Wawan Septiawan Damanik, Zahiraniza Mustaffa, Eduardo Martinez-Gomariz, Fang Yenn Teo, Anwar Ameen Hezam Saeed, 3-dimensional numerical study on the critical orientation of the flooded passenger vehicles, Engineering Letters, 31.3; 2023.

159-23 Ruosi Zha, Weiwen Zhao, Decheng Wan, Numerical study of wave-ice floe interactions and overwash by a meshfree particle method, Ocean Engineering, 286.2; 115681, 2023. doi.org/10.1016/j.oceaneng.2023.115681

157-23 Hamidreza Abbaszadeh, Kiyoumars Roushangar, Zahra Salahpour, Theoretical and numerical investigation of the sluice and radial gates discharge coefficient in the conditions of sill application, Iranian Journal of Irrigation and Drainage, 2023.

155-23 Ting Zhang, Qunwei Dai, Dejun An, R. Agustin Mors, Qiongfang Li, Ricardo A. Astini, Jingwen He, Jie Cui, Ruiyang Jiang, Faqin Dong, Zheng Dang, Effective mechanisms in the formation of pool-rimstone dams in continental carbonate systems: The case study of Huanglong, China, Sedimentary Geology, 455; 106486, 2023. doi.org/10.1016/j.sedgeo.2023.106486

153-23 Jyh-Haw Tang, Aisyah Puspasari, Numerical simulation of scouring around four cylindrical piles with different inclination angles arrangements, Proceedings of the 4th International Conference on Advanced Engineering and Technology (ICATECH), 1; pp. 139-145, 2023. doi.org/10.5220/0012115500003680

152-23 Yasser El-Saie, Osama Saleh, Marihan El-Sayed, Abdelazim Ali, Eslam El-Tohamy, Yasser Mohamed Sadek, Dissipation of water energy by using a special stilling basin via three-dimensional numerical model, The Open Civil Engineering Journal, 17; 2023.

150-23 Shelby J. Koldewyn, Using computational fluid dynamics for predicting hydraulic performance of arced labyrinth weirs, Thesis, Utah State University, 2023.

146-23 Lav Kumar Gupta, Manish Pandey, P. Anand Raj, Numerical modeling of scour and erosion processes around spur dike, CLEAN Soil Air Water, 2023. doi.org/10.1002/clen.202300135

145-23 Nariman Mehranfar, Morteza Kolahdoozan, Shervin Faghihirad, Development of multiphase solver for the modeling of turbidity currents (the case study of Dez Dam), International Journal of Multiphase Flow, 168; 104586, 2023. doi.org/10.1016/j.ijmultiphaseflow.2023.104586

143-23 Fei Ma, Lei You, Jin Liu, Estimation in jet deflection angle of deflector on the chutes, ISH Journal of Hydraulic Engineering, 2023. doi.org/10.1080/09715010.2023.2241416

142-23 Ali Emre Ulu, M. Cihan Aydin, Fevzi Önen, Energy dissipation potentials of grouped spur dikes in an open channel, Water Resources Management, 37; pp. 4491-4506, 2023. doi.org/10.1007/s11269-023-03571-4

141-23 Haofei Feng, Shengtao Du, David Z. Zhu, Numerical study of effects of flushing gate height and sediment bed properties on cleaning efficiency in a simplified self-cleaning device, Water Science & Technology, 88.3; pp. 542-555, 2023. doi.org/10.2166/wst.2023.245

140-23 Brian Fox, 3D CFD modeling with FLOW-3D HYDRO, Proceedings, SEDHYD, 2023.

139-23 Masoumeh (Negar) Ghahramani, Improved empirical and numerical predictive modelling of potential tailings dam breaches and their downstream impacts, Thesis, The University of British Columbia, 2023.

138-23 Rui-Tao Yin, Bing Zhu, Shuai-Wei Yuan, Jun-Nan Li, Zhen-Yu Yang, Zhi-Ying Yang, Dynamic analyses of long-span cable-stayed and suspension cooperative system bridge under combined actions of wind and regular wave loads, Applied Ocean Research, 138; 103683, 2023. doi.org/10.1016/j.apor.2023.103683

137-23 Xuefeng Chen, Shikang Liu, Yuanming Wang, Yuetong Hao, Kefeng Li, Hongtao Wang, Ruifeng Liang, Restoration of a fish-attracting flow field downstream of a dam based on the swimming ability of endemic fishes: A case study in the upper Yangtze River basin, Journal of Environmental Management, 345; 118694, 2023. doi.org/10.1016/j.jenvman.2023.118694

135-23 Nelson Cely Calixto, Melquisedec Cortés Zambrano, Alberto Galvis Castaño, Gustavo Carrillo Soto, Analysis of a three-dimensional numerical modeling approach for predicting scour processes in longitudinal walls of granular bedding rivers, EUREKA: Physics and Engineering, 4; 2023. doi.org/10.21303/2461-4262.2023.002682

134-23 Tarek Selim, Abdelrahman Kamal Hamed, Mohamed Elkiki, Mohamed Galal Eltarabily, Numerical investigation of flow characteristics and energy dissipation over piano key and trapezoidal labyrinth weirs under free-flow conditions, Modeling Earth Systems and Environment, 2023. doi.org/10.1007/s40808-023-01844-w

132-23 Gang Lei, Hongbao Huang, Xiongan Fan, Junan Su, Qingxiang Wang, Xiaoliang Wang, Kai Peng, Jianmin Zhang, Influence of the transition section shape on the cavitation characteristics of the bottom outlet, Water Supply, 23.8; pp. 3061-3077, 2023. doi.org/10.2166/ws.2023.181

129-23 Rasoul Daneshfaraz, Reza Norouzi, John Patrick Abraham, Parisa Ebadzadeh, Behnaz Akhondi, Maryam Abar, Determination of flow characteristics over sharp-crested triangular plan form weirs using numerical simulation, Water Science, 37.1; 2023. doi.org/10.1080/23570008.2023.2236384

124-23 Imad Habeeb Obead, Ahmed Rahim Sahib, Mathematical models for simulating the hydraulic behavior of flow deflectors: laboratory and CFD-based study, Innovative Infrastructure Solutions, 8; 213, 2023. doi.org/10.1007/s41062-023-01170-1

120-23 Kwang-Su Kim, Jong-Song Jo, Improving the power output estimation for a tidal power plant: a case study, Energy, 2023. doi.org/10.1680/jener.23.00007

119-23 Hanif Pourshahbaz, Tadros Ghobrial, Ahmad Shakibaeinia, Evaluating a CFD model for three-dimensional simulation of ice structure interaction, CGU HS Committee on River Ice Processes and the Environment (CRIPE), 22nd Workshop on the Hydraulics of Ice-Covered Rivers, 2023.

118-23 Sruthi T. Kalathil, Venu Chandra, Experimental and numerical investigation on the hydraulic design criteria for a step-pool nature-like fishway, Progress in Physical Geography: Earth and Environment, 2023. doi.org/10.1177/03091333231187619

117-23 Lav Kumar Gupta, Manish Pandey, P. Anand Raj, Numerical simulation of local scour around the pier with and without airfoil collar (AFC) using FLOW-3D, Environmental Fluid Mechanics, 2023. doi.org/10.1007/s10652-023-09932-2

116-23 Paolo Peruzzo, Matteo Cappozzo, Nicola Durighetto, Gianluca Botter, Local processes with a global impact: unraveling the dynamics of gas evasion in a step-and-pool configuration, Biogeosciences, 20; pp. 3261-3271, 2023. doi.org/10.5194/bg-20-3261-2023

114-23 Muhammad Waqas Zaffar, Ishtiaq Hassan, Numerical investigation of hydraulic jump for different stilling basins using FLOW-3D, AQUA – Water Infrastructure, Ecosystems and Society, 72.7; pp. 1320-1343, 2023. doi.org/10.2166/aqua.2023.290

112-23 J. Chandrashekhar Iyer, E.J. James, Indispensability of model studies in the design of settling basins of hydropower projects in river basins with high sediment yield, Fluid Mechanics and Hydraulics, pp. 367-381, 2023. doi.org/10.1007/978-981-19-9151-6_30

110-23 Ehsan Afaridegan, Nosratollah Amanian, Abbas Parsaie, Amin Gharehbaghi, Hydraulic investigation of modified semi-cylindrical weirs, Flow Measurement and Instrumentation, 93; 102405, 2023. doi.org/10.1016/j.flowmeasinst.2023.102405

103-23 Jin Yang, Weqiang Su, Binhua Li, Calculation of natural alluvial separation of sandy tailings slurry based on FLOW-3D, Mechanics in Engineering, 45.3; pp. 559-564, 2023.

101-23 Tutku Ezgi Yönter, Modeling of river flow and flow dynamics near junctions, Thesis, Middle East Technical University, 2023.

99-23 Mohammad Sadeghpour, Mohammad Vaghefi, Seyed Hamed Meraji, Artificial roughness dimensions and their influence on bed topography variations downstream of a culvert: An experimental study, Water Resources Management, 37; pp. 4143-4157, 2023. doi.org/10.1007/s11269-023-03543-8

98-23 M. Aksel, Numerical analysis of the flow structure around inclined solid cylinder and its effect on bed shear stress distribution, Journal of Applied Fluid Mechanics, 16.8; pp. 1627-1639, 2023. doi.org/10.47176/jafm.16.08.1697

96-23 Waqed H. Hassan, Nidaa Ali Shabat, Numerical investigation of the optimum angle for open channel junction, Civil Engineering Journal, 9.5; 2023. doi.org/10.28991/CEJ-2023-09-05-07

94-23 Emad Khanahmadi, Amir Ahmad Dehghani, Seyed Nasrollah Alenabi, Navid Dehghani, Edward Barry, Hydraulic of curved type-B piano key weirs characteristics under free flow conditions, Modeling Earth Systems and Environment, 2023. doi.org/10.1007/s40808-023-01790-7

93-23 Laura-Louise Alicke, Improved priming of a siphon spillway with the use of a flexible membrane researched through numerical modeling, Thesis, Idaho State University, 2023.

91-23 Wahidullah Hakim Safi, Pranab K. Mohapatra, Flow past: An artificial channel confluence with mobile bed, World Environmental and Water Resources Congress, 2023. doi.org/10.1061/9780784484852.023

86-23 Ghasem Aghashirmohammadi, Mohammad Heidarnejad, Mohammad Hossein Purmohammadi, Alireza Masjedi, Experimental and numerical study the effect of flow splitters on trapezoidal and triangular labyrinth weirs, Water Science, 37.1; 2023. doi.org/10.1080/23570008.2023.2210391

84-23 Nikolaos Xafoulis, Evangelia Farsirotou, Spyridon Kotsopoulos, Three-dimensional computational flow dynamics analysis of free-surface flow in a converging channel, Energy Systems, 2023. doi.org/10.1007/s12667-023-00575-2

83-23 Navid Zarrabi, Mohammad Navid Moghim, Mohammad Reza Eftakhar, A semi-analytical study of fiber reinforced concrete abrasion-erosion through water-borne sand-jet flow in hydraulic structures, Tribology International, 185; 108568, 2023. doi.org/10.1016/j.triboint.2023.108568

82-23 Somayyeh Saffar, Abbas Safaei, Farnoush Aghaee Daneshvar, Mohsen Solimani Babarsad, FLOW-3D numerical modeling of converged side weir, Iranian Journal of Science and Technology: Transactions of Civil Engineering, 2023. doi.org/10.1007/s40996-023-01077-y

79-23 Wangshu Wei, Optimization of the mixing in a produced water storage tank using CFD, World Environmental and Water Resources Congress, Eds. Sajjad Ahmad, Regan Murray, 2023. doi.org/10.1061/9780784484852

77-23   Paolo Peruzzo, Matteo Cappozzo, Nicola Durighetto, Gianluca Botter, Local processes with global impact: unraveling the dynamics of gas evasion in a step-and-pool configuration, Biogeosciences, 2023. doi.org/10.5194/bg-2023-68

74-23   Kaywan Othman Ahmed, Nazim Nariman, Dara Muhammad Hawez, Ozgur Kisi, Ata Amini, Predicting and optimizing the influenced parameters for culvert outlet scouring utilizing coupled FLOW 3D-surrogate modeling, Iranian Journal of Science and Technology: Transactions of Civil Engineering, 47; pp. 1763-1776, 2023. doi.org/10.1007/s40996-023-01096-9

73-23   Ashkan Pilbala, Mahmood Shafai Bejestan, Seyed Mohsen Sajjadi, Luigi Fraccarollo, Investigation of the different models of elliptical-Lopac gate performance under submerged flow conditions, Water Resources Management, 2023. doi.org/10.1007/s11269-023-03512-1

69-23   Chonoor Abdi Chooplou, Masoud Ghodsian, Davoud Abediakbar, Aram Ghafouri, An experimental and numerical study on the flow field and scour downstream of rectangular piano key weirs with crest indentations, Innovative Infrastructure Solutions, 8; 140, 2023. doi.org/10.1007/s41062-023-01108-7

68-23   Mahmood Shafai Bajestan, Mostafa Adineh, Hesam Ghodousi, Numerical modeling of sediment washing (flushing) in dams (Case study of Sefidrood dam), Journal of Irrigation Sciences and Engineering, 2023.

65-23   Charles R. Ortloff, CFD investigations of water supply and distribution systems of ancient old and new world archaeological sites to recover ancient water engineering technologies, Water, 15.7; 1363, 2023. doi.org/10.3390/w15071363

63-23   Rasoul Daneshfaraz, Reza Norouzi, Parisa Ebadzadeh, Alban Kuriqi, Effect of geometric shapes of chimney weir on discharge coefficient, Journal of Applied Water Engineering and Research, 2023. doi.org/10.1080/23249676.2023.2192977

59-23   Hongbo Mi, Chuan Wang, Xuanwen Jia, Bo Hu, Hongliang Wang, Hui Wang, Yong Zhu, Hydraulic characteristics of continuous submerged jet impinging on a wall by using numerical simulation and PIV experiment, Sustainability, 15.6; 5159, 2023. doi.org/10.3390/su15065159

58-23   O.P. Maurya, K.K. Nandi, S. Modalavalasa, S. Dutta, Flow hydrodynamics influences due to flood plain sand mining in a meandering channel, Sustainable Environment (NERC 2022), Eds. D. Deka, S.K. Majumder, M.K., Purkait, 2023. doi.org/10.1007/978-981-19-8464-8_16

57-23   Harshvardhan Harshvardhan, Deo Raj Kaushal, CFD modelling of local scour and flow field around isolated and in-line bridge piers using FLOW-3D, EGU General Assembly, EGU23-3820, 2023. doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu23-3820

54-23   Reza Nematzadeh, Gholam-Abbas Barani, Ehsan Fadaei-Kermani, Numerical investigation of bed-load changes on sediment flushing cavity, Journal of Hydraulic Structures, 4; 2023. doi.org/10.22055/jhs.2023.42542.1237

53-23   Rasoul Daneshfaraz, Reza Norouzi, Parisa Ebadzadeh, Alban Kuriqi, Influence of sill integration in labyrinth sluice gate hydraulic performance, Innovative Infrastructure Solutions, 8.118; 2023. doi.org/10.1007/s41062-023-01083-z

52-23   Shu Jiang, Yutong Hua, Mengxing He, Ying-Tien Lin, Biyun Sheng, Effect of a circular cylinder on hydrodynamic characteristics over a strongly curved channel, Sustainability, 15.6; 4890, 2023. doi.org/10.3390/su15064890

51-23   Ehsan Aminvash, Kiyoumars Roushangar, Numerical investigation of the effect of the frontal slope of simple and blocky stepped spillway with sem-circular crest on its hydraulic parameters, Iranian Journal of Irrigation and Drainage, 17.1; pp. 102-116, 2023.

50-23   Shizhuang Chen, Anchi Shi, Weiya Xu, Long Yan, Huanling Wang, Lei Tian, Wei-Chau Xie, Numerical investigation of landslide-induced waves: a case study of Wangjiashan landslide in Baihetan Reservoir, China, Bulletin of Engineering Geology and the Environment, 82.110; 2023. doi.org/10.1007/s10064-023-03148-w

49-23   Jiří Procházka, Modelling flow distribution in inlet galleries, VTEI, 1; 2023. doi.org/10.46555/VTEI.2022.11.002

47-23   M. Cihan Aydin, Ali Emre Ulu, Numerical investigation of labyrinth‑shaft spillway, Applied Water Science, 13.89; 2023. doi.org/10.1007/s13201-023-01896-4

46-23   Guangwei Lu, Jinxin Liu, Zhixian Cao, Youwei Li, Xueting Lei, Ying Li, A computational study of 3D flow structure in two consecutive bends subject to the influence of tributary inflow in the middle Yangtze River, Engineering Applications of Computational Fluid Mechanics, 17.1; 2183901, 2023. doi.org/10.1080/19942060.2023.2183901

44-23   Xun Huang, Zhijian Zhang, Guoping Xiang, Sensitivity analysis of a built environment exposed to the synthetic monophasic viscous debris flow impacts with 3-D numerical simulations, Natural Hazards and Earth Systems Sciences, 23; pp. 871-889, 2023. doi.org/10.5194/nhess-23-871-2023

43-23   Yisheng Zhang, Jiangfei Wang, Qi Zhou, Haisong Li, Wei Tang, Investigation of the reduction of sediment deposition and river flow resistance around dimpled surface piers, Environmental Science and Pollution Research, 2023. doi.org/10.1007/s11356-023-26034-0

41-23   Nejib Hassen Abdullahi, Zulfequar Ahmad, Experimental and CFD studies on the flow field and bed morphology in the vicinity of a sediment mining pit, EGU General Assembly, 2023. doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu23-446

40-23   Seonghyeon Ju, Jongchan Yi, Junho Lee, Jiyoon Kim, Chaehwi Lim, Jihoon Lee, Kyungtae Kim, Yeojoon Yoon, High-efficiency microplastic sampling device improved using CFD analysis, Sustainability, 15.5; 3907, 2023. doi.org/10.3390/su15053907

37-23   Muhammad Waqas Zaffar, Ishtiaq Hassan, Hydraulic investigation of stilling basins of the barrage before and after remodelling using FLOW-3D, Water Supply, 23.2; pp. 796-820, 2023. doi.org/10.2166/ws.2023.032

35-23   Mehmet Cihan, Ali Emre Ulu, Developing and testing a novel pressure-controlled hydraulic profile for siphon-shaft spillways, Flow Measurement and Instrumentation, 90; 102332, 2023. doi.org/10.1016/j.flowmeasinst.2023.102332

28-23   Yuhan Li, Deshen Chen, Yan Zhang, Hongliang Qian, Jiangyang Pan, Yinghan Huang, Boo Cheong Khoo, Thermal structure and hydrodynamic analysis for a new type of flexible temperature-control curtain, Journal of Hydrology, 618; 129170, 2023. doi.org/10.1016/j.jhydrol.2023.129170

22-23   Rong Lu, Wei Jiang, Jingjing Xiao, Dongdong Yuan, Yupeng Li, Yukai Hou, Congcong Liu, Evaluation of moisture migration characteristics of permeable asphalt pavement: Field research, Journal of Environmental Management, 330; 117176, 2023. doi.org/10.1016/j.jenvman.2022.117176

18-23   Thu Hien-T. Le, Van Chien Nguyen, Cong Phuc Dang, Thanh Thin-T. Nguyen, Bach Quynh-T. Pham, Ngoc Thoa Le, Numerical assessment on hydraulic safety of existing conveyance structures, Modeling Earth Systems and Environment, 2023. doi.org/10.1007/s40808-022-01685-z

17-23   Meysam Nouri, Parveen Sihag, Ozgur Kisi, Mohammad Hemmati, Shamsuddin Shahid, Rana Muhammad Adnan, Prediction of the discharge coefficient in compound broad-crested weir gate by supervised data mining techniques, Sustainability, 15.1; 433, 2023. doi.org/10.3390/su15010433

16-23   Mohammad Bananmah, Mohammad Reza Nikoo, Mehrdad Ghorbani Mooselu, Amir H. Gandomi, Optimum design of the chute-flip bucket system using evolutionary algorithms considering conflicts between decision-makers, Expert Systems with Applications, 216; 119480, 2023. doi.org/10.1016/j.eswa.2022.119480

13-23   Xiaoyu Yi, Wenkai Feng, Botao Li, Baoguo Yin, Xiujun Dong, Chunlei Xin, Mingtang Wu, Deformation characteristics, mechanisms, and potential impulse wave assessment of the Wulipo landslide in the Baihetan reservoir region, China, Landslides, 20; pp. 615-628, 2023. doi.org/10.1007/s10346-022-02010-6

11-23 Şebnem Elçi, Oğuz Hazar, Nisa Bahadıroğlu, Derya Karakaya, Aslı Bor, Destratification of thermally stratified water columns by air diffusers, Journal of Hydro-environment Research, 46; pp. 44-59, 2023. doi.org/10.1016/j.jher.2022.12.001

7-23 Shikang Liu, Yuxiang Jian, Pengcheng Li, Ruifeng Liang, Xuefeng Chen, Yunong Qin, Yuanming Wang, Kefeng Li, Optimization schemes to significantly improve the upstream migration of fish: A case study in the lower Yangtze River basin, Ecological Engineering, 186; 106838, 2023. doi.org/10.1016/j.ecoleng.2022.106838

6-23 Maryam Shahabi, Javad Ahadiyan, Mehdi Ghomeshi, Marjan Narimousa, Christos Katopodis, Numerical study of the effect of a V-shaped weir on turbulence characteristics and velocity in V-weir fishways, River Research and Applications, 2023. doi.org/10.1002/rra.4064

5-23 Muhammad Nur Aiman Bin Roslan, Hee Min Teh, Faris Ali Hamood Al-Towayti, Numerical simulations of wave diffraction around a low-crested semicircular breakwater, Proceedings of the 5th International Conference on Water Resources (ICWR), Lecture Notes in Civil Engineering, 293.1; pp. 421-433, 2023. doi.org/10.1007/978-981-19-5947-9_34

4-23 V.K. Krishnasamy, M.H. Jamal, M.R. Haniffah, Modelling of wave runup and overtopping over Accropode II breakwater, Proceedings of the 5th International Conference on Water Resources (ICWR), Lecture Notes in Civil Engineering, 293.1; pp. 435-444, 2023. doi.org/10.1007/978-981-19-5947-9_35

3-23 Anas S. Ghamam, Mohammed A. Abohatem, Mohd Ridza Bin Mohd Haniffah, Ilya K. Othman, The relationship between flow and pressure head of partially submerged orifice through CFD modelling using Flow-3D, Proceedings of the 5th International Conference on Water Resources (ICWR), Lecture Notes in Civil Engineering, 293.1; pp. 235-250, 2023. doi.org/10.1007/978-981-19-5947-9_20

2-23 M.Y. Zainab, A.L.S. Zebedee, A.W. Ahmad Khairi, I. Zulhilmi, A. Shahabuddin, Modelling of an embankment failure using Flow-3D, Proceedings of the 5th International Conference on Water Resources (ICWR), Lecture Notes in Civil Engineering, 293.1; pp. 273-282, 2023. doi.org/10.1007/978-981-19-5947-9_23

1-23 Gaetano Crispino, David Dorthe, Corrado Gisonni, Michael Pfister, Hydraulic capacity of bend manholes for supercritical flow, Journal of Irrigation and Drainage Engineering, 149.2; 2022. doi.org/10.1061/JIDEDH.IRENG-10014

178-22 Greg Collecutt, Urs Baeumer, Shuang Gao, Bill Syme, Bridge deck afflux modelling — benchmarking of CFD and SWE codes to real-world data, Hydrology & Water Resources Symposium, 2022.

177-22 Kyle Thomson, Mitchell Redenbach, Understanding cone fishway flow regimes with CFD, Hydrology & Water Resources Symposium, 2022.

176-22 Kyle Thomson, Practical application of CFD for fish passage design, Hydrology & Water Resources Symposium, 2022.

173-22 Melquisedec Cortés Zambrano, Helmer Edgardo Monroy González, Wilson Enrique Amaya Tequia, Three-dimensional numerical evaluation of hydraulic efficiency and discharge coefficient in grate inlets, Environmental Research, Engineering and Management, 78.4; 2022. doi.org/10.5755/j01.erem.78.4.31243

168-22 Mohammad Javadi Rad, Pedram Eshaghieh Firoozbadi, Fatemeh Rostami, Numerical investigation of the effect dimensions of rectangular sedimentation tanks on its hydraulic efficiency using Flow-3D Software, Acta Technica Jaurinensis, 15.4; 2022. doi.org/10.14513/actatechjaur.00672

165-22 Saman Mostafazadeh-Fard, Zohrab Samani, Dissipating culvert end design for erosion control using CFD platform FLOW-3D numerical simulation modeling, Journal of Pipeline Systems Engineering and Practice, 14.1; 2022. doi.org/10.1061/JPSEA2.PSENG-1373

164-22 Mohammad Ahmadi, Alban Kuriqi, Hossein Mohammad Nezhad, Amir Ghaderi, Mirali Mohammadi, Innovative configuration of vertical slot fishway to enhance fish swimming conditions, Journal of Hydrodynamics, 34; pp. 917-933, 2022. doi.org/10.1007/s42241-022-0071-y

160-22 Serife Yurdagul Kumcu, Kamil Ispir, Experimental and numerical modeling of various energy dissipator designs in chute channels, Applied Water Science, 12; 266, 2022. doi.org/10.1007/s13201-022-01792-3

154-22 Usama Majeed, Najam us Saqib, Muhammad Akbar, Numerical analysis of energy dissipator options using computational fluid dynamics modeling — a case study of Mirani Dam, Arabian Journal of Geosciences, 15; 1614, 2022. doi.org/10.1007/s12517-022-10888-8

151-22 Meibao Chen, Xiaofei Jing, Xiaohua Liu, Xuewei Huang, Wen Nie, Multiscale investigations of overtopping erosion in reinforced tailings dam induced by mud-water mixture overflow, Geofluids, 7209176, 2022. doi.org/10.1155/2022/7209176

150-22   Daniel Damov, Francis Lepage, Michel Tremblay, Arian Cueto Bergner, Marc Villaneuve, Frank Scarcelli, Gord McPhail, Calabogie GS redevelopment—Capacity upgrade and hydraulic design, CDA Annual Conference, Proceedings, 2022.

147-22   Hien T.T. Le, Chien Van Nguyen, Duc-Hau Le, Numerical study of sediment scour at meander flume outlet of boxed culvert diversion work, PLoS One, 17.9; e0275347, 2022. doi.org/10.1371/journal.pone.0275347

140-22   Jackson Tellez-Alvarez, Manuel Gómez, Beniamino Russo, Numerical simulation of the hydraulic behavior of stepped stairs in a metro station, Advances in Hydroinformatics, Eds. P. Gourbesville, G. Caignaert, pp. 1001-1009, 2022. doi.org/10.1007/978-981-19-1600-7_62

139-22   Juan Yu, Keyao Liu, Anbin Li, Mingfei Yang, Xiaodong Gao, Xining Zhao, Yaohui Cai, The effect of plug height and inflow rate on water flow characteristics in furrow irrigation, Agronomy, 12; 2225, 2022. doi.org/10.3390/agronomy12092225

138-22   Nejib Hassen Abdullahi, Zulfequar Ahmad, Flow and morphological characteristics in mining pits of a river through numerical and experimental modeling, Modeling Earth Systems and Environment, 2022. doi.org/10.1007/s40808-022-01530-3

137-22   Romain N.H.M. Van Mol, Christian Mörtl, Azin Amini, Sofia Siachou, Anton Schleiss, Giovanni De Cesare, Plunge pool scour and bank erosion: assessment of protection measures for Ilarion dam by physical and numerical modelling, HYDRO 2022, Proceedings, 27.02, 2022.

136-22   Yong Cheng, Yude Song, Chunye Liu, Wene Wang, Xiaotao Hu, Numerical simulation research on the diversion characteristics of a trapezoidal channel, Water, 14.17; 2706, 2022. doi.org/10.3390/w14172706

135-22   Zegao Yin, Yao Li, Jiahao Li, Zihan Zheng, Zihan Ni, Fuxiang Zheng, Experimental and numerical study on hydrodynamic characteristics of a breakwater with inclined perforated slots under regular waves, Ocean Engineering, 264; 112190, 2022. doi.org/10.1016/j.oceaneng.2022.112190

133-22   Azin Amini, Martin Wickenhauser, Azad Koliji, Three-dimensional numerical modelling of Al-Salam storm water pumping station in Saudi Arabia, 39th IAHR World Congress, 2022. doi.org/10.3850/IAHR-39WC2521716X20221013

131-22   Alireza Koshkonesh, Mohammad Daliri, Khuram Riaz, Fariba Ahmadi Dehrashid, Farhad Bahmanpouri, Silvia Di Francesco, Dam-break flow dynamics over a stepped channel with vegetation, Journal of Hydrology, 613.A; 128395, 2022. doi.org/10.1016/j.jhydrol.2022.128395

129-22   Leona Repnik, Samuel Vorlet, Mona Seyfeddine, Asin Amini, Romain Dubuis, Giovanni De Cesare, Pierre Bourqui, Pierre-Adil Abdelmoula, Underground flow section modification below the new M3 Flon Metro station in Lausanne, Advances in Hydroinformatics, Eds. P. Gourbesville, G. Caignaert, pp. 979-999, 2022. doi.org/10.1007/978-981-19-1600-7_61

127-22   Qin Panpan, Huang Bolin, Li Bin, Chen Xiaoting, Jiang Xiannian, Hazard analysis of landslide blocking a river in Guang’an Village, Wuxi County, Chongqing, China, Landslides, 2022. doi.org/10.1007/s10346-022-01943-2

124-22   Vaishali P. Gadhe, S.R. Patnaik, M.R. Bhajantri, V.V. Bhosekar, Physical and numerical modeling of flow pattern near upstream guide wall of Jigaon Dam spillway, Maharashtra, River and Coastal Engineering, Water Science and Technology Library 117; pp. 237-247, 2022. doi.org/10.1007/978-3-031-05057-2_21

123-22   M.Z. Qamar, M.K. Verma, A.P. Meshram, Neena Isaac, Numerical simulation of desilting chamber using Flow 3D, River and Coastal Engineering, Water Science and Technology Library 117; pp. 177-186, 2022. doi.org/10.1007/978-3-031-05057-2_16

122-22   Abbas Parsaie, Saleh Jaafer Suleiman Shareef, Amir Hamzeh Haghiabi, Raad Hoobi Irzooki, Rasul M. Khalaf, Numerical simulation of flow on circular crested stepped spillway, Applied Water Science, 12; 215, 2022. doi.org/10.1007/s13201-022-01737-w

121-22   Kazuki Kikuchi, Hajime Naruse, Morphological function of trace fossil Paleodictyon: An approach from fluid simulation, Paleontological Research, 26.4; pp. 378-389, 2022. doi.org/10.2517/PR210001

120-22   Najam us Saqib, Muhammad Akbar, Huali Pan, Guoqiang Ou, Numerical investigation of pressure profiles and energy dissipation across the stepped spillway having curved treads using FLOW 3D, Arabian Journal of Geosciences, 15; 1363, 2022. doi.org/10.1007/s12517-022-10505-8

116-22   Ayşegül Özgenç Aksoy, Mustafa Doğan, Semire Oğuzhan Güven, Görkem Tanır, Mehmet Şükrü Güney, Experimental and numerical investigation of the flood waves due to partial dam break, Iranian Journal of Science and Technology: Transactions of Civil Engineering, 2022. doi.org/10.1007/s40996-022-00919-5

115-22   Abdol Mahdi Behroozi, Mohammad Vaghefi, Experimental and numerical study of the effect of zigzag crests with various geometries on the performance of A-type piano key weirs, Water Resources Management, 2022. doi.org/10.1007/s11269-022-03261-7

114-22   Xun Huang, Zhijian Zhang, Guoping Xiang, Sensitivity analysis of a built environment exposed to debris flow impacts with 3-D numerical simulations, Natural Hazards and Earth Systems Sciences, 2022. doi.org/10.5194/nhess-2022-173

113-22   Ahmad Ferdowsi, Mahdi Valikhan-Anaraki, Saeed Farzin, Sayed-Farhad Mousavi, A new combination approach for optimal design of sedimentation tanks based on hydrodynamic simulation model and machine learning algorithms, Physics and Chemistry of the Earth, 103201, 2022. doi.org/10.1016/j.pce.2022.103201

103-22   Wangshu Wei, Optimization of the mixing in produced water (PW) retention tank with computational fluid dynamics (CFD) modeling, Produced Water Society Permian Basin, 2022.

100-22   Michael Rasmussen, Using computational fluid dynamics to predict flow through the West Crack Breach of the Great Salt Lake railroad causeway, Thesis, Utah State University, 2022.

99-22   Emad Khanahmadi, Amir Ahmad Dehghani, Mehdi Meftah Halaghi, Esmaeil Kordi, Farhad Bahmanpouri, Investigating the characteristic of hydraulic T-jump on rough bed based on experimental and numerical modeling, Modeling Earth Systems and Environment, 2022. doi.org/10.1007/s40808-022-01434-2

97-22   Andrea Franco, A multidisciplinary approach for landslide-generated impulse wave assessment in natural mountain basins from a cascade analysis perspective, Thesis, University of Innsbruck, 2022.

96-22   Geng Li, Binbin Wang, Simulation of the flow field and scour evolution by turbulent wall jets under a sluice gate, Journal of Hydro-environment Research, 43; pp. 22-32, 2022. doi.org/10.1016/j.jher.2022.06.002

95-22   Philippe April LeQuéré, Ioan Nistor, Abdolmajid Mohammadian, Stefan Schimmels, Hydrodynamics and associated scour around a free-standing structure due to turbulent bores, Journal of Waterway, Port, Coastal, and Ocean Engineering, 148.5; 2022.

94-22   Ramtin Sobhkhiz Foumani, Alireza Mardookhpour, Numerical simulation of geotechnical effects on local scour in inclined pier group with Flow-3D software, Water Resources Engineering Journal, 15.52; 2022. doi.org/10.30495/wej.2021.20404.2114

92-22   Geng Li, Binbin Wang, Caroline M. Elliott, Bruce C.Call, Duane C. Chapman, Robert B. Jacobson, A three-dimensional Lagrangian particle tracking model for predicting transport of eggs of rheophilic-spawning carps in turbulent rivers, Ecological Modelling, 470; 110035, 2022. doi.org/10.1016/j.ecolmodel.2022.110035

91-22   Ebrahim Hamid Hussein Al-Qadami, Zahiraniza Mustaffa, Mohamed Ezzat Al-Atroush, Eduardo Martinez-Gomariz, Fang Yenn Teo, Yasser El-Husseini, A numerical approach to understand the responses of passenger vehicles moving through floodwaters, Journal of Flood Risk Management, 2022. doi.org/10.1111/jfr3.12828

90-22   Jafar Chabokpour, Hazi Md Azamathulla, Numerical simulation of pollution transport and hydrodynamic characteristics through the river confluence using FLOW 3D, Water Supply, 2022. doi.org/10.2166/ws.2022.237

88-22   Michael Rasmussen, Som Dutta, Bethany T. Neilson, Brian Mark Crookston, CFD model of the density-driven bidirectional flows through the West Crack Breach in the Great Salt Lake causeway, Water, 13.17; 2423, 2022. doi.org/10.3390/w13172423

84-22   M. Sobhi Alasta, Ahmed Shakir Ali Ali, Saman Ebrahimi, Muhammad Masood Ashiq, Abubaker Sami Dheyab, Adnan AlMasri, Anass Alqatanani, Mahdis Khorram, Modeling of local scour depth around bridge pier using FLOW 3D, CPRASE: Transactions of Civil and Environmental Engineering, 8.2; 2781, 2022.

83-22   Mostafa Taherian, Seyed Ahmad Reza Saeidi Hosseini, Abdolmajid Mohammadian, Overview of outfall discharge modeling with a focus on turbulence modeling approaches, Advances in Fluid Mechanics: Modelling and Simulations, Eds. Dia Zeidan, Eric Goncalves Da Silva, Jochen Merker, Lucy T. Zhang, 2022.

80-22   Soraya Naderi, Mehdi Daryaee, Seyed Mahmood Kashefipour, Mohammadreza Zayeri, Numerical and experimental study of flow pattern due to a plate installed upstream of orifice in pressurized flushing of dam reservoirs, Iranian Journal of Science and Technology: Transactions of Civil Engineering, 2022. doi.org/10.1007/s40996-022-00896-9

79-22   Mahmood Nemati Qalee Maskan, Khosrow Hosseini, Effects of the simultaneous presence of bridge pier and abutment on the change of erodible bed using FLOW-3D, Journal of Iranian Water Engineering Research, 1.1; pp. 57-69, 2022. doi.org/10.22034/IJWER.2022.312074.1012

75-22   Steven Matthew Klawitter, L-shaped spillway crest leg interface geometry impacts, Thesis, University of Colorado at Denver, 2022.

72-22   Md. Mukdiul Islam, Md. Samiun Basir, Badal Mahalder, Local scour analysis around single pier and group of piers in tandem arrangement using FLOW 3D, 6th International Conference on Civil Engineering for Sustainable Development (ICCESD 2022), Khulna, Bangladesh, February 10-12, 2022.

69-22   Kuo-Wei Liao, Zhen-Zhi Wang, Investigation of air-bubble screen on reducing scour in river facility, EGU General Assembly, EGU22-1137, 2022. doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu22-1137

68-22   Cüneyt Yavuz, Energy dissipation scale for dam prototypes, ADYU Mühendislik Bilimleri Dergisi (Adıyaman University Journal of Engineering Sciences), 16; pp. 105-116, 2022.

66-22   Ji-jian Lian, Shu-guang Zhang, Jun-ling He, An improved numerical model of ski-jump flood discharge atomization, Journal of Mountain Science, 19; pp. 1263-1273, 2022. doi.org/10.1007/s11629-021-7158-8

62-22   Ali Montazeri, Amirabbas Abedini, Milad Aminzadeh, Numerical investigation of pollution transport around a single non-submerged spur dike, Journal of Contaminant Hydrology, 248; 104018, 2022. doi.org/10.1016/j.jconhyd.2022.104018

61-22   Junhao Zhang, Yining Sun, Zhixian Cao, Ji Li, Flow structure at reservoir-tributary confluence with high sediment load, EGU General Assembly, Vienna, Austria, May 23-27, 2022. doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu22-1419

60-22   S. Modalavalasa, V. Chembolu, V. Kulkarni, S. Dutta, Numerical and experimental investigation of effect of green river corridor on main channel hydraulics, Recent Trends in River Corridor Management, Lecture Notes in Civil Engineering 229, pp. 165-176, 2022.

59-22   Philippe April LeQuéré, Scouring around multiple structures in extreme flow conditions, Thesis, University of Ottawa, Ottawa, ON, Canada, 2022.

51-22   Xianzheng Zhang, Chenxiao Tang, Yajie Yu, Chuan Tang, Ning Li, Jiang Xiong, Ming Chen, Some considerations for using numerical methods to simulate possible debris flows: The case of the 2013 and 2020 Wayao debris flows (Sichuan, China), Water, 14.7; 1050, 2022. doi.org/10.3390/w14071050

50-22   Daniel Valero, Daniel B. Bung, Sebastien Erpicum, Yann Peltier, Benjamin Dewals, Unsteady shallow meandering flows in rectangular reservoirs: A modal analysis of URANS modelling, Journal of Hydro-environment Research, 42; pp. 12-20, 2022. doi.org/10.1016/j.jher.2022.03.002

49-22   Behzad Noroozi, Jalal Bazargan, Comparing the behavior of ogee and piano key weirs under unsteady flows, Journal of Irrigation and Water Engineering, 12.3; pp. 97-120. doi.org/10.22125/iwe.2022.146390

47-22   Chen Xiaoting, Huang Bolin, Li Bin, Jiang Xiannian, Risk assessment study on landslide-generated impulse waves: case study from Zhongliang Reservoir in Chongqing, China, Bulletin of Engineering Geology and the Environment, 81; 158, 2022. doi.org/10.1007/s10064-022-02629-8

45-22   Mehmet Cihan Aydin, Havva Seda Aytemur, Ali Emre Ulu, Experimental and numerical investigation on hydraulic performance of slit-check dams in subcritical flow condition, Water Resources Management, 36; pp. 1693-1710, 2022. doi.org/10.1007/s11269-022-03103-6

43-22   Suresh Modalavalasa, Vinay Chembolu, Subashisa Dutta, Vinayak Kulkarni, Combined effect of bridge piers and floodplain vegetation on main channel hydraulics, Experimental Thermal and Fluid Science, 136; 110669, 2022. doi.org/10.1016/j.expthermflusci.2022.110669

40-22   Mohammad Bagherzadeh, Farhad Mousavi, Mohammad Manafpour, Reza Mirzaee, Khosrow Hoseini, Numerical simulation and application of soft computing in estimating vertical drop energy dissipation with horizontal serrated edge, Water Supply, 127, 2022. doi.org/10.2166/ws.2022.127

39-22   Masumeh Rostam Abadi, Saeed Kazemi Mohsenabadi, Numerical study of the weir angle on the flow pattern and scour around the submerged weirs, International Journal of Modern Physics C, 2022. doi.org/10.1142/S0129183122501108

38-22   Vahid Hassanzadeh Vayghan, Mirali Mohammadi, Behzad Shakouri, Experimental and numerical examination of flow resistance in plane bed streams, Arabian Journal of Geosciences, 15; 483, 2022. doi.org/10.1007/s12517-022-09691-2

36-22   Kyong Oh Baek, Byong Jo Min, Investigation for flow characteristics of ice-harbor type fishway installed at mid-sized streams in Korea, Journal of Korea Water Resources Association, 55.1; pp. 33-42, 2022. 

34-22   Kyong Oh Baek, Jeong-Min Lee, Eun-Jin Han, Young-Do Kim, Evaluating attraction and passage efficiencies of pool-weir type fishways based on hydraulic analysis, Applied Sciences, 12.4; 1880, 2022. doi.org/10.3390/app12041880

33-22   Christopher Paschmann, David F. Vetsch, Robert M. Boes, Design of desanding facilities for hydropower schemes based on trapping efficiency, Water, 14.4; 520, 2022. doi.org/10.3390/w14040520

29-22   Mehdi Heyrani, Abdolmajid Mohammadian, Ioan Nistor, Omerul Faruk Dursun, Application of numerical and experimental modeling to improve the efficiency of Parshall flumes: A review of the state-of-the-art, Hydrology, 9.2; 26 2022. doi.org/10.3390/hydrology9020026

28-22   Kiyoumars Roushangar, Samira Akhgar, Saman Shanazi, The effect of triangular prismatic elements on the hydraulic performance of stepped spillways in the skimming flow regime: An experimental study and numerical modeling, Journal of Hydroinformatics, 2022. doi.org/10.2166/hydro.2022.031

26-22   Jorge Augusto Toapaxi Alvarez, Roberto Silva, Cristina Torres, Modelación numérica tridimensional del medidor de caudal Palmer-Bowlus aplicando el programa FLOW-3D (Three-dimensional numerical modeling of the Palmer-Bowlus measuring flume applying the FLOW-3D program), Revista Politécnica, 49.1; 2022. doi.org/10.33333/rp.vol49n1.04 

25-22   Shubing Dai, Sheng Jin, Numerical investigations of unsteady critical flow conditions over an obstacle using three models, Physics of Fluids, 34.2; 2022. doi.org/10.1063/5.0077585

23-22   Negar Ghahramani, H. Joanna Chen, Daley Clohan, Shielan Liu, Marcelo Llano-Serna, Nahyan M. Rana, Scott McDougall, Stephen G. Evans, W. Andy Take, A benchmarking study of four numerical runout models for the simulation of tailings flows, Science of the Total Environment, 827; 154245, 2022. doi.org/10.1016/j.scitotenv.2022.154245

22-22   Bahador Fatehi-Nobarian, Razieh Panahi, Vahid Nourani, Investigation of the Effect of Velocity on Secondary Currents in Semicircular Channels on Hydraulic Jump Parameters, Iranian Journal of Science and Technology: Transactions of Civil Engineering, 2022. doi.org/10.1007/s40996-021-00800-x

21-22   G. Viccione, C. Izzo, Three-dimensional CFD modelling of urban flood forces on buildings: A case study, Journal of Physics: Conference Series, 2162; 012020, 2022. doi.org/10.1088/1742-6596/2162/1/012020

20-22   Tohid Jamali Rovesht, Mohammad Manafpour, Mehdi Lotfi, Effects of flow condition and chute geometry on the shockwaves formed on chute spillway, Journal of Water Supply: Research and Technology-Aqua, 71.2; pp. 312-329, 2022. doi.org/10.2166/aqua.2022.139

17-22   Yansong Zhang, Jianping Chen, Fujun Zhou, Yiding Bao, Jianhua Yan, Yiwei Zhang, Yongchao Li, Feifan Gu, Qing Wang, Combined numerical investigation of the Gangda paleolandslide runout and associated dam breach flood propagation in the upper Jinsha River, SE Tibetan Plateau, Landslides, 2022. doi.org/10.1007/s10346-021-01768-5

16-22   I.A. Hernández-Rodríguez, J. López-Ortega, G. González-Blanco, R. Beristain-Cardoso, Performance of the UASB reactor during wastewater treatment and the effect of the biogas bubbles on its hydrodynamics, Environmental Technology, pp. 1-21, 2022. doi.org/10.1080/09593330.2022.2028015

15-22   Xu Deng, Sizhong He, Zhouhong Cao, Numerical investigation of the local scour around a coconut tree root foundation under wave-current joint actions, Ocean Engineering, 245; 110563, 2022. doi.org/10.1016/j.oceaneng.2022.110563

14-22   Rasool Kosaj, Rafid S. Alboresha, Sadeq O. Sulaiman, Comparison between numerical Flow3d software and laboratory data, for sediment incipient motion, IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science, 961; 012031, 2022. doi.org/10.1088/1755-1315/961/1/012031

13-22   Joseph M. Sinclair, S. Karan Venayagamoorthy, Timothy K. Gates, Some insights on flow over sharp-crested weirs using computational fluid dynamics: Implications for enhanced flow measurement, Journal of Irrigation and Drainage Engineering, 148.6; 2022. doi.org/10.1061/(ASCE)IR.1943-4774.0001652

12-22   Mete Koken, Ismail Aydin, Serhan Ademoglu, An iterative hydraulic design methodology based on numerical modeling for piano key weirs, Journal of Hydro-environment Research, 40; pp. 131-141, 2022. doi.org/10.1016/j.jher.2022.01.002

11-22   Najam us Saqib, Muhammad Akbar, Huali Pan, Guoqiang Ou, Muhammad Mohsin, Assad Ali, Azka Amin, Numerical analysis of pressure profiles and energy dissipation across stepped spillways having curved risers, Applied Sciences, 12.1; 448, 2022. doi.org/10.3390/app12010448

9-22   Amir Bordbar, Soroosh Sharifi, Hassan Hemida, Investigation of scour around two side-by-side piles with different spacing ratios in live-bed, Lecture Notes in Civil Engineering, 208; pp. 302-309, 2022. doi.org/10.1007/978-981-16-7735-9_33

8-22    Jian-cheng Li, Wei Wang, Yan-ming Zheng, Xiao-hao Wen, Jing Feng, Li Sheng, Chen Wang, Ming-kun Qiu, Using computational fluid dynamic simulation with Flow-3D to reveal the origin of the mushroom stone in the Xiqiao Mountain of Guangdong, China, Journal of Mountain Science, 19; pp. 1-15, 2022. doi.org/10.1007/s11629-021-7019-5

4-22   Ankur Kapoor, Aniruddha D. Ghare, Avinash M. Badar, CFD simulations of conical central baffle flumes, Journal of Irrigation and Drainage Engineering, 148.2, 2022. doi.org/10.1061/(ASCE)IR.1943-4774.0001653

2-22   Ramtin Sabeti, Mohammad Heidarzadeh, Numerical simulations of tsunami wave generation by submarine landslides: Validation and sensitivity analysis to landslide parameters, Journal of Waterway, Port, Coastal, and Ocean Engineering, 148.2; 05021016, 2022. doi.org/10.1061/(ASCE)WW.1943-5460.0000694

1-22   Juan Francisco Fuentes-Pérez, Ana L. Quaresma, Antonio Pinheiro, Francisco Javier Sanz-Ronda, OpenFOAM vs FLOW-3D: A comparative study of vertical slot fishway modelling, Ecological Engineering, 174, 2022.

145-21   Ebrahim Hamid Hussein Al-Qadami, Zahiraniza Mustaffa, Eduardo Martínez-Gomariz, Khamaruzaman Wan Yusof, Abdurrasheed S. Abdurrasheed, Syed Muzzamil Hussain Shah, Numerical simulation to assess floating instability of small passenger vehicle under sub-critical flow, Lecture Notes in Civil Engineering, 132; pp. 258-265, 2021. doi.org/10.1007/978-981-33-6311-3_30

140-21   J. Zulfan, B.M.Ginting, Investigation of spillway rating curve via theoretical formula, laboratory experiment, and 3D numerical modeling: A case study of the Riam Kiwa Dam, Indonesia, IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science, 930; 012030, 2021. doi.org/10.1088/1755-1315/930/1/012030

130-21   A.S.N. Amirah, F.Y. Boon, K.A. Nihla, Z.M. Salwa, A.W. Mahyun, N. Yaacof, Numerical simulation of flow within a storage area of HDPE modular pavement, IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science, 920; 012044, 2021. doi.org/10.1088/1755-1315/920/1/012044

129-21   Z.M. Yusof, Z.A.L. Shirling, A.K.A. Wahab, Z. Ismail, S. Amerudin, A hydrodynamic model of an embankment breaching due to overtopping flow using FLOW-3D, IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science, 920; 012036, 2021. doi.org/10.1088/1755-1315/920/1/012036

125-21   Ketaki H. Kulkarni, Ganesh A. Hinge, Comparative study of experimental and CFD analysis for predicting discharge coefficient of compound broad crested weir, Water Supply, 2021. doi.org/10.2166/ws.2021.403

119-21   Yan Liang, Yiqun Hou, Wangbin Hu, David Johnson, Junxing Wang, Flow velocity preference of Schizothorax oconnori Lloyd swimming upstream, Global Ecology and Conservation, 32; e01902, 2021. doi.org/10.1016/j.gecco.2021.e01902

116-21   Atabak Feizi, Aysan Ezati, Shadi Alizadeh Marallo, Investigation of hydrodynamic characteristics of flow caused by dam break around a downstream obstacle considering different reservoir shapes, Numerical Methods in Civil Engineering, 6.2; pp. 36-48, 2021.

114-21   Jackson Tellez-Alvarez, Manuel Gómez, Beniamino Russo, Marko Amezaga-Kutija, Numerical and experimental approaches toestimate discharge coefficients and energy loss coefficients in pressurized grated inlets, Hydrology, 8.4; 162, 2021. doi.org/10.3390/hydrology8040162

113-21   Alireza Khoshkonesh, Blaise Nsom, Fariba Ahmadi Dehrashid, Payam Heidarian, Khuram Riaz, Comparison of the SWE and 3D models in simulation of the dam-break flow over the mobile bed, 5th Scientific Conference of Applied Research in Science and Technology of Iran, 2021.

103-21   Farshid Mosaddeghi, Numerical modeling of dam breach in concrete gravity dams, Thesis, Middle East Technical University, Ankara, Turkey, 2021.

102-21   Xu Deng, Sizhong He, Zhouhong Cao, Tao Wu, Numerical investigation of the hydrodynamic response of an impermeable sea-wall subjected to artificial submarine landslide-induced tsunamis, Landslides, 2021. doi.org/10.1007/s10346-021-01773-8

100-21   Jinmeng Yang, Zhenzhong Shen, Jing Zhang, Xiaomin Teng, Wenbing Zhang, Jie Dai, Experimental and numerical investigation of flow over a spillway bend with different combinations of permeable spur dikes, Water Supply, ws2021335, 2021. doi.org/10.2166/ws.2021.335

99-21   Nigel A. Temple, Josh Adams, Evan Blythe, Zidane Twersky, Steve Blair, Rick Harter, Investigating the performance of novel oyster reef materials in Apalachicola Bay, Florida, ASBPA National Coastal Conference, New Orleans, LA, USA, September 28-October 1, 2021.

94-21   Xiaoyang Shen, Mario Oertel, Comparitive study of nonsymmetrical trapezoidal and rectangular piano key weirs with varying key width ratios, Journal of Hydraulic Engineering, 147.11, 2021. doi.org/10.1061/(ASCE)HY.1943-7900.0001942

93-21   Aysar Tuama Al-Awadi, Mahmoud Saleh Al-Khafaji, CFD-based model for estimating the river bed morphological characteristics near cylindrical bridge piers due to debris accumulation, Water Resources, 48; pp. 763-773, 2021. doi.org/10.1134/S0097807821050031

92-21   Juan Francisco Macián-Pérez, Francisco José Vallés-Morán, Rafael García-Bartual, Assessment of the performance of a modified USBR Type II stilling basin by a validated CFD model, Journal of Irrigation and Drainage Engineering , 147.11, 2021. doi.org/10.1061/(ASCE)IR.1943-4774.0001623

91-21   Ali Yıldız, Ali İhsan Martı, Mustafa Göğüş, Numerical and experimental modelling of flow at Tyrolean weirs, Flow Measurement and Instrumentation, 81; 102040, 2021. doi.org/10.1016/j.flowmeasinst.2021.102040

90-21   Yasamin Aghaei, Fouad Kilanehei, Shervin Faghihirad, Mohammad Nazari-Sharabian, Dynamic pressure at flip buckets of chute spillways: A numerical study, International Journal of Civil Engineering, 2021. doi.org/10.1007/s40999-021-00670-4

88-21   Shang-tuo Qian, Yan Zhang, Hui Xu, Xiao-sheng Wang, Jian-gang Feng, Zhi-xiang Li, Effects of surface roughness on overflow discharge of embankment weirs, Journal of Hydrodynamics, 33; pp. 773-781, 2021. doi.org/10.1007/s42241-021-0068-y

86-21   Alkistis Stergiopoulou, Vassilios Stergiopoulos, CFD simulations of tubular Archimedean screw turbines harnessing the small hydropotential of Greek watercourses, International Journal of Energy and Environment, 12.1; pp. 19-30, 2021.

85-21   Jun-tao Ren, Xue-fei Wu, Ting Zhang, A 3-D numerical simulation of the characteristics of open channel flows with submerged rigid vegetation, Journal of Hydrodynamics, 33; pp. 833-843, 2021. doi.org/10.1007/s42241-021-0063-3

84-21   Rasoul Daneshfaraz, Amir Ghaderi, Maryam Sattariyan, Babak Alinejad, Mahdi Majedi Asl, Silvia Di Francesco, Investigation of local scouring around hydrodynamic and circular pile groups under the influence of river material harvesting pits, Water, 13.6; 2192, 2021. doi.org/10.3390/w13162192

83-21   Mahdi Feizbahr, Navid Tonekaboni, Guang-Jun Jiang, Hong-Xia Chen, Optimized vegetation density to dissipate energy of flood flow in open canals, Mathematical Problems in Engineering, 2021; 9048808, 2021. doi.org/10.1155/2021/9048808

80-21   Wenjun Liu, Bo Wang, Yakun Guo, Numerical study of the dam-break waves and Favre waves down sloped wet rigid-bed at laboratory scale, Journal of Hydrology, 602; 126752, 2021. doi.org/10.1016/j.jhydrol.2021.126752

79-21   Zhen-Dong Shen, Yang Zhang, The three-dimensional simulation of granular mixtures weir, IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science, 820; 012024, 2021. doi.org/10.1088/1755-1315/820/1/012024

75-21   Mehrdad Ghorbani Mooselu, Mohammad Reza Nikoo, Parnian Hashempour Bakhtiari, Nooshin Bakhtiari Rayani, Azizallah Izady, Conflict resolution in the multi-stakeholder stepped spillway design under uncertainty by machine learning techniques, Applied Soft Computing, 110; 107721, 2021. doi.org/10.1016/j.asoc.2021.107721

73-21   Romain Van Mol, Plunge pool rehabilitation with prismatic concrete elements – Case study and physical model of Ilarion dam in Greece, Infoscience (EPFL Scientific Publications), 2021.

70-21   Khosro Morovati, Christopher Homer, Fuqiang Tian, Hongchang Hu, Opening configuration design effects on pooled stepped chutes, Journal of Hydraulic Engineering, 147.9, 2021. doi.org/10.1061%2F(ASCE)HY.1943-7900.0001897

68-21   R. Daneshfaraz, E. Aminvash, S. Di Francesco, A. Najibi, J. Abraham, Three-dimensional study of the effect of block roughness geometry on inclined drop, Numerical Methods in Civil Engineering, 6.1; pp. 1-9, 2021. 

66-21   Benjamin Hohermuth, Lukas Schmoker, Robert M. Boes, David Vetsch, Numerical simulation of air entrainment in uniform chute flow, Journal of Hydraulic Research, 59.3; pp. 378-391, 2021. doi.org/10.1080/00221686.2020.1780492

65-21   Junjun Tan, Honglin Tan, Elsa Goerig, Senfan Ke, Haizhen Huang, Zhixiong Liu, Xiaotao Shi, Optimization of fishway attraction flow based on endemic fish swimming performance and hydraulics, Ecological Engineering, 170; 106332, 2021. doi.org/10.1016/j.ecoleng.2021.106332

63-21   Erdinc Ikinciogullari, Muhammet Emin Emiroglu, Mehmet Cihan Aydin, Comparison of scour properties of classical and trapezoidal labyrinth weirs, Arabian Journal for Science and Engineering, 2021. doi.org/10.1007/s13369-021-05832-z

59-21   Elias Wehrmeister, José J. Ota, Separation in overflow spillways: A computational analysis, Journal of Hydraulic Research, 59, 2021. doi.org/10.1080/00221686.2021.1908438

53-21   Zongxian Liang, John Ditter, Riadh Atta, Brian Fox, Karthik Ramaswamy, Numerical modeling of tailings dam break using a Herschel-Bulkley rheological model, USSD Annual Conference, online, May 11-21, 2021. 

51-21   Yansong Zhang, Jianping Chen, Chun Tan, Yiding Bao, Xudong Han, Jianhua Yan, Qaiser Mehmood, A novel approach to simulating debris flow runout via a three-dimensional CFD code: A case study of Xiaojia Gully, Bulletin of Engineering Geology and the Environment, 80.5, 2021. doi.org/10.1007/s10064-021-02270-x

49-21   Ramtin Sabeti, Mohammad Heidarzadeh, Preliminary results of numerical simulation of submarine landslide-generated waves, EGU General Assembly 2021, online, April 19-30, 2021. doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu21-284

48-21   Anh Tuan Le, Ken Hiramatsu, Tatsuro Nishiyama, Hydraulic comparison between piano key weir and rectangular labyrinth weir, International Journal of GEOMATE, 20.82; pp. 153-160, 2021. doi.org/10.21660/2021.82.j2106

46-21   Maoyi Luo, Faxing Zhang, Zhaoming Song, Liyuan Zhang, Characteristics of flow movement in complex canal system and its influence on sudden pollution accidents, Mathematical Problems in Engineering, 6617385, 2021. doi.org/10.1155/2021/6617385

42-21   Jakub Major, Martin Orfánus, Zbyněk Zachoval, Flow over broad-crested weir with inflow by approach shaft – Numerical model, Civil Engineering Journal, 30.1; 19, 2021. doi.org/10.14311/CEJ.2021.01.0019 

41-21   Amir Ghaderi, Saeed Abbasi, Experimental and numerical study of the effects of geometric appendance elements on energy dissipation over stepped spillway, Water, 13.7; 957, 2021. doi.org/10.3390/w13070957

38-21   Ana L. Quaresma, António N. Pinheiro, Modelling of pool-type fishways flows: Efficiency and scale effects assessment, Water, 13.6; 851, 2021. doi.org/10.3390/w13060851

37-21   Alireza Khoshkonesh, Blaise Nsom, Farhad Bahmanpouri, Fariba Ahmadi Dehrashid, Atefah Adeli, Numerical study of the dynamics and structure of a partial dam-break flow using the VOF Method, Water Resources Management, 35; pp. 1513-1528, 2021. doi.org/10.1007/s11269-021-02799-2

36-21   Amir Ghaderi, Mehdi Dasineh, Francesco Aristodemo, Constanza Aricò, Numerical simulations of the flow field of a submerged hydraulic jump over triangular macroroughnesses, Water, 13.5; 674, 2021. doi.org/10.3390/w13050674

35-21   Hongliang Qi, Junxing Zheng, Chenguang Zhang, Modeling excess shear stress around tandem piers of the longitudinal bridge by computational fluid dynamics, Journal of Applied Water Engineering and Research, 2021. doi.org/10.1080/23249676.2021.1884614

31-21   Seth Siefken, Robert Ettema, Ari Posner, Drew Baird, Optimal configuration of rock vanes and bendway weirs for river bends: Numerical-model insights, Journal of Hydraulic Engineering, 147.5, 2021. doi.org/10.1061/(ASCE)HY.1943-7900.0001871

29-21   Débora Magalhães Chácara, Waldyr Lopes Oliveira Filho, Rheology of mine tailings deposits for dam break analyses, REM – International Engineering Journal, 74.2; pp. 235-243, 2021. doi.org/10.1590/0370-44672020740098

27-21   Ling Peng, Ting Zhang, Youtong Rong, Chunqi Hu, Ping Feng, Numerical investigation of the impact of a dam-break induced flood on a structure, Ocean Engineering, 223; 108669, 2021. doi.org/10.1016/j.oceaneng.2021.108669

26-21   Qi-dong Hou, Hai-bo Li, Yu-Xiang Hu, Shun-chao Qi, Jian-wen Zhou, Overtopping process and structural safety analyses of the earth-rock fill dam with a concrete core wall by using numerical simulations, Arabian Journal of Geosciences, 14; 234, 2021. doi.org/10.1007/s12517-021-06639-w

25-21   Filipe Romão, Ana L. Quaresma, José M. Santos, Susana D. Amaral, Paulo Branco, António N. Pinheiro, Performance and fish transit time over vertical slots, Water, 13.3; 275, 2021. doi.org/10.3390/w13030275

23-21   Jiahou Hu, Chengwei Na, Yi Wang, Study on discharge velocity of tailings mortar in dam break based on FLOW-3D, IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science, 6th International Conference on Hydraulic and Civil Engineering, Xi’an, China, December 11-13, 2020, 643; 012052, 2021. doi.org/10.1088/1755-1315/643/1/012052

21-21   Asad H. Aldefae, Rusul A. Alkhafaji, Experimental and numerical modeling to investigate the riverbank’s stability, SN Applied Sciences, 3; 164, 2021. doi.org/10.1007/s42452-021-04168-5

20-21   Yangliang Lu, Jinbu Yin, Zhou Yang, Kebang Wei, Zhiming Liu, Numerical study of fluctuating pressure on stilling basin slabwith sudden lateral enlargement and bottom drop, Water, 13.2; 238, 2021. doi.org/10.3390/w13020238

18-21   Prashant Prakash Huddar, Vishwanath Govind Bhave, Hydraulic structure design with 3D CFD model, Proceedings, 25th International Conference on Hydraulics, Water Resources and Coastal Engineering (HYDRO 2020), Odisha, India, March 26-28, 2021.

17-21   Morteza Sadat Helbar, Atefah Parvaresh Rizi, Javad Farhoudi, Amir Mohammadi, 3D flow simulation to improve the design and operation of the dam bottom outlets, Arabian Journal of Geosciences, 14; 90, 2021. doi.org/10.1007/s12517-020-06378-4

15-21   Charles R. Ortloff, Roman hydraulic engineering: The Pont du Gard Aqueduct and Nemausus (Nîmes) Castellum, Water, 13.1; 54, 2021. doi.org/10.3390/w13010054

12-21   Mehdi Karami Moghadam, Ata Amini, Ehsan Karami Moghadam, Numerical study of energy dissipation and block barriers in stepped spillways, Journal of Hydroinformatics, 23.2; pp. 284-297, 2021. doi.org/10.2166/hydro.2020.245

08-21   Prajakta P. Gadge, M. R. Bhajantri, V. V. Bhosekar, Numerical simulations of air entraining characteristics over high head chute spillway aerator, Proceedings, ICOLD Symposium on Sustainable Development of Dams and River Basins, New Dehli, India, February 24 – 27, 2021.

07-21   Pankaj Lawande, Computational fluid dynamics simulation methodologies for stilling basins, Proceedings, ICOLD Symposium on Sustainable Development of Dams and River Basins, New Dehli, India, February 24 – 27, 2021.

Below is a collection of technical papers in our Water & Environmental Bibliography. All of these papers feature FLOW-3D results. Learn more about how FLOW-3D can be used to successfully simulate applications for the Water & Environmental Industry.

02-21   Aytaç Güven, Ahmed Hussein Mahmood, Numerical investigation of flow characteristics over stepped spillways, Water Supply, in press, 2021. doi.org/10.2166/ws.2020.283

01-21   Le Thi Thu Hien, Nguyen Van Chien, Investigate impact force of dam-break flow against structures by both 2D and 3D numerical simulations, Water, 13.3; 344, 2021. doi.org/10.3390/w13030344

125-20   Farhad Bahmanpouri, Mohammad Daliri, Alireza Khoshkonesh, Masoud Montazeri Namin, Mariano Buccino, Bed compaction effect on dam break flow over erodible bed; experimental and numerical modeling, Journal of Hydrology, in press, 2020. doi.org/10.1016/j.jhydrol.2020.125645

209-23   Cong Trieu Tran, Cong Ty Trinh, Prediction of the vortex evolution and influence analysis of rough bed in a hydraulic jump with the Omega-Liutex method, Tehnički Vjesnik, 30.6; 2023. doi.org/10.17559/TV-20230206000327

203-23   Muhammad Waqas Zaffar, Ishtiaq Hassan, Zulfiqar Ali, Kaleem Sarwar, Muhammad Hassan, Muhammad Taimoor Mustafa, Faizan Ahmed Waris, Numerical investigation of hydraulic jumps with USBR and wedge-shaped baffle block basins for lower tailwater, AQUA – Water Infrastructure, Ecosystems and Society, 72.11; 2081, 2023. doi.org/10.2166/aqua.2023.261

201-23   E.F.R. Bollaert, Digital cloud-based platform to predict rock scour at high-head dams, Role of Dams and Reservoirs in a Successful Energy Transition, Eds. Robert Boes, Patrice Droz, Raphael Leroy, 2023. doi.org/10.1201/9781003440420

200-23   Iacopo Vona, Oysters’ integration on submerged breakwaters as nature-based solution for coastal protection within estuarine environments, Thesis, University of Maryland, 2023.

198-23   Hao Chen, Xianbin Teng, Zhibin Zhang, Faxin Zhu, Jie Wang, Zhaohao Zhang, Numerical analysis of the influence of the impinging distance on the scouring efficiency of submerged jets, Fluid Dynamics & Materials Processing, 20.2; pp. 429-445, 2023. doi.org/10.32604/fdmp.2023.030585

193-23   Chen Peng, Liuweikai Gu, Qiming Zhong, Numerical simulation of dam failure process based on FLOW-3D, Advances in Frontier Research on Engineering Structures, pp. 545-550, 2023. doi.org/10.3233/ATDE230245

189-23   Rebecca G. Englert, Age J. Vellinga, Matthieu J.B. Cartigny, Michael A. Clare, Joris T. Eggenhuisen, Stephen M. Hubbard, Controls on upstream-migrating bed forms in sandy submarine channels, Geology, 51.12; PP. 1137-1142, 2023. doi.org/10.1130/G51385.1

187-23   J.W. Kim, S.B. Woo, A numerical approach to the treatment of submerged water exchange processes through the sluice gates of a tidal power plant, Renewable Energy, 219.1; 119408, 2023. doi.org/10.1016/j.renene.2023.119408

186-23   Chan Jin Jeong, Hyung Jun Park, Hyung Suk Kim, Seung Oh Lee, Study on fish-friendly flow characteristic in stepped fishway, Proceedings of the Korean Water Resources Association Conference, 2023. (In Korean)

185-23   Jaehwan Yoo, Sedong Jang, Byunghyun Kim, Analysis of coastal city flooding in 2D and 3D considering extreme conditions and climate change, Proceedings of the Korean Water Resources Association Conference, 2023. (In Korean)

180-23   Prathyush Nallamothu, Jonathan Gregory, Jordan Leh, Daniel P. Zielinski, Jesse L. Eickholt, Semi-automated inquiry of fish launch angle and speed for hazard analysis, Fishes, 8.10; 476, 2023. doi.org/10.3390/fishes8100476

179-23   Reza Norouzi, Parisa Ebadzadeh, Veli Sume, Rasoul Daneshfaraz, Upstream vortices of a sluice gate: an experimental and numerical study, AQUA – Water Infrastructure, Ecosystems and Society, 72.10; 1906, 2023. doi.org/10.2166/aqua.2023.269

178-23   Bai Hao Li, How Tion Puay, Muhammad Azfar Bin Hamidi, Influence of spur dike’s angle on sand bar formation in a rectangular channel, IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science, 1238; 012027, 2023. doi.org/10.1088/1755-1315/1238/1/012027

177-23   Hao Zhe Khor, How Tion Puay, Influence of gate lip angle on downpull forces for vertical lift gates, IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science, 1238; 012019, 2023. doi.org/10.1088/1755-1315/1238/1/012019

175-23   Juan Francisco Macián-Pérez, Rafael García-Bartual, P. Amparo López-Jiménez, Francisco José Vallés-Morán, Numerical modeling of hydraulic jumps at negative steps to improve energy dissipation in stilling basins, Applied Water Science, 13.203; 2023. doi.org/10.1007/s13201-023-01985-4

174-23   Ahintha Kandamby, Dusty Myers, Narrows bypass chute CFD analysis, Dam Safety, 2023.

173-23   H. Jalili, R.C. Mahon, M.F. Martinez, J.W. Nicklow, Sediment sluicing from the reservoirs with high efficiency, SEDHYD, 2023.

170-23   Ramith Fernando, Gangfu Zhang, Beyond 2D: Unravelling bridge hydraulics with CFD modelling, 24th Queensland Water Symposium, 2023.

169-23   K. Licht, G. Lončar, H. Posavčić, I. Halkijević, Short-time numerical simulation of ultrasonically assisted electrochemical removal of strontium from water, 18th International Conference on Environmental Science and Technology (CEST), 2023.

166-23   Ebrahim Hamid Hussein Al-Qadami, Mohd Adib Mohammad Razi, Wawan Septiawan Damanik, Zahiraniza Mustaffa, Eduardo Martinez-Gomariz, Fang Yenn Teo, Anwar Ameen Hezam Saeed, Understanding the stability of passenger vehicles exposed to water flows through 3D CFD modelling, Sustainability, 15.17; 13262, 2023. doi.org/10.3390/su151713262

165-23   Ebrahim Hamid Hussein Al-Qadami, Mohd Adib Mohammad Razi, Wawan Septiawan Damanik, Zahiraniza Mustaffa, Eduardo Martinez-Gomariz, Fang Yenn Teo, Anwar Ameen Hezam Saeed, 3-dimensional numerical study on the critical orientation of the flooded passenger vehicles, Engineering Letters, 31.3; 2023.

124-20   John Petrie, Yan Qi, Mark Cornwell, Md Al Adib Sarker, Pranesh Biswas, Sen Du, Xianming Shi, Design of living barriers to reduce the impacts of snowdrifts on Illinois freeways, Illinois Center for Transportation Series No. 20-019, Research Report No. FHWA-ICT-20-012, 2020. doi.org/10.36501/0197-9191/20-019

123-20   Mohammad Reza Namaee, Jueyi Sui, Yongsheng Wu, Natalie Linklater, Three-dimensional numerical simulation of local scour in the vicinity of circular side-by-side bridge piers with ice cover, Canadian Journal of Civil Engineering, 2020. doi.org/10.1139/cjce-2019-0360

119-20   Tuğçe Yıldırım, Experimental and numerical investigation of vortex formation at multiple horizontal intakes, Thesis, Middle East Technical University, Ankara, Turkey, , 2020.

118-20   Amir Ghaderi, Mehdi Dasineh, Francesco Aristodemo, Ali Ghahramanzadeh, Characteristics of free and submerged hydraulic jumps over different macroroughnesses, Journal of Hydroinformatics, 22.6; pp. 1554-1572, 2020. doi.org/10.2166/hydro.2020.298

117-20   Rasoul Daneshfaraz, Amir Ghaderi, Aliakbar Akhtari, Silvia Di Francesco, On the effect of block roughness in ogee spillways with flip buckets, Fluids, 5.4; 182, 2020. doi.org/10.3390/fluids5040182

115-20   Chi Yao, Ligong Wu, Jianhua Yang, Influences of tailings particle size on overtopping tailings dam failures, Mine Water and the Environment, 2020. doi.org/10.1007/s10230-020-00725-3

114-20  Rizgar Ahmed Karim, Jowhar Rasheed Mohammed, A comparison study between CFD analysis and PIV technique for velocity distribution over the Standard Ogee crested spillways, Heliyon, 6.10; e05165, 2020. doi.org/10.1016/j.heliyon.2020.e05165

113-20   Théo St. Pierre Ostrander, Analyzing hydraulics of broad crested lateral weirs, Thesis, University of Innsbruck, Innsbruck, Austria, 2020.

111-20   Mahla Tajari, Amir Ahmad Dehghani, Mehdi Meftah Halaghi, Hazi Azamathulla, Use of bottom slots and submerged vanes for controlling sediment upstream of duckbill weirs, Water Supply, 20.8; pp. 3393-3403, 2020. doi.org/10.2166/ws.2020.238

110-20   Jian Zhou, Subhas K. Venayagamoorthy, How does three-dimensional canopy geometry affect the front propagation of a gravity current?, Physics of Fluids, 32.9; 096605, 2020. doi.org/10.1063/5.0019760

106-20   Juan Francisco Macián-Pérez, Arnau Bayón, Rafael García-Bartual, P. Amparo López-Jiménez, Characterization of structural properties in high reynolds hydraulic jump based on CFD and physical modeling approaches, Journal of Hydraulic Engineering, 146.12, 2020. doi.org/10.1061/(ASCE)HY.1943-7900.0001820

105-20   Bin Deng, He Tao, Changbo Jian, Ke Qu, Numerical investigation on hydrodynamic characteristics of landslide-induced impulse waves in narrow river-valley reservoirs, IEEE Access, 8; pp. 165285-165297, 2020. doi.org/10.1109/ACCESS.2020.3022651

102-20   Mojtaba Mehraein, Mohammadamin Torabi, Yousef Sangsefidi, Bruce MacVicar, Numerical simulation of free flow through side orifice in a circular open-channel using response surface method, Flow Measurement and Instrumentation, 76; 101825, 2020. doi.org/10.1016/j.flowmeasinst.2020.101825

101-20   Juan Francisco Macián Pérez, Numerical and physical modelling approaches to the study of the hydraulic jump and its application in large-dam stilling basins, Thesis, Universitat Politècnica de València, Valencia, Spain, 2020.

99-20   Chen-Shan Kung, Pin-Tzu Su, Chin-Pin Ko, Pei-Yu Lee, Application of multiple intake heads in engineering field, Proceedings, 30th International Ocean and Polar Engineering Conference (ISOPE), Online, October 11-17,  ISOPE-I-20-3116, 2020.

Below is a collection of technical papers in our Water & Environmental Bibliography. All of these papers feature FLOW-3D results. Learn more about how FLOW-3D can be used to successfully simulate applications for the Water & Environmental Industry.

91-20      Selahattin Kocaman, Stefania Evangelista, Giacomo Viccione, Hasan Güzel, Experimental and numerical analysis of 3D dam-break waves in an enclosed domain with a single oriented obstacle, Environmental Science Proceedings, 2; 35, 2020. doi.org/10.3390/environsciproc2020002035

89-20      Andrea Franco, Jasper Moernaut, Barbara Schneider-Muntau, Michael Strasser, Bernhard Gems, The 1958 Lituya Bay tsunami – pre-event bathymetry reconstruction and 3D numerical modelling utilising the computational fluid dynamics software Flow-3D, Natural Hazards and Earth Systems Sciences, 20; pp. 2255–2279, 2020. doi.org/10.5194/nhess-20-2255-2020

88-20      Cesar Simon, Eddy J. Langendoen, Jorge D. Abad, Alejandro Mendoza, On the governing equations for horizontal and vertical coupling of one- and two-dimensional open channel flow models, Journal of Hydraulic Research, 58.5; pp. 709-724, 2020. doi.org/10.1080/00221686.2019.1671507

87-20       Mohammad Nazari-Sharabian, Moses Karakouzian, Donald Hayes, Flow topology in the confluence of an open channel with lateral drainage pipe, Hydrology, 7.3; 57, 2020. doi.org/10.3390/hydrology7030057

84-20       Naohiro Takeichi, Takeshi Katagiri, Harumi Yoneda, Shusaku Inoue, Yusuke Shintani, Virtual Reality approaches for evacuation simulation of various disasters, Collective Dynamics (originally presented in Proceedings from the 9th International Conference on Pedestrian and Evacuation Dynamics (PED2018), Lund, Sweden, August 21-23, 2018), 5, 2020. doi.org/10.17815/CD.2020.93

83-20       Eric Lemont, Jonathan Hill, Ryan Edison, A problematic installation: CFD modelling of waste stabilisation pond mixing alternatives, Ozwater’20, Australian Water Association, Online, June 2, 2020, 2020.

77-20       Peng Yu, Ruigeng Hu, Jinmu Yang, Hongjun Liu, Numerical investigation of local scour around USAF with different hydraulic conditions under currents and waves, Ocean Engineering, 213; 107696, 2020. doi.org/10.1016/j.oceaneng.2020.107696

76-20       Alireza Mojtahedi, Nasim Soori, Majid Mohammadian, Energy dissipation evaluation for stepped spillway using a fuzzy inference system, SN Applied Sciences, 2; 1466, 2020. doi.org/10.1007/s42452-020-03258-0

74-20       Jackson D., Tellez Alvarez E., Manuel Gómez, Beniamino Russo, Modelling of surcharge flow through grated inlet, Advances in Hydroinformatics: SimHydro 2019 – Models for Extreme Situations and Crisis Management, Nice, France, June 12-14, 2019, pp. 839-847, 2020. doi.org/10.1007/978-981-15-5436-0_65

73-20       Saurav Dulal, Bhola NS Ghimire, Santosh Bhattarai, Ram Krishna Regmi, Numerical simulation of flow through settling basin: A case study of Budhi-Ganga Hydropower Project (BHP), International Journal of Engineering Research & Technology (IJERT), 9.7; pp. 992-998, 2020.

70-20       B. Nandi, S. Das, A. Mazumdar, Experimental analysis and numerical simulation of hydraulic jump, IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science, 2020 6th International Conference on Environment and Renewable Energy, Hanoi, Vietnam, February 24-26, 505; 012024, 2020. doi.org/10.1088/1755-1315/505/1/012024

69-20       Amir Ghaderi, Rasoul Daneshfaraz, Mehdi Dasineh, Silvia Di Francesco, Energy dissipation and hydraulics of flow over trapezoidal–triangular labyrinth weirs, Water (Special Issue: Combined Numerical and Experimental Methodology for Fluid–Structure Interactions in Free Surface Flows), 12.7; 1992, 2020. doi.org/10.3390/w12071992

68-20       Jia Ni, Linwei Wang, Xixian Chen, Luan Luan Xue, Isam Shahrour, Effect of the fish-bone dam angle on the flow mechanisms of a fish-bone type dividing dyke, Marine Technology Society Journal, 54.3; pp. 58-67, 2020. doi.org/10.4031/MTSJ.54.3.9

67-20       Yu Zhuang, Yueping Yin, Aiguo Xing, Kaiping Jin, Combined numerical investigation of the Yigong rock slide-debris avalanche and subsequent dam-break flood propagation in Tibet, China, Landslides, 17; pp. 2217-2229, 2020. doi.org/10.1007/s10346-020-01449-9

66-20       A. Ghaderi, R. Daneshfaraz, S. Abbasi, J. Abraham, Numerical analysis of the hydraulic characteristics of modified labyrinth weirs, International Journal of Energy and Water Resources, 4.2, 2020. doi.org/10.1007/s42108-020-00082-5

65-20      D.P. Zielinski, S. Miehls, G. Burns, C. Coutant, Adult sea lamprey espond to induced turbulence in a low current system, Journal of Ecohydraulics, 5, 2020. doi.org/10.1080/24705357.2020.1775504

63-20       Raffaella Pellegrino, Miguel Ángel Toledo, Víctor Aragoncillo, Discharge flow rate for the initiation of jet flow in sky-jump spillways, Water, Special Issue: Planning and Management of Hydraulic Infrastructure, 12.6; 1814, 2020. doi.org/10.3390/w12061814

59-20       Nesreen Taha, Maged M. El-Feky, Atef A. El-Saiad, Ismail Fathy, Numerical investigation of scour characteristics downstream of blocked culverts, Alexandria Engineering Journal, 59.5; pp. 3503-3513, 2020. doi.org/10.1016/j.aej.2020.05.032

57-20       Charles Ortloff, The Hydraulic State: Science and Society in the Ancient World, Routledge, London, UK, eBook ISBN: 9781003015192, 2020. doi.org/10.4324/9781003015192

54-20       Navid Aghajani, Hojat Karami, Hamed Sarkardeh, Sayed‐Farhad Mousavi, Experimental and numerical investigation on effect of trash rack on flow properties at power intakes, Journal of Applied Mathematics and Mechanics (ZAMM), online pre-issue, 2020. doi.org/10.1002/zamm.202000017

53-20     Tian Zhou, Theodore Endreny, The straightening of a river meander leads to extensive losses in flow complexity and ecosystem services, Water (Special Issue: A Systems Approach of River and River Basin Restoration), 12.6; 1680, 2020. doi.org/10.3390/w12061680

50-20       C.C. Battiston, F.A. Bombardelli, E.B.C. Schettini, M.G. Marques, Mean flow and turbulence statistics through a sluice gate in a navigation lock system: A numerical study, European Journal of Mechanics – B/Fluids, 84; pp.155-163, 2020. doi.org/10.1016/j.euromechflu.2020.06.003

47-20       Mohammad Nazari-Sharabian, Aliasghar Nazari-Sharabian, Moses Karakouzian, Mehrdad Karami,